Stuff going on at Penn State

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Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #41
Oh, god. I was really hoping this didnt get any deeper and involve more pedophiles. When I first found out Sandusky and him using the charity in a twisted way to get near children I wondered if it was just him. It was weird. Would it really just be him acting on his own? It know this is just a rumor but theres no reason to think why this situation cant get any more twisted and disturbing ( hard to come up with words to describe all this).

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
interference said:

In April, Pittsburgh radio host Mark Madden wrote a story revealing Penn State for much of the cover-up of Jerry Sandusky's alleged child rape that has been exposed in the past week. While it didn't raise many eyebrows back then, six months later it looks to be incredibly accurate.

On Thursday morning, just hours after legendary head coach Joe Paterno and university president Graham Spanier were fired by the school's board of trustees, Madden was asked on The Dennis and Callahan Show what he believes the next piece of news will be.

What he said was twice as shocking as anything that's been released thus far.

"I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen," Madden told John Dennis and Gerry Callahan. "I hear there's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation -- and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak."

Link to Audio

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ndusky.htm</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ky-scandal</a>
That sounds like the plot of an episode of Law and Order, SVU.


May 28, 2011
I've tried to stay out of this, but it seems to get worse and worse. This entire story is frankly sickening, and I hope everyone involved in this, who willingly let it happen, is jailed for a long time/life.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Everyone who touched this organization, Second Mile, and had involvement in the PSU athletic department is going to be gravely impacted. This is too big to bury now, especially with the Internet. People are going to be sickened beyond belief when everything comes out.

Dick Vermeil will be impacted too, there is no doubt about that, as he is an Honorary Board Member at Second Mile. People are going to ask, "how did he, and other board members, not know what was going on?"

This is very saddening.


Jun 25, 2010
Ram Quixote said:
interference said:

In April, Pittsburgh radio host Mark Madden wrote a story revealing Penn State for much of the cover-up of Jerry Sandusky's alleged child rape that has been exposed in the past week. While it didn't raise many eyebrows back then, six months later it looks to be incredibly accurate.

On Thursday morning, just hours after legendary head coach Joe Paterno and university president Graham Spanier were fired by the school's board of trustees, Madden was asked on The Dennis and Callahan Show what he believes the next piece of news will be.

What he said was twice as shocking as anything that's been released thus far.

"I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen," Madden told John Dennis and Gerry Callahan. "I hear there's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation -- and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak."

Link to Audio

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ndusky.htm</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ky-scandal</a>
That sounds like the plot of an episode of Law and Order, SVU.

I was thinking the exact same thing when this first came out


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #46
And the impact that this has had is unbelievable. It really puts football and life into perspective. Im sure that some of the PSU fans and students had to be thinking about how this was the wrong way to Paterno to go out, how he was made the fall guy by the school he built, how he was destroyed by the media. This is MUCH BIGGER than a HC's legacy. Were looking at a growing number of victims and how their lives that have been traumatized.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
This is beyond mere words. I can't comprehend something of this magnitude. I don't think I could express how I feel about this until everything comes out.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Here's a condensed version of today's interview with Mark Madden, who is leveling some incredible allegations.


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ich-donors</a>

Basically Madden said:

* Former assistant Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky was forced by Penn State to retire in 1999 in exchange for a university coverup of his actions with underage boys.

* Rumors are being investigated that Sandusky and Second Mile, a non-profit Sandusky founded in 1977 to help children, was pimping young boys to wealthy donors

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ven-worse/</a>


Jun 25, 2010
interference said:
Here's a condensed version of today's interview with Mark Madden, who is leveling some incredible allegations.


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ich-donors</a>

Basically Madden said:

* Former assistant Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky was forced by Penn State to retire in 1999 in exchange for a university coverup of his actions with underage boys.

* Rumors are being investigated that Sandusky and Second Mile, a non-profit Sandusky founded in 1977 to help children, was pimping young boys to wealthy donors

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ven-worse/</a>

Thanks and keep posting these


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #50
Was just watching CBS news and they said Mike McQueary(sp?) is still gonna be coaching this Saturday but it will be a game-time decision on him coaching in the booth or on the field. I dont understand this at all.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
JdashSTL said:
Was just watching CBS news and they said Mike McQueary(sp?) is still gonna be coaching this Saturday but it will be a game-time decision on him coaching in the booth or on the field. I dont understand this at all.
Please excuse my directness in advance, but Power doesn't give a FUKC about the public or the victims. PSU and the Power Hierarchy around PSU are continuing to act in their own self-interest and thumbing their nose at all of us. They gave us a few mardyrs and they think that that should be enough for now. If the public continues to squeal, then they'll dribble-out a few more heads to keep the public happy. I think this is them trying to wear-out the public until it tires of the story.

