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Aug 10, 2013
Yeah dude, I definitely share your frustration. I'm sorta talking to this one chick right now. We dated in the past and it kinda just happened. She's BATSHIT crazy. But she knows it, and hides it well. I guess I'm just attracted to the crazy ones. On another note, I started dating this one girl a couple years ago and she basically broke up with her ex for me(not a good sign). A year in a half into dating, her mom was out of town so we slept at her house in her mothers bed because hers was too small. During the week pne of the mornings she turned over and I found a condom in the bed. She claimed it was her moms. She's 65 years old :ROFLMAO:
Such is life.


May 19, 2014
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  • #22
I'm not sure what the problem is here. She was just looking to boost her ego with you? Is that the gripe? Kind of like a rebound before the rejection?

hah. The first issue was her kind of using me as yea, the rebound before the other dude gets rejected. Well, not even rebound. More like proxy rebound of a "I still got game even though I've breaking it off with this poor sucker."

What kind of makes it even sadder is that apparently, this other bloke had asked her to marry him. :ROFLMAO::sick:

That's some cold level shit right there. But eh, I don't expect much from people who even think about getting married early 20s, knowing what divorce stats are in this country.

My gripe was being used while she's doing whatever it is she was doing with her main dude (and me not knowing about it).

It's the moral dilemma lol. I was the "other guy" (also unbeknownst to me for most of the time) in college once. That girl was crazy too and I narrowly escaped. Bad memories, bruh.

It's kinda fucked up really to flirt the way she did, even if her own relationship was crumbling if that makes sense.

Settle your shit from your previous relationship first, otherwise you just come across as an immature self-centered nutter.

During the week pne of the mornings she turned over and I found a condom in the bed. She claimed it was her moms. She's 65 years old


Sex in the rent's bed.

That's something I've always gone :palm: over. The level of creepiness for that really is over 9000.

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
I hear what you're saying. Over the past five years or so I've been hitting the dating world pretty hard. Whether it be online dating or approaching women in real life to meet them. I know not all women are like this, but many many single women are. I lost count a long time ago as to how many women I've started talking to only to find out that they had recently broken up with someone or things were "complicated" with someone. And these are just the women that admitted this to me.

The fact is that now these days a lot of women have guys on the back burner in case something doesn't work out with the main guy. Then you also have a lot of women who like or want attention. They are very quick to flirt with a guy or talk to some guy to hear how awesome and pretty she is or whatever else she wants to hear. Things that they may not be getting from the main guy. Sounds to me like she was basically stringing you along in case things went south with that guy. Once they were getting better she basically gave you the heave-ho.

I know not all women are like this, but I've literally talked to hundreds over the years. This has been getting worse. That's why I now will no longer pursue any woman once I find out she's recently become single and still talking to her ex. I'm tired of being the guy she uses to make him jealous or to be her rebound. Too many get back with their ex's. A lot of women are very entitled now too. I don't think they realize how difficult it is being a single man trying to get to know women these days. Especially when they're so willing to drop you at any point. The dating world pretty much sucks these days.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
Settle your crap from your previous relationship first, otherwise you just come across as an immature self-centered nutter.

This is a hit it and quit it case.

Go in hard, then sneak out the back door before she can latch her crazy claws.


May 19, 2014
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  • #25
This is a hit it and quit it case.

Go in hard, then sneak out the back door before she can latch her crazy claws.

lmao. The last time I went in hard, and hit and quit it, she inserted herself into my social circle. Like that!

I mean, that shit happened before I knew what happened. Think Wedding Crashers......without the fun fallout.

I think this chic is just batty. I'm hoping off the train. Even planting my flag and blasting off never to return again like John Glenn has no more real appeal.

Going out with a friend Saturday night though. Gonna find a trashy gal to have fun with. :ROFLMAO:


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
lmao. The last time I went in hard, and hit and quit it, she inserted herself into my social circle. Like that!

I mean, that crap happened before I knew what happened. Think Wedding Crashers......without the fun fallout.

I think this chic is just batty. I'm hoping off the train. Even planting my flag and blasting off never to return again like John Glenn has no more real appeal.

Going out with a friend Saturday night though. Gonna find a trashy gal to have fun with. :ROFLMAO:

I don't know how old you are, but college nights at the bars are the best place to find some trashy women.

