Weight Loss

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Well, as some of you know, I'm a bit of a fatty. I'm about 5'11" and 330 lbs. I carry it well, and used to he a gym rat so I still seen to have good muscle in my shoulders, neck, back and legs. When I was in the military I was about 190, I tend to think I look my best at around 220 or so. I'm getting a gym membership this week or next. But I do not really know a good diet, I do not wanna starve but I want to see results at a decent pace. I'm 28 years old and I get out of breath tying my shoes. My kids always want to play, but my knees can not take being on the ground. I want to live long enough to let old age make this the reason why, not my weight. So, I'm hoping we have one or two folks here good with nutrition that wouldn't mind taking me on as some sort of project. If so, please pm me. Any help I can get would be great.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Do you drink/consume a lot of "Pateurized" Dairy?

Have you ever checked out the Weston A. Price Foundation? I've lost about 25lbs just by loosely following their advice, and feel much much better.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
You're doing the right thing and you're young enough that you can bounce back with no long term health issues. Unlike the 30 years of smoking I did.

Much of what you are going to have to do will require significant mental strength because you have a really long way to go. There will be times that you will tell yourself you can't do it, that you can't live without having certain foods, that you aren't meant to be in shape and strong.

Your biggest obstacle wont be your body and its ability to work hard. Your enemy is your head.

You will have to learn to stop being an asshole to yourself. Because if someone else was standing next to you telling you that you can't do it, your destined to be fat your whole life, you can't be strong and all the rest of the things you will tell yourself in your head while you are teying to get fit and strong you would for sure tell that person they are an asshole. Don't be that person to yourself.

So in your head you have to keep telling yourself that you will be lean and strong and fit.

You can do it just like anyone else can. Feel free to PM me and I will give you whatever help I can. Maybe other guys here can help too.

I hope you don't find this to wierd but I find people like you to be insiprational and motivating. It would be easy to give up and not give a fuck since nobody else cares about you one way or the other. The fact that you have decided to do something about it and have announced it is fantastic.

Go get it!


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Juggs ,I supervise teams of wrestlers , have lost enormous amounts of weight myself , decided to get into it because I knew my sons were going to have the genes to be overweight just like dad.

Results are critical at the beginning and I like a low carb start up ,can get you double digit losses the first two weeks .
In the end though it's a life style adaptation.
Here's a link
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.tescodiets.com/px/diet-plans/diets/Low-Carb" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.tescodiets.com/px/diet-plans/diets/Low-Carb</a>

BTW since you are having trouble with your knees ,I'd start swimming and keep doing it until your weight is south of 250, no use putting a lot of wear and tear on them now.

Good luck


May 28, 2011
I'd also start swimming, or bike riding... Running will probably hurt you more than help you at this point, but once you get down to a better weight you will be able to run without potentially damaging your knees.

I'd also try to find something fun that is also good exercise. Swimming is usually pretty enjoyable, and it's actually one of the best things for losing weight and works out pretty much all major muscles. If it's fun and enjoyable, it makes getting ready to exercise much more tolerable, instead of being something you dread.

Also a good diet is always really key. There's a few things you can do that help and are pretty obvious.. Cutting out soda's and junk food, drinking skim milk, etc, but I'm sure that's not something you need help with. Whatever is easiest for you is usually best.. You want to eat about 1800 calories a day, (600 per meal, three times a day) but you can break that down into 6 smaller meals, or 3 meals at about 400 calories and then three snacks that are 200 calories... That way you can still snack a little, and that usually helps since a lot of people form snacking habits. You just have to be careful not to overeat. I usually plan out my meals/snacks before the week, and that allows me to have things set aside.. But I do that mostly so I'm not sitting there stumped 30 minutes before dinner without a clue what to make.

You can also join weight watchers for men... I have friends who do that and they love it.. It lets them still eat, but it balances out really well, most say it's one of the easier diets they've been on. But if you don't want to pay for those, it's not too hard to write out meal plans each week.

