so where did Wells go exactly? PD, Wagoner tell all

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Rams' Wells goes extra mile for children


For most of his short time as a St. Louis Ram, center Scott Wells has been a man of mystery.

Just a couple of days into the spring practice period in mid-May, Wells wasn't on the field. When he returned, he was a spectator with his right knee wrapped.

Turned out he had undergone surgery on the knee, but it was described as a routine procedure and indications were he wouldn't be sidelined for long. But at the full-squad minicamp in mid-June — the last team activity heading into a six-week break — Wells was gone again.

Coach Jeff Fisher would only say that Wells was excused for personal reasons. So where was he?

Turns out, Wells was in Africa — Uganda to be exact — with his wife Julie to adopt two children. Well, they went there to adopt two children, they ended up with three.

A confidentiality agreement with the orphanage in Uganda prevented Wells from speaking publicly on the topic during the lengthy adoption process. And it was only after his wife returned home from Uganda a week ago with new daughter Caroline (age 5) and new sons R.J. (2) and Elijah (3) that Wells felt comfortable talking about the exhausting yet exhilarating experience.

The idea

"We've always wanted a large family," Wells said, "And about six years ago we lost twin boys on Thanksgiving Day — they were stillborn. And since that moment, we kind of started talking about adopting.

"We had a lot of friends adopt, and it kind of seemed like it was something God was pushing us towards. The school my (biological) kids attend in Nashville, there's a lot of adoptions at that school. We'd started talking about it, we'd read a couple of books on it, and then we said, 'Well, that's something we'd like to do some day.'

"And then it was almost like everywhere we turned there was somebody who had adopted. I felt like God was really hitting me in the face with it. So once we had our last child, we got serious about it."

Wells and his wife have three biological children: Jackson (8), Lola (5) and Kingston (2). So the newly expanded lineup gives them four boys and two girls.

The process started with Wells and his wife researching different countries. They chose Uganda, in part because they had friends who had adopted children from Uganda.

"To us, and talking to people who have done mission work over there and have adopted over there, the need was great," Wells said. "HIV's huge over there, malaria, tuberculosis. The life expectancy's not great; it's very low. The majority of the population's young because people don't live to be old. So we really just felt ... that's where we were being led."

About a year and a half ago, long before Wells had any inkling he'd be a Ram, he and his wife began the application process. Ideally, they wanted either a boy and a girl, or two boys — with both children age 3 or less.

"My wife contacted several orphanages and explained kind of our story, and our life situation," Wells said. "We had one contact us back and say we've got two children we think would be great for you, and the paired us up with two boys."

About two months later, they heard from the orphanage again. Turns out the 2-year-old (R.J.) had a sister (Caroline). What to do?

"We decided to keep the brother and sister together," Wells said. "I said, 'What's the difference between five and six kids?' "

The trip

For fear of infection, Wells waited until the sutures were out and the wound closed from the knee surgery before he and his wife left for Africa on June 13. Uganda is not one of the nations that follow the Hague Convention on inter-country adoption, which complicated the process.

"There's a lot of corruption that you're fighting," Wells said. "Going into it we were really trying to keep quiet what I did for a living; how much finances we had or whatever. There's a little bit of that you have to disclose for the courts. They want to make sure you're financially responsible, that you can handle the children you're wanting to adopt."

Wells signed a four-year, $24 million free-agent deal with the Rams in March, after spending his first eight NFL seasons with Green Bay.

"The key was to go in there as quietly as possible," Wells said. "I had to sign a contract with the orphanage saying I wouldn't discuss it via Twitter, Facebook, the media. Basically, I had to keep everything hush-hush until it was finalized. That's why Coach (Fisher) did an outstanding job of helping me keep it quiet. Because I had to tell (the Rams) so I could get permission to go."

Wells was in Uganda for a month, returning to the U.S. on July 13 so he could get ready for camp. His wife was there for 2½ months.

"The (orphanage) home we went through, they refused to pay any bribes," Wells said. "It's one of the older orphanages, and the woman who runs it is really trying to do it the straight and narrow way. So it was an uphill battle because there's a lot of places that would rather just pay the bribe — and they refused to. So that was important to us, but it also made it a longer process."

While the process unfolded, Wells and his wife got to know the family additions. They spent time with them every day, but the children had to be back at the orphanage at night. To help with the acclimation process, a Wells photo album was sent to Uganda about nine months before their arrival. So when Wells and his wife arrived in Uganda, the prospective new members of the family recognized them.

