What will it take to resign/extend Cooks

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Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Yeah I know, it's one of the reasons why I love the line so much. It's classic Lucas crappy dialog.

I would still disagree. If I'm in a boxing match and my opponent is a woman, I wouldn't be afraid to hit her. To do anything different would be disrespectful and unfair to her, she is there to fight not to have someone go easy on her or let her win.

Similarly if I see a woman in the process of killing someone, I wouldn't hesitate to knock her ass out, for the safety of others. Or if it was a combat situation in a war zone.

Women who voluntarily make themselves a combatant are just that to me, a combatant. That doesn't mean that you knock the crap out of your woman because you're drunk, or she burned dinner, or ran her mouth off or something like that. That's completely different.
The police: "So you just stood there and watched her murder 10 children?"
Not me: "Well yes, Officer. I was going to stop her, but I didn't want to risk hurting her."


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Yeah I know, it's one of the reasons why I love the line so much. It's classic Lucas crappy dialog.

I would still disagree. If I'm in a boxing match and my opponent is a woman, I wouldn't be afraid to hit her. To do anything different would be disrespectful and unfair to her, she is there to fight not to have someone go easy on her or let her win.

Similarly if I see a woman in the process of killing someone, I wouldn't hesitate to knock her ass out, for the safety of others. Or if it was a combat situation in a war zone.

Women who voluntarily make themselves a combatant are just that to me, a combatant. That doesn't mean that you knock the crap out of your woman because you're drunk, or she burned dinner, or ran her mouth off or something like that. That's completely different.



Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Jesus fucking Christ guys!

How about this. You don’t abuse children or animals.

Does that work for y’all?

Seriously - what the fuck?

I was trying to say that what I (we all) love about this site is we don’t call each other names.

(Which I’m starting to rethink btw)

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
In all seriousness every single thread champ sinks his teeth into on this forum ends up in this manner its ridiculous tbh. I click to read about the possible money it will take to hook cooks, and I get this garbage from champ and 7 pages of arguments off topic it needs to stop seriously.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
He seems to get into a mode sometimes where he just says crap he knows will get a rise out of people.
So...no merit in my position...
Cooks didn't have a choice to act concussed or not - everyone saw the hit and they took him to the tent right away as he was walking off the field.

Toughness had no more to do with it than toughness gets you ahead of the line in a drive through. He only had one direction to go - straight to the protocol tent. Ten years ago he'd have had a say. Not now. The league has too much to lose to take chances on such clear concussions.
No true....we all witnessed Russell Wilson leave the tent....with just as vicious collision....in a game no where as large as the super bowl.

Every play...some player is impacting his helmet....every play...someone sees stars....yet many of you would like every single one of these guys to leave the field...:dizzy:

There is no safe level....it's all dangerous...as long as Cooks isn't getting targeted, I don't see a "greater" risk involved in trying to stay on the field.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
In all seriousness every single thread champ sinks his teeth into on this forum ends up in this manner its ridiculous tbh. I click to read about the possible money it will take to hook cooks, and I get this garbage from champ and 7 pages of arguments off topic it needs to stop seriously.

So, my opinion is garbage.....and you wanted to add by saying.....what? Every thread I'm involved in , turns into garbage....wow....thanks for that rabid....glad to have your input on garbage today...do you feel better now?


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
Agree with OldSchool 150%. This was an unwarranted attack on the toughness of a brand new RAM. A RAM that will fill a very important position on this team. If it was just clowning then lesson learned and I will consider any further posts from LAChamp as clown posts and ignore. No biggie but surprising this type of clowning what a Rams fan wants to be known for.
I don't consider this an attack....it was an observation....and a opinion....he walked off the field....he wasn't carried off...he wasn't stumbling off...In MY opinion, he could have returned...to play a role....DECOY. And I get all this....hell, some even compared this to MMa....tapping out....hitting women....all to avoid discussing my point. What some players will do to play....what I'd consider a #1 wr....who deserves to receive 15 million a season....not a smallish guy that can get knocked out of super bowls....


