Since Shad Khan took over Jaguars, team value up more than $205 Million

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Jul 31, 2014
Kroenke is a far better owner than Khan...especially for STL. Khan has no where near the pockets and connections Stan does. Khan would have to look for lots of public funding to get a stadium and would not have the connections to get it. Considering how much of his personal value is wrapped up in the team it would be much more tempting for him to move the team and double the value of his investment or to trade some of that value for a stadium. Kroneke has the pockets to do it himself and is better connected so more likely to get public money.
Khan has gone through 2 of the lowest paid coaches in the league in the last 3 years, Kroenke stepped up and paid big dollars for the best name on the market at the time. Trust me the Rams will be far more successful than the Jags over the next 10-20 years.
Kroenke all the way, I know it will be painful...he is shrewd...but I do not think he will move team, and will field a winner.


Jul 28, 2014
I believe a trait of any good executive is to hire the right people, provide them with the resources necessary to succeed, and get out of their way so they can do their respective jobs. Kroenke certainly appears to be a good business man, and in my opinion, a good executive. I believe the way the operation appears to function will contribute to continued success, here or anywhere else they may be located. Preferably here.


Oct 29, 2012
Pretty funny that some folks on this board seem to believe Kroenke is above all reproach and shouldn't be questioned by any fans of the team. Yes, he helped bring this team to St. Louis and has helped it stay, but he's shown that he is not going to be an owner who is an outspoken leader or make anyone in this town believe he's committed to staying in this town. I get that he wants a new stadium and all, BUT keeping so many of fans in this town wondering what his long term plans are, he's alienating many of them.

Also, why would anyone be embarrassed if Khan owned the Rams? What a strange thing to say.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Pretty funny that some folks on this board seem to believe Kroenke is above all reproach and shouldn't be questioned by any fans of the team. Yes, he helped bring this team to St. Louis and has helped it stay, but he's shown that he is not going to be an owner who is an outspoken leader or make anyone in this town believe he's committed to staying in this town. I get that he wants a new stadium and all, BUT keeping so many of fans in this town wondering what his long term plans are, he's alienating many of them.

Also, why would anyone be embarrassed if Khan owned the Rams? What a strange thing to say.
I don't think anyone has suggested that Stan is beyond reproach. The premise here seems to be that we would have been better off with Khan owning the Rams vs Stan - not that Stan can do no wrong or that we wouldn't be supporting Khan if he was actually able to get the deal done.

How has Khan done anything to suggest he would be more straight forward in these negotiations? The fans of the Jags still wonder about where their team will be playing in the future and their stadium actually IS considered to be in the top tier.


Oct 8, 2011
Pretty funny that some folks on this board seem to believe Kroenke is above all reproach and shouldn't be questioned by any fans of the team. Yes, he helped bring this team to St. Louis and has helped it stay, but he's shown that he is not going to be an owner who is an outspoken leader or make anyone in this town believe he's committed to staying in this town. I get that he wants a new stadium and all, BUT keeping so many of fans in this town wondering what his long term plans are, he's alienating many of them.

Also, why would anyone be embarrassed if Khan owned the Rams? What a strange thing to say.
What has Kroenke done to deserve reproach?

So other than bringing the team to St. Louis, keeping it in St. Louis and being directly quoted saying he's going to keep it in St. Louis, he's really dropped the ball and the fans have been justified in not filling the dome. Right.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Let's have cooler heads prevail here - eh guys? Not sure you could point to an owner of an NFL team (or many other people for that matter) and say he is beyond reproach.

But also, I don't necessarily fault a fan base for not filling the dome with the product that has been put before them in several years prior to Stan taking over. The same thing happened in LA. A bit more winning and RAMS fans will sell out any venue. The fans of St Louis are not the problem and I don't think a native of Missouri thinks so either. But any owner is going to want the same thing - the best deal he can get to increase the revenue and/or value of his team.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
What has Kroenke done to deserve reproach?

So other than bringing the team to St. Louis, keeping it in St. Louis and being directly quoted saying he's going to keep it in St. Louis, he's really dropped the ball and the fans have been justified in not filling the dome. Right.

I'm in Vegas, so it really doesn't matter to me if the Rams stay or move, (other than honestly, it would "feel good" to me if they were once again called the LA Rams),
but I don't get the animosity directed towards Stan. Who's it coming from? And why, exactly? I think most of it is from petulant reporters with an agenda since they aren't getting their stories.

Stan's a great owner, period. Georgia sucked, but y'all love her cuz she's from St. Louis, brought the team there, and happened to be the owner when the Rams caught lightning in a bottle.
But you forget about Brooks and Linehan and the clowns she had running things. Don't mean to offend any locals, but just be THRILLED with what you have. :cheers:

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
Don't confuse valid criticism with negativity. I am bullish on this team this year. Personal attacks are way cool.