"The 3-year-old (Elijah) warmed up immediately," Wells said. "As soon as we got to the orphanage, he ran up and wanted a hug ... put his arms out and he said, 'Daddy.' "

Just like that, the heart of a rough, tough, 300-pound Pro Bowl offensive lineman melted.

"Oh absolutely," Wells aid.

The first gathering of the newly expanded Wells family took place a week ago in Nashville, their permanent residence. (The entire family will move to St. Louis soon for the football season.)

Since Wells wasn't going to play last week against Kansas City, Fisher let him return home for a day — one of the most memorable days of his life.

"That was right up there — all time," Wells said. "One, seeing my biological childrens' reaction to seeing their mother again after not seeing her for 10 weeks. ... My 8-year old (Jackson) broke down immediately. It was pretty special."

The bonus was seeing how his biological kids responded to seeing their new brothers and sister for the first time.

"My 8-year old, immediately he had a big smile on his face when he saw them," Wells said. "He's wanting to help out with the boys.

"Seeing my 5-year old daughter (Lola) really take to the girl we had adopted and holding her hand, showing her around, and when we got home immediately going to her bedroom, playing dress up. Just seeing my 2-year-old (Kingston) taking the other two up to his room and showing them everything."

The knee

Wells obviously couldn't work with the Rams' athletic training staff during his time in Uganda, but he doesn't think the trip slowed the recovery from knee surgery. He took all kinds of rehab equipment with him and did his rehab work at night once the kids were back at the orphanage. He also took the Rams' playbook with him, via iPad, and reviewed it every night.

An unexpected hurdle cropped up when Wells was slowed by illness — a bug he thinks he picked up from eating something there.

"I got a little parasite," Wells said. "It didn't slow down the rehab as much as it just was a pain. I lost a little bit (of weight), but I've gained it all back."

Wells never had knee problems in Green Bay, but the knee flared up in an early practice session with Rams and surgery followed.

"It wasn't a major procedure," said Wells, whose preseason debut was Saturday night against Dallas. "It was just a basic go and clean it up, remove any cartilage or whatever."

And that's where the mystery began.

The Wells Family Journey

Nick Wagoner ... 64363bfb9b

Moments of pure happiness and joy are hard to come by in life. And when they do come along, they are to be grabbed and held for as long as possible because the thing those instances have in common is that they are always hard earned.

Few can testify to the value of a perfect moment better than Rams center Scott Wells. Upon signing a lucrative contract with the Rams in March, Wells’ whereabouts were shrouded in mystery as he missed part of the team’s offseason conditioning program.

Some feared that his surgically repaired knee was a crippling ailment. All sorts of conspiracy theories were being tossed around as to what, exactly; Wells was doing with his time.

The answer is nothing nefarious, quite the opposite actually. Wells and his wife Julie were walking the final steps on the hard road to a moment of unadulterated bliss. The moment came little more than a week ago, August 18 to be exact.

That’s the day Wells was finally able to have the moving parts of his new family form a whole. It’s the day when Julie Wells returned from Uganda with her and Scott’s three adopted children in tow. It’s the day when the Wells’ three biological children got to meet their new siblings and see their mother after a 10-week separation.

It’s the day that was years in the making.

“That was right up there all time,” Wells said. “That was special. One, seeing my biological children’s reaction to seeing there mother again after not seeing them 10 weeks. That really showed the love. My 8-year old broke down immediately. It was pretty special.

“Then seeing my 5-year old daughter really take to the girl we had adopted and holding her hand, showing her around and when we got home immediately going to her bedroom, playing dress up. Just seeing my 2-year old taking the other two up to his room and showing them everything…But it was a special moment. And I am very, very thankful to have an organization that understands and allowed me to go home and be a part of it. That was huge for my wife to have me there and we had about 50 people at the airport to welcome them back.”


The road to the joyful moment started six years ago on Thanksgiving Day, a day that’s supposed to come inherently equipped with a certain level of happiness and family of its own.

That day brought devastation to the Wells family, though. Already the proud parents of son Jackson, their planned family expansion was stalled when their incoming twins were stillborn.

“Since that moment, we kind of started talking about adopting,” Wells said. “And we had a lot of friends adopt, and it kind of seemed like it was something God was pushing us towards. The school my kids attend in Nashville, there's a lot of adoption at that school. We'd started talking about it, we'd read a couple of books on it, and then we said, 'Well, that's something we'd like to do some day.' And then it was almost like everywhere we turned there was somebody who had adopted. And I felt like God was really hitting me in the face with it.”

Scott and Julie Wells didn’t go the adoption route right away, though. Wells said losing the twins isn’t something you just get over but he and his wife agreed that they wanted a big family and were intent to keep trying.

