Some comments about the Rams from 49ers fans

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
allforfunnplay said:
They're strong in the trenches and can beat underneath coverage

their O-line is better than it gets credit for because of Bradford. Bradford could do a little more in terms of quicker reads and pocket awareness to avoid sacks. But the Ram’s O-line is a physical run blocking unit and had a very physical power running back in Steven Jackson. It was a physical run game that mostly out slugged the Niner’s front seven. Maybe not a dominating effort but enough to keep the Niner defense on it’s heels and vulnerable to the underneath pass. which their slot receiver Amindola absolutely abused the Niner’s Nickel corner Carlos Rogers. Rogers is good when he can get a hand on receiver. He did a pretty good job against Welker. Welker gets by running good routes. But Rogers could get his hands on Welker and read the routes. Amindola is just a quick water bug underneath receiver that Rogers couldn’t get hand on.

The Rams D-line is strong enough to take on the Niner’s physical Offensive Line, which can bully and overload most opponents. However the Rams played good physical disciplined defense, clogged up the run gaps and put the Niners in obvious passing situations which allowed their pass rushers to pin their ears back and go after the Niner’s QB. It put the Niner’s pass blocking O-linemen at a disadvantage.
owllab said:
They will be good this year but next year is the one to worry about.

Fisher is in the process of a building a team. I don’t think he’s under the gun this year so he can keep polishing and tuning. This division was a good choice for him as he is old-school run, then pass on offense and just stomp away on defense until something gives. SF and Seattle play into his wheelhouse in this respect as they are, to a degree, pretty much old-school compared to the rest of the NFL.

Against the new-look teams that pass until the QB wears out on offense and defenses that field 3 nose tackles and 8 variations of a safety the Rams will have some problems…Pretty much the same problems as the 49er’s but the niners are better staffed to deal with them at this point.

Pete Carroll has a “crash and burn” mentality – Just look at his resume. I give Seattle this year and, maybe, the next to raise hell before the wheels fall off. The Rams will be a good bet for number 2 in the division this year (probably a tie) but -as much as I hate to say it – Pushing for the top spot the year after.
chrisramsey53 said:
You put Bradford on the 2012 49ers, I have a good bet that he performs better than Alex smith. I’ve seen every throw the guy has made since he came into the NFL. All bias aside, he will be a top 10 qb in the near future.
AnthonyLy said:
I've always been a fan of Bradford.

He’s certainly competent when he’s healthy and not on his back. I have a lot of faith in St. Louis’ leadership. The Jake Long acquisition was huge. So many teams seem to neglect their offensive line and then they wonder why their team is in the basement. But you guys seem to be on the up-and-up.
sbgfglj3 said:
2nd best team in the division this year.

They’ll be the 9ers competition for division champ for the next few years.
just-the-facts said:
The Rams are not a threat

Not at the current time. I know everyone wants to talk about us not being able to beat the Rams, but it really has nothing to do with where they stand as compared to us. Those games came down to field goals. If David Akers does his job, we win both of those games and there isn’t even a discussion about the “up and coming Rams” being a serious threat to anybody. Just because they won one game and tied another doesn’t mean they are a team that we all of a sudden have to watch out for. Division games are always tricky because of the familiar nature of the opponents in those games. Having a good division record is fine and dandy, but there are 10 other games you have to win also. For example, the Falcons went 13-3 last season but only had a 3-3 division record. It didn’t matter because they were 10-0 outside of their division. The Rams on the other hand only managed to go 3-7 in outside of the division. That doesn’t sound very threatening to me.

It’s time these teams start proving their worth before we give them so much credit. If the Rams are so much of a threat, then they should have no problems having a winning record. Somehow that feat has eluded them for the last 8 seasons. Let’s be real about the current state of these teams. I’m not saying the Rams can’t be a good team that is worthy of winning a division title. I’m just saying that the proof is not there at the current time.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
jimitroutboy said:
And Mr Just the facts can kiss my facts.

