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May 19, 2014
Female Ego Boosting!?


Okay, few things REALLY bother me for a long period of time. I get over things like THAT. Snap my fingers and I can become indifferent to it. A blessing and a curse as it can lead to me cutting people out of my life way too easily.


I have a question for my fellow man. What the fuck is up with female ego boosting? Ever been used as the prop/drug that's injected directly into the female's brain to make themselves feel better about well....themselves?

By that, I'm going to give you a story.

So, there's a girl that's been in my Anatomy class. First for Spring, now for Summer. Started off generally friendly. Then, for the last several weeks, but probably it's been more like say, 2-3 months or so, flirting. It starts off silly banter light. Then it gets heavier to the point of:

1. sexual buckets lists shared
2. sexual fantasies shared
3. bantering back and forth with funny song lyrics and intimate song lyrics
4. a chinese tickle contest bet
5. making fun of 50 Shades of Shit and saying I could write a smutty satirical parody better than that shit (I did lmao. And she read it. Those who've seen "The Other Guys" will kinda get the reasoning behind it.)
6. yadda, yadda, yadda, more truth divulging flirtation, though I should have realized at this point my truth was greatly outweighing hers. I'm smart, not wise. Sue me. :ROFLMAO:

Now, it gets to the point that #4 is actually planned. She's gonna come over and what not. And come "blacked out" as she calls it. Short black athletic shorts, black mid socks, maybe black eyeliner.

Now, to skip ahead on some flirting banter I'll spare your poor souls from, and skipping ahead to the "after the fact moment" she admits that well....sex, kissing, groping, getting in on, was a distinct possibility that this "tickle contest" could lead to.

NOW for the kicker.

I learn she's still seeing some dude that their relationship has entered the dreaded "it's complicated" HS level of bullshit.

I basically try calling her out on her BS (though admittedly vaguely). I flirt a bit more just to see how she responds. She basically just soaks up the flirting. Doesn't say a thing about it or how she views it.

Then boom. Out of the blue, officially FZed, by way of "I guess I just view it as friends," text. Now, in hindsight, a definite good thing as she now seems batty (but damned if I'm still not attracted to her. Fuck chemistry and biology) given her "it's complicated thing while flirting hard core with me. So....:whistle:


Can't live with them. Can't live without them. Or can you!?:mad:

Seriously, it isn't the not working out thing that pisses me off. It's the being used as a prop for what seems clearly to be an ego boost because her own fucked up relationship is on the frits.

Anyone else experience this BS? I mean, sure the game can be fun, but not when it's rigged.

It's like Tom Brady deflated my own balls. :ROFLMAO:

I mean, who gets off on using people like that?

Also, "just friends" doesn't really fly when you've known the person only a handful of months, and start sharing sexual bucket lists and fantasies with said friend from the opposite gender, halfway into the time period you've known said person. Nope. Don't believe it. And here's the kicker, I got a sexual fantasy out of her that she apparently hasn't shared with anyone.

Well, shit, son. That's probably a fat lie right there. (n)

Anyway, that's my rant. @Mojo Ram had an online dating thread of being conned by phonies.

This is my rant of being conned of real life phonies you interact with everyday.


Beware the females that are only 3 years out of their teens, at least in this day and age. Totally and utterly clueless......or self-serving as shit.

But what can one expect in this hideous world of "selfies."

*And now I seem like a cantankerous old man calling out the youth.* :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
But what can one expect in this hideous world of "selfies."
Yeah - that has probably made it all worse but this sounds oddly like something a chick would do - like since the dawn of time. Never underestimate the want of some girls to bring you to the brink only to leave you taking matters into your own hands. :whistle:


May 19, 2014
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  • #3
Yeah - that has probably made it all worse but this sounds oddly like something a chick would do - like since the dawn of time. Never underestimate the want of some girls to bring you to the brink only to leave you taking matters into your own hands. :whistle:

I can't even imagine Neanderthal level blue balls! :ROFLMAO:

They didn't even have porn to rub one out lmao. Just a collection of pre-historic forest animals watching awkwardly.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
I'm pretty old... was married for 24 years (5 kids) before ending up divorced (9 years ago). I met her senior year in college... I was veering off the rails pretty bad with some crazy gals... finally figured out I needed some stability... met my future wife and it lasted a pretty long time. No regrets.

