Target To Eliminate Signs Specifying Boys Or Girls Toys

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How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I don't care about the word "pussification." I care about the connotation. You could have said "dickification" (overlooking that it wouldn't really have the same meaning) and I'd have just as much of a problem with it.

I hold the door open for men and women. It's polite. I also don't much care about benevolent sexism.

The thing that gets me is that people act like these sort of things (i.e. political correctness) are new. They aren't. They're just a different form of how it used to be. Think about it...people lament political correctness while having far more freedom in what they can wear, what they can do sexually, and the things they can believe than the past. In this case, the "restrictions" have just moved. They aren't new.

There aren't any hard feelings. Just expressing my you are. I don't take any of this personally. I hope you don't either. It's just discourse.
Who defines 'correctness' in this "politically correct" world?


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Every time some "issue" surfaces, be it Caitlyn, or Cecil, or Barbaro, or Target, it's the same mindless twits tweeting phony outrage, just like X said.

Each incident, in and of itself, is relatively harmless, and really of no consequence, but it's the trend, and (in my opinion), the truly sinister power behind it, whether it be the media, government, or some global power broker(s). Orwell's "1984" came out in 1956, 60 years ago, and so impossible to believe at the time. The fear is no longer is that it could happen, it's that it is happening, or imo, has happened.. The sad thing is the Target decision is probably a good idea, but equally probably for the wrong reasons. Even scarier is the thought/speech police currently running things on college campuses, where young men and women are supposed to be learning HOW to think, as opposed to WHAT. Brave new world, boys and girls, it's gonna' get interesting.

BTW, Slapneck is in Arkansas.:shades:
Great post, brutha.

We should resist all forms of thought consolidation, irrespective of their stated benevolence.

There is a tremendous focus on gender in this country, from numerous angles. Ask yourself why?

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
Things evolve. Things change. It's always been this way.

The original pledge of allegiance didn't even have the word "God" in it. That wasn't until 1954. Now it does have it. Some people are happy about it--some aren't. Some people are happy about the Target change--some aren't. Society evolves. What will it look like a thousand years from now?

You may like change or hate it--or like some change and hate others. But you'll never stop it.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
.... or is grown men complaining about grown men complaining the pussification of America?

Let's just put a stop to that ridiculous line of thinking right now. (a) Did you see me complaining about how Target arranged their toy aisle? And (b) did you see me express some outrage over it? Dude, I have way too many things that actually matter to me to be outraged over something like this. This is just another shining example of how one social media complaint can start an avalanche of faux outrage that influences policy.

"Businesses protect their own ass." Those were your words, yeah? Now WHY are they protecting their ass? Because one person decided to complain about the way the store conducts business (the same way it's conducted it for eons), and said person tweeted about how they were personally insulted. Then another person chimes in. Then a bunch of people who had absolutely no problem with the store the day before, started retweeting it. Then the NMO decides this is something that deserves some steam, so it becomes a pressure situation for Target now. And they caved. It's great that you're so tolerant of being shaped by other people's opinions and agendas, but I'm a bit more rigid.

It all started with one guy from California who didn't want his kid to say the pledge of Allegiance because it had the word "God" in it. It's going to end with you having to wear a mauve jumpsuit every day because your choice of clothing is offensive to one person in Slapneck Nevada whose child need not be exposed to gender specific colors so all clothing manufacturers decided to make only one color and style of clothing as a result. You know, "to protect their asses."

Now if my personal involvement in these types of stories is going to prompt you to suggest I'm outraged over them, then maybe you should take it upon yourself to actually read what I'm saying as opposed to climbing atop Mt Superior to drop judgement bombs on me. I'm merely taking part in a conversation about a story that has a much bigger picture than the individual puzzle pieces that are forming it. You're okay with that, I presume. If not, maybe take to social media and tell everyone I'm an intolerant bully who should be banned from the internet. You actually might get your way, and that's not hyperbole.
holy kamole batman, i just found a new foot soldier I can go shoulder to shoulder with in battle.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
.... or is grown men complaining about grown men complaining the pussification of America?

Let's just put a stop to that ridiculous line of thinking right now. (a) Did you see me complaining about how Target arranged their toy aisle? And (b) did you see me express some outrage over it? Dude, I have way too many things that actually matter to me to be outraged over something like this. This is just another shining example of how one social media complaint can start an avalanche of faux outrage that influences policy.

"Businesses protect their own ass." Those were your words, yeah? Now WHY are they protecting their ass? Because one person decided to complain about the way the store conducts business (the same way it's conducted it for eons), and said person tweeted about how they were personally insulted. Then another person chimes in. Then a bunch of people who had absolutely no problem with the store the day before, started retweeting it. Then the NMO decides this is something that deserves some steam, so it becomes a pressure situation for Target now. And they caved. It's great that you're so tolerant of being shaped by other people's opinions and agendas, but I'm a bit more rigid.

They're not shaping anything for me. I am who I am. Target removing labels on their toy aisles doesn't affect me in any way.

