Is Racist?

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Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
The problem with reverse racism is where does it end? for example did the Europeans use the Moorish enslavement of white Europeans as justification for enslaving Africans ?
It never ends when you feel the justification to hit back and in the end it still involves hitting in retribution for crimes done to people most have only read about not to mention the acrimony and sense of entitlement such attitudes instill.
The "race trade" is only compounding the damage the original crimes did not healing but opening the wounds and seeing to it that they fester


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Here's a technicality. It's been argued that man kind started in, and evolved from, Africa.
So, yeah. We're all entitled to use that site.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Hey Blue -

Yeah I don't really have a problem with private endowments or scholarships other than it is still racism and if the NAACP is going to challenge a fellowship because being Caucasian is part of the wording in the requirements, then they should challenge scholarships or fellowships with African American in the requirement. Otherwise, they should shut the hell up. If a person wants to leave money to help someone they feel is underserved by the system, I suppose that's their money. I still think it's racist if you are going by the color of one's skin. And it is absolutely a double standard (one of the main points brought up here) if one "race" is saying it's ok for them but not for another race.

Now if it is our tax dollars going to it or the gov't supporting the racism in any way, then I DO have a problem with it. I think Ramhusker's first paragraph summed it up pretty damn well.

And not that it should matter in the entire argument of right and wrong but these things DO affect me. I have two college age boys that have worked hard through their high school years so that they can go to college.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Here's a technicality. It's been argued that man kind started in, and evolved from, Africa.
So, yeah. We're all entitled to use that site.
That's it. I'm signing up tomorrow. Hope my wife doesn't mind. While I'm at it, I'm joining the NAACP. Pale beige is a color - ain't it?


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Here's a technicality. It's been argued that man kind started in, and evolved from, Africa.
So, yeah. We're all entitled to use that site.
There ARE applications for some things where you choose your own ethnicity and it's unchallenged, bottom line though you can't raise the level of a population by encouraging them to indulge prejudices they condemn in others,doesn't work that way.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
There ARE applications for some things where you choose your own ethnicity and it's unchallenged, bottom line though you can't raise the level of a population by encouraging them to indulge prejudices they condemn in others,doesn't work that way.

Uh huh... I tell my kids not to smoke pot. :heh:


May 28, 2011
Well, I'd have to disagree with you on the point it doesn't affect me or hurt anyone. It's the same as you stated with the LAPD. If you give someone, less likely to succeed or less qualified, a scholarship or job just because of the color of their skin, you hurt the person that would of done something with that opportunity. That's wasteful to society and hurtful to the poor souls that become victim to such failed policies. And when tax dollars get involved, it drains all our pockets when someone wastes the opportunity while someone maybe more motivated misses the chance.

Affirmative Actions policies hurt the people that it is aimed to help the most. It certainly sends the wrong message to the youth that benefit from it by saying, "You get special treatment because of the color of your skin". Terrible reality will set in one day when they later find out you have to work for what you get and life isn't fair. Everybody isn't equal. Some people are smarter than you, stronger than you, better looking than you, luckier than you, and know more important people than you and your only weapon to try and level the playing field is hard ass work, period. And that's all I got to say about that! (watched Forrest Gump again the other night).

Again, jobs I don't like. Private scholarships I couldnt care less. Its not like they would be giving it out if they weren't able to choose who they give it to. So its either them or nothing. Might as well allow them to give it to who they wish to. We can't tell people how to spend their money. People can always get scholarships if they try, there's so many out there its not even funny.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Again, jobs I don't like. Private scholarships I couldnt care less. Its not like they would be giving it out if they weren't able to choose who they give it to. So its either them or nothing. Might as well allow them to give it to who they wish to. We can't tell people how to spend their money. People can always get scholarships if they try, there's so many out there its not even funny.
Agreed - except that there are really not enough scholarships to just "go around". You'll see if you have kids looking for supposed scholarships to "go around".


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Yeah - Dang it. Who are they to tell me who I can't date?

Good debating with you man.


