Your Year

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Well we have all made it through another year. What were some of the best moments?

For me, when I was talking to Jack Youngblood, I had a lot of faith restored into me about what genuinely good people, that star athletes can be. While making arrangements to come speak with the board, I asked him about possibly contacting a friend of mine who was battling cancer in a local hospital. He didn't blink, he asked for the number and called him right up and had a pretty good conversation with him. I haven't spoke in length to my buddy about it, but I know that it had to be pretty damn cool. To me, that was just awesome of him to do.

Another great thing for me was finally getting myself out of a business that was literally turning me into a bad person. When I started my new job I felt like the grinch who's heart started to grow. Myself and those around me have made several comments about the difference in my moods and attitude.

And last but not least. My daughter starting pre school. Doesn't seem like much of a step but she has grown so much I can't believe it. She is showing to be one of the smartest kids in class which I suspected she would be, but the big change was that she has become so much more social with other children. That makes me so happy.

So, let's hear about your year.


Jun 11, 2013
My year was awesome!! First of all it started out hard as a rock. I went to class from 7 am to 2 pm and then slept till 6. Woke up, had a cup of joe, and went to my factory job at Cessna where I built Citation X tail cones from about 7 pm till 6 am. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Then I graduated, August 22nd to be exact!! On the Saturday before the NFL season I got my Airframe & Powerplant certificate. Lucky me I work 4 10's and had every Sunday of the season off guranteed. No possible mandatory OT on Sunday's!!

Then it really got good as my transfer request from the Factory to the Citation Service Center was accepted!! I've been there a little over a month now!! Raise and all!! Oh and the extra good kicker!! I work M-Th 3:30 pm to 2 am and again I am guranteed Sunday's off!!

Lastly, I now have a lazy boy lol hell of a year!!
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Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
My year started out hard as a rock as well...then I turned 66.

Shit happens fast.:wtf:


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Well we have all made it through another year. What were some of the best moments?

For me, when I was talking to Jack Youngblood, I had a lot of faith restored into me about what genuinely good people, that star athletes can be. While making arrangements to come speak with the board, I asked him about possibly contacting a friend of mine who was battling cancer in a local hospital. He didn't blink, he asked for the number and called him right up and had a pretty good conversation with him. I haven't spoke in length to my buddy about it, but I know that it had to be pretty damn cool. To me, that was just awesome of him to do.

Another great thing for me was finally getting myself out of a business that was literally turning me into a bad person. When I started my new job I felt like the grinch who's heart started to grow. Myself and those around me have made several comments about the difference in my moods and attitude.

And last but not least. My daughter starting pre school. Doesn't seem like much of a step but she has grown so much I can't believe it. She is showing to be one of the smartest kids in class which I suspected she would be, but the big change was that she has become so much more social with other children. That makes me so happy.

So, let's hear about your year.

Yeah the call was great Juggs the best moment for me was New Years day though , That was the day the white blood cells rallied and my body started fighting the sepsis and ended the 9 days of 103 degree fevers.

Being here to see the Rams play this season was gratifying , asked what I want for Christmas this year ,BE HOME.

Got to go to CO for Thanksgiving continuing a family tradition that had endured 34 years only broken for the birth of Thor and last year because Leuk came calling.
Some other high notes the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep texting with Stu
Attending the win over Seattle and going down on the field (the field loved it:whistle:)
Hoping to celebrate my 10,000 post here this week must remember to wear a cup as Les is planning a congratulatory dick punch

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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@Thordaddy i did not know that u were making that public. Good to hear. Talk about things to be happy about. Kicking that things ass would be tops


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
@Thordaddy i did not know that u were making that public. Good to hear. Talk about things to be happy about. Kicking that things ass would be tops
Yeah it had pretty well been blown I'd replied in my profile thinking it was a PM , so when I got an all clear on my six month bone marrow I decide to let it out on the forum.
Lots of complications since so for now it's a draw ,got Graft vs Host that has me on a dosage of prednisone that robs muscle mass and strength , had a cold that caused some half hour or better coughing spells that may have left me with as many as four hernias which can't be repaired in the state of Immunol suppression they have to keep me in for the GVHD,but every day is one more day towards the eventual acceptance the new immune system should effect today is 8 months , the "standard" is a year when that tends to occur ,just gotta keep on keepin on.
Strange thing my hair grew back curly, before I went in people often told me I looked like Sam Elliot, now I look like Richard Simmons:eek:


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
This year went by super fast. My year was made last night when I over heard a biker dude at Hooters say "My grandmother had 12 children, each by a different father."


May 19, 2014
Good, mixed with shit, mixed with slightly less shit, and some good stuff.

Basically, my internship ending in Hotlanta and I came home on the job hunt for communications positions away from journalism (hate, hate, hate what it has become). Nothing came up. Realized my heart wasn't really in it because I wasn't all that bummed out I didn't get any offers. In that process, gave marketing a whirl. Learned real quick I hate that too. Just too... fake. You basically lie to get people to buy your shit with shit that doesn't even make sense. Decided to abandon the communication trade all together.

