Seat belts!

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Do you wear yours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 95.2%
  • No

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I don't agree with it being against the law for not wearing one, my choice to not wear a seatbelt will not endanger another driver
That said, I do wear mine because I like actually seeing my kids grow up


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
It's not about being a nanny state infringing on your liberties, it's about being a responsible state, reducing unnecessary cost and wasted time from needing to peel you from the street from an otherwise survivable collision. It's about not having our doctors spend all their time caring for patients who would otherwise be fine and out of care because they weren't wearing a seatbelt. It's about not having our law enforcement and first responders there for hours and pushing others in need to the backburner. It's also more economical, as those who don't wear seatbelts cost hospitals more than those who do.

I mean, don't wear your seatbelt, do wear your seatbelt, that's on you, but at least understand that the laws aren't there to keep you from living your life how you want it, it's to prevent you from preventing someone else from living theirs.
Well, then there is the insurance companies.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
my 2004 explorer wont quit "binging" until mine goes on. my fusion refuses to drive without both front seat belts being worn. i've actually used one since 1997 when i was required by my job to wear it. i have a story about how a seat belt damn near helped kill one of my friends, and i have stories how they've saved some folks.
if they were really serious about safety, they'd make a better seat belt. and make tougher standards to get and to keep a driver's license. (dashcams should be required like in Russia, to help prove guilt in car crashes.)
the most comfortable seat belt i've ever worn was the 5-point i wore while racing 4 cylinders. i had a head on with another car when i was spun which destroyed his car (mine had minimal damage). i think i had a slight concussion through all of it.
i'm now to the point where it doesnt feel right without a seat belt on. hey, if someone doesnt want to wear one, maybe that helps cull the herd a bit . just sayin'.


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
Only time I don't wear a seat belt is when I am riding a quad. Other than that. I always make sure I'm buckled in before my car goes into 1st. Click it or ticket!


Here we f’n go, baby!
Sep 7, 2014
Since 1987, when my son was born.

Every time.....


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
So how does the passenger seat know if there is someone sitting in it?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
So how does the passenger seat know if there is someone sitting in it?

There is a sensor that only takes about 20 pounds to react. I have had groceries set my off and it dings nonstop.

I won't even pull out of the garage without my seatbelt on. In fact I don't allow anyone to even be a passenger without putting it on.

True story.........the reason I started wearing one is a coworker and friend lost his life in a low speed accident, the investigators told the family his car was going somewhere between 20-25 MPH. He hit his head and the internal damage killed him. It was horrible. Had he been wearing his seat belt he would have been fine and walked away with a bruise from the belt. It was a terrible, terrible tragedy. I worked for his mother and seeing what she went through was so difficult. Both of her sons worked for her and the brother that survived struggled too. It opened my eyes for sure.

Oddly my parents always made all of the kids buckle up, but when I was on my own I didn't until that happened.


I won't say it unless you don't.
Sep 11, 2014
I rarely wear one when I'm driving. When I do it is because the truck will be at such an angle (or possible rollover) as to slide me away from the steering wheel or if in someone else's car who wants me to wear it.

My problems with the seat belt range from they usually they do not fit me well or are a pain to operate (shoulder restraint, not lap belt) to who the freak is the government to tell me how to live my life when the same government has no problem with motorcycles or scooters or entire school buses filled with children and not a freaking seat belt on the entire bus. And where is the government taking responsibility for those people forced to wear a seatbelt who are then killed as a result of wearing the seatbelt? I'm not endangering anyone else by not wearing a seatbelt. That alone should be enough for the government to stay out of it. I'm all for airbags and any other passive restraints to make the vehicle safer for passengers without making someone a criminal.

I support your right to die in defense of your position on the nanny state. Too many people are unwilling to make that ultimate sacrifice. (y)
For the record. I always wear mine, and insist that anyone else in the car wears one too. My conscience won't allow me to do otherwise.


Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
I support your right to die in defense of your position on the nanny state. Too many people are unwilling to make that ultimate sacrifice. (y)
For the record. I always wear mine, and insist that anyone else in the car wears one too. My conscience won't allow me to do otherwise.

Then you better drive your kids to school.(y)


3rd Generation Ramwagoner
Mar 26, 2017
I don't have a choice. My Mustang yells at me if I don't put it on, and my Prius will not only yell at me if mine isn't on, but will also yell at me if I have a heavy amp in the passenger seat and don't buckle it in. I do love my gear and all but I don't think I'd actually buckle it in if it wasn't for the aural assault I get otherwise.

