LEGEND Dumbass of the Day

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Mar 17, 2014
Anyone who claims he hasn't taken a shower in 12 years and is proud of it is a dumbass.

Cambridge Company Says Live Bacteria Spray Will Keep You Clean
By Dr. Mallika Marshall, WBZ-TV

BOSTON (CBS) – You’ve heard of taking probiotics for a healthy gut, but what about literally spraying live bacteria on your skin? As Dr. Mallika Marshall reports, a local company thinks it’s a good idea for overall health, and plans to prove it.

“I have not taken a shower in over 12 years,” says Dave Whitlock, a chemical engineer and MIT grad who says he doesn’t miss bathing at all. “No one did clinical trials on people taking showers every day. So what’s the basis for assuming that that is a healthy practice.”

Dave Whitlock (WBZ-TV)

In fact, what Whitlock does believe is healthy is restoring good bacteria to our skin that our ancestors enjoyed long ago and that has slowly been stripped away by excessive cleaning. To prove his theory, he helped found AOBiome, a company based in Cambridge, MA.

“We’ve confused clean with sterile,” says Jasmina Aganovic, the General Manager of Consumer Products at AOBiome. She says as humans, we need to reconnect with our environment. “We’ve taken the dirt out of our lives. We don’t spend as much time outdoors as we used to, even little children,” she explains.

To add a little dirt back into our lives, AOBiome has created Mother Dirt, specifically the AO+ Mist containing live bacteria that is sprayed directly on the skin twice a day. It has no odor and feels like water.

“Our users are able to reduce their dependence on conventional products,” says Aganovic. “Examples include cutting out or cutting down on deodorant, cutting out or cutting down on moisturizers.” There’s a Mother Dirt shampoo and cleanser that don’t contain bacteria but Aganovic says won’t interfere with it either.

And while Whitlock still doesn’t shower, he does use Mother Dirt every day and hopes the rest of the world will join him. “I would like a billion people a day to use this,” he says.

While AOBiome believes in the health benefits of these live bacteria, they’re not making any scientific claims right now but will soon begin clinical trials on inflammatory skin conditions, like acne.

The Mother Dirt products became available in July of this year. For more information, go towww.motherdirt.com
I definitely don't want to sit next to him though.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Desecrating the Alamo by carving your own name makes you the dumbass of the day, Julio.

Man, 22, accused of using key to carve his name into the wall inside the Alamo and doing $250,000 worth of damage to site


A 22-year-old Texas man was arrested and charged with criminal mischief on Friday for using a key to carve his name into the wall in the Monks' Burial Room of the Alamo in San Antonio on Thursday.

A guide at the historical site said she saw Julio Perez using a car key to scratch into the wall and when she called out to him and told him to stop, he fled, leaving a carving reading 'Julio' on the wall.

Perez was snatched up by Alamo Rangers officers before he could vacate the 4.2-acre site.

The suspect was detained until San Antonio Police Department officers could arrive on the scene and he was then held overnight and charged, according to a release from the Alamo.

Alamo Rangers Chief Mark Adkins said: 'In Texas we take our history seriously and consider the Alamo to be sacred ground.

'Desecration of any part of these hallowed grounds, especially the walls of the Alamo Chapel, will not be tolerated and we will support prosecution to the furthest extent of the law.'

Historic preservation and restoration experts are evaluating the damage and assessing the appropriate repairs that have to be made to the limestone wall, KSAT 12 News reported.

'And the dollar value of (the damage) was in excess of $250,000.'

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Broken bones and dislocated shoulders? It's supposed to be a pillow fight, dumbasses.

Broken bones, dislocated shoulders and cadets taken away in an ambulance: 30 West Point students injured as annual PILLOW FIGHT turns nasty

When signing up for the military, a pillow fight is perhaps not the first place you imagine yourself getting injured in the line of duty.

But that is exactly what happened to 30 cadets at West Point on August 20 as the traditional end-of-training brawl got out of hand.

One had to be taken away in an ambulance, another was left with a broken leg, and dozens suffered from dislocated shoulders and concussions, it has been reported.



