Jimmy Kimmel chokes back tears while talking about the Killing of Cecil the Lion

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Jun 17, 2014
That would excuse every atrocity inflicted on every living creature then, yeah?
Including humans.
ahhh finally somebody gets me!

consider all of my above posts to be completely tongue-in-cheek to highlight the upside down outrage in our country. But i say if you say you prefer CHOICE, then get behind CHOICE. If you prefer LIFE then get behind LIFE.

Greg Stone

Jun 20, 2014
We all tend to anthropomorphise animals. I think the reaction is overblown but I personally don't get trophy hunting.


Jun 17, 2014
All I'm asking you to do is just think about it. If you love animals, I think that's great. I can see the majesty in all of creation. If you are a christian, you probably believe that God created life and that makes life sacred. If you are an atheist you probably believe that humans are just simply a part of nature, maybe just another animal worthy of respect like any other. Ok cool!

but it is a double standard to say that we should protect lions and bears and other species that we think are "cool" and then want to put to death another human being. Do you think that lion hasn't killed, raped, or bullied, etc? Of course he has. But we say HEY! that's just nature.

HEY! if you want to take that route don't be mad when someone up the food chain kills you. because that's just nature.

Personally I'm against any form killing humans. Every human has a right to be treated with dignity and respect from conception to natural death. And on the same day this story broke there was a video released that detailed the killing, and parting out of human bodies. and no TV show host cried about that.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
is it bad that i think of lions as just a collection of cells and tissue. If you don't believe in hunting don't hunt. but every person should have a choice. just sayin

Bad, no. Everything that lives is cells and tissue, including humans. Also this isn't hunting. This is cutting off the head of an animal that wasn't provoked or attacking anyone. Just doing what lions do (which is most likely sleeping), lured out, shot with an arrow, was in pain for 40 hours (!), then shot and beheaded. The body was just left to rot.

dude! that's a little extreme!

So was what he did to a lion. Again, who was minding his own business.

Not at all
3/4 of my town live in camo year around
Me personally, can't fire a rifle at a deer but I will let someone else do it and BBQ that axis blackstrap

Hmm, eating it tho is different. Personally, if you hunt for a meal (whether or not you absolutely need to) is perfectly fine for me. Hell, early man did that (and this is coming from a vegetarian). I don't like or agree with killing an animal just to hang it up on a wall. Lion, deer, or otherwise.

But I will not hesitate to use my .45 to kill a rattle snake

For protection? Sure, I can get behind that.

What I think the argument here is not so much the idea of hunting itself but that the way the prized lion was killed and jimmy kimmel weeping on air are the issues

Well yeah, like it has been mentioned earlier, it was repulsive.

With that said - Kimmel is a puss

He is? Why? I feel terrible about this.

And If you've ever seen dudes hunting water buffalo it's just messed up - these big beasts knee deep in water chewing in grass and BLAM !!! It's rather weak

So despite the lion being just cells and connective tissue wouldn't you say there has got to be dignity in all sport ?

It's all weak. Water buffalo, elephants, lions, whatever. Would you like it if a dog was killed that way? Or a wolf, eagle, bear, or anything? Those are all cells and connective tissue too. And so are humans. Just b/c we can doesn't mean we should for no reason.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
I do agree this dentist guy sounds like a complete douchebag , if that's what he calls hunting , he might as well just have gone to a zoo and killed one while asleep in it's cage , that way he wouldn't have had to track it for two days because he's a lousy shot

When I first read this story , I was actually more surprised you could even hunt Lions legally , guess I just assumed they were on some endangered species list , but I guess with $50,000.00 , you can make a lot of red tape disappear

Now I have no problem with hunting , I've hunted myself over the years ,

But lets all remember where that last piece of bacon , or that last cheeseburger you ate came from , living in Iowa , I drive by hog and cattle confinement buildings everyday , is their fate any worse then a Lions

That last cheeseburger you ate probably spent it's whole entire life confined to the inside of a cattle confinement building only to be slaughtered for your dinner plate

How is leading a cow to slaughter any different then a Lion , sure , most think a Lion is a majestic creature , but I don't think that cheeseburger you just ate really cares



May 28, 2011
but it is a double standard to say that we should protect lions and bears and other species that we think are "cool" and then want to put to death another human being. Do you think that lion hasn't killed, raped, or bullied, etc? Of course he has. But we say HEY! that's just nature.