So, now I'm going back to school in January to take more classes (pre-reqs) to the give the path toward a DPT a try. I considered a Master's in Public Health.....but the traditional desk job would bore me to tears after a while. I need something more practical in finding answers to problems. So...there I am. :sick::ROFLMAO:

Thank god I'm still young and I am a gym rat and am interested in recovering from injuries after shit loads of my own. But damned if it won't put me in a shit-load of debt. But hey, you only live fucking once right? We should all live our lives in this somewhat rotten world doing what we love right?


Other than that. Got to see the Cardinals play the Braves in Hotlanta and take 2/3. Saw Wainwright's 12K game against Cincy live.

The cat has diabetes now which sucks. Granted, he's 13 and saw me through all of my teens and into my early 20s. Just a matter of extending the sorry sucker's life so far. So the little snot gets more attention then he deserves. :unsure:


Other than that shit.....

Another year, more Marvel ballz out awesomeness. Then the revelation of Black Panther, etc. Can't wait.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
This year was full of unknowns. I'm in grad school and an internship is required for the program. It's really hard to find one considering all students are wanting one at the same time. I had one earlier in April but that didn't satisfy the contact hours (it was a work from home thing). I had another one lined up but didn't pan out (the employer didn't want anything to do with us). Then it was a month by month thing through the summer.

Today I just finished my first real, legit internship that satisfies the requirement and now I'm one class away from getting my Master's degree.

I got to go to New York City this summer; walked around Times Square. That was fun. Saw Metlife Stadium, Heinz Field, Lucas Oil, and the Ed on the way home.

Got most of my movie bucket list accomplished (missing Apes, Turtles, Hobbit). Guardians of the Galaxy was a major anticipated movie which I now proudly own.

Finally gonna see the Rams play live this weekend.

That's pretty much it. The grad school thing was a tough storm, but now its a great feeling knowing it's one semester, one class from being finished completely.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
My year sucked. I mean, don't get me wrong; I loved watching my sports teams...but personally, this year just sucked for me. I got sent to a psych ward where security guards beat the ever-living shit out of me. I still have scars from that experience. I've struggled to write much, which is probably the only thing I love on an equal level to sports. And to top it all off, my relationship with my dad is broken beyond repair.

Best thing I can say? At least it wasn't 2013.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
My year was the worst in many many years. Glad it's ending.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
My year sucked. I mean, don't get me wrong; I loved watching my sports teams...but personally, this year just sucked for me. I got sent to a psych ward where security guards beat the ever-living crap out of me. I still have scars from that experience. I've struggled to write much, which is probably the only thing I love on an equal level to sports. And to top it all off, my relationship with my dad is broken beyond repair.

Best thing I can say? At least it wasn't 2013.
Hope 2015 is much better for you man. Can't get to much worse right? Hopefully lol

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
I've had a badass year and it looks like it'll seep into 2015 barring tragedy or nuclear war (which may happen cause things are so good)

My family is in great health and Finally years and years of work and dedication are starting to pay off big time. Released 2 records, produced 2 more, released a comic book that made it to the hippest boutique in Paris -- the best part is that me and my buddy's documentary project that was only suppose to be ten minutes was so well liked that an Oscar winning actor is backing it as a feature which is just fucking mindblowing and the accumulation of 15 years of hard work.

Me and my buddy from design school started working together after graduating 15 years ago and we decided we'd take a novel approach to the entertainment industry -and that was to treat everyone with respect, pay people on time, and always be cool
- boy has that paid off!!! Turns out some of those people we met years ago along the journey who we treated well, when others didn't, are now in roles as producers or executives now who remember how good we were to them so many years ago - it's amazing

I'm so thankful to God for waking me up to beauty and love, I mean I was a fucked up punk and I had to have my entire body smashed in order to wake up. I thought that accident in 1994 was the worst thing to happen to me but it saved my life.

Lost my English Bulldog but replaced him with a Yorkie gal, she's a complete opposite of him

God is great

But the best thing is finding ROD!!!!! And all my Rams brothers


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
I gotta say that I think I take my life for granted. At first I thought my year was sort of "OK", you know, nothing special. But then I thought about what happened this year:
1. I got married
2. I got promoted
3. I bought a house
4. I bought a car

The lesson: I need to appreciate what I have more

And congratulations on everyone else's successful years. For those whose year wasn't as successful, then I truly wish that 2015 will be

Big Willie

Aug 24, 2014
Overall, my year rocked. Filed my retirement papers after 28 years working for the same company. My 24 year old got a real job (so I could take him off my payroll). Mt daughter graduated from college and got accepted to multiple medical schools. Started my own business. Got to go to Rams training camp several times and got to travel to multiple cities across America. Looking for big things in 2015!


Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
Twas another good year over all with the lone exception of my favorite football team! Anticipating more of the same for 2015 including a big uptick for the Rams! Hope all the ROD brethren have a great new year! (y)