Saucy. :lol:


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
Pretty much the same things I hear at work. Living in nor Cal, I am surrounded by whiner and raider fans, most of the whiner fans believe the Rams are a real threat this yr, but there are a few that still think the Rams are the sosar that got lucky twice last season. I think the Rams exposed the whiners O last season and will destroy them this season, now that AO has been added, the Rams front 7 will be one of if not the most dominating front 7s in all of the NFL for yrs to come


May 28, 2011
We'll see what he says when Sam hangs 30 on his defense. And follows up by hanging 40 the next time.


Mar 9, 2013
I'll say this.. they don't see us as too much of a threat this year... but next year, they'll be pretty scared thinking about us going into the season.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Until they beat us - under Fisher - they have every reason to fear us. :lol:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
dang X, where did you get such nice comments from Niner fans? Even the just-the-facts poster is nicer than most Niner fans I run into....
Today the NFC West homers at were giving me cr@p because of the Sando article today. Some joke scout named Williamson was saying
Jake Long was bad last year, and was a question mark
Saffold was a question mark, due to a position change
Wells and Dahl are question marks, due to age/injury concerns
Oh, and we have no depth on the Oline

The homers were parroting this no knowledge havin, knuckle draggin, troll down by the river livin, "scout"


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
jimitroutboy said:
And Mr Just the facts can kiss my facts.


That guy was rather monotonous. He wrote like a 4th grader. It was like listening to Jethro Bodine without the humor. I always figured that Niners fans were a bit on the slow side.


Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
LoyalRam said:
dang X, where did you get such nice comments from Niner fans? Even the just-the-facts poster is nicer than most Niner fans I run into....
Today the NFC West homers at were giving me cr@p because of the Sando article today. Some joke scout named Williamson was saying
Jake Long was bad last year, and was a question mark
Saffold was a question mark, due to a position change
Wells and Dahl are question marks, due to age/injury concerns
Oh, and we have no depth on the Oline

The homers were parroting this no knowledge havin, knuckle draggin, troll down by the river livin, "scout"

Jake long wasnt great last year and is a lil bit of a question mark due ro injury.

Saffold to me is a question mark due to position change.

Wells and dahl based on age and injury rep of our oline could be a concern.

And honestly our depth does scare me on our oline.

While i am excited about our up coming season those arw actually some very factual concerns about our oline.


Jul 22, 2013
lets see, Crabtree is down, leaving them Boldin as their one good WR IMO and he don't scare me much, seems like their Oline was getting beat up by the Rams last season, expect that to get even worse for them. their RB is getting old and injured a lot, they have a rookie who they don't know if he will recover from his injuries from college yet. and its entirely possible Keapernuts will get hurt with all the running he does and who replaces him if he does get hurt? and we beat them because we were familiar with them? really? does this numbnut realize the roster turn over we had last year? does he realize that it was a new coaching staff last year? hard to be familiar with all those new faces.

the real facts are that we beat and tied them in a year where everyone on the Rams were learning new systems, in a year where we had a boatfull of rookies and second year players, those players will know the playbook now and should step up their games. they think DA was quick? wait till they see Austin.

in summary, be afraid 49ers be very afraid cause we will only get better while you have pretty much reached your ceiling.


Ram It, Do You Know How To Ram It, Ram It
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I see one more huge, and I mean huge downfall for the Niners: Film review by all teams. Every game since he came into the spotlight, for the last year, it will show the little things. I guarantee you, his prior tendencies will unmask the mystery that was one of the main reasons Kaepernik had success. During the last season, everybody watched film on Kap, I get it, but to have 8 months to watch it over and over, Fisher will win this chess game and other teams also will be 100 times better prepared for the Niners. Kap came out of nowhere, was like Tebow on the Broncos (Tebow has a horrible pass, Kap is much better). I think the Niners may be in a bit of trouble with the right adjustments. And if they lose a few games, the fricken heat will be on and the clubhouse will be in turmoil as they are ranked #1 in many polls. The Rams have been in the basement for so long they are more hungry to get back on top. I see the Rams will to win, desire to win, devotion to succeed, and the street brawl mentality being off the charts for 2013. Niners fans can feel the Rams presence and they don't like it. The Rams make them uncomfortable. The Rams are becoming more like the Ravens or Steelers in terms of smash mouth football. I think the Niners, with the target on their back, extremely high expectations and every team now knowing the tell-tale signs of Kaps running tendencies, they will be in for a long season.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
X said:
allforfunnplay said:
They're strong in the trenches and can beat underneath coverage

