Texas kid arrested for bringing an invented clock to school.

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Most of it is not lies, it's lopsided facts. And their bias is not just in the story itself but also whether then even decide to carry the story. In the court of law we pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In media, they just tell half truths.
Or the part of the story that bleeds and gets the OMG reaction from those now equipped with only part of the story.


May 28, 2011
Most of it is not lies, it's lopsided facts. And their bias is not just in the story itself but also whether then even decide to carry the story. In the court of law we pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In media, they just tell half truths.

Did you make up 75% of that just now? :cool:

I grabbed it from here, but it's not exactly a secret that if you want to get good news you don't check FOX or MSNBC.... FOX is without a doubt the worst of the two though, and that's not based on political viewpoints, that's based on what they say. The good thing about the internet, it's really easy to fact check people.


I don't watch either channel, I don't care for either channel, I don't pick on them because of any political leanings, I pick on them for being trash.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I grabbed it from here, but it's not exactly a secret that if you want to get good news you don't check FOX or MSNBC.... FOX is without a doubt the worst of the two though, and that's not based on political viewpoints, that's based on what they say. The good thing about the internet, it's really easy to fact check people.


I don't watch either channel, I don't care for either channel, I don't pick on them because of any political leanings, I pick on them for being trash.
I don't go to news entertainment shows for facts either. But the idea that it is easy to fact check people by relying on a politifact website without knowing what they are actually fact checking is a little rich IMO. Are they fact checking Bill O'Reily versus CNN World News? They even say "at Fox and Fox News". What does that mean? Sean Hannity throws out half truths? Say it ain't so.

You could easily find something truthful and not truthful in every half truth or one sided report out there. Just because someone is telling you what they know to be true doesn't mean they are telling the whole truth. My guess with the FOX fact checking is that FOX simply has more "news" entertainment shows than the others and therefore engages in more sensationalism toward their bent - not necessarily that their actual news segments are less truthful than the others.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I think some news agencies may score higher on the "truth meter" based on what they like to report on. Their reporting bias score would show you a much different number. Omitting parts of the truth just doesn't merit flying a banner in my book. But of course, I've learned to wear the "bullshit" goggles well.


May 28, 2011
I don't go to news entertainment shows for facts either. But the idea that it is easy to fact check people by relying on a politifact website without knowing what they are actually fact checking is a little rich IMO. Are they fact checking Bill O'Reily versus CNN World News? They even say "at Fox and Fox News". What does that mean? Sean Hannity throws out half truths? Say it ain't so.

You could easily find something truthful and not truthful in every half truth or one sided report out there. Just because someone is telling you what they know to be true doesn't mean they are telling the whole truth. My guess with the FOX fact checking is that FOX simply has more "news" entertainment shows than the others and therefore engages in more sensationalism toward their bent - not necessarily that their actual news segments are less truthful than the others.

If you look at the website they say exactly how they examine each channel. For example there is FOX news (24 hour channel with Bill O'Reilly etc) and regular FOX (where Family Guy, the Simpsons, etc are shown as well as regular news) just as NBC has their regular channel and their 24 hour news channel, they lump those all together.. Which is why NBC and FOX have more lies than CBS or ABC, since neither of those stations have 24 hour news channels.

They also rank anything that is said by a pundit or paid on-air talent (they don't rank politicians, or government officials for each network, so if Clinton goes on NBC or Trump goes on FOX, neither station would get dinged if they lied). It's based on their political comments that are framed as truth ("Obama/Bush said ____!" when he actually said ____)..

So are they fact checking Bill vs CNN World News? Yes they are, they fact check everything. Using the excuse of "Well it's entertainment" for why it's okay to lie and mislead the public doesn't work with me, they talk about current events, they talk about politics, and they spin their side as the truth, both networks do it. It's misleading, and people take information they hear on the network and use it as evidence to support their views. If that evidence is flawed then it's flawed, there's no guise of "it's entertainment"... Especially when it's framed as news, which it is. Spongebob is obviously entertainment, South Park is entertainment based on current happenings, the Walking Dead is entertainment.. People don't typically point to these shows as evidence that zombies are out there, or there's talking sea animals under Bikini Atoll as a result of nuclear testing. Yet they point to Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly or Ed Schultz as evidence.