And I do think that Stan is a better owner for the franchise, I just don't think he is the best owner for the situation in St. Louis. Now, if he comes out tomorrow and says he and the CVC have worked out an agreement to build a new stadium in St. Louis and makes a commitment to the region, than I am 100% behind Kroenke and he would be the clear cut best thing for St. Louis, but until he does that, he deserves every single ounce of skepticism and "perceived negativity" anyone in the region wishes to throw his way.
Apparently the business and leveraging aspect of this situation has totally flown over your head and every other person with the same mindset. This has nothing to do with emotions, it's business, plain and simple, black and white. Kroneke isn't going to reveal his hand of whether what his real intentions are. This is the ultimate poker game with billions at stake. Think for a minute and realise this is what this is.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
"value" of Rams is only negative due to uncertainty of stadium, once settled, they will move right up the charts.

Side note, and question since you're a Floridian, has Jacksonville benefitted fan base wise (despite being awful) becasue the Dolphins and Tampa Bay franchises have been (almost) equally inept?

I wouldn't say so. If they were winning, you'd probably see a difference made as Floridians tend to be bandwagon fans. But right now, I'd say no. Though, I do think Bortles will make a difference both because of his talent and where he came from.

Going back to the OP:
As far as value is concerned, I did a small study on this sort of thing for a project as a senior in undergrad. The last 5 teams that built new stadiums saw a 37% increase in team value from the time they broke ground on the stadium to when the stadium opened and a 64% increase in team value from when it broke ground to three years after the stadium opened. The Cardinals saw the greatest increase of the five teams I studied with a 55% increase in value from the time they broke ground on the stadium to when the stadium opened and a 84% increase in value from when they broke ground to three years after the stadium opened. This is a small sample size and there are other factors at play here as other teams that did not build new stadiums also appreciated in value but if(when) the Rams get a new stadium, you'll see a major appreciation in their value.

That's why Kroenke is playing it close to the vest. We're talking about something that could mean $500+ million to his business.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Feb 4, 2013

I'm not gonna lie, I was more than a little disappointed when Kroenke swooped in at the eleventh hour and bought the Rams from under Khan's mustache. I can't help but feel the team would be in a better place with the stadium and in the St. Louis community if there was more stability and willingness on behalf of ownership to make the ST. LOUIS Rams successful and make the NFL flourish in ST. LOUIS. Instead, we get the nonchalance of Kroenke's regime hanging like a dark cloud over the city every home game.

I disagree.

I'm not saying you are wrong per se, just that I really thing Stan wants to keep the team here. There are two sides to this equation too. I mean maybe the folks in the city/county may not be moving on this issue as they should. Who knows. I know I don't and neither do any of us unless we are present during any talks or negotiations. JMHO.


Jun 20, 2014
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  • #31
Apparently the business and leveraging aspect of this situation has totally flown over your head and every other person with the same mindset. This has nothing to do with emotions, it's business, plain and simple, black and white. Kroneke isn't going to reveal his hand of whether what his real intentions are. This is the ultimate poker game with billions at stake. Think for a minute and realise this is what this is.

Wow, I'll tell you what, when you have a dissenting opinion on this board, you had better prepare for personal attacks and condescension.

There is a huge emotional component to this "poker game" that, if one uses their head, realizes is incredible prevalent in any situation where a sports franchise is part of the local civic consciousness. I get that Kroenke is holding his cards close to the vest, I get that he isn't revealing everything to the public, I get that this is all a negotiating tactic, but they huge aspect that your argument fails to take into consideration is that for 20 years (I was 7 when this team came to St Louis; it is in my blood) we as Professionsl football fans have been expected to shell out money for PSLs and tickets to watch quite possibly the worst team in the entire sport. Granted, we got a Super Bowl one year, but almost every other year we have been treated to a comedy of errors. My parents watched the Bidwells take decades of tradition and pride, pack them in mayflower vans, and steal away over night to a desert, so we know the pain of loss.

Look, I get that LA fans are jaded towards St. Louis fans; we took something from you. But it was not our decision. Our team was stolen from us, and to top it all off, our chance at getting a team we deserved was stolen from us by a two bit city like Jacksonville. We didn't want to take someone else's team; it was thrust upon us as a cheap negotiating tactic by a bitter Georgia Frontierre. I love the Rams so much, they are the only team I really ever knew. But the vast majority of people in this town have been dicked around by one too many billionaires with one too many false promises to where we deserve a little encouragement, or at the very least to be told what we can expect. Stan's silence is an affront to our guarded sensibilities. Billionaires don't care about us, they will chase opportunity, whether it leads them to Phoenix, Jacksonville, or Los Angeles, but we sure as heck won't be taken advantage of again. You want us to fawn over your team, buy your merchandise, heap praise and give you the benefit of the doubt that you have our best interests in mind? Throw us a bone: tell us you are trying.