their O-line is better than it gets credit for because of Bradford. Bradford could do a little more in terms of quicker reads and pocket awareness to avoid sacks. But the Ram’s O-line is a physical run blocking unit and had a very physical power running back in Steven Jackson. It was a physical run game that mostly out slugged the Niner’s front seven. Maybe not a dominating effort but enough to keep the Niner defense on it’s heels and vulnerable to the underneath pass. which their slot receiver Amindola absolutely abused the Niner’s Nickel corner Carlos Rogers. Rogers is good when he can get a hand on receiver. He did a pretty good job against Welker. Welker gets by running good routes. But Rogers could get his hands on Welker and read the routes. Amindola is just a quick water bug underneath receiver that Rogers couldn’t get hand on.

The Rams D-line is strong enough to take on the Niner’s physical Offensive Line, which can bully and overload most opponents. However the Rams played good physical disciplined defense, clogged up the run gaps and put the Niners in obvious passing situations which allowed their pass rushers to pin their ears back and go after the Niner’s QB. It put the Niner’s pass blocking O-linemen at a disadvantage.
owllab said:
They will be good this year but next year is the one to worry about.

Fisher is in the process of a building a team. I don’t think he’s under the gun this year so he can keep polishing and tuning. This division was a good choice for him as he is old-school run, then pass on offense and just stomp away on defense until something gives. SF and Seattle play into his wheelhouse in this respect as they are, to a degree, pretty much old-school compared to the rest of the NFL.

Against the new-look teams that pass until the QB wears out on offense and defenses that field 3 nose tackles and 8 variations of a safety the Rams will have some problems…Pretty much the same problems as the 49er’s but the niners are better staffed to deal with them at this point.

Pete Carroll has a “crash and burn” mentality – Just look at his resume. I give Seattle this year and, maybe, the next to raise hell before the wheels fall off. The Rams will be a good bet for number 2 in the division this year (probably a tie) but -as much as I hate to say it – Pushing for the top spot the year after.
chrisramsey53 said:
You put Bradford on the 2012 49ers, I have a good bet that he performs better than Alex smith. I’ve seen every throw the guy has made since he came into the NFL. All bias aside, he will be a top 10 qb in the near future.
AnthonyLy said:
I've always been a fan of Bradford.

He’s certainly competent when he’s healthy and not on his back. I have a lot of faith in St. Louis’ leadership. The Jake Long acquisition was huge. So many teams seem to neglect their offensive line and then they wonder why their team is in the basement. But you guys seem to be on the up-and-up.
sbgfglj3 said:
2nd best team in the division this year.

They’ll be the 9ers competition for division champ for the next few years.
just-the-facts said:
The Rams are not a threat

Not at the current time. I know everyone wants to talk about us not being able to beat the Rams, but it really has nothing to do with where they stand as compared to us. Those games came down to field goals. If David Akers does his job, we win both of those games and there isn’t even a discussion about the “up and coming Rams” being a serious threat to anybody. Just because they won one game and tied another doesn’t mean they are a team that we all of a sudden have to watch out for. Division games are always tricky because of the familiar nature of the opponents in those games. Having a good division record is fine and dandy, but there are 10 other games you have to win also. For example, the Falcons went 13-3 last season but only had a 3-3 division record. It didn’t matter because they were 10-0 outside of their division. The Rams on the other hand only managed to go 3-7 in outside of the division. That doesn’t sound very threatening to me.