As to why I would just use Politifact to support the claim that those stations spew out lies all the time, why not? Why wade through thousands of hours of bullshit to make a list of lies for different networks when they've already done it for me? They show their work, they show the lie, they show how it is a lie with citations... They also will tell when they tell the truth or mostly the truth, so it's not as if they just bash it. The entire point is to hold the media accountable because of their actions. There's a lot of misinformation out there and it doesn't lead to informed decisions, or does it lead to good things. Yet instead of people demanding that the news actually report the truth they jump to defend their station, because their station says things that support their political views, and people want to be protected from things that challenge their world views.

That being said I've been trying to avoid this topic at work and on the internet because it pisses me off to be quite honest, so I'm stepping out.


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
There was a report on Fox a few months back about Muslims and terrorist threats etc and they were talking about the UK. A so called expert was being interviewed and began talking about Birmingham, UK's second city (around 1m population) and my hometown.

This guy was saying that non-Muslims don't dare come here because its been taken over by Muslims. It was all complete nonsense and he later issued an apology but you can bet your ass he didn't do so on TV.

The press here is the same. Newspapers and rolling news channels are all owned by people like Murdoch that have their own agendas and the knowledge that a significant number of their customers will believe what is being said and how news is spun to fit the owner's agenda. And it all goes on behind the concept of freedom of the press which is being abused.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen



How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The cops and teachers apparently volunteered for that duty, because at no point did they treat it like a bomb. School wasn't evacuated, bomb squad wasn't called, they took pictures of it, etc.

I don't think anybody is saying that what he did was impressive in itself, or that the kid is a genius, the goal is just to not discourage a kid from being scientifically curious. 14 year old kids shouldn't be paraded around the school in handcuffs while cops make racist remarks to him.

I'll be honest, I think it's a pretty sad state of affairs when the goal becomes to tear down a 14 year old because of his religion...
It's not ust Muslim kids. About 40yrs ago my handicapped brother was placed in a choke hold by LA Police and then driven around the city in the back of squad car as the cops made all kinds of mean jokes about my bro (including ethnic ones).

What was my bro doing to cause such a reaction by the police.. .you may ask? Well, he was trying to serve someone in an office building with a legal civil action, as he worked for a law firm at the time as a process server. It turned out the person he was trying to server was an illegal immigrant and she was afraid that she was going to get deported, so she convinced someone else on her staff to call the cops on my bro. When the cops showed up, they were fed a line of bull while the illegal immagrant slipped out a side door.

My brother spent a few days in hospital, and couldn't speak for a month due to the damage to this throat. Good thing the law firm was connected. The 2 cops almost lost their jobs and the city of LA seettled out of court with my bro, who received a 5-figure setllement.

He was beat up pretty bad :(


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
This investigative journalist for "The Rebel" might shed some light on this trumped up story: http://www.therebel.media/clock_bomb_boy_ahmed_mohammed_is_a_hoaxer

It doesn't. In fact, it makes any reasonable person roll their eyes.

All this vitriol towards Muslims is disgusting and sad.

And the worst is people actually acting like "leftists" are in the wrong for being against discrimination and prejudice.

I don't care if you're a conservative, liberal, communists, humanists, satanist, etc. Every decent person should be against prejudice and discrimination.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I don't care if you're a conservative, liberal, communists, humanists, satanist, etc. Every decent person should be against prejudice and discrimination.
And yet you shouldn't trip over yourself and ignore facts trying to find or create the discrimination. Sometimes - especially in this day and age - certain people want to yank people's chains and then scream discrimination knowing they have an all too ready audience.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
And yet you shouldn't trip over yourself and ignore facts trying to find or create the discrimination. Sometimes - especially in this day and age - certain people want to yank people's chains and then scream discrimination knowing they have an all too ready audience.

Awesome. I haven't ignored facts. Onto the next point.