Up to 30 cadets at the prestigious West Point military academy have been injured during an annual pillow fight after some people reportedly stuffed their pillow cases with helmets to cause more damage

According to sources, one student suffered a broken leg, while another was seen being taken away in an ambulance, and dozens more suffered concussions and dislocated shoulders

According to the New York Times, some cadets had stuffed helmets and body armor into their pillow cases in an attempt to inflict maximum damage on those taking part.

Images uploaded to social media after the fight show cadets with blood streaming from their noses and mouths, while others brandish blood-spattered pillow cases.

Video of the fight, which takes place in the central court yard of training barracks, shows cadets wearing helmets and body armor rushing in from all sides before laying into each other.

Glow sticks can be seen being thrown from the upper windows, while smoke bombs also seem to be let off among the brawling bodies.

What appear to be laundry carts loaded up with several cadets are also pushed out into the yard at speed and seem to hit several pillow fighters as they go.

In response to the injuries, Colonel Kasker, spokesman for the academy, said: 'West Point applauds the cadets’ desire to build esprit and regrets the injuries to our cadets.

'We are conducting appropriate investigations into the causes of the injuries.'

He added that there are currently no plans to discontinue the fight, and nobody is currently being punished for causing the injuries.

The pillow fight is traditionally held at the end of an intense seven-month period of training, during which cadets are not supposed to speak to one-another.

While not technically endorsed by the Commodes at West Point, it was decided they would turn a blind eye to it as it is useful in helping to bond the soldiers.

There is evidence of the pillow fight existing as far back as 1897 at West Point, a prestigious training school that once taught Dwight D Eisenhower, Ulysses S Grant, and Douglas MacArthur.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Drunk man kicks robot that can read your emotions

A drunk man who reportedly kicked an 'emotion-reading' robot in a fit of rage has been arrested in Japan.

The 60-year-old went into a SoftBank store - which is an international Japanese telecommunications and internet company - and lashed out at the humanoid.

The Japan Times reported that he lost his temper with a member of staff, but took it out on the $1,600 (£1,048) robot instead.

The robot, which has been available to buy since June this year, is an "emotional" robot which can recognise human emotions and respond with simulations of anger, joy and irritation.


It is not known whether the robot reacted to being angrily kicked (AFP)

Kanagawa Prefectural Police said the man, who is called Kiichi Ishikawa, had admitted to damaging property because he did not like the attitude of a store assistant.

Security footage showed the drunken Ishikawa kicking the robot, which may have damaged the Pepper robot, police were reported to have said. It now moves more slowly and its internal computer system may have been broken.

When functioning properly, the creators of the Pepper robot say it can tell jokes, read facial expression and voice tone, and even dance for entertainment.

Aldebaran, designers of the robot for SoftBank, say on their site:

"Pepper is the first humanoid robot designed to live with humans. At the risk of disappointing you, he doesn't clean, doesn't cook and doesn't have super powers...

"Pepper is a social robot able to converse with you, recognise and react to your emotions, move and live autonomously."


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
Man, I felt bad for the kid.
Yea. He's thinking, "this is gonna be hard to explain to mom." Worse than he thinks too considering he's the internet idiot of the week! It's a real series of miscalculations.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Disclaimer: I detest reality shows and consider it a sign of total breakdown of civilization. Why anyone would share their embarrassing personal stuff in front of millions of people is beyond me. So onto today's dumbass...


'I'm going to obliterate the scum of this house': Farrah Abraham threatens to KILL fellow Celebrity Big Brother stars after heated spat with Natasha Hamilton

She's got on the wrong side of pretty much everyone since day one, and as a result she was nominated by eight different housemates for the first eviction.

And by the looks of it, Farrah Abraham will soon be receiving a nomination from Atomic Kitten's Natasha Hamilton, 33, after the pair came to blows on Monday night's episode of Celebrity Big Brother.

Following an argument about food rations, the pair went head-to-head in a full-on row which resulted in former Teen Mom star Farrah, 24, threatening to kill her fellow housemates in the Diary Room.



The huge fight started after the Americans were responsible for ordering the food supplies - which ex-porn star Jenna Jameson took charge of - following Team USA's hot dog challenge win.

But house president Fatman Scoop informed his housemates that they would have to ration this week's supply as they were running low.