My cars are bigger nannies than the state is.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Won't drive without it on. Neither will the wife.

We had a family friend, same age as the kids who refused to put hers on. We had our Suburban at the time and had left down the right-middle passenger seat to make it easier to get in and out. Well, no sooner than getting underway, the wife does a break check and the friend goes flying all the way from the back seat smashing her face into the back of the front seat. She immediately put her seat belt on and was enthusiastic in doing so going forward.

Only time I recall not wearing a seatbelt was in a taxi in NYC. It was July 11, 2001 (two months to the day before 9/11. We had done some barhopping in lower Manhattan which isn't like me, cuz I don't drink. But we had a few and would have gone to the bar at the top of the twin towers, but they had a dress code, it was hot as hell and we were both in shorts. I had to leave at 5 am to catch my train to make my flight so we were just gonna stay out all night, but getting near 2 am, we were wiped out. So we catch a cab.

You think the cab went fast in Die Hard 3? Well, my friend lived in Harlem, I think on 117th street and that damn cab caught air. I'll never forget, he got us from Wall Street at the lowest part of Manhattan to 117th street in under 8 minutes. He finished the ride by slamming on the breaks and skidding for what seemed like half a block. Both I and my friend slammed into the plexiglass. I was able to turn and mostly hit my shoulder. My friend was caught unaware and he flew through the air like a little sitting Lego dude. He went face first into the plexiglass.

I thought it was funny. My friend, big red splotch on his face ... did not.

Even more reason to always wear a seatbelt.

Now that I live in FL, the land of the worst drivers in history, seatbelts aren't a question... I debate wearing a crash helmet ...


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
A seatbelt saved my life 30 years ago when I rolled my VW Bug 5 times after hitting a deer. The first thing that happened was the doors flying open as I barrel rolled. I ended up with a little scratch on my head from my stupid portable radio banging around.

I have always worn mine and won't start driving until everyone else has on theirs. If you don't like it, drive your own car. I have been wearing mine since the days of lap belts and before any laws requiring them.

Nanny State or not Nanny State, I see both sides of that argument. I tend to side with less laws. But there is definitely a cost factor that can't be passed on to those who choose not to wear a seatbelt.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
I rarely wear one when I'm driving. When I do it is because the truck will be at such an angle (or possible rollover) as to slide me away from the steering wheel or if in someone else's car who wants me to wear it.

My problems with the seat belt range from they usually they do not fit me well or are a pain to operate (shoulder restraint, not lap belt) to who the freak is the government to tell me how to live my life when the same government has no problem with motorcycles or scooters or entire school buses filled with children and not a freaking seat belt on the entire bus. And where is the government taking responsibility for those people forced to wear a seatbelt who are then killed as a result of wearing the seatbelt? I'm not endangering anyone else by not wearing a seatbelt. That alone should be enough for the government to stay out of it. I'm all for airbags and any other passive restraints to make the vehicle safer for passengers without making someone a criminal.

man have you been in a coma for 50 years and just woken up? that talk there is out of the 60s.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Now... do I wear my seat belt??? Honest answer... it depends on which vehicle of mine that I'm driving. My car will not stop alarming until your belt is fastened if you are sitting in either of the front seats. Not the case in my truck... it will just show a red light about the belt that is just so easy to completely ignore. So I wear it in the car, but not in the truck.

that's how i used to be when it wasn't compulsory to wear them in trucks. we had a bull bar on ours so i i felt safe with that. gradually i started to use it in the truck and got comfortable with it. have worn it in the truck since the 90s.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
I will say I don't make passengers wear it unless they are behind me and all kids must wear it in my truck. My truck is a big ass snitch, it will beep every 5-10 seconds if anyone up front isn't wearing it.

in australia if the passenger isn't wearing a seatbelt the driver gets the fine. so everyone in the car wears a seatbelt when i'm driving.



Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
man have you been in a coma for 50 years and just woken up? that talk there is out of the 60s.


Why no I have not been in a coma for I remember the relentless assault on my personal liberty.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Why no I have not been in a coma for I remember the relentless assault on my personal liberty.

When you the that stance there is no arguing with you.

Just remember if there were no laws there would be anarchy.



Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
When you the that stance there is no arguing with you.

Just remember if there were no laws there would be anarchy.


Its a question about freedom and I don't expect you to understand.