Good luck though! It's always hard at first, but after a few weeks it'll just be part of your daily routine and it's much easier.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I appreciate your guys thoughts here, to be honest I almost went back and deleted this thread. But to see the support feels good. I think it's the support that I lack. My wife does, but as she shows support she makes fried chicken lol. It's hard, but hopefully I can stay with it and be an actual success story not just another failed attempt.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Good Luck Jug! I want and NEED to lose weight myself. But with all things like this, you have to WANT to do it first. My wife has been trying to stop smoking. She did well for awhile but now has gone back to puffing away because deep down, she doesn't really want to quit. I cut sodas out a couple of years ago (well, I seldom drink them anymore) but now I can't get enough sweet tea. I have finally decided to try and cut back on the sweet tea by cutting back on the amount of sugar I put in it (from a cup to 3/4 cup per pitcher and headed to 1/2 cup now) The tea still tastes good to me so far. I bought a bike but it gathers dust and I have a membership card to the YMCA but it is just imprinting my wallet like a condom in middle school did so it comes back to how bad do I WANT to do it.

You will lose the weight if you WANT to do it. We both know we NEED to do it. So, let's just do it!!!!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Instead of the treadmill swimming is a better idea. Breast stroke is supposedly the best because of the motion of your arms and legs is so large.

So now you have a few guys who are gonna be asking you what you did to work out.......so what did you do?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
El Juggernauto said:
I appreciate your guys thoughts here, to be honest I almost went back and deleted this thread. But to see the support feels good. I think it's the support that I lack. My wife does, but as she shows support she makes fried chicken lol. It's hard, but hopefully I can stay with it and be an actual success story not just another failed attempt.
What most dudes need is to be challenged. I need to drop about 40 lbs. Maybe even 50. I'd like to get to below 200 lbs and still be benching 300. So, I challenge you to a weight loss contest. We'll use the honor system and post our beginning and ending weights. We can start now and end in 4 months. See who can get to their desired weight faster.

I'm at 244 fresh outta the shower. I intend to be 194 within 6 months, but I'll race you to the 4 month mark. You don't need advice on how to lose weight. There are tons of resources on the internet about diets and cardio, and all of them work. It's all will power and pride. Those are the things that put plans into action and get you results. So, what's up? You down, ya pussy? lol.

Let's do this!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
X said:
El Juggernauto said:
I appreciate your guys thoughts here, to be honest I almost went back and deleted this thread. But to see the support feels good. I think it's the support that I lack. My wife does, but as she shows support she makes fried chicken lol. It's hard, but hopefully I can stay with it and be an actual success story not just another failed attempt.
What most dudes need is to be challenged. I need to drop about 40 lbs. Maybe even 50. I'd like to get to below 200 lbs and still be benching 300. So, I challenge you to a weight loss contest. We'll use the honor system and post our beginning and ending weights. We can start now and end in 4 months. See who can get to their desired weight faster.

I'm at 244 fresh outta the shower. I intend to be 194 within 6 months, but I'll race you to the 4 month mark. You don't need advice on how to lose weight. There are tons of resources on the internet about diets and cardio, and all of them work. It's all will power and pride. Those are the things that put plans into action and get you results. So, what's up? You down, ya pussy? lol.

Let's do this!

You guys should post pics along the way to show the progress.

Maybe in a glittery thong or something like that.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
LesBaker said:
X said:
El Juggernauto said:
I appreciate your guys thoughts here, to be honest I almost went back and deleted this thread. But to see the support feels good. I think it's the support that I lack. My wife does, but as she shows support she makes fried chicken lol. It's hard, but hopefully I can stay with it and be an actual success story not just another failed attempt.
What most dudes need is to be challenged. I need to drop about 40 lbs. Maybe even 50. I'd like to get to below 200 lbs and still be benching 300. So, I challenge you to a weight loss contest. We'll use the honor system and post our beginning and ending weights. We can start now and end in 4 months. See who can get to their desired weight faster.

I'm at 244 fresh outta the shower. I intend to be 194 within 6 months, but I'll race you to the 4 month mark. You don't need advice on how to lose weight. There are tons of resources on the internet about diets and cardio, and all of them work. It's all will power and pride. Those are the things that put plans into action and get you results. So, what's up? You down, ya pussy? lol.