Natasha and Jenna then started arguing about how the food was being divided out, which resulted in Scoop stepping in - but the fact he raised his voice to Natasha didn't bode well with the pop star, who said that even her father wouldn't speak to her like that.

Mother-of-one Farrah was not happy with Natasha's remark, telling her: 'Do you know what, when you get upset about bringing up our families, you bring up your dad on the way out?

'I’m not about negativity in the house anymore.'

But Natasha responded: 'Watch how you talk to people because it’s very negative.'

The fight quickly escalated with Farrah soon hurling insults at Natasha and telling her not to talk about her family in the house.

She stuck her middle finger up at Natasha before shouting: 'Shame on you and how you act. Do me a favour and go and fix yourself. Shame on you and everything you say.

'You want me to talk some sh*t? Then you better start saying "I’m sorry for talking about my dad".'

Natasha responded: 'F**k off, d**khead', at which point Big Brother called Farrah into the diary room as the fight was only going to get more intense.

Sherrie and Scoop tried to calm the ex-reality star down, but she was having none of it, shouting at the Loose Women panelist not to push her.

Farrah then became incredibly frustrated about the fact that she had to go to the Diary Room, not to mention the fact she had to wait to get in, and by the time she'd got into the room, she was even more angry about the fact she'd broken her flip-flop in the meantime.

She told Big Brother: 'I’m not even f**king wasting my energy to sit back up and down. You can fix my flip-flop which I broke up coming in here.'

When Big Brother told her they'd called her in, she responded: 'What, because I was going to f**ing obliterate the scum of this house? I am straight up going to kill everyone in this house.

'I’m sick of this negative bullsh*t when they’re the scum of the earth. Don’t f**king p**s me off.'

Big Brother responded by advising her to take a few deep breaths in and out.
To read the rest of the idiocy and watch the video, click the link. After reading this I need another shower. :eek:

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Loaded gun pulled from woman’s body cavity during drug bust
By OLIVIA MESSER omesser@wacotrib.com

Waco police pulled a loaded handgun from a woman’s vagina late Monday evening after a traffic stop led to a drug bust, officials said.

Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said officers stopped a 1998 Toyota Land Rover carrying a man and a woman at North 15th Street and Blair Street about 11 p.m. for a traffic violation.

During the stop, officers found 2.7 grams of methamphetamine under the driver’s seat and arrested the driver, identified as Gabriel Garcia, 30, on a charge of possession of methamphetamine in a drug-free zone. Police say the stop was within 1,000 feet of West Elementary School.

Another 29.5 grams of methamphetamine and a set of digital weighing scales were in the female passenger’s purse, Swanton said.

Ashley Cecilia Castaneda, 31, was arrested on the same charge, but while being transported to the McLennan County Jail, she reportedly told an officer she had a Smith and Wesson .22-caliber semiautomatic handgun lodged inside her vagina.

Officers stopped and called for a female officer, who retrieved the gun. The handgun had a round chambered and a full magazine of bullets, Swanton said.

“It was a safety concern for the victim who had a loaded firearm inside her body,” Swanton said. “Depending on a number of factors, that gun could have gone off by body movements or compression of the trigger.

“People have asked us, ‘Why are you even telling us this?’ The reason is because we want people to know this truly does happen,” he continued. “That was an extremely dangerous situation for everyone involved.”

Castaneda was also charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
The dumbasses are the ones who decided to charge the boy with assault. How about detention or even suspension. Why bring the police in on this?

Teen Boy Kissed Girl on a Dare. Now He Faces Assault Charges.
Pikesville Middle School 13-year-old charge with second-degree assault.

Robby Soave|Sep. 11, 2015

A Pikesville, Maryland, 13-year-old will be charged with second-degree assault for kissing a 14-year-old girl on a dare. The "assault" happened at Pikesville Middle School on Friday. Police were called to the scene.

According to WBFF:

School officials took a report regarding a 13-year-old boy who kissed a 14-year-old girl during school hours. The unwanted kiss was allegedly the result of a dare made by students.

