LEGEND Dumbass of the Day

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Nah, thanks, but then I would have to pay for a service I would rarely use.
Not really. They work on WiFi. You just can't make calls, but you can use everything else the phone does.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Not really. They work on WiFi. You just can't make calls, but you can use everything else the phone does.

Don't know why but that cracked me up. You can use the phone for everything but making calls. :snicker: You're a generous man but I'll pass. Thanks. Will keep you all informed on the neighbors feud though...whether you like it or not. :shades:

The neighbor who put up the first fence has two German Shepherds. The fence wouldn't keep the dogs from getting through it though. The second neighbor's fence is twice as high, solid, and runs right up against the other one. All the dogs have to do is go around to the front where there's no fence. The whole thing is stupid and a waste of money.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Don't know why but that cracked me up. You can use the phone for everything but making calls. :snicker: You're a generous man but I'll pass. Thanks. Will keep you all informed on the neighbors feud though...whether you like it or not. :shades:

The neighbor who put up the first fence has two German Shepherds. The fence wouldn't keep the dogs from getting through it though. The second neighbor's fence is twice as high, solid, and runs right up against the other one. All the dogs have to do is go around to the front where there's no fence. The whole thing is stupid and a waste of money.
Have you seen these phones lately? You can use any form of social media, browse this board, take and upload videos & photos, play games, do math, set appointments & get reminders, text, hold down large stacks of paper...

It's cool though. You don't have to take it.
I'll just be insulted forevermore.

P.S. Inform your neighborhood graffiti artist that there's a fresh new canvas in town. lol.


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
Have you seen these phones lately? You can use any form of social media, browse this board, take and upload videos & photos, play games, do math, set appointments & get reminders, text, hold down large stacks of paper...

It's cool though. You don't have to take it.
I'll just be insulted forevermore.

P.S. Inform your neighborhood graffiti artist that there's a fresh new canvas in town. lol.

Made me think of this. Lol.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Have you seen these phones lately? You can use any form of social media, browse this board, take and upload videos & photos, play games, do math, set appointments & get reminders, text, hold down large stacks of paper...

Yeah, my son and wife have those newfangled phones.


@Prime Time

I'd really love to see these fences!!!

I looked on the satellite today but it doesn't seem to be updated.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Want to know one of the things that's wrong with our educational system? The teacher's union. On what non-union job would you be allowed to be late 111 times in 2 years and still keep your job? Get an alarm clock, dumbass!

New Jersey teacher who was late for work 111 times keeps job

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) — An elementary school teacher has been allowed to keep his job even though he was late for work 111 times over a two-year period.

In a decision filed Aug. 19, an arbitrator rejected an attempt by the Roosevelt Elementary School to fire 15-year veteran Arnold Anderson from his $90,000-a-year job, saying he was entitled to progressive discipline.

Anderson was late 46 times in the most recent school year through March 20 and 65 times in the previous school year, the arbitrator said. But the arbitrator criticized Anderson's claim that the quality of his teaching outweighed his tardiness.

He relied on "micro-quibbles of a few unpersuasive explanations, with a macro-default position that even when he is late he nevertheless delivers a superb educational experience to his grateful students," the arbitrator wrote.

The arbitrator found that the district failed to provide Anderson with due process by providing him with a formal notice of inefficiency or by giving him 90 days to correct his failings before terminating his employment.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Another example of George Orwell's prediction of "newspeak." How about grading students on how well they do on tests and assignments rather than brainwashing them and punishing them if they don't comply?

Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’
Peter HassonTexas Campus Correspondent

Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” "male," and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.

According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”

The punishment for repeatedly using the banned words, Breikss warns, includes “but [is] not limited to removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and— in extreme cases— failure for the semester.”

White students in Professor John Streamas’s “Introduction to Multicultural Literature” class, are expected to “defer” to non-white students, among other community guidelines, if they want “to do well in this class.”

In the guidelines in his syllabus, Streamas elaborates that he requires students to “reflect” on their grasp of history and social relations “by respecting shy and quiet classmates and by deferring to the experiences of people of color.”

Streamas—who previously generated controversy by calling a student a “white shitbag” and declared that WSU should stand for “White Supremacist University”—also demands that students “understand and consider the rage of people who are victims of systematic injustice.”

Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @peterjhasson


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Another example of George Orwell's prediction of "newspeak." How about grading students on how well they do on tests and assignments rather than brainwashing them and punishing them if they don't comply?

Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’
Peter HassonTexas Campus Correspondent

Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” "male," and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.

