still time for early "team talent level" guesses

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till time for early "talent level" guesses. (If you have already done one you can just change you mind and do another.) You know, "this is a 12-4 talent level team, anything else falls short." "This is a 6-10 team, if they exceed that it's gravy." Remember that of course these are EARLY guesses. We might all revise what we say in late August.

So everyone gets 2 shots.The "Early Guess" guess. Then the "After August Guess" guess.

The way I see this it has nothing to do with predictions. It's how you set your sense of the team's effectiveness overall and talent level. This way you make an effort to determine if the team is falling short of its own potential, meeting it, or exceeding it.

In 2010, for example, I thought 7-9 meant they snatched some games and played above their talent level (considering how young they were.) It's then fun to figure out why they exceeded expectations.

In 2011, of course, they fell far short. I didn't think that was a 2-14 team. In that case it was painfully easy to figure out why they fell short of expectations (system switch after a lockout, massive injuries).

So you don't have to be right in your assessment, strictly speaking. In the end, 4 things can happen. You say "this is an x-y level team." And, then you can watch them and say "no I was wrong, they're worse/better than I thought." Or they can meet your own view of their expectations. "Yeah that's what I figured." OR you can say "I said it was a x-y team, and they fell short of that, for this reason." Or you can say "I said x-y, and they exceeded their talent level, for this reason." Etc.

It's not the same as predicting a record. It's setting what you think their expectation level is. AND it's not competitive. No winners, just interested posters being interested. There's no "told ya" posts or "how in the name of the living god could you have said anything so breathtakingly stupid" posts. Save that stuff for "I was right about the draft" threads. 8)


Best realistic outcome for Rams this year? Realistically, assuming we have a fairly healthy season and vets and rookies play to their current potential, I'd say the Rams are capable of 10 or 11 wins if all goes right.

rams fan since 1969

I will go 7-9 . I really think they are going to suprise this year.Of course we will see how things shake out and shape up during and after training camp.


Realistically if the Rams are all healthy, Bradford and Jackson come on strong, the rookies play on all cylinders and the play calling is on the spot. 10-6. I do believe there will be a upset or 2 either the Packers or Patriots will lose to the Rams. And no way the 49ers win both contests, no way


If injuries are limited and players develop as hoped, best case is 8-8.

Realistically, this is a 5-11 team.


I think .500 would be considered a success realistically.

I think we'll see enough this year of the defense to be really excited for next year.

We get really excited every year around this time. I'm getting jaded. But can't wait for the year to start.

Glimmer Twin

I think 6 wins this year is realistic. Of course, anything can happen and it usually does, but, anything more than 6 wins will be a big surprise.


some say 5-7 wins??? we did that 2 years ago with far less talent then we have right now- and a rookie at QB- I have been saying 7-10 wins- but 11 is possible- 49ers last year won 13- there isnt an expert anywhere that predicted that- it can happen that fast in the NFL when you have talent- which we do- if we stay healthy like 2010, and players get it quickly- anything is possible- these things happen EVERY year in the NFL. we could certainly be the next


BTW looking for the Rams to be a 6-7 win team if they get lucky health-wise and become a team that other teams hate to play due to a physical defense and hopefully a physical ground attack.

If the WR's and OL step up then who knows they may end up with 8 or 9 wins, as long as Bradford takes a step forward with them.


Well this team has better talent than the non-injured one that went 7-9.

I dunno, but barring key injuries, i think they can be a .500 team. It would not shock me if they only won six, and it would not shock me if they won nine.

I'm just hoping they dont put me to sleep with dink-dunk ball. I dont wanna watch that.


I'm kinda guarded this year. We've got a bunch of new faces and two new systems. As such EVERYONE is learning something new - not just the offense. If this team can execute well while playing vanilla ball (on both sides), then they should start out strong, and I'm basing that on the talent level. If they start getting dinged up, there still isn't enough quality depth here, and it could all unravel pretty quickly again.

That said, if everyone stays healthy, there's no reason why the Rams can't be the surprise team of 2012. It just takes a little bit of luck, a lot of preparation, and across the board execution. I have faith in this staff to be able to bring out the best in everyone, provided everyone stays out of freakin' jail.

8 wins.


my parade meter is 9 wins.

I think they win 8, so a parade after the 9th

SunTzu_vs_Camus »

I think if their talent comes together and they get a few wins early to bolster confidence in this staff...they are easily 8-8...

BUT...more likely this year's 49-ers at 12-4!!!!!!!!

Rose-Colored glasses? check.
Am I biased?
Am I unreazonable?
Am I horrible speller....YES to all!


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
Alright, if everything goes right (lack of injuries, rookies coming on, Bradford coming back strong), I'll say the team is 10-6. My actual guess is that the Rams will win 6-8 games this year.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
16 games with Bradford 9-7, But if wishes were Honda's beggars would ride.

But in my thought process you are your record, so still 2-14 till they prove otherwise.