Police confirm that the boy is now facing a second-degree assault charge as a juvenile. No one was injured during the incident, police say, and disciplinary actions related to suspension or expulsion will be handled by the school system.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
The dumbasses are the ones who decided to charge the boy with assault. How about detention or even suspension. Why bring the police in on this?

Teen Boy Kissed Girl on a Dare. Now He Faces Assault Charges.
Pikesville Middle School 13-year-old charge with second-degree assault.

Robby Soave|Sep. 11, 2015

A Pikesville, Maryland, 13-year-old will be charged with second-degree assault for kissing a 14-year-old girl on a dare. The "assault" happened at Pikesville Middle School on Friday. Police were called to the scene.

According to WBFF:

School officials took a report regarding a 13-year-old boy who kissed a 14-year-old girl during school hours. The unwanted kiss was allegedly the result of a dare made by students.

Police confirm that the boy is now facing a second-degree assault charge as a juvenile. No one was injured during the incident, police say, and disciplinary actions related to suspension or expulsion will be handled by the school system.

That is beyond ludicrous.20 years ago it'd be a call to the parents and theyd punish the kid. This society is going to shit I tell you. Kids cant even be kids anymore.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Need I say more?

Now, now...let's stay away from politics. :sneaky:

The dumbasses of the day are apparently myself and every other dog owner. OTOH the author of this piece drags "climate change"(which used to be "global warming" until that title became too embarrassing) into it, so maybe those who conjured this up are the real dumbasses.

I bet these wild dogs would trade a few IQ points for a warm bed, food, drink, cookies, medical care, and owners who love them. Your dog wants a cookie. :)

Have humans made dogs STUPID? Pets are 'lazy thinkers' compared to wild wolves and domestication may be to blame
  • Study compared how 10 wolves and 20 dogs solved a puzzle to reach food
  • Wolves were more persistent and successful than the domestic animals
  • The dogs looked to humans for guidance rather than tackling the problem
  • Scientists say domestication has changed how dogs tackle problems

They may be man's best friend, but dogs have little to thank humans for it seems.

Research suggests the domesticated pets can't solve problems as well as their wild cousins because living with us has made them 'incapable of thinking for themselves.'

In tests, experts presented a 'puzzle box' containing food to a group of dogs, and a group of wolves and while the wolves were capable of breaking inside, the dogs looked to humans for help.

Instead they showed signs of look to the humans for some guidance on what they should do.

Dr Monique Udell, an animal behaviour researcher at Oregon State University who conducted the study, said humans appear to have conditioned the animals to not think for themselves.

The results may explain why dogs so often seem to get themselves into a tangled mess with their lead or get their heads stuck in railings or inside boxes.

Dr Udell said: 'Wolves may have more opportunities for independent problem-solving within their environment, and a greater history of success obtaining trapped food independently owing to their relative strength.

'Consequently, dogs' behaviour may be the product of conditioned dependence on humans, or conditioned inhibition of independent problem-solving behaviour when confronted with a novel task.'

Dr Udell gave 10 wolves, 10 pet dogs and 10 shelter dogs a clear box containing a piece of sausage.

To get inside, the dogs needed to pull off the lid using a length of rope.

They were presented with the puzzle both when a familiar human was present and when the human was not absent.

They were additionally given two minutes each to get inside the box.

Eight of the 10 wolves managed to solve the puzzle and eat the snack while just one of the 20 dogs managed the problem.

Dr Udell, whose work is published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, said the wolves tended to be more persistent than the dogs.

When encouraged by a human, the dogs had more contact with the puzzle but only a moderate increase in success.

Dr Udell said it appears dogs have adopted a strategy that matches their lifestyle - where humans will often do things for them.

'Social sensitivity appears to play an important role in pet and shelter dogs' willingness to engage in problem-solving behaviour, which could suggest generalized dependence on, or deference to, human action,' she said.

'While an increased proclivity for looking at humans may represent a cognitive shift in dogs compared with wolves, it does not necessarily suggest cognitive advancement.

'These results suggest dogs' heightened social response may, in turn, interfere with independent problem-solving behaviour.'

Marc Bekoff, an animal psychologist at the University of Colorado in Boulder, told New Scientist that dogs looking at humans for help with problem solving may actually be cleverer than wolves as they have more advanced social skills.

