Russian Troops Entering Ukraine

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The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011

Seems like a pretty good breakdown, I agree that on the diplomatic side suspending Russia from the G8 should be done, and cancel the meeting, which I've heard most if not all of the other countries (UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy) are ready to agree to this, as well as some strict economic sanctions. Obviously we want to avoid war, but you can't let Russia just do what they want. If they want to advance further into the country, then I'd say force is likely needed, similar to what happened in the first Gulf War. It's a difficult situation for sure, you need to smack em down but try to avoid a big ass war. I'm certain for all of Putin's talk, if the US, UK, and Canada sent over forces to the area with orders to fire he would back off in a second like a pussy, because he knows it's a war he'd get spanked in. However if you do that and he does have a deathwish, then you have to be worried about potential nuclear actions. Which is why regardless of what happens, you don't follow them into Russia and push that can of worms. Probably going to require a mix of hard and soft power to teach them a lesson, just have to be careful. Too little and he doesn't learn, too much and nukes could fly. In the end I feel Putin is pressing to see just how far he can go, so you stop him there, and let him beat himself. Putin's popularity in Russia fluxes pretty wildly, in December they were the lowest since 2000, in the low 40's, and now they're highest since in inauguration of 2012 in the high 60's (likely due in part to Russia's good showing in the Olympics). However if he pisses everyone off, even China, get's booted from the G8, has uprisings in Crimea, and facing harsh economic sanctions that could be problematic for reelection. Of course since Russia moved to 6 year terms, he's got till 2018, so there's plenty of time for things to change, and he'll be pushing 66 so he may not want to serve until he's 72.

Tricky situation, but two things are certain, Putin sucks and he needs to be smacked down a bit. This is why I couldn't ever be president, I'd just drop a Delta Team in there and tell them to not do anything to him, just leave a Presidential Coin for him to find. Then call him up and say "See that? That's how close I can get, next time they'll be speaking the international language of 5.56"

From the article:

In any event, Washington’s response should be clear and forceful. Russia has violated all kinds of laws and norms, including most crucially, a treaty that it signed with Ukraine guaranteeing that country’s borders, in return for which Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons.
Proving ONLY that disarmament is a game for fools when played with Russia

Honestly first reading this that I knew nothing of the situation on Ukraine but it immediatly made me think of Hitler 'annexing' Austria and the Sudetenland to begin the start of conquest and to give birth to WW11. Hopefully, this all resolves itself.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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Yeah Hillary Clinton said so as well,then she "walked it back", don't ya love how politicians can say something and get to take it back but Riley dumbass Cooper who's word have zero real impact has to live with his forever?


Yeah Hillary Clinton said so as well,then she "walked it back", don't ya love how politicians can say something and get to take it back but Riley dumbass Cooper who's word have zero real impact has to live with his forever?

We need to take the rose colored glasses off. Putin is trying to reassemble the Soviet Union, a piece at a time. Both W and Obama have underestimated this thug. Now they have both been burned and honestly, no one is sure where this is going or how far he will reach into the former satellite states. What options do we have?


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Russia is actually amassing comparatively much greater wealth than they had leading up to the fall of the Soviet Union. They have holds in many of the former block nations. I don't foresee us doing much of anything until Europe and any of the nations immediately threatened by Russia get off their collective asses and ask us to help. Of course it will be under the guise of international peace keeping. Meanwhile, China sits by in practically a no lose situation.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Learn to speak Chinese.


May 28, 2011
Russia is actually amassing comparatively much greater wealth than they had leading up to the fall of the Soviet Union. They have holds in many of the former block nations. I don't foresee us doing much of anything until Europe and any of the nations immediately threatened by Russia get off their collective asses and ask us to help. Of course it will be under the guise of international peace keeping. Meanwhile, China sits by in practically a no lose situation.