You're right. There is an all too ready audience. And it's about damn time there is one.

jrry32, It's not vitriol when they, themselves, do such heinous things around the world that warrant a tough response from "any reasonable person". Try this site to actually see what's going on daily: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index.html#Attacks

It is vitriol. I sincerely hope you're an atheist if you're playing this card. If you're a Christian, this is awfully hypocritical.(actually, I don't really hope you're an atheist because they have the tendency to be blowhards)


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Awesome. I haven't ignored facts. Onto the next point.
I was using "you" as a generalization but actually you have, and in my mind intentionally, but that is just a guess. The idea that this kid innocently pulled this move is IMO intentionally disregarding his motives.

There is no doubt in my mind that it was with intent and that is in no way going to make me feel bad for the kid no matter what color, race, or creed. I can also guarantee you that if a freaking albino brought in that device and then disregarded directives from the school that he too would have been treated much the same. This punk however, has a known Muslim activist for a father and was intentionally trying to be a shit stirrer. Poor baby. He should be made an example of. This is not racism or prejudice. This is some punk preying on the wanton elitists who want to make an example of every chance they can get to pull out the race card. Well - he found his audience. Big surprise.

You're right. There is an all too ready audience. And it's about damn time there is one.
Please. The race baiting jackals have created a multi-BILLION dollar industry out of parading their latest "victims". About time? For whom?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I was using "you" as a generalization but actually you have, and in my mind intentionally, but that is just a guess. The idea that this kid innocently pulled this move is IMO intentionally disregarding his motives.

You're not talking facts. You're talking opinions now.

Please. The race baiting jackals have created a multi-BILLION dollar industry out of parading their latest "victims". About time? For whom?

For America. It's about time this country steps up and tells racist pricks they can go fuck themselves. Same thing for the pricks that discriminate against gay and transgender people. Same thing for the pricks that discriminate against other religions including Islam.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
You're not talking facts. You're talking opinions now.
You mean the facts about his father? You mean the fact that he was told not to display it out of the one class? You mean the fact that it was a case that could contain enough C4 to destroy an entire classroom? You mean the fact that it clearly looked like a potential bomb?

For America. It's about time this country steps up and tells racist pricks they can go freak themselves. Same thing for the pricks that discriminate against gay and transgender people. Same thing for the pricks that discriminate against other religions including Islam.
If you are throwing the Jessie Jacksons and Al Sharptons and David Dukes in the same prick pool, I'd agree. Short of that, I couldn't disagree more.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
You mean the facts about his father? You mean the fact that he was told not to display it out of the one class? You mean the fact that it was a case that could contain enough C4 to destroy an entire classroom? You mean the fact that it clearly looked like a potential bomb?

Every single one of these things have been known since the beginning. Except for it looking like a bomb. That's an opinion.

The school never treated it like a real bomb. So the whole C4 point is baseless fear-mongering.

If you are throwing the Jessie Jacksons and Al Sharptons and David Dukes in the same prick pool, I'd agree. Short of that, I couldn't disagree more.

I'm throwing in anyone and everyone who is guilty of one or more of those sins.


Jun 17, 2014
For America. It's about time this country steps up and tells racist pricks they can go freak themselves. Same thing for the pricks that discriminate against gay and transgender people. Same thing for the pricks that discriminate against other religions including Islam.
Uhhh...You know that Islam discriminates against gay and transgender, right? That paragraph had me spinning in circles.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Uhhh...You know that Islam discriminates against gay and transgender, right? That paragraph had me spinning in circles.

So do Christians.

If they discriminate, they can go fuck themselves.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
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Uhhh...You know that Islam discriminates against gay and transgender, right? That paragraph had me spinning in circles.

Lots of different types of people discriminate against people who are on the LGBT spectrum. Most religions tend to do that, actually. I actually can't think of a single religion that doesn't say that gays won't burn in hell or be reincarnated into feral beasts or something like that. Even atheists and agnostics do that. I've met people who have hated my guts because of that, and I've met Muslims who honestly couldn't care less that I'm transgendered.

It's people as a whole. Judge the person, not the whole.


Jun 17, 2014
So do Christians.

If they discriminate, they can go freak themselves.
There is a difference between discriminating against people and discriminating against behavior. ROD does not descriminate against people but it does descriminate against certain behaviours, as is theit right. Christian churches do the same thing.

There is also a big difference between christian churches saying we don't condone a particular lifestyle and Muslim faith which uses the death penalty for particular lifestyles
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