It’s time these teams start proving their worth before we give them so much credit. If the Rams are so much of a threat, then they should have no problems having a winning record. Somehow that feat has eluded them for the last 8 seasons. Let’s be real about the current state of these teams. I’m not saying the Rams can’t be a good team that is worthy of winning a division title. I’m just saying that the proof is not there at the current time.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Rabid Ram said:
LoyalRam said:
dang X, where did you get such nice comments from Niner fans? Even the just-the-facts poster is nicer than most Niner fans I run into....
Today the NFC West homers at were giving me cr@p because of the Sando article today. Some joke scout named Williamson was saying
Jake Long was bad last year, and was a question mark
Saffold was a question mark, due to a position change
Wells and Dahl are question marks, due to age/injury concerns
Oh, and we have no depth on the Oline

The homers were parroting this no knowledge havin, knuckle draggin, troll down by the river livin, "scout"

Jake long wasnt great last year and is a lil bit of a question mark due ro injury.

Saffold to me is a question mark due to position change.

Wells and dahl based on age and injury rep of our oline could be a concern.

And honestly our depth does scare me on our oline.

While i am excited about our up coming season those arw actually some very factual concerns about our oline.

Jake Long was also in a ZBS which was a poor fit for his skill-set. I'll say the injury histories of Wells, Saffold, Long and Dahl are question marks. At the same time, though, we're due for some good luck on the OL when it comes to injuries.

As far as our depth, I don't know how it scares people. I'd say we're arguably one of the best in the NFL when it comes to depth. I feel like Barrett Jones can come in and play all three of the interior OL spots if necessary and not be a liability. Shelley Smith has starting experience and while he was only meh as a starter...he's more than good enough as depth. And even Barksdale got some experience last year and looked rather solid.

We know that our #7 and #8 OLs can play because they played last year. That's more than 90-100% of NFL teams can say. And I feel pretty confident that Jones can, at minimum, come in and not be a liability once he's healthy.

In terms of OL depth(meaning backups), the only teams that are definitely imo better than us are the Bengals and Titans.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #16
LoyalRam said:
dang X, where did you get such nice comments from Niner fans? Even the just-the-facts poster is nicer than most Niner fans I run into....
Today the NFC West homers at were giving me cr@p because of the Sando article today. Some joke scout named Williamson was saying
Jake Long was bad last year, and was a question mark
Saffold was a question mark, due to a position change
Wells and Dahl are question marks, due to age/injury concerns
Oh, and we have no depth on the Oline

The homers were parroting this no knowledge havin, knuckle draggin, troll down by the river livin, "scout"
It's from the Niners' SB Nation Blog. I just pulled some stuff off their comments sections across a couple of different articles. I could have shown all the troll posts, but everyone's pretty familiar with those already. I've seen the Spiked Koolaid site already, and have contemplated joining, but I might turn into a full-time troll shortly thereafter. lol.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
jrry32 said:
Rabid Ram said:
LoyalRam said:
dang X, where did you get such nice comments from Niner fans? Even the just-the-facts poster is nicer than most Niner fans I run into....
Today the NFC West homers at were giving me cr@p because of the Sando article today. Some joke scout named Williamson was saying
Jake Long was bad last year, and was a question mark
Saffold was a question mark, due to a position change
Wells and Dahl are question marks, due to age/injury concerns
Oh, and we have no depth on the Oline

The homers were parroting this no knowledge havin, knuckle draggin, troll down by the river livin, "scout"

Jake long wasnt great last year and is a lil bit of a question mark due ro injury.

Saffold to me is a question mark due to position change.

Wells and dahl based on age and injury rep of our oline could be a concern.

And honestly our depth does scare me on our oline.

While i am excited about our up coming season those arw actually some very factual concerns about our oline.

Jake Long was also in a ZBS which was a poor fit for his skill-set. I'll say the injury histories of Wells, Saffold, Long and Dahl are question marks. At the same time, though, we're due for some good luck on the OL when it comes to injuries.