I'm not sure how a potentially powerful Russia is a no lose situation for China. In fact its probably up near the top of things they don't want.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I'm not sure how a potentially powerful Russia is a no lose situation for China. In fact its probably up near the top of things they don't want.
They are playing nice together right now and making deals. If Russia continues to get stronger, they can continue to make these deals and profit from them. If the rest of the world bitch slaps Russia, they can stand on the sidelines and watch one of their historically hated rivals get punished. Virtually no one in the world will be surprised or hold China accountable when they eventually don't go along with sanctions or whatever other punishment is deemed appropriate. Just my guess based on history.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Putin will back is just a matter of when.
I agree. Gotta wonder though, how many Ukraines it will take. Once Russia backs down, do they leave those countries or just say, "ok - we'll stop now" and maintain them as Russian Commonwealths?


May 28, 2011
China's end goal at this time is power and influence over the region instead of the United States. That's why they're building up their Navy, essentially they want to do what the US did with the Americas back in the 1800's when we told Europe to stay out of this region and let us handle it. They need a better Navy still though, but they're building up.

So a stronger Russia draws away influence that they could have, as well as likely makes the United States and the western world in general increase their power and presence in the area similar to the cold war. So a stronger Russia would directly fly in the face of what China is aiming for right now, likely pissing them off. Similar to when North Korea was making noise, they do this every so often and China tells them to knock it off behind closed doors. They want the United States out, but that doesn't happen when their neighbors act out.


I agree. Gotta wonder though, how many Ukraines it will take. Once Russia backs down, do they leave those countries or just say, "ok - we'll stop now" and maintain them as Russian Commonwealths?

After the Russian speaking population in Crimea votes to succeed to Russia, then the fun begins. Then the ante goes up! Someone has got to blink.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
China's end goal at this time is power and influence over the region instead of the United States. That's why they're building up their Navy, essentially they want to do what the US did with the Americas back in the 1800's when we told Europe to stay out of this region and let us handle it. They need a better Navy still though, but they're building up.

So a stronger Russia draws away influence that they could have, as well as likely makes the United States and the western world in general increase their power and presence in the area similar to the cold war. So a stronger Russia would directly fly in the face of what China is aiming for right now, likely pissing them off. Similar to when North Korea was making noise, they do this every so often and China tells them to knock it off behind closed doors. They want the United States out, but that doesn't happen when their neighbors act out.

Their end goal is helped by Russia having to waste resources and world image. In the short term, they'll take Russia beating some drums and the world confronting them.


May 28, 2011
If Russia fails then it doesn't matter, but if Russia is doomed to fail regardless why should we bother getting worked up over it? However if Russia is only going to be stopped if they get big enough that the EU is threatened, then they'll be big enough that they threaten China's influence of the region, meaning it's too late for them to be able to sit back, do nothing, and then essentially win by default.


Jan 14, 2013
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May 28, 2011
The EU, USA, militarily, China, EU, USA, economically, Russian people via pressure. He's not untouchable by any means.


Jan 14, 2013
I would not consider the present US economy as being anything but feeble & weak.

Guess we could use the over $100 trillion of the US debt & heap it on top of Putin ....yep come to think of it your right that could do it!.


May 28, 2011
So you think that the US economy, despite being by far the largest economy in the world, almost double that of the next largest and over 8 times larger than Russia doesn't mean anything? There may be issues with our economy but it is anything but feeble or weak. The EU, when combining their economy is just as large and strong. I'd say that's pretty significant.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
If Russia fails then it doesn't matter, but if Russia is doomed to fail regardless why should we bother getting worked up over it? However if Russia is only going to be stopped if they get big enough that the EU is threatened, then they'll be big enough that they threaten China's influence of the region, meaning it's too late for them to be able to sit back, do nothing, and then essentially win by default.

Too many red herrings.

The EU is already threatened by his actions due to proximity. I never said that Russia was doomed to fail. They can create a lot of destabilization in the region, which could in turn bring about a lot of other issues between neighboring EU and former Soviet Block nations. They already are big enough to threaten China's influence in Asia. No one is going to win anything by default. If you spread yourself thin, you weaken your position. It's history revisited.