It's not really the same. First humans have the ability to reason, we form social contracts, and part of the social contract is that we give up some of our freedoms (such as murder or stealing) in order to have society be expected to do their best to protect our property and lives. Lions and other animals don't have this ability, they don't have the ability to suppress their ID, they do what feels good, they do what their instinct tells them. Humans don't, that's why we don't walk around killing each other, raping each other, etc.

Plus Lions and many of those animals are endangered, and we're trying to cut back on hunting them in general. Honestly it should be illegal to hunt most of these animals, it serves no purpose in terms of food, it causes chaos to the ecosystem as well.


Jun 17, 2014
First humans have the ability to reason, we form social contracts, and part of the social contract is that we give up some of our freedoms (such as murder or stealing) in order to have society be expected to do their best to protect our property and lives.

well if you are going to use nothing but reason alone, Cecil was 13 years old. Avg lifespan 10-14. he was most likely about to be killed by another lion or run off of his pride and left to starve anyway. so why not allow the local community to make $50,000? That sounds like a perfectly reasonably "social contract".

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
How is leading a cow to slaughter any different then a Lion , sure , most think a Lion is a majestic creature , but I don't think that cheeseburger you just ate really cares


A cow is not a wild animal but a domesticated animal - we use it for leather, tallow, food, fuel, pets, all sorts of things.

A lion is a wild animal - has absolutely no use to humans outside of a trophy - you don't milk a lion. These creatures are under God's dominion

* side note, there is a huge movement away from your "cheeseburger" theory - people want their cows and pigs and chickens treated well. People are demanding quality food and ethical sourcing more and more. McDonald's is going down the tubes - nothing they do is working, people are leaving in droves and the kids don't want to eat there.

I personally raise all my own animals. Cows, pigs, chickens, lamb, turkeys, and goat - and I love them all. But I eat the bulls, the pigs, the eggs, the lamb. It's basically backyard to table. The cool thing is when we sit down for dinner and give our thanks we always mention the name of the animal we are eating. So what I'm getting at is there are lots of us who are seeking a better way to live without denying ourselves a burger.

But there is no such thing as lion burgers - apples and oranges

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
@Angry Ram I think Kimmel is a puss for weeping on air - it's like hold it together dude

Something to get mad about not cry about

View attachment 8479

He did actually hold it together.

well if you are going to use nothing but reason alone, Cecil was 13 years old. Avg lifespan 10-14. he was most likely about to be killed by another lion or run off of his pride and left to starve anyway. so why not allow the local community to make $50,000? That sounds like a perfectly reasonably "social contract".


1. It was a research animal.

2. His cubs would've had a better chance of surviving. You are right another lion would take a place. Said lion would kill all the cubs.

3. There was nothing "allowed" about this. Cecil was LURED off the sanctuary. Then he was killed.

Also, that 50 grand would probably just go into the pockets of the "guides" (btw I think they are just as guilty). Not the community.

I do agree this dentist guy sounds like a complete douchebag , if that's what he calls hunting , he might as well just have gone to a zoo and killed one while asleep in it's cage , that way he wouldn't have had to track it for two days because he's a lousy shot

When I first read this story , I was actually more surprised you could even hunt Lions legally , guess I just assumed they were on some endangered species list , but I guess with $50,000.00 , you can make a lot of red tape disappear

Now I have no problem with hunting , I've hunted myself over the years ,

But lets all remember where that last piece of bacon , or that last cheeseburger you ate came from , living in Iowa , I drive by hog and cattle confinement buildings everyday , is their fate any worse then a Lions

That last cheeseburger you ate probably spent it's whole entire life confined to the inside of a cattle confinement building only to be slaughtered for your dinner plate

How is leading a cow to slaughter any different then a Lion , sure , most think a Lion is a majestic creature , but I don't think that cheeseburger you just ate really cares

I always get these cows, pigs, chickens, arguments.

When a predator kills, it make the kill, eats, and that's it. It doesn't abuse the prey by throwing it around, breaking bones, prod it, or shoot it up with antibiotics. It's disturbing when a human being does it. Yes, I understand they are in it for the business and it's not pretty. Yes, the majority of Americans probably get their meat from places like this. Doesn't excuse the fact the abusers are disgusting individuals.


May 28, 2011
well if you are going to use nothing but reason alone, Cecil was 13 years old. Avg lifespan 10-14. he was most likely about to be killed by another lion or run off of his pride and left to starve anyway. so why not allow the local community to make $50,000? That sounds like a perfectly reasonably "social contract".

