Russian Troops Entering Ukraine

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Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #63
Sorry about that- posting under the influence there. Apologies to all.
I suppose the writer of that article was "under the influence " of some factions world view that equates what Russia is doing to annex territory to our efforts in the middle East . Funny when your motivation is to prove inequalities to be equal how far afield one can go.


Mar 12, 2014
If you think Europe is too afraid to fight, or that they would just sit back or that we would allow Russia to do anything remotely what you're suggesting you're completely off base. If Russia even positioned themselves for that they would be crushed. Their military is not that strong, not even close. French aren't afraid to fight either, France of the 30's and France of the present are two completely different animals.

Honestly I think the whole world will be to afraid to fight. The economic and logistical fallout would be a nightmare. Russia through the CSTO is allies with former Muslim nations of the old Soviet Union. In the SCO they are allied with China and again some former Soviet Muslims nations. Then they are allied with India, Iran and Syria. So in a shooting war ya would no doubt have Russia the worlds top oil producer shutting down any oil to the west. Ya throw in Iran and Syria as allies and they are gonna see how attentions are off of them so they spark a conflict in the Middle East namely making a first grab at Iraq, who is no were a place to fully protect itself. Instantly much of the worlds oil is turned off to the west.

The US can always count on the UK, Oz, and Canada the rest of NATO, would be a toss up as many of those countries and Russia have economical ties so I can see most if not all sitting it out.

Depending how bad of a shooting war goes down China, sees it's chance to reunite Taiwan. So a prolonged war with Russia plays into a unrecognized for years dream of China unite Taiwan and our attentions are elsewhere so they make their move. No way would North Korea sit still if China made a move so they move on South Korea. Meanwhile we are over taxed to defend allies we have. After coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan our nation is war weary and will not want to pay the large cost to put boots on the ground to defend our allies. So a large call from our populous to just get out will be heard in Washington.

So in fact a shooting war would favor Putin more so than us as he is well aware of sentiment around the world and how many nations are not at all happy we are the worlds super power. He is also aware how his allies control as well as are in a position to shut down oil. Combined with the fact he is aware that this not the 1940's so the west will not stand for to long of having their comfortable lifestyles interrupted.

An France? They and Germany have been selling Russia advanced weapons for oil since 2003 now and in some of the worlds eyes they are seen as allies.

So even a limited or surgical war would play to Russia's advantage as they would expand it and include a world that is less friendly to us than most realize. They (Russia) would have no problem using their troops as cannon fodder to realize a bigger national strategy. They never have been shy when it comes to that. So Putin and this military of his ya think is not to strong is in a great position to lose the battles and yet win the war.

So diplomacy is all we have right now and no way would I see our current president doing anything beyond what a drone strike could do. So if diplomacy breaks down we will do some token sanctions which will have no real effect as to many nations interest lie with Russia more so than us in that corner of the world. An many nations would relish the US getting bogged down with Russia to realize their national goals they currently see us as a roadblock from accomplishing.


Russia may win the the short term. In the long run, they will face more terrorism and financial hardships. Putin is a Thug and is resembling a 21st century Hitler.


Mar 12, 2014
Russia may win the the short term. In the long run, they will face more terrorism and financial hardships. Putin is a Thug and is resembling a 21st century Hitler.

The best thing we could do to put a hurt on him would be for our government here at home to stabilize the dollar since oil is traded in dollars and then drill baby drill. Since a good portion of their economy is dependent upon the commodities market. Stabilize the dollar bringing the price of those commodities down widens the exchange rate between the dollar and ruble which has been trading in the .02750-.02730 range or one ruble equals 2 cents. So a stabilized dollar could cut the value of the ruble in half and send a backlash from his own populous. I doubt seriously though our politicians would consider stabilizing the dollar as a measure to take against him or drilling more which is a shame as both would be very beneficial to us here at home.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #67
The best thing we could do to put a hurt on him would be for our government here at home to stabilize the dollar since oil is traded in dollars and then drill baby drill. Since a good portion of their economy is dependent upon the commodities market. Stabilize the dollar bringing the price of those commodities down widens the exchange rate between the dollar and ruble which has been trading in the .02750-.02730 range or one ruble equals 2 cents. So a stabilized dollar could cut the value of the ruble in half and send a backlash from his own populous. I doubt seriously though our politicians would consider stabilizing the dollar as a measure to take against him or drilling more which is a shame as both would be very beneficial to us here at home.

Yeah Legend it's a dog gone shame how much our national resolve has eroded these last thirty years.
Funny , we root out the Communists in Europe they change flags take over the environmental movement here and are more damaging to us than all of Kruschev's missiles.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #68
Russia may win the the short term. In the long run, they will face more terrorism and financial hardships. Putin is a Thug and is resembling a 21st century Hitler.

