Stadium Talk, Quick's Ready, Hill at Helm & More Than 12 Other Observations Entering Season (101ESP

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Pro Bowler
Jan 12, 2013
Not once has he been on a tv station to talk about this team. Most owners are community oriented. He makes himself always unavailable for ANYTHING Ram related. Has he mentioned anything about planning to stay in STL? Has he mentioned anything about STL? Does he say he likes the fans here? Did he just buy stadium sized property in LA? Why would you have a warm feeling about Kroenke based on his interaction with the STL public since 1995? I saw him interviewed 1 freaking time in 20 years here, after he waited until the last second to basically shaft Shad Khan from buying the team. He is a snake and will move this team sooner than later I feel. What has Silent Stan done to show the STL Ram fans that he's here for us?

I agree. Stan needs to quit leaving folks in the dark.


Jun 17, 2014
Maybe Stan just recognizes his strengths and weaknesses. And chooses to spare us from the drama that comes from misspeaking or people making entire radio shows of one or two poorly chosen words.


Jul 27, 2014
Actions speak louder than words,and his actions say he's moving his team to LA,he never has to say anything his actions are doing the talking.

Young Ram

Hall of Fame
Oct 1, 2011
My belief is that the 700 million proposal was the best bet for the Rams staying. It looks more likely that the Rams are moving to LA. If Stan really wanted to stay in STL he would be trying to get something done already. Why would he wait on a new stadium? How much more leverage can he gain waiting it out? It makes no sense. Him not answering phone calls tells it all.That's my opinion anyway. I live in California and started following the Rams when they were in STL. I would be a liar if I told you I didn't want them to move. Either way I will be a Rams fan no matter what.


Oct 22, 2013
RamDynasty with nothing:
Not once has he been on a tv station to talk about this team.
after he waited until the last second to basically shaft Shad Khan from buying the team.
Two things and an observation.

So you can't actually tell me anything he's done, you just don't like the fact that he doesn't give you as much information about his plans as you'd like. Had you been paying attention to what he has said, you'd know that he fully intends to keep the team in St. Louis. It appears to me (I could mistaken about this) that every time a new rumor surfaces about LA you expect him to reiterate his earlier statement. He doesn't feel the need to do that and so you hate him? Wow.

Your information about what went down with Khan is incorrect. Kroenke always owned 30% of the Rams with the understanding that he had first dibs on buying a controlling interest if it went up for sale. It did and he did. End of story. The rest was just foolish crap in the news.

And you know what Khan would do if he owned the Rams and a good opportunity came up in LA how?

As for some teams having an owner who gets more involved in the community and the team, I prefer Kroenke to Jerry Jones any day. Kroenke has given Fisher free reign to do things his way and the resources to do it. We spend more on salaries for our team than anyone else. We're always against the cap. If he isn't the perfect owner he'll do until I see something better.

But that's just my opinion of course.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 25, 2014
Not once has he been on a tv station to talk about this team. Most owners are community oriented. He makes himself always unavailable for ANYTHING Ram related. Has he mentioned anything about planning to stay in STL? Has he mentioned anything about STL? Does he say he likes the fans here? Did he just buy stadium sized property in LA? Why would you have a warm feeling about Kroenke based on his interaction with the STL public since 1995? I saw him interviewed 1 freaking time in 20 years here, after he waited until the last second to basically shaft Shad Khan from buying the team. He is a snake and will move this team sooner than later I feel. What has Silent Stan done to show the STL Ram fans that he's here for us?

While it would be good for Stan to do this. It just isn't in his MO. Stan is a business man with a lot of interests, so he hire people who he feel represents his values and who could do a great job of managing whatever he hires them to do. Look at all his sport businesses, he is never talking to any media about anything I could see your point if he talked to the soccer media and basketball but he doesn't. Stan is old fashioned I'm the sense that when he hires them he expect them to do their job without him micromanaging everything. He spent big money on Fisher and let fisher pick and pay his staff whatever he wanted. That's doing a lot for the fans there buying up seats so that we can watch the games on tv that's doing a lot. So while he don't speak about business he makes it plain that he still wants to win and as fans that's all we should care about at this point


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Yeah Shane I agree on the Bradford being hurt doesn't constitute all is lost,IMO some of the games we'd have won we still will just closer and some of the loses will be a little worse,the ones tha were going to be tight still will and the character of the team and coaching staff will determine those.
I don;t think we have to have any worse record.
I notice you mentioned Bernie Miklasz and his contention that Stan "enjoys"........... IMO it's unfair for him to characterize the mans state of mind that way,I get the drift you agree
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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I got you on twitter. GJ on 450, man.