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Glad to be of assistance....listen, dudes have played with concussions....will play with concussions...and with worse things than concussions....
That doesn't make you special. I've done that, and it didn't make me any more of a man. I've also "tapped out" before too, so what did that say about me at the time? Got my bell run in a game and immediately saw double and puked 10 minutes later. Decoy? Yeah, that's alright. I'll take a long life over a game any day. No matter how important that game is. Cooks getting his pea slammed and not being able to return says absolutely nothing about his character or love of the game. Also, you can't possibly know where he was mentally or physically after that hit - let alone know how he fared in the tests that followed right afterward. Probably wasn't up to him whether or not he could return. You can't fake "being okay" if you don't pass certain cognitive tests. In closing, my *opinion* of your *opinion* is that it's stupid. This isn't Gladiator battles in Rome circa 260 BC. It's a game. Played by dudes with families who depend on them.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
It's a choice to act concussed???
It's a choice to let the extent of your own concussion known to others....How was R. Wilson allowed to avoid the tent? It was his choice.....if he had one...so does Cooks.
If it was just clowning then lesson learned and I will consider any further posts from LAChamp as clown posts and ignore. No biggie but surprising this type of clowning what a Rams fan wants to be known for.
Clown posts....

You know....when someone's comeback it to label someone...it shows a lack of verbiage to complete a thought....to express oneself....sorta like adding in cuss words...although I also use those for emphasis....

No...not clowning...It's hard for me to understand a guy leaving the super bowl....for any reason...when typically guys get dinged up...and return...it happens every play...in every game...yet I don't see any bleeding hearts for these guys.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
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  • #92
It's a choice to let the extent of your own concussion known to others....How was R. Wilson allowed to avoid the tent? It was his choice.....if he had one...so does Cooks.
Clown posts....

You know....when someone's comeback it to label someone...it shows a lack of verbiage to complete a thought....to express oneself....sorta like adding in cuss words...although I also use those for emphasis....

No...not clowning...It's hard for me to understand a guy leaving the super bowl....for any reason...when typically guys get dinged up...and return...it happens every play...in every game...yet I don't see any bleeding hearts for these guys.
It's not rocket science here man it's really very simple. The NFL has a policy in place that players aren't allowed back on the field. If you'd watched any games over the last few years you'd know this. Instead of knowing the rules of the game you continually insult a player. Pull your head out and pay attention to the rules.


The following were developed with the NFLPA and are now being implemented:

-- Impact seizure and fencing responses are each independent signs of loss of consciousness and represent "no go" criteria under the current protocol. Players who display either of these signs at any time shall be removed from play and may not return to the game.

-- A player who stumbles and/or falls to the ground when trying to stand, unrelated to an orthopedic injury, should be sent directly to the locker room to undergo the standard locker room exam. If he passes all phases of this exam and is cleared by the UNC and the team MD in charge of concussion care then the player could return to the game.

-- Officials, teammates, and coaching staffs are instructed to take an injured player directly to a member of the medical team for a concussion assessment.

-- All players who undergo any concussion evaluation on game day shall have a follow-up evaluation conducted the following day by a member of the medical staff.

-- The implementation of a pilot program utilizing a centralized UNC based at the league office to monitor the broadcast feeds of all games. The UNC will contact the team medical staff on the sideline to ensure it is aware of the play's video.

-- A third UNC will available at all playoff games and the Super Bowl.

Hate to break it to you but playing with a concussion is one of the most ignorant things you can do. It doesn't make you tough. It doesn't make you macho. It doesn't make you better than anybody else. It makes you a world class idiot.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
That doesn't make you special. I've done that, and it didn't make me any more of a man. I've also "tapped out" before too, so what did that say about me at the time? Got my bell run in a game and immediately saw double and puked 10 minutes later. Decoy? Yeah, that's alright. I'll take a long life over a game any day. No matter how important that game is. Cooks getting his pea slammed and not being able to return says absolutely nothing about his character or love of the game. Also, you can't possibly know where he was mentally or physically after that hit - let alone know how he fared in the tests that followed right afterward. Probably wasn't up to him whether or not he could return. You can't fake "being okay" if you don't pass certain cognitive tests. In closing, my *opinion* of your *opinion* is that it's stupid. This isn't Gladiator battles in Rome circa 260 BC. It's a game. Played by dudes with families who depend on them.
Well thought out reply my man....I posted your entire response because this is how this game is played....

