Take a sample Wonderlic test/Manziel aces it

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Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I'm pretty sure those that score below a 10 can't even read, and have never had to actually attend a class in their "academic" career.
I'd say you at least close to right about that,maybe not 100% but most probably have 1-3 grade reading skills and have been passed to keep them on the field.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #42
Prime Time's 7 Question Test For College Players Who Want To Be Drafted By The NFL

*You must get 100% correct* (Hint: the correct answer to all 7 questions is (c)
1. If you get drunk you should -

a) head to a liquor store or bar and get more booze
b) insist that you're perfectly capable of driving yourself home safely and drive away
c) have someone sober drive you home or call a cab

2. If someone offers you a joint or other drug, you should -

a) say "Why yes, I don't mind if I do"
b) ask them to call their connection and get more stuff
c) politely decline and get the heck out of there

3. The best place to spend your time before the draft is -

a) at a strip club
b) cruising seedy neighborhoods soliciting prostitutes
c) at home resting or at the gym working out

4. When someone insults or threatens you, you should -

a) step outside and duke it out with him to prove your manhood
b) pull out your piece and wave it around while making threats
c) leave in a hurry

5. When asked questions by the media about current or past NFL players, you should -

a) brag about how much better you will be than them
b) say "Who?"
c) answer with respect and humility that you will work hard and hope to be as good as them

6. To protect yourself from injury and the possibility of losing millions of dollars, you should -

a) participate in as many pick-up basketball games as you can
b) Try hang gliding or go running with the bulls in Pamplona
c) Get plenty of rest and eat the right foods

7. To protect your reputation -

a) sign up with Twitter or Facebook and get into feuds with others
b) make divisive comments about hot political or social topics to piss lots of people off
c) keep a low profile


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
What's the pattern here? Possibly that the "test" is not designed for inner-city low income kids of color? Could that be the real differentiating factor? Perhaps its the test that's failing and not these kids, ever think of it that way?

How many ROD bucks do you wanna bet that the Wonderlick test was NOT designed by an inner-city person of color?

It's not just the players of the game that one needs to focus on, but the rulemakers as well. This is a circular relationship between the two.

are you saying inner city low income kids are incapable of learning basic maths and english? isn't that being a tad racist?



I drink things, and know nothing
Aug 10, 2013
Prime Time's 7 Question Test For College Players Who Want To Be Drafted By The NFL

*You must get 100% correct* (Hint: the correct answer to all 7 questions is (c)
1. If you get drunk you should -

a) head to a liquor store or bar and get more booze
b) insist that you're perfectly capable of driving yourself home safely and drive away
c) have someone sober drive you home or call a cab

2. If someone offers you a joint or other drug, you should -

a) say "Why yes, I don't mind if I do"
b) ask them to call their connection and get more stuff
c) politely decline and get the heck out of there

3. The best place to spend your time before the draft is -

a) at a strip club
b) cruising seedy neighborhoods soliciting prostitutes
c) at home resting or at the gym working out

4. When someone insults or threatens you, you should -

a) step outside and duke it out with him to prove your manhood
b) pull out your piece and wave it around while making threats
c) leave in a hurry

5. When asked questions by the media about current or past NFL players, you should -

a) brag about how much better you will be than them
b) say "Who?"
c) answer with respect and humility that you will work hard and hope to be as good as them

6. To protect yourself from injury and the possibility of losing millions of dollars, you should -

a) participate in as many pick-up basketball games as you can
b) Try hang gliding or go running with the bulls in Pamplona
c) Get plenty of rest and eat the right foods

7. To protect your reputation -

a) sign up with Twitter or Facebook and get into feuds with others
b) make divisive comments about hot political or social topics to pee pee lots of people off
c) keep a low profile
Anyone else answer A for almost all of them?


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I took less than two minutes to do the sample test and missed #6 due to brain fart and #12 due to just being way the hell off. I guessed June.o_O

So there's a 13 if I didn't even take the rest of the test. Eat it Marino.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
What's the pattern here? Possibly that the "test" is not designed for inner-city low income kids of color? Could that be the real differentiating factor? Perhaps its the test that's failing and not these kids, ever think of it that way?

How many ROD bucks do you wanna bet that the Wonderlick test was NOT designed by an inner-city person of color?

It's not just the players of the game that one needs to focus on, but the rulemakers as well. This is a circular relationship between the two.

Nah, the pattern is poorly educated people don't score well. All of the people taking the test for the NFL are college educated for at least three years. It's biased against stupidity, not against race or economics. Plenty of poor inner city kids have kicked ass on the test because they weren't dumbasses.

Go take it and if you don't agree that an average Jr. High student could cop a 20 then we can discuss it further. The Wonderlic test is not so difficult that getting out of the teens and into the twenties on your score is a monumental cognitive feat.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Not necessarily racist. However, it could be targeted toward middle to upper income players. For instance, one of the questions asked on an IQ test to school kids in past (not necessarily the Wonderlic) was had to do with knowing the definition of a saucer or coaster. The kids of many low income families drink out of a bare cup with no saucer or coaster underneath and had no idea what the subject matter of the question was.

The moral: if one wants to test intelligence across economic levels, one has to raise questions equally common to kids/people of all economic levels.