On the bright side, you can still sign up for :wink:


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Bet I could. Who the hell is signing up for that? If that isn't a sloppy seconds site I don't know what is. Of course - I don't know what is. :cool:


May 28, 2011
Agreed - except that there are really not enough scholarships to just "go around". You'll see if you have kids looking for supposed scholarships to "go around".

I'm looking around for them, I've found some pretty silly ones. It remains seen if I would actually get it, but that's no different from any other one.

Im just at a point I don't care who gets them or doesn't get them or why. If they were to stop them all together next week I wouldn't cry about it either. Adapt and overcome, no use whining about what others do or don't get.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I'm looking around for them, I've found some pretty silly ones. It remains seen if I would actually get it, but that's no different from any other one.

Im just at a point I don't care who gets them or doesn't get them or why. If they were to stop them all together next week I wouldn't cry about it either. Adapt and overcome, no use whining about what others do or don't get.
Good advice to people of all ethnicities.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I just signed up.


Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
When I was in grade school and middle school (70's) I lived in Pearl City Hawaii. I was one of only 2 Haoles (white people) in the entire school system. Haoles were not accepted, period. When we first moved there, nobody would even speak to me or my family. The first 6 months we lived there the garbage men wouldn't even pick up our trash.

There were days set aside at schools there just for kicking any Haole's ass... openly accepted. Samoans are big fucks too.

To make it short,,, I know what racism feels like,,, what it feels like when you're on the receiving end. Learned this at a very young and impressionable age. I've never wanted to make anyone else feel that way.

If you haven't felt what the receiving end of racism can do to you, I think it might me almost impossible to truly understand.

The website in the OP has nothing to do with racism.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
When I was in grade school and middle school (70's) I lived in Pearl City Hawaii. I was one of only 2 Haoles (white people) in the entire school system. Haoles were not accepted, period. When we first moved there, nobody would even speak to me or my family. The first 6 months we lived there the garbage men wouldn't even pick up our trash.

There were days set aside at schools there just for kicking any Haole's ass... openly accepted. Samoans are big fucks too.

To make it short,,, I know what racism feels like,,, what it feels like when you're on the receiving end. Learned this at a very young and impressionable age. I've never wanted to make anyone else feel that way.

If you haven't felt what the receiving end of racism can do to you, I think it might me almost impossible to truly understand.

The website in the OP has nothing to do with racism.
OK George so, would you then accept what happened to you as being the threshold comparatively ?
Racism is something that happens to one person at a time ,your experience is a valid one ,but it doesn't define the experience of every person who has been subjected and FWIW what you describe is a manifestation of a thought ,the thought is racism and in both cases the thought is one of exclusion,the severity of the action is all that is different.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
OK George so, would you then accept what happened to you as being the threshold comparatively ?
Racism is something that happens to one person at a time ,your experience is a valid one ,but it doesn't define the experience of every person who has been subjected and FWIW what you describe is a manifestation of a thought ,the thought is racism and in both cases the thought is one of exclusion,the severity of the action is all that is different.

The best way for me to try and explain myself is that as long as the belief is NOT that races can be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to others... I'm saying it's not racism in my eyes.

Recognizing that there is a difference in race is not the same thing. I like to think of that as respect.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Man. Well put George. It is one thing to recognize differences - and that doesn't only go to skin color - it's another to think that skin color actually means ANYTHING. You're attracted or you're not. You're impressed with their skill set or you're not. They qualify for the job opening or they don't.

A good friend of mine was born and raised on Kauai and has always told me the "backwards islanders" hate haoles but accept them as money. My cousin taught there on stints three different times and said pretty much the same thing. We were looking at starting our business on Kauai and buying a house in Ka'Paa. After several conversations with my buddy, we decided to stick to the mainland.

Y'know it's funny. My parents were raised in a very racist household and were not without racist tendencies of their own, but if we ever mentioned anything that smacked of racism, my dad would reach you with that finger limpy across the head. He knew what he was raised with and was not going to allow his kids to go there. I really love him for that - among other things of course.

It's odd. My buddy in Kauai says the people there are more racist than they've ever been. My son tells me horror stories about what the kids "joke" about when he was in HS. And yet when I was in HS and Junior HS I don't recall ever even thinking about it. (BTW _ gradiated in '81) Have we really come that far?
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