Haven't done that in awhile though.


May 19, 2014
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  • #27
I don't know how old you are, but college nights at the bars are the best place to find some trashy women.

25 and 3/4s lol.

I can still pull off the young college look when I shave. And that's pretty much the plan tomorrow night. I'll have about 5 or 6 wingmen as well. (y)


May 19, 2014
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  • #29
Well, my search for trashy women didn't quite work out last night. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Super hot hipster chics everywhere but nuthin' happinin'.

Did learn to drive stick while slightly recovering from drunkeness with Redbull at 3 in the morning though.

First in a gas station parking lot. Then a Kroger's. Then a Wallmart. Then backass country woods roads.


Aug 24, 2013
Well, my search for trashy women didn't quite work out last night. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Super hot hipster chics everywhere but nuthin' happinin'.

Did learn to drive stick while slightly recovering from drunkeness with Redbull at 3 in the morning though.

First in a gas station parking lot. Then a Kroger's. Then a Wallmart. Then backass country woods roads.
So... nothing happening with the ladies, you learned to handle a "stick":whistle:


Feb 7, 2013
I was married to my high school sweetie for 33 years, 38 together total. Once I laid eyes on her, that was it, game over, out of the teen age dating scene. Loved her so much it hurt. Had babies, grandtwins in the oven and we were planning on heading out to walker-dom together into the sunset.

Then she died of cancer. Fast. Last September. Alone at 55.

After a while, missing her, I started missing being with a woman and entered the dating scene.

Even after setting some extreme limits, dating widows pretty much exclusively (I would ask the divorced woman, "why did the marriage fail?" It was always HIS fault. Nevermarrieds are a huge red flag) , no 20 somethings (nice to look at but extremely underdeveloped control towers) and 30's would be creepy- my oldest daughter is 31- I've found that...

It's not 1978 anymore.

Women these days are way more confident and know what they want. Me. It's really no go slow, which is kind of how I thought the game is played. Their emotional investment is immediate, in the extreme. You just want to dip your toe in, just make sure no one gets hurt and all the crocodiles just lunge at you.

Yes, you cannot live without them. But it's complicated now.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I was married to my high school sweetie for 33 years, 38 together total. Once I laid eyes on her, that was it, game over, out of the teen age dating scene. Loved her so much it hurt. Had babies, grandtwins in the oven and we were planning on heading out to walker-dom together into the sunset.

Then she died of cancer. Fast. Last September. Alone at 55.

After a while, missing her, I started missing being with a woman and entered the dating scene.

Even after setting some extreme limits, dating widows pretty much exclusively (I would ask the divorced woman, "why did the marriage fail?" It was always HIS fault. Nevermarrieds are a huge red flag) , no 20 somethings (nice to look at but extremely underdeveloped control towers) and 30's would be creepy- my oldest daughter is 31- I've found that...

It's not 1978 anymore.

Women these days are way more confident and know what they want. Me. It's really no go slow, which is kind of how I thought the game is played. Their emotional investment is immediate, in the extreme. You just want to dip your toe in, just make sure no one gets hurt and all the crocodiles just lunge at you.

Yes, you cannot live without them. But it's complicated now.

Sorry for your loss man. I can't imagine how tough that was to handle. I'm also 55 and have been married 28 years and I would have no idea how to negotiate a beaver hunt in today's world. Most of my long time friend's marriages didn't work out and they tell me stories about the insanity that now exists out there in the jungle. Seems like there are no shortage of younger women out there for you but all seem to have an agenda, most to do with the perceived security a guy our age would surely bring to the table. From the outside looking in, it looks like it would be fun to try on a few pair of shoes for fit but the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence isn't it until somebody opens the gate? Good luck out there Ozoneranger!!!!!! Maybe you could do a service to MANkind and write a "how to" book from your experiences? (y)

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Female Ego Boosting!?


Okay, few things REALLY bother me for a long period of time. I get over things like THAT. Snap my fingers and I can become indifferent to it. A blessing and a curse as it can lead to me cutting people out of my life way too easily.


I have a question for my fellow man. What the freak is up with female ego boosting? Ever been used as the prop/drug that's injected directly into the female's brain to make themselves feel better about well....themselves?

By that, I'm going to give you a story.