However, he said it was difficult to generalise when comparing the behaviour of dogs and wolves.

He said: 'The incredible amount of behavioural variability among dogs makes it impossible to talk about "the dog".'
Who's the bigger dummy? My dogs spend their days sleeping in my bed and eating on my dime while I'm putting in 10 hour days...
Ya, my STOOOPID dog gets fed every day and eats real meat every 2 days, gets to lay in the sun, gets treats for sitting, shots so she doesn't get sick, gets to play catch and gets to sleep on my bed......My dog is so STOOOOPID compared to a mangy coyote.
Or maybe the Phd is an idiot.... Not realizing domestic dogs are TRAINED TO NOT TEAR THINGS UP in order to get to something they want.... If she doesn't believe that, she's free to give it a try.... Take one of those wild wolves home with her and see what kind of mess she returns too and then after taking that wolf back to the lab, take a domesticated dog home and see if there even is a mess that she returns to.

Dogs are TAUGHT to NOT tear things up and stay out of garbage and to leave food alone (even food in their reach), whereas wolves are ravenous cavernous walking stomachs and will eat anything they can get to, even if they have to tear and claw their way through it in order to get to it. So all that experiment proved to me is how clueless and stupid the "Phd" idiot is.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Now, now...let's stay away from politics. :sneaky:

The dumbasses of the day are apparently myself and every other dog owner. OTOH the author of this piece drags "climate change"(which used to be "global warming" until that title became too embarrassing) into it, so maybe those who conjured this up are the real dumbasses.

I bet these wild dogs would trade a few IQ points for a warm bed, food, drink, cookies, medical care, and owners who love them. Your dog wants a cookie. :)

Have humans made dogs STUPID? Pets are 'lazy thinkers' compared to wild wolves and domestication may be to blame
  • Study compared how 10 wolves and 20 dogs solved a puzzle to reach food
  • Wolves were more persistent and successful than the domestic animals
  • The dogs looked to humans for guidance rather than tackling the problem
  • Scientists say domestication has changed how dogs tackle problems

They may be man's best friend, but dogs have little to thank humans for it seems.

Research suggests the domesticated pets can't solve problems as well as their wild cousins because living with us has made them 'incapable of thinking for themselves.'

In tests, experts presented a 'puzzle box' containing food to a group of dogs, and a group of wolves and while the wolves were capable of breaking inside, the dogs looked to humans for help.

Instead they showed signs of look to the humans for some guidance on what they should do.

Dr Monique Udell, an animal behaviour researcher at Oregon State University who conducted the study, said humans appear to have conditioned the animals to not think for themselves.

The results may explain why dogs so often seem to get themselves into a tangled mess with their lead or get their heads stuck in railings or inside boxes.

Dr Udell said: 'Wolves may have more opportunities for independent problem-solving within their environment, and a greater history of success obtaining trapped food independently owing to their relative strength.

'Consequently, dogs' behaviour may be the product of conditioned dependence on humans, or conditioned inhibition of independent problem-solving behaviour when confronted with a novel task.'

Dr Udell gave 10 wolves, 10 pet dogs and 10 shelter dogs a clear box containing a piece of sausage.

To get inside, the dogs needed to pull off the lid using a length of rope.

They were presented with the puzzle both when a familiar human was present and when the human was not absent.

They were additionally given two minutes each to get inside the box.

Eight of the 10 wolves managed to solve the puzzle and eat the snack while just one of the 20 dogs managed the problem.

Dr Udell, whose work is published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, said the wolves tended to be more persistent than the dogs.

When encouraged by a human, the dogs had more contact with the puzzle but only a moderate increase in success.

Dr Udell said it appears dogs have adopted a strategy that matches their lifestyle - where humans will often do things for them.

'Social sensitivity appears to play an important role in pet and shelter dogs' willingness to engage in problem-solving behaviour, which could suggest generalized dependence on, or deference to, human action,' she said.

'While an increased proclivity for looking at humans may represent a cognitive shift in dogs compared with wolves, it does not necessarily suggest cognitive advancement.

'These results suggest dogs' heightened social response may, in turn, interfere with independent problem-solving behaviour.'