Dunno about the terrorism angle there , terrorists kind of dry up where they get punished swiftly and decidedly and where pro active measures are the same, financial hardships ? yes , the economy he's built on graft can't stand much.
What could be the best way to defeat Putin and his, would be to expose them and where they are hiding their wealth.
I sort of see the continent model evolving on into the 21'st century


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Honestly I think the whole world will be to afraid to fight. The economic and logistical fallout would be a nightmare. Russia through the CSTO is allies with former Muslim nations of the old Soviet Union. In the SCO they are allied with China and again some former Soviet Muslims nations. Then they are allied with India, Iran and Syria. So in a shooting war ya would no doubt have Russia the worlds top oil producer shutting down any oil to the west. Ya throw in Iran and Syria as allies and they are gonna see how attentions are off of them so they spark a conflict in the Middle East namely making a first grab at Iraq, who is no were a place to fully protect itself. Instantly much of the worlds oil is turned off to the west.

The US can always count on the UK, Oz, and Canada the rest of NATO, would be a toss up as many of those countries and Russia have economical ties so I can see most if not all sitting it out.

Depending how bad of a shooting war goes down China, sees it's chance to reunite Taiwan. So a prolonged war with Russia plays into a unrecognized for years dream of China unite Taiwan and our attentions are elsewhere so they make their move. No way would North Korea sit still if China made a move so they move on South Korea. Meanwhile we are over taxed to defend allies we have. After coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan our nation is war weary and will not want to pay the large cost to put boots on the ground to defend our allies. So a large call from our populous to just get out will be heard in Washington.

So in fact a shooting war would favor Putin more so than us as he is well aware of sentiment around the world and how many nations are not at all happy we are the worlds super power. He is also aware how his allies control as well as are in a position to shut down oil. Combined with the fact he is aware that this not the 1940's so the west will not stand for to long of having their comfortable lifestyles interrupted.

An France? They and Germany have been selling Russia advanced weapons for oil since 2003 now and in some of the worlds eyes they are seen as allies.

So even a limited or surgical war would play to Russia's advantage as they would expand it and include a world that is less friendly to us than most realize. They (Russia) would have no problem using their troops as cannon fodder to realize a bigger national strategy. They never have been shy when it comes to that. So Putin and this military of his ya think is not to strong is in a great position to lose the battles and yet win the war.

So diplomacy is all we have right now and no way would I see our current president doing anything beyond what a drone strike could do. So if diplomacy breaks down we will do some token sanctions which will have no real effect as to many nations interest lie with Russia more so than us in that corner of the world. An many nations would relish the US getting bogged down with Russia to realize their national goals they currently see us as a roadblock from accomplishing.
Welcome to the fray. Good post bye the way. I could do without the red font for certain reasons but the points are pretty much a harsh look at reality.


Mar 11, 2014
The best thing we could do to put a hurt on him would be for our government here at home to stabilize the dollar since oil is traded in dollars and then drill baby drill. Since a good portion of their economy is dependent upon the commodities market. Stabilize the dollar bringing the price of those commodities down widens the exchange rate between the dollar and ruble which has been trading in the .02750-.02730 range or one ruble equals 2 cents. So a stabilized dollar could cut the value of the ruble in half and send a backlash from his own populous. I doubt seriously though our politicians would consider stabilizing the dollar as a measure to take against him or drilling more which is a shame as both would be very beneficial to us here at home.

Keystone pipeline anyone??! (it's a "no brainer" actually!)


Mar 11, 2014
Oh, and by the way, I find it supremely hypocritical that the current administration in the White House finds the Crimean referendum unacceptable and illegal. I can't imagine a more rigged vote than the last one you guys had done there in the States! And after reading "Culture of corruption" by Michelle Malkin the prez shouldn't be pointing ANY fingers at anyone, anywhere.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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  • #74
Keystone pipeline anyone??! (it's a "no brainer" actually!)
Except of course the powers that want to bring America to it's knees have gained enormous sway within the environmental movement and are more effective there than they've ever been anywhere else.


Jan 14, 2013
Ukrainian helicopters downed as 'highly skilled' Russian separatists resist Kiev offensive
Two Ukrainian helicopters were shot down amid clashes with "highly skilled foreign military men" in the key eastern city of Slavyansk, where a fierce effort by Kiev to regain control from pro-Russian separatists brought the nations closer to the brink........


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The conspiracy theory side of me feels like this whole affair is an orchestrated "wag the dog" event and when I say orchestrated, I mean by multiple leaders of countries involved. Endgame? I haven't a clue.
Yup, of course it's orchestrated, war always is. I gotta admit, I haven't been following this issue at all, so I can't even start to try to figure out the backstory here. But one thing I am certain of, the media is of no help at all in uncovering the underlying motives.