According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”

The punishment for repeatedly using the banned words, Breikss warns, includes “but [is] not limited to removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and— in extreme cases— failure for the semester.”

White students in Professor John Streamas’s “Introduction to Multicultural Literature” class, are expected to “defer” to non-white students, among other community guidelines, if they want “to do well in this class.”

In the guidelines in his syllabus, Streamas elaborates that he requires students to “reflect” on their grasp of history and social relations “by respecting shy and quiet classmates and by deferring to the experiences of people of color.”

Streamas—who previously generated controversy by calling a student a “white shitbag” and declared that WSU should stand for “White Supremacist University”—also demands that students “understand and consider the rage of people who are victims of systematic injustice.”

Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @peterjhasson

You guys know that I'm probably one of the biggest PC people on this site...but these professors are idiots. It's embarrassing to see this. Honestly, how can you write a good essay if you can't use the fullest extent of the language? I'm not saying to use slurs, but these aren't slurs. The closest one is "illegal alien." Even that isn't a slur. And the professor who called a student a "white shitbag" should be fired.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Man takes "selfie" while driving, crashes into tree

ORIENT, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Maine State Police said a driver attempting to take a "selfie" caused a car crash that left multiple people injured.

The crash happened Saturday on Deering Lake Road in Orient.

Police said 29-year-old Jordan Toner was driving with seven passengers when he leaned over to join the photo, ran off the road and into a tree.

Among the people injured were two females sitting in the front seat. Authorities said one of them suffered a fractured nose and cut above her eye, while the other sustained neck and possible back injury. They were transported to Houlton Regional Hospital. Sgt. Chadwick H. Fuller said neither of the women were wearing seat belts.

Two male passengers also suffered injuries including cuts near their eyes and back.

Maine State Police have identified the passengers as Jesse Toner, 31, Adam Toner, 35, Elizabeth Toner, 28, Katharine Ferrill, 28, Kyle Ferrill, 28, Chris Dean, 29, and Meaghan Brown, 28, Dedham.

Toner was summonsed for failing to maintain control of a motor vehicle due to being distracted(and hopefully for being a narcissistic dumbass).


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Man takes "selfie" while driving, crashes into tree

Please, please, please take that asshole's license away for good. I hate drunk drivers more than life itself, but at least they have the (poor at best) excuse of not being in their right minds. This guy is an idiot, and he deserves to go to jail where the prisoners take a selfie of beating his sorry narcissitic ass. Fucking asshole deserves it because he could've killed someone doing that.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
The dumbasses are the ones who thought this would help King Tut. The poor guy's dead and this is how they send him out?

Tutankhamun's penis was fully ERECT when he was mummified so he would look like a god in afterlife

The world's most famous mummy, Tutankhamun, was buried with his penis standing at a 90 degree angle, it has been claimed.

An expert in Egyptology believes the everlasting erection was made to make King Tut look like Osiris, the god of the afterlife.

Professor Ikram believes he was buried with his erect manhood in a bit to continue his endeavour even in death.

She believes the upright penis broke off after the discovery of the tomb, despite speculation that it was stolen.


A digital representation of what Tutankhamun may have looked like

Professor Ikram told LiveScience: "As far as I know, no other mummy has been found thus far with an erect penis."

Another mysterious anomaly is the absence of the pharaoh's heart and lack of a heart scarab to serve as a replacement.

Prof Ikram added that the reason Tutankhamun's heart was missing could also be an allusion to Osiris, whose body was said to have been cut apart by his brother Seth.

Enigma and rumour has surrounded the demise of the so-called boy king since his death back in 1323BC, when he was aged just 19.

Its over 90 years since archaeologist Howard Carter lifted the sarcophagus in a remote Egyptian burial chamber and revealed the mummy of Tutankhamun.

The discovery of the tomb itself in 1922 caused a sensation and the 3,300 year old mummified remains fascinated an intrigued nation.

Since the mummy was opened there have been murders, a poisoning, a suicide, death animals and even a killer mosquito which saw off the owner of Downton Abbey.

But Skeptics have pointed out that many others who visited the tomb or helped to discover it lived long and healthy lives and that of the 58 people who were present when the tomb and sarcophagus were opened, only eight died.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
This is awesome DUMBASS

Best part is she gets called out by a Ram fan!!!

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A College Student Posts a Tweet Mocking Slain Texas Cop. Then Karma Comes A-Knockin’



One of the most compelling aspects of social media is that a single message has the potential to reach thousands, even millions of people.