If Madden's "rumors" continue to see light and receive support through new facts, than the public will eventually make them clean-out the entire power system in Pennsylvania, but IMO that's going to take a real push by the public.

Anyone who can stomach it might find the following documentary of interest and relevant to what we're witnessing today. This trend of pimping-out young children has been seen in political power circles before (approximatley 20 years ago), but after lots of covering-up, sealed documents, and unexplained deaths the story went away.

The Franklin Coverup
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

(documentary approximately 60 minutes)

The Franklin Scandal (Nick Bryant)


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... &Itemid=15</a>

A chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this account of a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring in the United States tells a sordid tale of corruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during an investigation into Omaha, Nebraska's failed Franklin Federal Credit Union and took the author beyond the Midwest and ultimately to Washington, DC. Implicating businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA, and even the venerable Boys Town organization, this extensively researched report includes firsthand interviews with key witnesses and explores a controversy that has received scant media attention.

The Franklin Scandal is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of Republican powerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, had access to the highest levels of our government, and connections to the CIA.

Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring in 1990, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks, so a rash of deaths and a full court press by federal and local law enforcement effected an immaculate cover-up.

State and federal grand juries in Nebraska and a former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia played an integral role in the cover-up, and the author has had access to thousands of documents that would ultimately be sealed by the two grand juries. My documentation includes Omaha Police Department reports and internal memos, Nebraska State Patrol reports, Nebraska Department of Social Services reports, internal Boys Town reports, victim debriefings, hundreds of the ring’s airline receipts, etc.

The power elite sating their appetite for forbidden fruit via pedophilia and pedophiliac sadism is an evil that dates back millennia: Roman emperor Tiberius reportedly indulged in pedophilia and then murdered his victims. Moreover, pedophile rings linked to the powerful have recently been exposed in Belgium, Portugal, Chile, and Mexico.

The Franklin Scandal will be the first commercially-published book to tell the tale of a power elite pedophile ring in the U.S. and also of the cover-up of its heinous crimes. Various news organizations have attempted to break aspects of this story, but the reports have either been ignored or mysteriously shelved. Major news agencies, including ABC, have backed away from pursuing this story; conversely, CBS abetted its cover-up. It’s obvious that very powerful people have a vested interest in safeguarding this secret.


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #52
interference said:
JdashSTL said:
Was just watching CBS news and they said Mike McQueary(sp?) is still gonna be coaching this Saturday but it will be a game-time decision on him coaching in the booth or on the field. I dont understand this at all.
Please excuse my directness in advance, but Power doesn't give a FUKC about the public or the victims. PSU and the Power Hierarchy around PSU are continuing to act in their own self-interest and thumbing their nose at all of us. They gave us a few mardyrs and they think that that should be enough for now. If the public continues to squeal, then they'll dribble-out a few more heads to keep the public happy. I think this is them trying to wear-out the public until it tires of the story.

If Madden's "rumors" continue to see light and receive support through new facts, than the public will eventually make them clean-out the entire power system in Pennsylvania, but IMO that's going to take a real push by the public.

So do you think the social media, and technology can help that happen? Social media allows us to constantly connect with folks in the media and the internets influence plays a big role.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
JdashSTL said:
So do you think the social media, and technology can help that happen? Social media allows us to constantly connect with folks in the media and the internets influence plays a big role.
Let's hope the public keeps pushing for justice in this case. But with national elections heating-up, I sense we'll lose focus.

And with regard to McQueary, isn't his dad supposed to be another power broker? If so, he may have been able to keep his job because of his connections. On the other hand, maybe he has additional evidence against others, perhaps like a tape recording, and is using that evidence as leverage with others who are not yet implicated. Hard to know, but why do I fear that whatever it is it is ugly.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Joe P. and the rest of that crew were protecting themselves and Penn State,,, and did nothing to protect the innocent children. Criminal. They are getting off too easy if you ask me.