So because they didn't have a saucer or coaster they didn't know what it was?

I don't have hemorrhoids, but I know what they are. :whistle:
Aug 15, 2013
1. If you get drunk you should -
a) head to a liquor store or bar and get more booze

2. If someone offers you a joint or other drug, you should -
c) politely decline and get the heck out of there

3. The best place to spend your time before the draft is -
a) at a strip club

4. When someone insults or threatens you, you should -
a) step outside and duke it out with him to prove your manhood/b) pull out your piece and wave it around while making threats

5. When asked questions by the media about current or past NFL players, you should -
a) brag about how much better you will be than them

6. To protect yourself from injury and the possibility of losing millions of dollars, you should -
a) participate in as many pick-up basketball games as you can/b) Try hang gliding or go running with the bulls in Pamplona/c) Get plenty of rest and eat the right foods

7. To protect your reputation -
a) sign up with Twitter or Facebook and get into feuds with others

Answered for what I'd do as a 21 year old.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #52
Answered for what I'd do as a 21 year old.

Oh absolutely! I did everything on that list wrong while in my 20's. It cost me two marriages and my health to learn those lessons. Would I have done everything right when facing the possibility of a potential contract with an NFL team and the opportunity to pursue my dream? I don't know for sure. But here's hoping that these young men awaiting the draft have someone in their life who can advise them so they'll stay out of trouble. That's a whole lot more important than acing the Wonderlic test.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The ability to gain and apply information/complete tasks.
Okay, that's a good one. So, say I have different ability to gain and apply different tasks than you do. Who decides whose ability is "intelligent" and whose ability is not intelligent? Or, who decides which tasks completed quickly determine intelligence?


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Um... I call bullcrap. This is sadly a racial mantra based on a line from a sitcom. That hasn't kept it from becoming fact on the internet though. However, if you can actually find the test that the question shows up in, I'll kindly retract this. Good luck.
I don't understand the point being made here?


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
are you saying inner city low income kids are incapable of learning basic maths and english? isn't that being a tad racist?

No, I'm saying that at all. I'm saying everyone learns different things differently, whatever that may be. I'm not qualifying or judging what that is. My view is absolutely every human being is intelligent, especially in the areas that they have had personal experiences. I don't buy into the societal notion that some of us are more intelligent then others. In fact, I don't even agree with the difinitions of "intelligent" as most people understand it. I think the entire concept is bogus.

So, I see the Wonderlick as trying to;

  1. communicate a specific set of questions asked within a specific context, irrespective of someones experiences;
  2. define ones "intelligence" by the number of tester's answers that agree with the test's creators.

In reality all it does it determine how monolithic the testers are, that's all.... or how well the testers backgrounds & experiences align with the wishes of the test's creator. It's an utterly irrelevant exercise that incorrectly labels people while unfairly elevating some and disenfranchising others.

For example, Tavon is a brilliant kid. I saw that in his very first interview, it was obvious. Does anyone really disagree with this, as we've all seen him interviewed numerous times. I'd employ that kid in a heartbeat.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I don't understand the point being made here?
My point is that it is a bullshit statement meant to show that the IQ test is inherently racist. I have found nothing that says this question ever actually existed on an IQ test. And yet, it is used as an example of just that. Never mind that people know about a lot of things they've never seen or used, it is bullshit to use a false assertion to back up a point. You might as well say that the test included such questions as - Jimmy has a Mercedes. Do the doors have Walnut or Oak inlays? and therefore is clearly racist.

Point to a specific example? OK. And I'm not even saying there aren't such examples. I just get tired of people throwing BS internet lore out there to back up some kind of assertion. It eventually (as in this case) becomes passed on as an actual fact. That's what I would call "bullshit".


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
My point is that it is a bullcrap statement meant to show that the IQ test is inherently racist. I have found nothing that says this question ever actually existed on an IQ test. And yet, it is used as an example of just that. Never mind that people know about a lot of things they've never seen or used, it is bullcrap to use a false assertion to back up a point. You might as well say that the test included such questions as - Jimmy has a Mercedes. Do the doors have Walnut or Oak inlays? and therefore is clearly racist.

Point to a specific example? OK. And I'm not even saying there aren't such examples. I just get tired of people throwing BS internet lore out there to back up some kind of assertion. It eventually (as in this case) becomes passed on as an actual fact. That's what I would call "bullcrap".
I don't think tests are inherently racists, but they are most certainly inherently biased to a group of testers who are most closely aligned to the test creators.

The moral: if one wants to test intelligence across economic levels, one has to raise questions equally common to kids/people of all economic levels.

I'd actually say that the moral is that one can not test intelligence across all economic levels because there are no set of questions that are equally common to people of all economic levels.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Nah, the pattern is poorly educated people don't score well. All of the people taking the test for the NFL are college educated for at least three years. It's biased against stupidity, not against race or economics. Plenty of poor inner city kids have kicked ass on the test because they weren't dumbasses.

Go take it and if you don't agree that an average Jr. High student could cop a 20 then we can discuss it further. The Wonderlic test is not so difficult that getting out of the teens and into the twenties on your score is a monumental cognitive feat.
I agree with you that poorly educated people don't score well. Now, let's define "education" before we go any further. You wanna go first?