Marc Bekoff, an animal psychologist at the University of Colorado in Boulder, told New Scientist that dogs looking at humans for help with problem solving may actually be cleverer than wolves as they have more advanced social skills.

However, he said it was difficult to generalise when comparing the behaviour of dogs and wolves.

He said: 'The incredible amount of behavioural variability among dogs makes it impossible to talk about "the dog".'
Who's the bigger dummy? My dogs spend their days sleeping in my bed and eating on my dime while I'm putting in 10 hour days...
Ya, my STOOOPID dog gets fed every day and eats real meat every 2 days, gets to lay in the sun, gets treats for sitting, shots so she doesn't get sick, gets to play catch and gets to sleep on my bed......My dog is so STOOOOPID compared to a mangy coyote.
Or maybe the Phd is an idiot.... Not realizing domestic dogs are TRAINED TO NOT TEAR THINGS UP in order to get to something they want.... If she doesn't believe that, she's free to give it a try.... Take one of those wild wolves home with her and see what kind of mess she returns too and then after taking that wolf back to the lab, take a domesticated dog home and see if there even is a mess that she returns to.

Dogs are TAUGHT to NOT tear things up and stay out of garbage and to leave food alone (even food in their reach), whereas wolves are ravenous cavernous walking stomachs and will eat anything they can get to, even if they have to tear and claw their way through it in order to get to it. So all that experiment proved to me is how clueless and stupid the "Phd" idiot is.

My schnauzer would be extremely interested in that box with the sausage. He is as food motivated as a dog can possibly be.

My little eating machine wouldn't even attempt to get to the sausage unless I gave him permission to. He would want it bad... but he knows better than to eat without permission from me or our parrot.

However ,,, if I told my little guy that he could have that sausage ,,, I be willing to bet cash money that he could get to the sausage faster than any wolf.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014

Feminists are angry that Kermit the Frog's new girlfriend is young and thin
Kermit has denied rumours that the woman he's been spotted out and about with is his new love - but that didn't stop people being outraged


Denise and Kermit Photo: © 2015 American Broadcasting Companies

By Helena Horton

Kermit the Frog has been spotted out and about with a new lady, Denise, after splitting with his ex-girlfriend Miss Piggy last month.

In typical fashion, people on Twitter had a lot to say about Kermit's new lady and, while he denies speculation they are romantically linked, the pictures appear to tell another story.

Many have expressed dismay that Kermit the Frog ditched the feminist and fuller-figured Miss Piggy for a younger, skinnier model, who has not yet expressed opinions on the works of Germaine Greer or bell hooks.
I've probably had the pleasure of seeing bell hooks speak before, I just don't remember it because I'm not terribly interested in the subject manner.

Man, I felt bad for the kid.
I feel sorry for kids these days. With those phones parents can easily track where their kids are at all times. Back in my day we had a little thing called FREEDOM!!!!

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
My schnauzer would be extremely interested in that box with the sausage.

Charlie the schnauzer was the smartest dog I ever knew(my current one - a beagle - is by far the dumbest). Saw Charlie get run over by a car and pop out of one of the wheel wells. He headed for the bushes to die but I found him and took him to the vet. He lived many more years after that but became increasingly surly and unpredictable. Can't blame the poor little bastard though.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Charlie the schnauzer was the smartest dog I ever knew(my current one - a beagle - is by far the dumbest). Saw Charlie get run over by a car and pop out of one of the wheel wells. He headed for the bushes to die but I found him and took him to the vet. He lived many more years after that but became increasingly surly and unpredictable. Can't blame the poor little bastard though.

My little guy's name is Harley. He's not really little... he a 35 pound "miniature". He's not fat, just grew bigger than he was supposed to. Ha

He is the smartest dog I've ever owned. He's almost human. He was potty trained from birth we believe... got him at 8 weeks and he's never had an accident inside. He's 15 yrs old now.


Mar 17, 2014
I've probably had the pleasure of seeing bell hooks speak before, I just don't remember it because I'm not terribly interested in the subject manner.

I feel sorry for kids these days. With those phones parents can easily track where their kids are at all times. Back in my day we had a little thing called FREEDOM!!!!
As long as I was home before the sreetlights came on.