Man, I can't believe that Boy's Town shit. Thanks for posting that.
I visited that place back in the late 80's. What a fucking charade. I almost feel guilty about not knowing what the fuck was going on there.

I can't think of a punishment harsh enough for these pedaphiles. Protecting one is almost as hanus.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Just saw this poster comment over at Pennlive. Of course, it's just someone's comment, and I haven't had a chance to follow-it-up, but it appears that Sandusky's dad ran a nonprofit for handi-capped children, so, the poster is implying that this behavior ran in Sandusky's family.

Pickles Factory News November 10, 2011 at 9:15PM
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ial_e.html</a>

Business Insider states Sandusky also pimped out the underprivileged children to Second Mile's wealthy donor pool. This comes as no surprise considering the fact that Second Mile Director was told that Sandusky was caught raping a child, Second Mile did nothing to report the rape nor kick Sandusky to the curb.

You can bet some big money donors who aren't too happy to find their tax deductable largesse revealed to be fees allowing them to rape little boys from Sandusky's select harem created by Second Mile.

Interestingly in another boastful tome raving about Sandusky in this rag... it states that Sandusky's father founded a home for handi-capped underprivileged children....yet in Sandusky's own autobiography that statement is made to be untrue.

In his own book "Touched" Sandusky claims his father quit his good job so he could spend more time at a local children's center near his childhood home.

Since pedophiles are, in most cases, created by being victims of a has to ponder what Jerry's father was really all about dumping a good paying job to support his family to spend his days ingratiating himself into a youth organization

Like father, like son?

The title of his book, "Touched", certainly has an omnious meaning now


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 1582613575</a>


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #56
And this is also pretty ominous:

Then Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum thought enough of Jerry Sandusky nine years ago to sponsor the former Penn State defense coordinator for a “Congressional Angels in Adoption” award, citing his work with a non-profit group he founded to provide care for foster children.

“Its philosophy is simple: it is easier to develop a child than to rehabilitate an adult,” read the citation in the awards dinner program from Sept. 24, 2002.

Sandusky, of course, has been charged with sexual abuse of young boys and Penn State University is under fire for its handling of reports of the coach’s suspicious behavior. The burgeoning scandal reportedly is about to force legendary head coach Joe Paterno to retire.

Santorum, a 1980 PSU graduate, is one of the school’s most distinguished alumni – a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination who represented Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate from 1995 to 2007. A social conservative and champion of adoption, Santorum is staking his candidacy on an appeal to family values.

Since the scandal broke into the news, Santorum has been circumspect in his comments about it. He has said he does not know Sandusky personally.

And indeed, the guy has been a top philanthropist for a long time, routinely honored by political figures.

On Tuesday, Santorum told ABC News that Paterno deserved the benefit of the doubt because he has “served in such distinction for all those years.” Santorum also said: “Look, I pray and hope that he (Paterno) didn’t do anything he shouldn’t have done, but it certainly looks horrible for the university, horrible for the football program and obviously people were fired, should be fired,” Santorum told ABC News.

The Angels in Adoption awards program is sponsored annually by the non-profit Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... angel.html</a>


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
JdashSTL said:
“Its philosophy is simple: it is easier to develop a child than to rehabilitate an adult,” read the citation in the awards dinner program from Sept. 24, 2002.
Develop the children for what, exactly?


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #58
interference said:
JdashSTL said:
“Its philosophy is simple: it is easier to develop a child than to rehabilitate an adult,” read the citation in the awards dinner program from Sept. 24, 2002.
Develop the children for what, exactly?

I think thats another way of saying he raised the children, since they were foster kids...


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
JdashSTL said:
Was just watching CBS news and they said Mike McQueary(sp?) is still gonna be coaching this Saturday but it will be a game-time decision on him coaching in the booth or on the field. I dont understand this at all.

"Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary will not be in attendance at Saturday's home contest against Nebraska 'due to multiple threats' made against him, Penn State athletics said in a statement this evening."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _wont.html</a>


Jun 25, 2010
interference said:
JdashSTL said:
Was just watching CBS news and they said Mike McQueary(sp?) is still gonna be coaching this Saturday but it will be a game-time decision on him coaching in the booth or on the field. I dont understand this at all.

"Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary will not be in attendance at Saturday's home contest against Nebraska 'due to multiple threats' made against him, Penn State athletics said in a statement this evening."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _wont.html</a>

About time!!!!!!! No way they were ever gonna let him coach on saturday