Dec 20, 2012
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  • #29
Nice article again Shane.
Thanks for posting my friend.

I totally agree with you. It's a mistake to totally write off this season.
And the stadium thing, has a LONG way to go.

Thanks, my friend. And yes, absolutely, there is a long, long way to go on this thing.


Dec 20, 2012
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  • #32
Shane, very nice article. I look forward to continued articles throughout the season. Go RAMS!

Edit: Shane, I pointed this out in another thread, but if Stan wants to move the RAMS he might as well move them to Montana. He has a bunch of ranch/farm land he can build the stadium on. :whistle:

That is true. Would cost less to build in Montana and would be ample room for some outrageously large tailgating and parking areas :) Thanks for the kind words and support.


Dec 20, 2012
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  • #33
Not once has he been on a tv station to talk about this team. Most owners are community oriented. He makes himself always unavailable for ANYTHING Ram related. Has he mentioned anything about planning to stay in STL? Has he mentioned anything about STL? Does he say he likes the fans here? Did he just buy stadium sized property in LA? Why would you have a warm feeling about Kroenke based on his interaction with the STL public since 1995? I saw him interviewed 1 freaking time in 20 years here, after he waited until the last second to basically shaft Shad Khan from buying the team. He is a snake and will move this team sooner than later I feel. What has Silent Stan done to show the STL Ram fans that he's here for us?

It's easy for people to take that view at this time. Of course, "Silent" Stan will be looked at more as King Kroenke if he works it out here long-term (which I still believe is the case). I will say in his defense -- maybe a small point to many -- but the Rams community work has become as extensive is you will find from any team in any sport.


Dec 20, 2012
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  • #35
Yeah the guy is very Aloof, I've seen Elvis, the Tooth fairy and Santa Claus, more than I've seen his ass, he needs to let fans know what's up? This is total BS on his part....what a lousy way to keep fans in the Dark.

I have been a proponent of him speaking up. I mean, there are plenty of ways he could word a written statement that both threw a bone to the fans, so to speak, but didn't relinquish his leverage, either. It is disappointing that he has not so.


Dec 20, 2012
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  • #36
Yeah the guy is very Aloof, I've seen Elvis, the Tooth fairy and Santa Claus, more than I've seen his ass, he needs to let fans know what's up? This is total BS on his part....what a lousy way to keep fans in the Dark.

Makes it tough on the fan base, for sure. I think Stan is more focused on the long-term, however, and I continue to believe that includes a new venue in the region based upon both what I have studied and some behind the scenes info, etc.


Dec 20, 2012
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  • #38
Maybe Stan just recognizes his strengths and weaknesses. And chooses to spare us from the drama that comes from misspeaking or people making entire radio shows of one or two poorly chosen words.

Those who know him classify him as being a pretty shy man...


Dec 20, 2012
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  • #39
Actions speak louder than words,and his actions say he's moving his team to LA,he never has to say anything his actions are doing the talking.

I would have to respectfully disagree. I would love to read why you feel this way, however. And there are a lot of owners who made it look like L.A. was going to be the end game since 1995. Never forget that leverage game come in many, many different forms.


Jul 31, 2013
Love the reports Shane, wish I shared your optimism. In every line of work I know, treating your customers like Stan does is a recipe for disaster. If my company treated its customers like Kroenke does , we would be out of business. We value our customers and dont just ignore them like pissants. Our owner would tells everyone around that they matter. Good thing for Stan that there isn't any competition. I feel for Kevin Demoff having to try to put a positive spin on what Stan wont say. Like buying land in LA, sure gives me a warm feeling all over thinking about good old Stan. He has a marketing staff trying to put positive spin out, but people in STL have no reason to feel anything trustworthy from Stan. Why should they? I hope I am wrong in the long run about Stan's devotion to football in St. Louis. Can't wait to hear him reassure us.