Texas college student Monica Foy may have just learned that lesson in a none-too-subtle way after posting this tweet Tuesday, which has since been deleted:

Image credit: Twitter

The “dead cop” Foy refers to is slain Texas Sheriff’s deputy Darren Goforth, KHOU reports.

Goforth was killed after he was allegedly shot in the head by Shannon Miles, who reports say walked up to the officer from behind at a gas station before opening fire. Goforth leaves behind a wife and two young children.

Following Foy’s post, social media erupted in defense of Goforth, with many furious users attacking the college student personally:

But that wasn’t the end of the story.

The Houston Chronicle reports that – as a result of the exposure Foy received over the contentious tweet – the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by a another police department, informing them that a local resident “had an outstanding warrant for assault causing bodily harm.”

Authorities arrested Foy at her home soon after.

Screen Shot 2015-09-03 at 10.01.31 AM.png

Image credit: Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office

In addition to police and plenty of Twitter users, Sam Houston State University (SHSU) – where Foy is reportedly working toward a degree in English – also took notice of the woman’s message.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Prosecutors: 2 Former NJ Day Care Workers Ran ‘Fight Club’ For Kids Aged 4-6
Al Jones, Christine Sloan, Fight club, jim smith, Lightbridge Academy

CRANFORD, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — Two New Jersey women faced charges Monday for allegedly staging a “fight club” among boys and girls at a day care center, Union County prosecutors said.

As CBS2’s Christine Sloan reported, investigators said the former day care workers – Erica Kenny, 22, of Cranford, and Chanese White, 28, of Roselle – referenced the movie “Fight Club” as they encouraged preschoolers and kindergartners to fight each other on the playground at Lightbridge Academy in Cranford last month.

“About a dozen children — boys and girls between the ages 4 and 6 — just fighting; throwing each other to the ground; hitting each other,” said Union County Prosecutor Grace Park.

Kenny allegedly shot video of the fights and sent them to a group of people on the app Snapchat, prosecutors said.

“Most parents would be astonished by the behavior,” Acting Union County Prosecutor Grace Park told WCBS 880’s Jim Smith.

The videos show about a dozen boys and girls shoving each other to the ground and trying to hit each other, according to prosecutors. The charges stem from Aug. 13, but investigators are looking into whether the fights were ongoing.

The Snapchat videos only last 10 seconds and then disappear, but investigators were able to find the video after someone recorded it.

“We don’t believe there were any serious injuries at this point, but we are still investigating the case,” Park said.

Prosecutors said the former workers staged the fights for pure pleasure. Neighbors of defendant White were stunned.

“It’s unbelievable – God, it’s unbelievable,” said the Rev. James Smith.

“She was very nice, but you don’t really know anybody, really,” said neighbor Betty Farinelli.

The two women have been fired.

“As parents and caregivers, we are shocked and saddened by this isolated incident and we have assisted the prosecutor’s office from the start of its investigation into this matter,” Lightbridge Academy said in a statement. “While no children were physically harmed during this incident, we have a zero tolerance policy for anyone who acts in conflict with the core value of Lightbridge Academy – the safety and well-being of children.”

Sloan asked daycare vice president Jaclyn Falzarano how no one saw the alleged staged fights. Falzarano said the focus was on ensuring safety.

“Again, what we really would like to focus on at this point is that all of the children are safe. That is our number one priority,” Falzarano said in response to the question. “We’ve actually been in constant communication with our parents to let them know that we are here to fully support the care and nurturing education of their children.”

Dolores Tomace workers at another day care, where some of the kids from Lightbridge go to use the gym.

“The children come in and hug me, and I love them. And I would never think of doing anything bad to them, ever!” Tomace said. “They’re mine. For all intents and purposes, they’re all mine.”

Kenny and White are accused of child abuse. Kenny also faces charges of endangering the welfare of a child.

White faces up to 18 months in prison. Kenny could get up to five years.

Anyone with any additional information is asked to call prosecutors at (908) 527-4696.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Feminists are angry that Kermit the Frog's new girlfriend is young and thin
Kermit has denied rumours that the woman he's been spotted out and about with is his new love - but that didn't stop people being outraged


Denise and Kermit Photo: © 2015 American Broadcasting Companies

By Helena Horton

Kermit the Frog has been spotted out and about with a new lady, Denise, after splitting with his ex-girlfriend Miss Piggy last month.

In typical fashion, people on Twitter had a lot to say about Kermit's new lady and, while he denies speculation they are romantically linked, the pictures appear to tell another story.

