The EU, along with Social Media sites, getting ready to combat "Hate Speech" online within 24 hours

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
It doesn't and I didn't say it does. My post was intended to display what it does say. So many people seem to not know or worse don't care what is written in our nations constitution. Europe has never had a Bill of Rights like what we enjoy here and we can never allow it to be taken away.

Actually that's not really true. Nations around the globe have very similar documents outlining guiding principles that are just different, and called different things, compared to what we in the US have. Essentially they serve the same purpose though.

Our Bill of Rights is patterned after the British version, also called the Bill of Rights, which was around before the British even landed on these shores to colonize.

The EU also has a constitution which in many ways is similar to ours.

Just thought you'd like to know that.......


Jan 15, 2013
There is a group of people here in Florida that go to concerts and other events and literally scream at people that they are devil worshipers and they are going to hell and all the usual crap. They actually go as far as to call women unsavory if they are dressed in revealing clothes. I've seen them up close twice and it's so disgusting you wish death on them. They have taken a page from the I was told that in part they try to provoke people into hitting them so they can get $ in a settlement.

At one venue I was talking to one of the cops and he said he has seen them pull their crap countless times but if someone attacks them he of course has to arrest them.

They are like those crazy fucks in Kansas.
yeah, there was a group out in front of ATT Park last time I saw Metallica....yelling into megaphones..
Typical good entertainment in my book.


Jan 15, 2013
Pretty cut and dry in my book. Just use common sense when it comes to these things.
Perhaps to you.
Life experience has taught me a different lesson. Anything that can be swayed to an agenda, political or otherwise, probably will be.

Maybe, but this is a start.
And that is the scary part.
There is a bill in Ca leg right now, I have not had time to read about its specifics in excuse me on that front....but, it basically will disallow opinions that dispute climate change. Maybe more specifically the effects of climate change. In my limited understanding I think it is, at this point, limited to business and think tanks ect. So, this is science? No. This is crushing the exchange of ideas. This is political action committee drawing up policy with no regard for the possible long reaching affects. I really try not to look at the right now, it is the unintended consequence we should be concerned with, because almost without fail, it is people losing their rights that comes as the unintended consequence.

Because others and myself are struggling to make it in the real world. Not because we want handouts, it's that we can't, b/c the previous generation has that mentality.
So, you're struggling because of another generations outlook?
You lost me there.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
Actually that's not really true. Nations around the globe have very similar documents outlining guiding principles that are just different, and called different things, compared to what we in the US have. Essentially they serve the same purpose though.

Our Bill of Rights is patterned after the British version, also called the Bill of Rights, which was around before the British even landed on these shores to colonize.

The EU also has a constitution which in many ways is similar to ours.

Just thought you'd like to know that.......
The British Bill of Rights has very little in common with ours...especially from whence they came. Their rights come from the Queen and Parliament. Our rights come from a higher being. The words are similar but that is where the similarity ends. The beginning and overall power vested in the people is a very huge discrepancy.
Definition of the English Bill of Rights of 1689
The Meaning and Definition of the English Bill of Rights: The 1689 English Bill of Rights was a British Law, passed by the Parliament of Great Britain in 1689 that declared the rights and liberties of the people and settling the succession in William III and Mary II following the Glorious Revolution of 1688 when James II was deposed. Note: The date of the English Bill of Rights is referred to as either dated as March 1689 or as February 13, 1688 in Old Style dating.

Summary of the English Bill of Rights
The 1689 English Bill of Rights had a massive influence on the colonies in North America and the Constitution of the United States. The most important Articles of the 1689 English Bill of Rights are as follows:

  • A frequently summoned Parliament and free elections
  • Members should have freedom of speech in Parliament
  • No armies should be raised in peacetime
  • No taxes could be levied, without the authority of parliament
  • Laws should not be dispensed with, or suspended, without the consent of parliament
  • No excessive fines should imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted
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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
The British Bill of Rights has very little in common with ours...especially from whence they came. Their rights come from the Queen and Parliament. Our rights come from a higher being. The words are similar but that is where the similarity ends. The beginning and overall power vested in the people is a very huge discrepancy.