As far as our depth, I don't know how it scares people. I'd say we're arguably one of the best in the NFL when it comes to depth. I feel like Barrett Jones can come in and play all three of the interior OL spots if necessary and not be a liability. Shelley Smith has starting experience and while he was only meh as a starter...he's more than good enough as depth. And even Barksdale got some experience last year and looked rather solid.

We know that our #7 and #8 OLs can play because they played last year. That's more than 90-100% of NFL teams can say. And I feel pretty confident that Jones can, at minimum, come in and not be a liability once he's healthy.

In terms of OL depth(meaning backups), the only teams that are definitely imo better than us are the Bengals and Titans.
Im not saying any of what you are saying is untrue i believe its pretty decent incite.

BUT longs fit while im excited lots remains unseen as far as fit and health.
And health being the key while we are due good luck im not counting on luck to get my hopes up just yet lol. Everything is guesswork and hope until the season gets underway.

I do have high hopes but im not gonna count my chickens before they hatch is all


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
jrry32 said:
Rabid Ram said:
LoyalRam said:
dang X, where did you get such nice comments from Niner fans? Even the just-the-facts poster is nicer than most Niner fans I run into....
Today the NFC West homers at were giving me cr@p because of the Sando article today. Some joke scout named Williamson was saying
Jake Long was bad last year, and was a question mark
Saffold was a question mark, due to a position change
Wells and Dahl are question marks, due to age/injury concerns
Oh, and we have no depth on the Oline

The homers were parroting this no knowledge havin, knuckle draggin, troll down by the river livin, "scout"

Jake long wasnt great last year and is a lil bit of a question mark due ro injury.

Saffold to me is a question mark due to position change.

Wells and dahl based on age and injury rep of our oline could be a concern.

And honestly our depth does scare me on our oline.

While i am excited about our up coming season those arw actually some very factual concerns about our oline.

Jake Long was also in a ZBS which was a poor fit for his skill-set. I'll say the injury histories of Wells, Saffold, Long and Dahl are question marks. At the same time, though, we're due for some good luck on the OL when it comes to injuries.

As far as our depth, I don't know how it scares people. I'd say we're arguably one of the best in the NFL when it comes to depth. I feel like Barrett Jones can come in and play all three of the interior OL spots if necessary and not be a liability. Shelley Smith has starting experience and while he was only meh as a starter...he's more than good enough as depth. And even Barksdale got some experience last year and looked rather solid.

[hilite]We know that our #7 and #8 OLs can play because they played last year. That's more than 90-100% of NFL teams can say.[/hilite] And I feel pretty confident that Jones can, at minimum, come in and not be a liability once he's healthy.

In terms of OL depth(meaning backups), the only teams that are definitely imo better than us are the Bengals and Titans.
Great point, jrry32!


Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
Selassie I said:
X said:
allforfunnplay said:
They're strong in the trenches and can beat underneath coverage

their O-line is better than it gets credit for because of Bradford. Bradford could do a little more in terms of quicker reads and pocket awareness to avoid sacks. But the Ram’s O-line is a physical run blocking unit and had a very physical power running back in Steven Jackson. It was a physical run game that mostly out slugged the Niner’s front seven. Maybe not a dominating effort but enough to keep the Niner defense on it’s heels and vulnerable to the underneath pass. which their slot receiver Amindola absolutely abused the Niner’s Nickel corner Carlos Rogers. Rogers is good when he can get a hand on receiver. He did a pretty good job against Welker. Welker gets by running good routes. But Rogers could get his hands on Welker and read the routes. Amindola is just a quick water bug underneath receiver that Rogers couldn’t get hand on.

The Rams D-line is strong enough to take on the Niner’s physical Offensive Line, which can bully and overload most opponents. However the Rams played good physical disciplined defense, clogged up the run gaps and put the Niners in obvious passing situations which allowed their pass rushers to pin their ears back and go after the Niner’s QB. It put the Niner’s pass blocking O-linemen at a disadvantage.
owllab said:
They will be good this year but next year is the one to worry about.