To be fair after I watch a half dozen practices i can give a much better guesstiment.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Health is an issue for every team every season so I won't factor it. I see the Rams going 9-7 with all the parts working as they should +/- 2 for let's call them the breaks going for or against. So, that's from 11-5 to 7-9. (Damn, that sounds like a political poll)

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Oh so we're doin this already? Alrite then.

@ Detroit- L, I think it will be close, but Detroit in their house, it's gonna be crazy and emotional.

Washington- W, Still think they are overrated, and RG3 will only be in his 2nd game.

@ Chicago- W, Chicago's OL is awful and I expect the DL to have their way w/ them.

Seattle- W, Similar to 2010s week 4 Seattle game.

Arizona- W, This game can go either way but like Chicago, I expect the Ram DL 2 have their way w/ them.

Dolphins- W, They are a mess and the only thing that can be a problem would be the heat. STs will be big here and against Arizona to contain Bush/Peterson.

Packers/Patriots- Both Ls, obviously these 2 teams are powerhouses w/ insanely good players. They'll be competitive games, though.

@ SF- L, on the road, after the bye (London) is gonna take their lumps. 30-20 or something like that.

Jets- W, I want to go to this game (still seein if I can). Tebow/ doesn't matter. I want this game to be a blowout in the Rams' favor.

@ Arizona- L, split the series. Last year both games were very close and we can beat them. But this game is gonna be tough, I would bet that they will be jacked and Arizona's D is legit.

SF- W, if Kellen Clemens can come back w/ the practice squad wonders and play to the very end, a healthy Rams team can beat them.

@ Buffalo- L, the Bills are a good team and it's on the road. This will be one of those "WTF" games.

Minnesota- W, this could be a L depending if AP is fully recovered. I think the Rams will be overall better.

@ Tampa- L, the Bucs have gotten a lot better and should be better disciplined.

@ Seattle- W, please. SWEEP.

So that would be 9-7, +/- 2 games.


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Angry Ram said:
Oh so we're doin this already? Alrite then.

@ Detroit- L, I think it will be close, but Detroit in their house, it's gonna be crazy and emotional.

Washington- W, Still think they are overrated, and RG3 will only be in his 2nd game.

@ Chicago- W, Chicago's OL is awful and I expect the DL to have their way w/ them.

Seattle- W, Similar to 2010s week 4 Seattle game.

Arizona- W, This game can go either way but like Chicago, I expect the Ram DL 2 have their way w/ them.

Dolphins- W, They are a mess and the only thing that can be a problem would be the heat. STs will be big here and against Arizona to contain Bush/Peterson.

Packers/Patriots- Both Ls, obviously these 2 teams are powerhouses w/ insanely good players. They'll be competitive games, though.

@ SF- L, on the road, after the bye (London) is gonna take their lumps. 30-20 or something like that.

Jets- W, I want to go to this game (still seein if I can). Tebow/ doesn't matter. I want this game to be a blowout in the Rams' favor.

@ Arizona- L, split the series. Last year both games were very close and we can beat them. But this game is gonna be tough, I would bet that they will be jacked and Arizona's D is legit.

SF- W, if Kellen Clemens can come back w/ the practice squad wonders and play to the very end, a healthy Rams team can beat them.

@ Buffalo- L, the Bills are a good team and it's on the road. This will be one of those "WTF" games.

Minnesota- W, this could be a L depending if AP is fully recovered. I think the Rams will be overall better.

@ Tampa- L, the Bucs have gotten a lot better and should be better disciplined.

@ Seattle- W, please. SWEEP.

So that would be 9-7, +/- 2 games.

Remember, this is not predictions or a look at the schedule. This is a different thing.

This is ASSESSING TALENT LEVEL. Different thing.

And yeah it's early, so I am calling this the early version.

I would say, for starters, that this is not a 2-14 team. It has too much in the talent infrastructure to be a 2-14 team.

I am balancing 2 things. They have more talent than a 2-14 team, but then they are in 2 new systems and are relying on a rookie DT. I figure on paper they are an 8-8 team this year but could slip to 6-10.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

the rams are easily better than a 500 team. the d alone will keep them in most games. having a good pass rush is good enough but when you add shutdown corners, look out. i have such high hopes for jenkins, he could be an interception machine for the rams. if he could shut down aj green in college and then to see ajg have such a strong rookie season, well, jenkins should be good to go in the nfl. he seems to be the type of player that does his homework on opposing wrs so he knows what their strengths and weaknesses are.

on offense i'm just hoping they can average 20 points per game. give the d a chance. i reckon they should improve enough to do that.



Hall of Fame
Aug 2, 2010

I'm kinda guarded this year. We've got a bunch of new faces and two new systems. As such EVERYONE is learning something new - not just the offense. If this team can execute well while playing vanilla ball (on both sides), then they should start out strong, and I'm basing that on the talent level. If they start getting dinged up, there still isn't enough quality depth here, and it could all unravel pretty quickly again.

That said, if everyone stays healthy, there's no reason why the Rams can't be the surprise team of 2012. It just takes a little bit of luck, a lot of preparation, and across the board execution. I have faith in this staff to be able to bring out the best in everyone, provided everyone stays out of freakin' jail.