Mar 12, 2014
Yup, of course it's orchestrated, war always is. I gotta admit, I haven't been following this issue at all, so I can't even start to try to figure out the backstory here. But one thing I am certain of, the media is of no help at all in uncovering the underlying motives.

The backstory is back in Feb, the Ukraine ousted pro Russian president Yanukoyvch and freed the jailed opposition leader Tymoshenko. The Crimea came under the orb of Russian influence with the defeat of the Ottomans during the Russo-Turkish war and the Crimea was part of Russia until 1954 when it was handed over to the Ukraine, making many Russians unhappy with that decision. So the area is highly Russian ethnic. So his reason for invasion was for ethnic Russians as he has referred to some of the area as Novorossiya or New Russia which is what Catherine the Great called it. An he has made the statement............."Russia lost these territories for various reasons, but the people remained." So his reason is for ethnic Russians.

Does he have a bigger plan for more of the Ukraine it could be possible as he has also said.............That the demise of the Soviet Union in 91 was the biggest geopolitical disaster of the century and left millions of Russians outside Russian territory. So his backstory is he is doing this for the ethnic Russians. Depending on how this all turns out Latvia, could possibly end up another hot spot and on Russian radar since about one third of ethnic Russians there are deemed non citizens so denied certain rights amongst them the right to vote and hold office. So under the guise of defending ethnic Russians Putin could have plans to wage more aggressive actions and bring back into the fold some of the areas he considers a loss and a disaster when the Soviet Union broke apart.


Mar 12, 2014
Except of course the powers that want to bring America to it's knees have gained enormous sway within the environmental movement and are more effective there than they've ever been anywhere else.

Yea crazy how the pipeline is viewed when ya can open the paper and read about major oil spilled and fires ensued from derailed train oil tankers and it's up to 9 or ten separate spills now in the last year. However no worries D.C. says the problem can be solved with more regulation so we can expect price increases after they get involved. Yet a pipeline lays unbuilt when it would seem to me it would be safer than shipping by rail. So who knows, I shudder when I hear Washington say oh the problem is we just need more regulation.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
The backstory is back in Feb, the Ukraine ousted pro Russian president Yanukoyvch and freed the jailed opposition leader Tymoshenko. The Crimea came under the orb of Russian influence with the defeat of the Ottomans during the Russo-Turkish war and the Crimea was part of Russia until 1954 when it was handed over to the Ukraine, making many Russians unhappy with that decision. So the area is highly Russian ethnic. So his reason for invasion was for ethnic Russians as he has referred to some of the area as Novorossiya or New Russia which is what Catherine the Great called it. An he has made the statement............."Russia lost these territories for various reasons, but the people remained." So his reason is for ethnic Russians.

Does he have a bigger plan for more of the Ukraine it could be possible as he has also said.............That the demise of the Soviet Union in 91 was the biggest geopolitical disaster of the century and left millions of Russians outside Russian territory. So his backstory is he is doing this for the ethnic Russians. Depending on how this all turns out Latvia, could possibly end up another hot spot and on Russian radar since about one third of ethnic Russians there are deemed non citizens so denied certain rights amongst them the right to vote and hold office. So under the guise of defending ethnic Russians Putin could have plans to wage more aggressive actions and bring back into the fold some of the areas he considers a loss and a disaster when the Soviet Union broke apart.

Thanks for that.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The backstory is back in Feb, the Ukraine ousted pro Russian president Yanukoyvch and freed the jailed opposition leader Tymoshenko. The Crimea came under the orb of Russian influence with the defeat of the Ottomans during the Russo-Turkish war and the Crimea was part of Russia until 1954 when it was handed over to the Ukraine, making many Russians unhappy with that decision. So the area is highly Russian ethnic. So his reason for invasion was for ethnic Russians as he has referred to some of the area as Novorossiya or New Russia which is what Catherine the Great called it. An he has made the statement............."Russia lost these territories for various reasons, but the people remained." So his reason is for ethnic Russians.

Does he have a bigger plan for more of the Ukraine it could be possible as he has also said.............That the demise of the Soviet Union in 91 was the biggest geopolitical disaster of the century and left millions of Russians outside Russian territory. So his backstory is he is doing this for the ethnic Russians. Depending on how this all turns out Latvia, could possibly end up another hot spot and on Russian radar since about one third of ethnic Russians there are deemed non citizens so denied certain rights amongst them the right to vote and hold office. So under the guise of defending ethnic Russians Putin could have plans to wage more aggressive actions and bring back into the fold some of the areas he considers a loss and a disaster when the Soviet Union broke apart.
The Kremlin couldn't care less about ethnic Russians. Did their puppet in the Crimea give them special access to resources, or perhaps there were some favorable economic deals in play that are now jeopardized?

By the way, my grandparents escaped from Latvia around 1910.