Fisher is in the process of a building a team. I don’t think he’s under the gun this year so he can keep polishing and tuning. This division was a good choice for him as he is old-school run, then pass on offense and just stomp away on defense until something gives. SF and Seattle play into his wheelhouse in this respect as they are, to a degree, pretty much old-school compared to the rest of the NFL.

Against the new-look teams that pass until the QB wears out on offense and defenses that field 3 nose tackles and 8 variations of a safety the Rams will have some problems…Pretty much the same problems as the 49er’s but the niners are better staffed to deal with them at this point.

Pete Carroll has a “crash and burn” mentality – Just look at his resume. I give Seattle this year and, maybe, the next to raise hell before the wheels fall off. The Rams will be a good bet for number 2 in the division this year (probably a tie) but -as much as I hate to say it – Pushing for the top spot the year after.
chrisramsey53 said:
You put Bradford on the 2012 49ers, I have a good bet that he performs better than Alex smith. I’ve seen every throw the guy has made since he came into the NFL. All bias aside, he will be a top 10 qb in the near future.
AnthonyLy said:
I've always been a fan of Bradford.

He’s certainly competent when he’s healthy and not on his back. I have a lot of faith in St. Louis’ leadership. The Jake Long acquisition was huge. So many teams seem to neglect their offensive line and then they wonder why their team is in the basement. But you guys seem to be on the up-and-up.
sbgfglj3 said:
2nd best team in the division this year.

They’ll be the 9ers competition for division champ for the next few years.
just-the-facts said:
The Rams are not a threat

Not at the current time. I know everyone wants to talk about us not being able to beat the Rams, but it really has nothing to do with where they stand as compared to us. Those games came down to field goals. If David Akers does his job, we win both of those games and there isn’t even a discussion about the “up and coming Rams” being a serious threat to anybody. Just because they won one game and tied another doesn’t mean they are a team that we all of a sudden have to watch out for. Division games are always tricky because of the familiar nature of the opponents in those games. Having a good division record is fine and dandy, but there are 10 other games you have to win also. For example, the Falcons went 13-3 last season but only had a 3-3 division record. It didn’t matter because they were 10-0 outside of their division. The Rams on the other hand only managed to go 3-7 in outside of the division. That doesn’t sound very threatening to me.

It’s time these teams start proving their worth before we give them so much credit. If the Rams are so much of a threat, then they should have no problems having a winning record. Somehow that feat has eluded them for the last 8 seasons. Let’s be real about the current state of these teams. I’m not saying the Rams can’t be a good team that is worthy of winning a division title. I’m just saying that the proof is not there at the current time.




Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
X said:
LoyalRam said:
dang X, where did you get such nice comments from Niner fans? Even the just-the-facts poster is nicer than most Niner fans I run into....
Today the NFC West homers at were giving me cr@p because of the Sando article today. Some joke scout named Williamson was saying
Jake Long was bad last year, and was a question mark
Saffold was a question mark, due to a position change
Wells and Dahl are question marks, due to age/injury concerns
Oh, and we have no depth on the Oline

The homers were parroting this no knowledge havin, knuckle draggin, troll down by the river livin, "scout"
It's from the Niners' SB Nation Blog. I just pulled some stuff off their comments sections across a couple of different articles. I could have shown all the troll posts, but everyone's pretty familiar with those already. I've seen the Spiked Koolaid site already, and have contemplated joining, but I might turn into a full-time troll shortly thereafter. lol.

Yes, is a place where trolls do battle....trolls and homers, that is :omg:
I got hooked into ESPN's NFC West Blog, but then they went FB, which has killed the traffic.
A couple of fans created spikedkoolaid within two days of the notice of the ESPN switch to FB.
They captured most of the traffic, but it's definitely the Wild Wild West of NFC West Talk.

thin skin? I wouldn't go there.