Let's do this!

You guys should post pics along the way to show the progress.

Maybe in a glittery thong or something like that.
lol. I'm sure I can pick up a banana hammock somewhere by the beach.
Don't know if it'll have glitter, but I'll check for ya.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
No glitter? What's the point then right?

You know the scale is not your friend when you are doing this type of thing to shed fat. Only the mirror matters.

I'm going to hit the gym later today and I will think of you two working towards your goals. It'll motivate me. Like I said I find this type of thing inspirational and I think it is fantastic that you laid down the challenge.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
LesBaker said:
No glitter? What's the point then right?

You know the scale is not your friend when you are doing this type of thing to shed fat. Only the mirror matters.

I'm going to hit the gym later today and I will think of you two working towards your goals. It'll motivate me. Like I said I find this type of thing inspirational and I think it is fantastic that you laid down the challenge.
You're absolutely right. I use my pants to determine whether or not I'm making gains. I have jeans and stuff that range from a 32 waist to 38. I can actually gain weight, but some of my pants fit better, so the scale doesn't matter - particularly if you're weight training. So, yeah. Good point.

Now I just need Mr. Sissy Challenge Hider-fromer to take me up on my offer.
THAT'S when shit gets real. :twisted:

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #14
I'm I'm. My digital scale tips out at 330, I just passed that last week. So I guess I will start there. My first goal is to be under 300. Ultimate goal, be under 220 while still being able to put up over 320. I'm down for the picture thing to track progress. Maybe we make a separate thread and anyone wanting to join in can take te challenge, at the end of every period to person to lose the higher % gets some kind of avatar they can boast about until next time. Or something of that nature


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
El Juggernauto said:
I'm I'm. My digital scale tips out at 330, I just passed that last week. So I guess I will start there. My first goal is to be under 300. Ultimate goal, be under 220 while still being able to put up over 320. I'm down for the picture thing to track progress. Maybe we make a separate thread and anyone wanting to join in can take te challenge, at the end of every period to person to lose the higher % gets some kind of avatar they can boast about until next time. Or something of that nature
Alright then, Lunger. Let's do it.

An avatar isn't big enough though. I'll rename the Off-Topic forum in honor of the winner.
Something like, "________'s Dojo" or something like that. We'll work out the details later.

In the meantime, I'll give you one week to do your research, re-stock your pantry (eat all the bad shit), and get your workouts in order. I'll do the same and this will officially begin on June 24. I'll start a new thread, we'll weigh in, and do it for 4 months straight. If we need support, we'll exchange emails or phone numbers and keep each other on track. But know this. I'm gonna stomp your ass in this challenge, so be prepared to work harder than you've ever worked. After all, second place is just the first loser.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #16
Haha now THIS is what I needed. I've been an athlete all my life and have no competition around amongst my friends(they are all fatter and lazier than me). June 24th we will re-weigh and go from there. Are we doing % lost?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
El Juggernauto said:
Haha now THIS is what I needed. I've been an athlete all my life and have no competition around amongst my friends(they are all fatter and lazier than me). June 24th we will re-weigh and go from there. Are we doing % lost?
% of weight loss will work in your favor because you're heavier, but I don't give a shit. % is fine.
I'll just lose more than I planned and straight up punk you in this challenge. :twisted:

Find a doctor's scale or something, or go to the Supermarket and weigh in. Get something accurate.
I'm stoked. I needed someone to beat up on, and you'll do just fine. lol.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #18
Hahaha we shall see. We can do just lbs lost, I figured that would be in my favor because fat people tend to lose more faster, lighter folks lose slower. We can do whatever you think is fair. When I whoope your ass and we are calling it El Juggernauos Dojo, I don't want any excuses. Lol

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #19
20 lbs lost to a man of 240 is a better % than 20 lost to a 330 man


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
El Juggernauto said:
20 lbs lost to a man of 240 is a better % than 20 lost to a 330 man
You're right, and you'll lose a lot of water weight right off the bat too, so you'll lose more weight faster .... initially. It's all relative. But like I said, I don't care. One way or another, I'm gonna beat that ass and you can be the first to post in X's Dojo.