Many have expressed dismay that Kermit the Frog ditched the feminist and fuller-figured Miss Piggy for a younger, skinnier model, who has not yet expressed opinions on the works of Germaine Greer or bell hooks.



Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Don't have a cell phone to take a pic with. The one neighbor has been feuding with the family across the street who live next door to me. This has been going on for many years. They stand out on their second floor porches and yell at each other. He calls the woman who lives there a slut and she calls him a pervert. They should either get a room or shut the hell up, lol.
That definitely sounds like Cumberland, hahaha!

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
That definitely sounds like Cumberland, hahaha!

You don't know the half of it. This is the corner of Maryland where ALL the rednecks are located. When my brother-in-law visited here he said "This place is full of hicks." And he's from Texas, lol.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
“Don’t cry,” “Have sex,” “Major in business,” “Play sports,” and “Man up.”

That's almost the mantra for the guys here at ROD. Vanderbilt is, I guess, the anti-ROD. Check out the comments for a giggle.

Vanderbilt Women's Center to Lecture Men on 'Healthy Masculinities'
Ashley Rae Goldenberg

Vanderbilt University’s Women’s Center will be hosting a week-long event dedicated to lecturing men about what it means to have “healthy masculinity.”

The “Healthy Masculinities Week” is sponsored by Vanderbilt’s Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, which claims to be devoted to “Celebrating Women” while “Empowering All.”

The mission of the Women’s Center is to affirm a “space for all members of the Vanderbilt community that acknowledges and actively resists sexism, racism, homophobia, and all forms of oppression while advocating for positive social change.”

The first event as part of the “Healthy Masculinities Week” is called, “The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt and how all men can help.”

According to a review for Katz’s book, “Katz explores those aspects of American culture that promote violence against women, focusing separate chapters on pornography, prostitution, and other sex-related businesses as well as sexual violence in the military, the music industry, and athletics.” It also “offers advice on how men can ally with women to curb violence and change those aspects of the ‘boys will be boys’ attitude on male aggressiveness and masculinity that can lead to violence and abuse.”

The advertisement for “Healthy Masculinities Week,” which was emailed to members of the student body, includes a portrayal man with a thought bubble, thinking, “Don’t cry,” “Have sex,” “Major in business,” “Play sports,” and “Man up.” Allegedly, these are examples of unhealthy masculinity.

Vanderbilt’s “Healthy Masculinities Week” is scheduled to run from Sept. 10-17.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Anyone who claims he hasn't taken a shower in 12 years and is proud of it is a dumbass.

Cambridge Company Says Live Bacteria Spray Will Keep You Clean
By Dr. Mallika Marshall, WBZ-TV

BOSTON (CBS) – You’ve heard of taking probiotics for a healthy gut, but what about literally spraying live bacteria on your skin? As Dr. Mallika Marshall reports, a local company thinks it’s a good idea for overall health, and plans to prove it.

“I have not taken a shower in over 12 years,” says Dave Whitlock, a chemical engineer and MIT grad who says he doesn’t miss bathing at all. “No one did clinical trials on people taking showers every day. So what’s the basis for assuming that that is a healthy practice.”

Dave Whitlock (WBZ-TV)

In fact, what Whitlock does believe is healthy is restoring good bacteria to our skin that our ancestors enjoyed long ago and that has slowly been stripped away by excessive cleaning. To prove his theory, he helped found AOBiome, a company based in Cambridge, MA.

“We’ve confused clean with sterile,” says Jasmina Aganovic, the General Manager of Consumer Products at AOBiome. She says as humans, we need to reconnect with our environment. “We’ve taken the dirt out of our lives. We don’t spend as much time outdoors as we used to, even little children,” she explains.

To add a little dirt back into our lives, AOBiome has created Mother Dirt, specifically the AO+ Mist containing live bacteria that is sprayed directly on the skin twice a day. It has no odor and feels like water.

“Our users are able to reduce their dependence on conventional products,” says Aganovic. “Examples include cutting out or cutting down on deodorant, cutting out or cutting down on moisturizers.” There’s a Mother Dirt shampoo and cleanser that don’t contain bacteria but Aganovic says won’t interfere with it either.

And while Whitlock still doesn’t shower, he does use Mother Dirt every day and hopes the rest of the world will join him. “I would like a billion people a day to use this,” he says.

While AOBiome believes in the health benefits of these live bacteria, they’re not making any scientific claims right now but will soon begin clinical trials on inflammatory skin conditions, like acne.

The Mother Dirt products became available in July of this year. For more information, go towww.motherdirt.com