It all started with one guy from California who didn't want his kid to say the pledge of Allegiance because it had the word "God" in it. It's going to end with you having to wear a mauve jumpsuit every day because your choice of clothing is offensive to one person in Slapneck Nevada whose child need not be exposed to gender specific colors so all clothing manufacturers decided to make only one color and style of clothing as a result. You know, "to protect their asses."

Slippery slope fallacy.

Now if my personal involvement in these types of stories is going to prompt you to suggest I'm outraged over them, then maybe you should take it upon yourself to actually read what I'm saying as opposed to climbing atop Mt Superior to drop judgement bombs on me. I'm merely taking part in a conversation about a story that has a much bigger picture than the individual puzzle pieces that are forming it. You're okay with that, I presume. If not, maybe take to social media and tell everyone I'm an intolerant bully who should be banned from the internet. You actually might get your way, and that's not hyperbole.

Can they do that? If so, we need to start a campaign to ban 99% of Patriots fans. ;)


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
theres no need for any kind of push. nobody gives a crap if girls go into the boy section to pick out a toy or vice versa. half the time they end up playing more with the box it came in anyways. this whole thing is bullcrap IMO plain and simple. and I have no idea what you're talking about when you say girls can't play with footballs and GI Joes. I didn't realize society was refusing to let them. and I don't give a crap about gays marrying or transgender and sexual having all the equal rights they want. but as far as the bathrooms go you're answer was so "simple" that basically what you're telling me is that if I feel like identifying as a woman all of a sudden that I can put on a wig, a dress, tuck my dick between my legs and walk into any women's bathroom I feel like. and forget about the rest of the majority who wouldn't feel comfortable with it. as long as the minority get what they want right

Sarcasm, my friend. ;)

Yes, if you identify as a woman, be yourself. Go ahead and dress in drag and you can feel free to use women's restrooms.

What I think is funny in all this is using a women's restroom is such a huge "reward" or "advantage" that someone would actually pretend to be transexual to do it. Nobody would put themselves through that hell just so they could use the women's restroom.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I am honestly anxious to say the very least at how things are going in the future. On the totem poll this Target things is very small. I doubt anyone on here is getting genuinely angry about it. But like X said, one person doesn't want to pledge of allegiance said because it has the word God in it and then schools will stop saying it. This thing with Target is just another example in that line. I've seriously worked in an office where someone was offended by Santa Clause because of their religion, so no more Santa in the office. So where does it end? I don't see an end. People will just keep finding something else to be offended about. If people don't want gender specific titles, then it really is not inconceivable that people will want everyone to wear the same types of clothes as to not be gender specific. Some may say that is crazy but I'm sure someday a school that has uniforms will do this. I just really wonder what things are going to be like twenty years from now. I doubt many people even say much at all if their kids wanted to play with toys that are mainly played with by the opposite gender.

This is neither here nor there but the Pledge of Allegiance shouldn't have the word "God" in it.

It amuses me when people half my age try to tell me what it was actually like to live in America 20 years ago vs today.

"Pussification" is a fun term to use, but IMO it's more like what we see everyday on this forum in the little box before we type. Think before you post.... Sounds like a good plan to me. Be courteous to others and act like a civilized adult right?...but it also means that you(and you alone) are responsible for what you type(or say or do) and you must own up to he ramifications for what you type(or say or do). I'd like to live my life without having to be reminded(bombarded) by an ever changing American society that feels the need to tighten the grip on what's moral and politically correct and what's not, and what is good for EVERYONE. Says who? My Dad? My Boss? My preacher? My friends? The author of some book? The guy on television? No. I decide what's right or wrong in my world. If i make the wrong choice then it's my responsibility to recognize that and grow as a man. Or woman...sorry (y)

The day-to-day social climate, the in's and the out's of how people felt about the world we lived and breathed in, and the influence of change brought upon by both natural and unnatural social evolution. The bombardment of social influence brought upon by technology, social media is astounding. Things have changed. The rules of moral and social "correctness" are desperately trying to be changed. Everywhere in this Country. Period. Not debatable.
Some for the better and some for the worse. I believe very strongly that it's not headed in the right direction. THAT is debatable.

I have access to history. For all those talking about political correctness, have you heard of McCarthyism? You want to talk political correctness, that might be the most extreme example of it in the last 60 or so years.

Again, it's not new. It's just different.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
They're not shaping anything for me. I am who I am. Target removing labels on their toy aisles doesn't affect me in any way.
That statement couldn't be more wrong. Our neural network are biologically shaped by the inputs they receive. There's quite a bit of science behind this. Stuart Kauffman has written a tremendous amount about Systems Biology, but he's just a recent addition to a long list of thinkers in this field.
This is neither here nor there but the Pledge of Allegiance shouldn't have the word "God" in it.
Oh gawd. Of course it should. The Founders understood this. Where do our "inalienable rights" originate... our entire system is founded upon God?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Oh gawd. Of course it should. The Founders understood this. Where do our "inalienable rights" originate... our entire system is founded upon God?

The pledge of allegiance was created by a socialist for capitalist reasons in the late 1800s. The founders have nothing to do with it. And "God" didn't become a part of the pledge until 1954 due to the red scare because our enemies were the "godless communists."