Been seeing a great gal now for over 8 years... stable... no games... loyal. Maybe I'm just lucky... but I seem to have this inate sense of what's good for me and it seems to keep me away from the loons and game players... not built for that... really really was.

So, I guess you have to ask yourself what you're looking for in a woman.

If it's honesty and integrity, chances of those being present probably went down the drain when the flirting escalated.

I want a stable, honest, loyal partner. While sexting doesn't mean the woman on the other end isn't all of those, you can usually tell. Exciting? Sure. But buyer beware stuff IMO.

Anyhoo... good luck.


Mar 17, 2014
Good luck Athos.
I'm in my 40's now. I don't even want to talk to a women under 30. For any reason.


May 19, 2014
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  • #7
Good luck Athos.
I'm in my 40's now. I don't even want to talk to a women under 30. For any reason.

hah. Dude, I'm figuring I need to cap relationships at 5 years + or -.........

Starting when I'm 30. Anything under 25 can just be a shit show of immaturity. Granted, that can actually be a fact at any age. I know I wasn't all that mature for relationships in college. Which is why I kept things at booty calls and 3 weeks affairs. Wasn't worth it. I forgot that fact after my 2 year break from having any classes. :ROFLMAO:

Been seeing a great gal now for over 8 years... stable... no games... loyal. Maybe I'm just lucky... but I seem to have this inate sense of what's good for me and it seems to keep me away from the loons and game players... not built for that... really really was.

Dude. I need that in a bad way. I KEEP getting attracted to the ones that end up a bit loony. It's bad. Or if not loony, girls I realize I would have HATED being in a relationship with.

Hell, the one girl I did find, was MY senior year of undergrad. Only problem was, she was two years behind him so I just plain cut that off to avoid any drama.

Luckily for you, science is nearing the possibility of two male donors creating a child without the need of a woman or an egg. You're in luck!

I'm unwise, not stupid! :ROFLMAO:

Children still scare me and I'd rather adopt than raise a kid from scratch.
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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I can't even imagine Neanderthal level blue balls! :ROFLMAO:

They didn't even have porn to rub one out lmao. Just a collection of pre-historic forest animals watching awkwardly.
Yeah but at least then you could club them and drag them into the bushes and none would be the wiser. Cuts both ways I suppose. :sneaky:


May 19, 2014
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o_O Luck you say? :palm:

Such a baby would have way too much dudeness and testosterone. :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, what I need to do is just find my female BFF and marry her on the spot.

Looking at you Alex Morgan. You can be my BFF, sugar momma, and baby momma. (y)


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I'm not old enough to date but when I get there in less than a year, I'll be sure to stay clear of the friend zone.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I'm not old enough to date but when I get there in less than a year, I'll be sure to stay clear of the friend zone.
Not many know that Lazy is actually 39. Thus the name LazyWanker. :cool: Just messin with yuh man.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
Can't live with them. Can't live without them. Or can you!?:mad:

I guess you can ask Michael Sam about that


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
Comes a moment when you realize a girl is playing you. At that moment you just have to laugh at it all (and her - in her face is good)....and go "you know what. Screw you. I'm going for a beer" and walk out. She'll be so angry she didn't finish riling you the way she wanted to. Then you have to forget her and move on - and that's a bit more difficult but the old saying "there's plenty more fish in the sea" is one of the most true things you'll ever hear. Forget all this romantic crap. Most girls are basically the same. Just keep looking and trying until you find one who likes you.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
I'm not sure what the problem is here. She was just looking to boost her ego with you? Is that the gripe? Kind of like a rebound before the rejection?

F-it. When you learn that she's in that complicated stage of her "previous relationship" you push her to commit to you, or you get whatever fun you need out of it and then leave. It might be a little misogynist to play her, but she was playing you from the beginning.

You can wrap it all up in this saying, "All is fair in love and war."


Mar 17, 2014
Such a baby would have way too much dudeness and testosterone. :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, what I need to do is just find my female BFF and marry her on the spot.

Looking at you Alex Morgan. You can be my BFF, sugar momma, and baby momma. (y)
If you find your female bff, you should do just that.