Well sorry, but that's just factually incorrect.

And if you actually think the USA's Bill of Rights came from "a higher being" this discussion is over.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
And if you actually think the USA's Bill of Rights came from "a higher being" this discussion is over.

This is what I mean by a higher power a higher power than government and there is the difference I'm referring to;

The 1776 American Declaration of Independence states that:

  • All men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; these are unalienable rights - rights that government cannot take away
  • Governments obtained their power from the consent of the people


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
This is what I mean by a higher power a higher power than government and there is the difference I'm referring to;

The 1776 American Declaration of Independence states that:

  • All men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; these are unalienable rights - rights that government cannot take away
  • Governments obtained their power from the consent of the people

You said "a higher being", which means a deity.

Are we talking about the DOI or the BOR?

Two different things.......the BOR were put together to fill some holes so to speak in the DOI and to satisfy all parties.

And again, pretty much every first world nation has documents that are the centerpiece, or foundation, of their nation and that provide rights to their people. Which was my original point. While they are all different, they all have so much in common. You said Europe has never had a Bill of Rights like what we enjoy here and we can never allow it to be taken away. And that's not true even dismissing the fact that there is a whole world beyond Europe and Europe is of course composed of many different nations each with it's own unique culture and therefore unique set of needs and desires.

You are painting with a very, very broad brush. Both the UK and US Bill of Rights were designed to reduce the states power over individuals. Different times, different cultures and different political "systems" make for different wording and such but in the end they are similar enough to put in the same bucket.

I only pointed this out because I felt you were selling a lot of nations short with your post. The USA wasn't the first to have this sort of umbrella document.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
You said "a higher being", which means a deity.

Are we talking about the DOI or the BOR?

Two different things.......the BOR were put together to fill some holes so to speak in the DOI and to satisfy all parties.

And again, pretty much every first world nation has documents that are the centerpiece, or foundation, of their nation and that provide rights to their people. Which was my original point. While they are all different, they all have so much in common. You said Europe has never had a Bill of Rights like what we enjoy here and we can never allow it to be taken away. And that's not true even dismissing the fact that there is a whole world beyond Europe and Europe is of course composed of many different nations each with it's own unique culture and therefore unique set of needs and desires.

You are painting with a very, very broad brush. Both the UK and US Bill of Rights were designed to reduce the states power over individuals. Different times, different cultures and different political "systems" make for different wording and such but in the end they are similar enough to put in the same bucket.

I only pointed this out because I felt you were selling a lot of nations short with your post. The USA wasn't the first to have this sort of umbrella document.
Actually Les I've been doing some reading and you are absolutely right I was misinformed about the British constitution and others. There are some differences of course like with the amendment process which is a pretty important part but yeah you were correct. Learning never stops. and my meaning was a higher authority my mistake...

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #49
Every once in a while I'll post a thread and think to myself, I shouldn't have done that. I know it's difficult with a topic like this to leave politics and religion out of it, but it would be ironic to have to lock a thread that deals with censorship.



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Actually Les I've been doing some reading and you are absolutely right I was misinformed about the British constitution and others. There are some differences of course like with the amendment process which is a pretty important part but yeah you were correct. Learning never stops. and my meaning was a higher authority my mistake...

No big deal it's cool. :grouphug:

However I would like to make this a more heated and violent discussion just to give Prime Time some shit and make him think about what to do..........I owe him one. I think. Even if I don't I do hahaha. :argue:


Jan 15, 2013
Every once in a while I'll post a thread and think to myself, I shouldn't have done that. I know it's difficult with a topic like this to leave politics and religion out of it, but it would be ironic to have to lock a thread that deals with censorship.

The discussion on this thread has been good and respectful I think.
I have been going back and forth with Angry Ram....we see things differently but I have certainly enjoyed the discussion.