Regardless of all that, defending it on the grounds of the founding fathers is a pretty ridiculous point to make. Because "God" has no business being in the pledge. This is not a Christian only country. This is not a Christian government. Using the founding fathers' antiquated view to defend it is ridiculous. You can defend racism and slavery too if you want to go back that far into history.

And no, our entire system is not based or founded upon "God."

Who defines 'correctness' in this "politically correct" world?

You do...for yourself. And then you are judged by society based on their norms and standards.
Last edited:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
This does one thing for me at Christmas time. I won't be shopping for kids toys at Target. Damn if I'm going to spend the extra time wading through all the toys looking for a boys or girls toy. I'm going somewhere that has them separated to save my ass some time. I'm all about saving time shopping, in and out fast. This will slow my ass down and THAT pisses me off so thanks for the heads up.;)


May 28, 2011
This does one thing for me at Christmas time. I won't be shopping for kids toys at Target. Damn if I'm going to spend the extra time wading through all the toys looking for a boys or girls toy. I'm going somewhere that has them separated to save my ass some time. I'm all about saving time shopping, in and out fast. This will slow my ass down and THAT pisses me off so thanks for the heads up.;)

It shouldn't be that hard, whatever the kid is into get a toy for them that matches that interest.


Pro Bowler
Jul 9, 2014
Sarcasm, my friend. ;)

Yes, if you identify as a woman, be yourself. Go ahead and dress in drag and you can feel free to use women's restrooms.

What I think is funny in all this is using a women's restroom is such a huge "reward" or "advantage" that someone would actually pretend to be transexual to do it. Nobody would put themselves through that hell just so they could use the women's restroom.
sorry sarcasm is harder to judge when typed. but my point isn't about the ones that want to switch. what about the majority thats uncomfortable with a man walking into a women's bathroom or locker room. what about mothers and their little girls that deserve privacy but instead are forced to share a room with a transgender man that could potentially just expose himself to a little girl. this country's biggest social problem is that it cares more about minority rights than anyone else and that it doesn't give a flying crap about the rest of the ppl that live here. I'm sorry my friend but this issue is far from black and white and I've gotten tired of the rights of the few outweighing the rights of the many.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
We really do hate locking threads, so please veer away from any and all religious discussions. Have those types of discussions through pm's or somewhere else. Thanks.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
It shouldn't be that hard, whatever the kid is into get a toy for them that matches that interest.
Right. A whole lot easier when you are shopping for a boy and you can go to the boy's section instead of having to sort through twice the inventory. Kinda like having to go to the bathroom somewhere that they have unisex bathrooms. The line is three times as long because most chicks go to the bathroom with a spotter.


Mar 17, 2014
The biggest problem I have with this is that I can't walk into Target and go straight to the boys or girls section when looking for a gift. I'd have to sift through all of it. I'm not sure how many have been in a toy department lately, but their fairly large. Each gender has numerous isles as it is, now they want to combine them?
Extending my time doing something I don't particularly enjoy doing to begin with, isn't a way to keep customers happy.
Stores are organized for a reason. It allows people to go to specific areas of a store to get what they want and get the fuck out. This makes about as much sense as putting the arbol chiles in the cereal section.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Regardless of all that, defending it on the grounds of the founding fathers is a pretty ridiculous point to make. Because "God" has no business being in the pledge.
In your opinion. You REALLY need to qualify those kinds of statements, m'man. Without getting into a religious debate (which is against the rules here), you're omitting an ENORMOUS part of this Country's history with those kinds of statements. And not only that, but 83% of this Country identifies itself as Christian according to recent polls.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
So much fragile masculinity in one thread.


Mar 17, 2014
It shouldn't be that hard, whatever the kid is into get a toy for them that matches that interest.
It certainly doesn't sound that hard, but it will take more time.
It honestly isn't a fun thing to do now, even with everything organized by gender.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Since we're on Christmas now, I'd like to weigh in.

When my kids were 13 and 7, I stopped doing the whole tree, presents, and lights thing. I sat them both down one day and told them that there was no such thing as Santa (my eldest already knew that of course), and I was tired of some imaginary fat man taking credit for the hard work I put in to earn the money to buy them presents. Keep in mind, I said this in a joking tone to ease the mood, and my daughter helped ease the initial shock for my son. Then I immediately followed it up by saying we would henceforth start taking a week vacation in Orlando every year - at the end of December - and I would buy them whatever they wanted within the budget I set for them. We always stayed in a resort hotel on the parks grounds because you could use your room key as an express pass to bypass the long lines, and the pools were incredible. Rock slides, in-pool bar, pool-side meals, hot tubs, etc.

At any rate, to this day, my kids tell me that it was the best idea I ever had. They said they would have quickly forgotten or lost interest in the disposable presents I would have used that money to buy, but they would always have the memories of those vacations (plus the pictures we took). And both of my kids said they intend to implement the same policy once their kids are old enough to have enjoyed the mystique of Santa and Christmas, but are ready for a switch to more memorable holidays.