Never said he was special...or less special....Just question if this is the type of player you want to extend at this moment....esp. considering the other players that HAVEN'T been offered a new contract.

Again....the questions asked aren't difficult....Wilson got out of answering them....Cooks could too.

So, while my opinion appears "stupid" to you my good friend...it's still a valid point. Guys that check out of super bowls...due to concussions...hard hits...need to be carefully considered BEFORE offers of long-term high salaries.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
So, while my opinion appears "stupid" to you my good friend...it's still a valid point. Guys that check out of super bowls...due to concussions...hard hits...need to be carefully considered BEFORE offers of long-term high salaries.
Or not get knocked out in a game.
That'll work also.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
Hate to break it to you but playing with a concussion is one of the most ignorant things you can do. It doesn't make you tough. It doesn't make you macho. It doesn't make you better than anybody else. It makes you a world class idiot.
Dudes are playing with concussions....you think there aren't minor concussions on every play...every kick off....every snap for the center....you're fooling yourself.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
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  • #96
Dudes are playing with concussions....you think there aren't minor concussions on every play...every kick off....every snap for the center....you're fooling yourself.
When did I ever deny that? You're trying to make an excuse for why he should have played when the rules of the NFL approved by the NFLPA and bitched about so much during all these concussion law suits make it so he cannot play. I'm sorry you think it's some badge of honor but the rules are very simple that even somebody who's risked their mental wellness by playing with a concussion knowingly could understand. If you get evaluated by an NFL appointed doctor and are discovered to have had or even possibly have had a concussion they take your helmet away from you and you are not allowed to play. I'm sorry that you can't understand this and would rather insult a mans integrity for getting his bell rung.


Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
That doesn't make you special. I've done that, and it didn't make me any more of a man. I've also "tapped out" before too, so what did that say about me at the time? Got my bell run in a game and immediately saw double and puked 10 minutes later. Decoy? Yeah, that's alright. I'll take a long life over a game any day. No matter how important that game is. Cooks getting his pea slammed and not being able to return says absolutely nothing about his character or love of the game. Also, you can't possibly know where he was mentally or physically after that hit - let alone know how he fared in the tests that followed right afterward. Probably wasn't up to him whether or not he could return. You can't fake "being okay" if you don't pass certain cognitive tests. In closing, my *opinion* of your *opinion* is that it's stupid. This isn't Gladiator battles in Rome circa 260 BC. It's a game. Played by dudes with families who depend on them.
Very articulate and well put, for some hippie that just abides?



Classic Rams

Hall of Fame
Jan 15, 2016
Man.... are we bored or what? Can't wait for the draft to start already!

:argue::argue: :argue:



Jan 14, 2013
Dudes are playing with concussions....you think there aren't minor concussions on every play...every kick off....every snap for the center....you're fooling yourself.

You seem to fail at the difference between levels of concussions. Yes, if he simply got a minor concussion and got right back up he may have been able to fake it as many have. But he obviously got knocked out. As in unconscious laying on the turf not moving. At that point, he wasn't going to be allowed back into the game. It wouldn't be allowed even if Cooks wanted to be back in the game. It wasn't up to him. End discussion.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
When did I ever deny that? You're trying to make an excuse for why he should have played when the rules of the NFL approved by the NFLPA and bitched about so much during all these concussion law suits make it so he cannot play. I'm sorry you think it's some badge of honor but the rules are very simple that even somebody who's risked their mental wellness by playing with a concussion knowingly could understand. If you get evaluated by an NFL appointed doctor and are discovered to have had or even possibly have had a concussion they take your helmet away from you and you are not allowed to play. I'm sorry that you can't understand this and would rather insult a mans integrity for getting his bell rung.
Rules need to be followed by all, otherwise a "soft" rule...is basically no rule at all. Wilson played after a similar hit. Cooks could have also returned.
Yes, if he simply got a minor concussion and got right back up he may have been able to fake it as many have. But he obviously got knocked out. As in unconscious laying on the turf not moving.
Didn't see it like this psycho....I saw a guy hit hard....and stand up almost immediately. And then walk, under his own power, to the sideline.