8 wins.

I couldn't have said it any better,..."talent wise", I'd agree with 8-8. Early win-loss, I put them at 6-10, maybe 7-9....they only play 7 home games and 3 of the last 4 are on the road. IMO, they'd better get an early start in the 1st half of the season, because the 2nd half is going to be a grind and the roster depth still isn't there. Two or three injuries to skill positions and this team stumbles badly.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
zn said:
Angry Ram said:
Oh so we're doin this already? Alrite then.

@ Detroit- L, I think it will be close, but Detroit in their house, it's gonna be crazy and emotional.

Washington- W, Still think they are overrated, and RG3 will only be in his 2nd game.

@ Chicago- W, Chicago's OL is awful and I expect the DL to have their way w/ them.

Seattle- W, Similar to 2010s week 4 Seattle game.

Arizona- W, This game can go either way but like Chicago, I expect the Ram DL 2 have their way w/ them.

Dolphins- W, They are a mess and the only thing that can be a problem would be the heat. STs will be big here and against Arizona to contain Bush/Peterson.

Packers/Patriots- Both Ls, obviously these 2 teams are powerhouses w/ insanely good players. They'll be competitive games, though.

@ SF- L, on the road, after the bye (London) is gonna take their lumps. 30-20 or something like that.

Jets- W, I want to go to this game (still seein if I can). Tebow/ doesn't matter. I want this game to be a blowout in the Rams' favor.

@ Arizona- L, split the series. Last year both games were very close and we can beat them. But this game is gonna be tough, I would bet that they will be jacked and Arizona's D is legit.

SF- W, if Kellen Clemens can come back w/ the practice squad wonders and play to the very end, a healthy Rams team can beat them.

@ Buffalo- L, the Bills are a good team and it's on the road. This will be one of those "WTF" games.

Minnesota- W, this could be a L depending if AP is fully recovered. I think the Rams will be overall better.

@ Tampa- L, the Bucs have gotten a lot better and should be better disciplined.

@ Seattle- W, please. SWEEP.

So that would be 9-7, +/- 2 games.

Remember, this is not predictions or a look at the schedule. This is a different thing.

This is ASSESSING TALENT LEVEL. Different thing.

And yeah it's early, so I am calling this the early version.

I would say, for starters, that this is not a 2-14 team. It has too much in the talent infrastructure to be a 2-14 team.

I am balancing 2 things. They have more talent than a 2-14 team, but then they are in 2 new systems and are relying on a rookie DT. I figure on paper they are an 8-8 team this year but could slip to 6-10.

OK. I think they are a 9-7 team then. Boom take that!


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
Angry Ram said:
zn said:
Angry Ram said:
Oh so we're doin this already? Alrite then.

@ Detroit- L, I think it will be close, but Detroit in their house, it's gonna be crazy and emotional.

Washington- W, Still think they are overrated, and RG3 will only be in his 2nd game.

@ Chicago- W, Chicago's OL is awful and I expect the DL to have their way w/ them.

Seattle- W, Similar to 2010s week 4 Seattle game.

Arizona- W, This game can go either way but like Chicago, I expect the Ram DL 2 have their way w/ them.

Dolphins- W, They are a mess and the only thing that can be a problem would be the heat. STs will be big here and against Arizona to contain Bush/Peterson.

Packers/Patriots- Both Ls, obviously these 2 teams are powerhouses w/ insanely good players. They'll be competitive games, though.

@ SF- L, on the road, after the bye (London) is gonna take their lumps. 30-20 or something like that.

Jets- W, I want to go to this game (still seein if I can). Tebow/ doesn't matter. I want this game to be a blowout in the Rams' favor.

@ Arizona- L, split the series. Last year both games were very close and we can beat them. But this game is gonna be tough, I would bet that they will be jacked and Arizona's D is legit.

SF- W, if Kellen Clemens can come back w/ the practice squad wonders and play to the very end, a healthy Rams team can beat them.

@ Buffalo- L, the Bills are a good team and it's on the road. This will be one of those "WTF" games.

Minnesota- W, this could be a L depending if AP is fully recovered. I think the Rams will be overall better.

@ Tampa- L, the Bucs have gotten a lot better and should be better disciplined.

@ Seattle- W, please. SWEEP.

So that would be 9-7, +/- 2 games.

Remember, this is not predictions or a look at the schedule. This is a different thing.

This is ASSESSING TALENT LEVEL. Different thing.

And yeah it's early, so I am calling this the early version.

I would say, for starters, that this is not a 2-14 team. It has too much in the talent infrastructure to be a 2-14 team.

I am balancing 2 things. They have more talent than a 2-14 team, but then they are in 2 new systems and are relying on a rookie DT. I figure on paper they are an 8-8 team this year but could slip to 6-10.

OK. I think they are a 9-7 team then. Boom take that!

What do you base THAT on!?

Break down the schedule and tell me who they lose 7 to.