So, there's a girl that's been in my Anatomy class. First for Spring, now for Summer. Started off generally friendly. Then, for the last several weeks, but probably it's been more like say, 2-3 months or so, flirting. It starts off silly banter light. Then it gets heavier to the point of:

1. sexual buckets lists shared
2. sexual fantasies shared
3. bantering back and forth with funny song lyrics and intimate song lyrics
4. a chinese tickle contest bet
5. making fun of 50 Shades of crap and saying I could write a smutty satirical parody better than that crap (I did lmao. And she read it. Those who've seen "The Other Guys" will kinda get the reasoning behind it.)
6. yadda, yadda, yadda, more truth divulging flirtation, though I should have realized at this point my truth was greatly outweighing hers. I'm smart, not wise. Sue me. :ROFLMAO:

Now, it gets to the point that #4 is actually planned. She's gonna come over and what not. And come "blacked out" as she calls it. Short black athletic shorts, black mid socks, maybe black eyeliner.

Now, to skip ahead on some flirting banter I'll spare your poor souls from, and skipping ahead to the "after the fact moment" she admits that well....sex, kissing, groping, getting in on, was a distinct possibility that this "tickle contest" could lead to.

NOW for the kicker.

I learn she's still seeing some dude that their relationship has entered the dreaded "it's complicated" HS level of bullcrap.

I basically try calling her out on her BS (though admittedly vaguely). I flirt a bit more just to see how she responds. She basically just soaks up the flirting. Doesn't say a thing about it or how she views it.

Then boom. Out of the blue, officially FZed, by way of "I guess I just view it as friends," text. Now, in hindsight, a definite good thing as she now seems batty (but damned if I'm still not attracted to her. freak chemistry and biology) given her "it's complicated thing while flirting hard core with me. So....:whistle:


Can't live with them. Can't live without them. Or can you!?:mad:

Seriously, it isn't the not working out thing that pisses me off. It's the being used as a prop for what seems clearly to be an ego boost because her own fucked up relationship is on the frits.

Anyone else experience this BS? I mean, sure the game can be fun, but not when it's rigged.

It's like Tom Brady deflated my own balls. :ROFLMAO:

I mean, who gets off on using people like that?

Also, "just friends" doesn't really fly when you've known the person only a handful of months, and start sharing sexual bucket lists and fantasies with said friend from the opposite gender, halfway into the time period you've known said person. Nope. Don't believe it. And here's the kicker, I got a sexual fantasy out of her that she apparently hasn't shared with anyone.

Well, crap, son. That's probably a fat lie right there. (n)

Anyway, that's my rant. @Mojo Ram had an online dating thread of being conned by phonies.

This is my rant of being conned of real life phonies you interact with everyday.


Beware the females that are only 3 years out of their teens, at least in this day and age. Totally and utterly clueless......or self-serving as crap.

But what can one expect in this hideous world of "selfies."

*And now I seem like a cantankerous old man calling out the youth.* :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I almost read all of your post...

You should have already banged her by now.

Way before now.


May 19, 2014
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  • #35
I almost read all of your post...

You should have already banged her by now.

Way before now.


Don't I know it by now.

To make a metaphor, I fumbled that chance at the 1 yard line.


To make things really dumb, I actually was the one pontificating about calling it off (her coming over which had a 50/50 shot of leading to sexy times).

But after learning about the other dude she's yanking along........

I'm waaaaaaaay too nice. Let's just say, big head has more of a say than mini-me. :ROFLMAO::cry:
Last edited:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Walk it off. That's happened to nearly every dude, and nearly every dude has given some of that in return. I know you wish you had closed the deal, but that stuff leading up to it (or in your case, NOT it) is just as fun. Be her friend, and she'll come around some time. I guess what I'm trying to say is, yeah ... you were being used. So do yourself a favor and wait to get REALLY used. If you can separate the emotion from what it seems you *really* wanted, then no harm no foul. Personally, I like the stuff leading up to it more. Because once I close the deal, the rest of that stuff becomes less and less prevalent.

I used to go through women like crazy when I was in my 20's because I liked the chase more than the catch. Once I caught 'em, I really grew tired of the complacency quickly. I'd often look for reasons that we weren't compatible so I could get back on the market and start another chase again. So, you can admit it. You REALLY liked the sexual tension and that's really what you miss. Not the opportunity that you missed to seal the deal.

