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Jan 26, 2013
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  • #81
It’s just criminality on full display.
But, Wall Street has a finger in every single politician on the hill so the only thing I expect to even be discussed in a real way will be limiting trading platforms outside of the Wall Street firms.
Or....get a brash, young and outspoken AOC to make it her mission in life and force the old guard to participate.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #82


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
I’m having trouble viewing any of the players in the GameStop story as heroes.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #86
Right now I’m holding for break out Monday;

SOS-in at 2.43-breakout iminent. Teased us Friday as one of the few green tickers. I bought Thursday. Gaining mkt sentiment by the minute.

BNTC- in at 4.04-breakout possible. They said an update on thier Covid-19 gene silencing would happen “early Q1” so wtf that means is anyones guess. Super low float so expecting fireworks.

SINT- In at 1.94- breakout hopeful. Anything newsworthy can happen any moment with so many pipelines in Silicon Nitrade development. Currently $1.82 and I think anything under $2.10 is free money.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #89
@fearsomefour of my current Monday breakout list, SOS is now being considered a bitcoin/block chain play and getting attention from the cyrpto guys. What i think i read was they are getting some machine and will be mining in April and have ability to mine 3.5 bit per day. They are comparing it to RIOT and MARA with one exception, SOS has millions in revenue already from other business.

Figured you might be interested given that you have way more understaning of crypto than I do.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Great move. Pay for those future Superbowl tickets!

Wanted to ask, did you hang on to Apha? I havent done pot stocks in awhile but did notice it has tripled since you mentioned it,
Yes, didn’t buy much but own half a dozen pot stocks. XXII is the one I own the most in and it’s done well lately. I bought in at .70 and it sits at 2.50 now. CARA is another one I bought at 10.86 and is now at 18.70. I just wish I had more cojones to make some real jack but it’s been educational and fun this way playing around.


There can be no excellence without effort.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Camp Reporter
Sep 10, 2014
Sundial went boss one day this week and ended up being one of Robinhoods restricted. Doge was a mention from. Co-worker but I couldnt buy it through my broker. Good thing too, its down 60% from where I wanted to buy lol
Yeah. I'm done with both. Got outta dodge with doge as it began to drop. Gonna find a new hot ticket tomorrow afternoon!


There can be no excellence without effort.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Camp Reporter
Sep 10, 2014
XRP pumped some today, .28 to .46 or so then fell a bit.
Ha! I saw that. It was $0.4095 @ 11:13am. I tried to buy some but RH wouldn't place the order.

Looking now at 8:15, it's @ $0.4055.


Jan 15, 2013
Ha! I saw that. It was $0.4095 @ 11:13am. I tried to buy some but RH wouldn't place the order.

Looking now at 8:15, it's @ $0.4055.
It’s suspended on my exchanges because Ripple (the company that controls XRP) is being sued by the SEC.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #95
Some kinda movement going on. “Biowar” is something new and suggests rddit users going after short squeeze on BCRX. I dont use reddit myself but activity on stock twits ramped up like a mutherfkr.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #97
Yeah. I'm done with both. Got outta dodge with doge as it began to drop. Gonna find a new hot ticket tomorrow afternoon!
Good moves. However, Im not sure Sundial is done yet? It has a reason to get to, and maintain a dollar for continued listing status. The only reason Im not in is because when I first checked it, the 1B outstanding shares made me lose interest without further digging. Despite that issue, recent volume tells me that Thursday’s run is repeatable.

At .81 right now- theres minimum 25% upside potential just based on NASDAQ listing requirements. Most pot plays are trading OTC, very few make the trip up to the bigger exchanges. So the last thing they wanna do is LOSE that. I’d wager they’ll have help getting that dollar. This was a fantastic get in- get out- get back in opportunity imo.

Thanks, Ive added it to my watch list.
Last edited:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Mar 17, 2014
I am hopeful of CCIV, Churchhill Capital, they are rumored to be merging with Lucid Motors real soon. Lucid is ran by 3 former high ups with Tesla. They are building a new $15bil facility in Arizona.

The AMC, GME, NOK, BB, BBBY and a few others really killed the market this week. Not only was Melvin stuck with shorts, but a few other hedge funds as well. They had to sell off some very good stocks to pay for their shorts.

I went to look at the AMC, NOK, BB, GME 5 day charts and they all climbed in AH on Weds and sold off on Thurs morning.
There are rumored to be some big players behind WSB group. They have stuck it to the hedge funds, but they have really hurt a lot of retail buyers as well. AAPL had record earnings and lost almost 8% in two days.

A lot of people really got burned with DOGE.X. It's a pure pump & dump scheme. Wednesday night it was up 880% by the time I went to bed it was down to 99% up. It got up to about .0085 and now sits at .00279. A lot of people got burned bad on that.
DOGE.X was actually started as a joke.

I go to stockwits to keep up on all the action

Stocktwits - The largest community for investors and traders


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Mar 17, 2014
XRP.X is the latest crypto rage. Up 53% right now. No telling how long it goes up before the big dump.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Mar 17, 2014
Good moves. However, Im not sure Sundial is done yet? It has a reason to get to, and maintain a dollar for continued listing status. The only reason Im not in is because when I first checked it, the 1B outstanding shares made me lose interest without further digging. Despite that issue, recent volume tells me that Thursday’s run is repeatable.

At .81 right now- theres minimum 25% upside potential just based on NASDAQ listing requirements. Most pot plays are trading OTC, very few make the trip up to the bigger exchanges. So the last thing they wanna do is LOSE that. I’d wager they’ll have help getting that dollar. This was a fantastic get in- get out- get back in opportunity imo.

Thanks, Ive added it to my watch list.
Most of the pot stocks are overbought and have cooled off a bit. But when get going they do very well.
I have a little invested in, CGC, TLRY and SSPK(weed maps). I made quite a bit on GRWG and they are growing fast.
SNDL spiked pretty high on the 28th, but came back down just as quick.