Say what you want about Khan, but we never once were led to believe he had any desire to take our team from us again.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Apparently the business and leveraging aspect of this situation has totally flown over your head

Come on man. You know better than that.

Wow, I'll tell you what, when you have a dissenting opinion on this board, you had better prepare for personal attacks and condescension.

You are still fairly new here. If this is your general experience, maybe there is a reason for it beyond the members of this board.

There is a huge emotional component to this "poker game" that, if one uses their head,

Do I need to elaborate?

Look, I get that LA fans are jaded towards St. Louis fans; we took something from you.

As a former LA fan, I can say that I have absolutely no ill will toward St Louis FANS. The St Louis fans didn't take anything from us just as the Phoenix fans didn't take anything from you. You might be hard pressed finding people here that are jaded toward the fans in St Louis.

Say what you want about Khan, but we never once were led to believe he had any desire to take our team from us again.

"Hi. My name is Shahid Khan. I want to buy your football team and move it to LA." Is that something along the lines of what you were expecting him to say during negotiations?

On the other hand, what has Stan said that would lead you to believe he had any desire to take your team from you again? Not to mention that he, "holds three degrees from the University of Missouri, whose son played basketball for the Tigers and who is one of Mizzou’s biggest benefactors." * and was the one who was a key cog in the machine that brought you the Rams and was trying to bring an expansion team to St Louis before becoming minority owner of the Rams.

So you can act like we are all myopic about Stan because we defend him against your "dark cloud' analogies, but until he actually demonstrates something different than what he has demonstrated already with actual actions, don't look for many here to appreciate you insinuating that we would have been better off with Khan as an owner - especially when you have offered nothing to show anything he has actually done to substantiate that POV.


Ky Ram

Pro Bowler
Sep 30, 2013
Now, as much as I think Khan might have been a good owner too(anything was better than Georgia though so that's a bit of a loaded statement), I can't help but hold the Jaguars new uniforms against him. That's a MAJOR strike against him IMO. Those are the most hideous things I've ever seen and if he was owner of the Rams, there's no reason to think he wouldn't have okayed something similar for them.
A lot of younger fans like those uniforms, hell I'm 40 and I like em.
Id like to see the Rams make a major uniform change.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
And just to be clear... Jacksonville is actually located in South Georgia as far as any real Floridian is concerned.


Oct 8, 2011
A lot of younger fans like those uniforms, hell I'm 40 and I like em.
Id like to see the Rams make a major uniform change.
The Jaguars original uniforms were sharp and classy. The new one's look like they had 8 different people designing separate things and they just put 'em all together. A hot mess. It's all subjective so more power to you if you like 'em but much of what Nike has done looks downright awful. I pretty much hate the Rams blue/blue for example.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
At least they're not the flaming 24 turds of Tampa bay. Yeesh!


Mild-mannered Rams fan
Jul 8, 2014
Pretty funny that some folks on this board seem to believe Kroenke is above all reproach and shouldn't be questioned by any fans of the team. Yes, he helped bring this team to St. Louis and has helped it stay, but he's shown that he is not going to be an owner who is an outspoken leader or make anyone in this town believe he's committed to staying in this town. I get that he wants a new stadium and all, BUT keeping so many of fans in this town wondering what his long term plans are, he's alienating many of them.

Also, why would anyone be embarrassed if Khan owned the Rams? What a strange thing to say.

There's also the way he manages Arsenal (hiring a manager that was willing to move forward from Cesc Fabregas, Robin van Persie, and Samir Nasri) Kroenke cares more about profitability than establishing a dynasty for his teams. I see it also with the way the Nuggets are built, the fancy term is competitive mediocrity. I'm glad he owns the Rams in a league where there's parity or else we'd be looking a lot like Arsenal and the Nuggets (competitive but can't win it all)


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Lotta mind reading goin on here ,and I suppose Stan not saying much causes people to attempt to do that,but in the end they aren't professionals at the art .I'll stick with what Peter King had to say about it ,he said ,he wants the Rams to mean as much to St.Loius as the Cardinals do,his people acted that way in the case of those Ferguson football players . he's trying to erase the John Shaw bottom line ethos in this community I interpret he wants to stay and wants to be wanted to stay,nothing wrong with that


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
And just to be clear... Jacksonville is actually located in South Georgia as far as any real Floridian is concerned.
