It's official. DRich is the starter...

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May 28, 2011
albefree69 said:
CoachO with some good observations:
I don't disagree with the premise of him "earning" the STARTER's role. From a pure rushing standpoint, he definitely is explosive. My concern with him is two-fold. With this running style, he is going to take a LOT of hits. I just don't think he is capable of being much more than a 12-15 carry a game guy.

The other thing, and IMO, the more important issue, he just doesn't get the job done in pass blocking. He gets over powered. Its THIS reason alone, that IMO, PEAD will be a big part of what they do. If only as a 3rd down back. So be it.
I agree with that. I think Pead is going to get a lot of work as our #2.

Probably be closer to 50/50 than not. Richardson will probably get a few more carries, but I don't think Pead will be that far behind him, at least not in snap count. I'd say probably 15 or so carries for Richardson, about 10 for pead, and 5 for the 3rd guy would be close to how things pan out. Average to about 30 runs per game (last year we averaged 25.6, Seacocks were first with 33.5)... However because of Pead's pass blocking ability he could potentially be in the game for more overall snaps, even if he gets less touches, depending on how well Richardson blocks.


Hall of Fame
Jan 11, 2013
lockdnram21 said:
albefree69 said:
CoachO with some good observations:
I don't disagree with the premise of him "earning" the STARTER's role. From a pure rushing standpoint, he definitely is explosive. My concern with him is two-fold. With this running style, he is going to take a LOT of hits. I just don't think he is capable of being much more than a 12-15 carry a game guy.

The other thing, and IMO, the more important issue, he just doesn't get the job done in pass blocking. He gets over powered. Its THIS reason alone, that IMO, PEAD will be a big part of what they do. If only as a 3rd down back. So be it.
I agree with that. I think Pead is going to get a lot of work as our #2.

I disagree I think either Cunningham or Stacy will end up being the number 2

Could be. Bu from what Ive seen so far. Neither is consistent in the pass blocking phase yet. But as Fisher stated. They are still evruating guys.


Hall of Fame
Sep 22, 2012
bluecoconuts mirroring my thoughts.
Probably be closer to 50/50 than not. Richardson will probably get a few more carries, but I don't think Pead will be that far behind him, at least not in snap count. I'd say probably 15 or so carries for Richardson, about 10 for pead, and 5 for the 3rd guy would be close to how things pan out. However because of Pead's pass blocking ability he could potentially be in the game for more overall snaps, even if he gets less touches, depending on how well Richardson blocks.
That' what I see too.

CoachO not liking Pead's pass blocking:
Neither is consistent in the pass blocking phase yet.

I haven't seen him practicing but he's been excellent in the games. Pretty much head and shoulders above any of the other RBs. I've also heard others rave about his pass blocking in camp but you see something different so I'm not sure what to think about that. Still, while I agree that the battle isn't over yet, I think it's DR's unless something unexpected happens and so far, I think Fisher thinks that too.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Look at what Eddie Lacy did in his first game (against us, BTW).

Have we seen anything like that from Pead? No. I'm not writing the guy off, but it's not come easy for him and that's got huge alarm bells going off in my mind.

He's a good blocker? Okay. But this position is about running the ball.

I think it's Richardson and... Stacy. Pead could be trade bait with Cunningham as our #3.

I hope Pead shows up and does something. But the clock is ticking in my book.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
albefree69 said:
Lacy had the advantage of facing a defense that couldn't tackle.

And... Pead had the handicap of Cincinnati late graduation?

Look; I'm sure there are people that think I have a hate-on for Pead. I don't. I want him to succeed. But, I'm done talking about it and ready to see it.


Mar 9, 2013
Fisher has given Pead every chance in the world. Returns, starting role, backup role, motion to WR.. he hasn't done great in really any of them. #2 job is up for taking by Stacy or Cunningham.


May 28, 2011
CGI_Ram said:
Look at what Eddie Lacy did in his first game (against us, BTW).

Have we seen anything like that from Pead? No. I'm not writing the guy off, but it's not come easy for him and that's got huge alarm bells going off in my mind.

He's a good blocker? Okay. But this position is about running the ball.

I think it's Richardson and... Stacy. Pead could be trade bait with Cunningham as our #3.

I hope Pead shows up and does something. But the clock is ticking in my book.

Have we seen that from anyone?


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
bluecoconuts said:
CGI_Ram said:
Look at what Eddie Lacy did in his first game (against us, BTW).

Have we seen anything like that from Pead? No. I'm not writing the guy off, but it's not come easy for him and that's got huge alarm bells going off in my mind.

He's a good blocker? Okay. But this position is about running the ball.

I think it's Richardson and... Stacy. Pead could be trade bait with Cunningham as our #3.

I hope Pead shows up and does something. But the clock is ticking in my book.

Have we seen that from anyone?


And... everyone else hasn't had the chances that Pead has had.

At RB... either you have it, or you don't. You can run in this league or you can't. With Pead... and all his chances... we keep waiting and making excuses.

Again, I might sound like a hater... but I'm just speaking the truth to this point.


May 10, 2012
I think D Rich won the job EASILY- I think he gets the majority of the snaps as our RB- I think he get 15-20 runs- the rest get 10-15. Pead just isn't better- DR is MUCH more decisive in his runs. He beat him out last year, and did so again- no close imho.


Mar 9, 2013
Dayl just hits the holes so well. Pead flinches and just doesn't look all that great hitting the hole. I still think Pead could be traded.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Old story:
Two guys are hiking in the back country of Montana, they break into a meadow and walk towards the center , about 60 yards in they see a mama bear with her cubs, they freeze ,one says,"think we can outrun that bear to the trees ?" the other says "I don't have to" first one says "huh" second one kicks him in the shin and says " I just have to outrun you".

POINT: All this DR vs. Pead talk misses the point ,Pead just has to perform well enough to be in the top four and he makes the team and won't be traded ( TD prediction kiss of death?)He has to beat UDFA's and FWIW DR for all the love we shower on him doesn't have the heft to dominate the carries the WAY he runs his carries NEED to be limited, I think Fisher gives Pead another year to "find himself " and again DR doesn't need to beat him for week one, Goodel made that decision.


Jan 12, 2013
CoachO said:
I'm not quite sure why this quote is making such a HEADLINE, or is it just me? Doesn't sound like a resounding endorsement to me!!!!!

Jeff Fisher:
(On if the starting running back job is more clear defined at this point in the preseason)
“Basically from a starting standpoint, yeah, I think Daryl would probably take the first snap against Arizona. But, as far as who’s going to come in, that remains to be seen. We still have some more evaluating to do.”
Yup, it's not like he's going to take every snap from week one to final play. But I do think he's ahead or the rest at present, just have to see how this goes