Or, I'm wrong. lol.
Could just be me who digs the game.


May 19, 2014
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  • #37
So do yourself a favor and wait to get REALLY used. If you can separate the emotion from what it seems you *really* wanted, then no harm no foul. Personally, I like the stuff leading up to it more. Because once I close the deal, the rest of that stuff becomes less and less prevalent.

I hear you there actually.

So, you can admit it. You REALLY liked the sexual tension and that's really what you miss. Not the opportunity that you missed to seal the deal.

Goddammit. That's kinda freaky actually. That's exactly how I was in college. Did that with a handful of girls actually. Not many, but enough to be kind of douchey about it. I'd spend a while reeling a girl in....but once I reeled her in, I grew bored of it. Or figured out it wasn't fun anymore. It was all about the game, not the end results.

Could just be me who digs the game.

hahahaha. I thought my "old age" was finally leaking out and turning me sentimental, mature, and emotional with chics. Turns out I was probably just lying the fuck out of myself. Because yea, I did enjoy flipping the game on girls in the past. Even ones I started out liking a ton. And enjoyed the game with this one a ton since it'd been awhile (been career centered last year and change). It's a problem.

So do yourself a favor and wait to get REALLY used.

True. But then you get drunk one night around a shit-tone of super hot hipster girls and drunk text the girl in question before learning how to drive stick while wired on IPAs and Red Bull in a gas station parking lot while the dude inside considers calling the cops. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

So that week actually wasn't all that bad. I think this was just admitting I'm picking up old habits after so long.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010

Don't I know it by now.

To make a metaphor, I fumbled that chance at the 1 yard line.


To make things really dumb, I actually was the one pontificating about calling it off (her coming over which had a 50/50 shot of leading to sexy times).

But after learning about the other dude she's yanking along........

I'm waaaaaaaay too nice. Let's just say, big head has more of a say than mini-me. :ROFLMAO::cry:


You hopefully know that I'm just yanking your chain.

You still should have sealed the deal by now though :heh:


May 19, 2014
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  • #39

You hopefully know that I'm just yanking your chain.

You still should have sealed the deal by now though :heh:

I know. :ROFLMAO:

And yea. I shoulda sealed that shit by now. Gotta me more of a douche, amiright? Hot girls dig the bad boys for one-nighters? (y)

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Got married at 22. She was 20. That lasted two-and-a-half years. My idea of marriage was getting laid every night and having her cook for me and pick up my clothes. Her idea of marriage was avoiding sex and going shopping with her mother and sister-in-law. Both of us were too young and too stupid to make it over the long haul.

Then came the rebound marriage a few months after the divorce was final. Lots of drugs, alcohol, and wild sex but also screaming arguments on a daily basis. When you're both moving at 100 mph every single day, you're bound to crash and burn out eventually. That lasted 3 months and was annulled.

Then came the "any port in the storm" phase. When you're young and play in a band, a lot of ports become available to you. All sizes, shapes, races, and ages. Those were the days before the AIDS scare.

Finally found "the one" at age 31. She had the looks and the smarts. Way out of my league though. We'll be married 30 years on June 8th. Got to be honest though, most of the time I have absolutely no idea what the hell she's talking about. It's like she's speaking another language. It's English all right but makes no sense in the context of what we're talking about. As Mr. Spock would say, "Highly illogical."

In my 64 years on the planet I've learned quite a few things. That's bound to happen to anyone if you pay attention. But women - I still don't have a clue.

My advice to young, single men who are looking for "the one" - make a friend, someone who has most of the same interests as you, someone you enjoy spending time with, instead of the hot babe that will break your heart.

This song has the best advice of all but unfortunately I didn't pay attention, maybe some of you will. ;)

"If You Wanna Be Happy"

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he married her and then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart

But if you make an ugly woman your wife
A-you'll be happy for the rest of your life
An ug-a-ly woman cooks meals on time
And she'll always give you peace of mind

Don't let your friends say you have no taste
Go ahead and marry anyway
Though her face is ugly, her eyes don't match
Take it from me, she's a better catch

Say man!
Hey baby!
I saw your wife the other day!
Yeah, an' she's ug-leeee!
Yeah, she's ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
Yeah, alright!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4TOR7856d4