Because he wasn't supposed to be hunted, he had cubs to protect, who will likely die now, and a pride to protect. The lions bred for hunting aren't part of a pride, their death doesn't have such drastic affects. If another male comes in, they kill some of the females likely, and kill the young. His job was to protect them.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
I was going to avoid this thread all together , it's probably right up with politics and religion

I could argue both sides


Jun 17, 2014
Because he wasn't supposed to be hunted, he had cubs to protect, who will likely die now, and a pride to protect. The lions bred for hunting aren't part of a pride, their death doesn't have such drastic affects. If another male comes in, they kill some of the females likely, and kill the young. His job was to protect them.
yeah, well, he was about to fail at that job because he was the equivalent of an 85 year old man. So his death was imminent why not make some money. I mean, if you want to base decisions on emotion, I can see what you're saying, but I was under the impression that you were just using human reasoning not emotion.


May 19, 2014
@Angry Ram I think Kimmel is a puss for weeping on air - it's like hold it together dude

Something to get mad about not cry about

View attachment 8479

Is there something inherently "unmanly" about weeping? And hell, it didn't even look like he was weeping on air to me.

Choking back tears = CRYING

Shit man, who cares? We aren't robots. And holding back emotion makes you even more miserable. Been there of late, and the negative effects are terrible on the body.

well if you are going to use nothing but reason alone, Cecil was 13 years old. Avg lifespan 10-14. he was most likely about to be killed by another lion or run off of his pride and left to starve anyway. so why not allow the local community to make $50,000? That sounds like a perfectly reasonably "social contract".


Cecil was also on protected land....and was lured off it, for the express purpose of being killed. Most likely to be killed or run off?

Now you're just reaching for excuses.

I always get these cows, pigs, chickens, arguments.

When a predator kills, it make the kill, eats, and that's it. It doesn't abuse the prey by throwing it around, breaking bones, prod it, or shoot it up with antibiotics. It's disturbing when a human being does it. Yes, I understand they are in it for the business and it's not pretty. Yes, the majority of Americans probably get their meat from places like this. Doesn't excuse the fact the abusers are disgusting individuals.

Yep. And me, for the record, am trying to switch entirely to cage free eggs. And if there was an option that wasn't pricey as hell, I'd be making sure the meat I buy isn't inhumanely treated either. Food INC alone stopped my fast food runs in their tracks years ago.

And still gives me memories. What we do to animals is fucked up, all for the sake of the almighty dollar.

And it's worse, when, in the US, we waste like 40% of the world we produce in the first place.


Jun 17, 2014

Cecil was also on protected land....and was lured off it, for the express purpose of being killed. Most likely to be killed or run off?

Now you're just reaching for excuses.

ok, i hear your argument and I can respect it even if I disagree with it. How fired up are you about these videos that David Dalieden is releasing? does make you angry how a corporation can do something like that? just curious.


Jun 17, 2014
ep. And me, for the record, am trying to switch entirely to cage free eggs.

I tried raising my chickens cage free once. Raccoons and coyotes got every last one of 'em. Damn coons don't eat nothing but the heads and leave the rest lay. I don't know how anybody raises cage free eggs without killing the predators on a regular basis.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
@Athos that's a whole other discussion - I think he's a puss for crying or holding back the tears Simply Red style on national TV
Not saying Man can weep tears of sadness -- but that's between you and your lady or with close family or friends - not some performance on stage which is what that shit is.

man tears of victory in public GOOD
Man tears of sadness in public WEAK

I mean tears of joy, inspiration, and victory is epic - like Dick Vermeil. Or when you hear Lou Gehrig's speech.

But like that Met outfielder who was told he was traded mid game - that's something you gotta hold that in as a man. Don't cry in the outfield -- I say wait until you get in the dugout when you are with your teammates and people you trust.

Kimmel is a puss for being all sad in my opinion instead of strong and voicing his displeasure like a man

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
yeah, well, he was about to fail at that job because he was the equivalent of an 85 year old man. So his death was imminent why not make some money. I mean, if you want to base decisions on emotion, I can see what you're saying, but I was under the impression that you were just using human reasoning not emotion.

Have you seen some of the recent videos of Cecil? He wasn't some sickly lion on his death bed. Dude was healthy. Had cubs. Now they will all likely die. Oh and the other male lion in the pride, named Jericho, will likely also die when he tries to fight a new male.

ok, i hear your argument and I can respect it even if I disagree with it. How fired up are you about these videos that David Dalieden is releasing? does make you angry how a corporation can do something like that? just curious.

Just because one is upset over this doesn't mean they can't be upset over other issues. One doesn't trump the other.