A year later, their daughter Lola was born and about three years after that, their son Kingston was added to the mix. Still, there was something tugging them toward adopting so they began looking into countries they could adopt while sorting through the red tape that comes with intercountry adoption.

The Hague Adoption Convention of 1961 set forth a list of countries with which the United States could work on adoptions with more limited paperwork and a somewhat expedited process.

What that convention didn’t allow for was the opportunity to help kids in the countries most in need of better family situations.

So, about a year and a half ago, when the Wells’ sat down to evaluate the country options, they didn’t limit their scope to so-called Hague countries. Instead, they relied on conversations with their friends who had adopted and went looking for the kids in the worst situations rather than just finding the easiest and quickest possible process.

They narrowed it down to Uganda and Haiti, places ravaged by everything from hurricanes to HIV to Malaria to tuberculosis. In Uganda, for example, the life expectancy of the average person is just shy of 53 years old, which places it 167th of 191 countries according to the CIA World Factbook of 2011.

“That was a big deal, the need,” Wells said. “In a lot of these third-world countries, this is my own view, kids that grow up in an orphanage, don't have as many opportunities as say domestic kids. And so we really felt that the need in Uganda or Haiti, countries like that, was greater.

“So we really just felt there, and again, having the number of friends that we've had that have gone through the process in Uganda, we kind of felt like that's where we were being led.”

Wells and his wife turned their focus to Uganda, knowing full well it wasn’t going to be an easy or short process in front of them. After getting the stamp of approval from oldest son Jackson, the Wells’ began their journey.

Not wanting to deal with some of the corruption and bribery that goes with expediting such a process, Wells and his wife were careful not to get involved with any agencies looking to grease the skids.

They had decided that they wanted two kids, both of them three or younger with a preference toward a boy and a girl or two boys. When they got a response from a reputable orphanage, they were told there was a 2-year old boy and a 3-year old boy that would fit the bill.

Imagine their surprise then, two months later, when the previously agreed upon package got bigger.

“They said, 'By the way, the 2-year-old, we found his sister. And kind of put it to us as what do you want to do?’” Wells said. “She's 5. So we felt that - again this was all God's plan - that had we been paired with the boy and the girl initially, we would've said no because she's 5. We wanted under 3. And we just decided to keep the brother and sister together; keep the boy.

“I think it worked out for a reason that way, and I said, 'What's the difference between five and six kids?' It's zone defense.”


Tucked away near the eastern border of Africa, Uganda is an agricultural area by trade with a long history of violence and corruption, even amongst its political leaders. Originally occupied by the British, it got its independence in 1962.

But less than 10 years later, after much infighting, dictator Idi Amin took control and began a reign of terror that lasted eight years and killed what has been estimated at 300,000 of his own people.

Things have improved in Uganda since, though political corruption and violence is still prevalent, particularly in the northern parts of the country. More concerning, perhaps, is that Uganda is landlocked by some of the most dangerous countries in the world.

Needless to say, an extended trip to Uganda wasn’t exactly a trip to paradise.

“Uganda is stuck right in the middle of a lot of turmoil,” Wells said. “You have Sudan north, you have the Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and Kenya had been going through a drought at the time. So you are right there in a hodgepodge of fighting so it’s important to stay in certain areas which we were in the south which is a safer area.”

Wells signed his contract with the Rams on March 17. Upon arriving in St. Louis for the first veteran minicamp and the offseason program, he felt a twinge in his knee that had never bothered him before.

With a trip to Uganda planned, Wells quickly went to Florida to have Dr. James Andrews perform his knee scope. Because of the various possibilities of infection, Wells needed to have the sutures from his surgery out before he and Julie went to Africa.

“Infection is obviously a threat so you want to make sure that the wound is healed and the therapy and the rehab is on schedule going in, so there's no surprises once you get there,” Wells said. “That's not where you want to be when you have an emergency.”

On June 13, the Wells’ departed for Uganda, leaving their three children Jackson, Lola and Kingston in the care of their grandparents. They stayed near the orphanage in town of Jinja, located about two hours east of Kampala, the capital city and the place where the court appearances would take place.

The adjustment to life in Uganda wasn’t an easy one.


The way the adoption process was set up was that the Wells’ would have a hearing concerning the two siblings and then a separate one for the other boy they were adopting.

The first court date was initially set for June 18th, only a few days after the couple arrived in Uganda. As they quickly found out, a court date in Uganda isn’t like one in the United States, it’s written mostly in pencil or in some cases invisible ink.

That first court date was pushed back not long after the Wells’ arrival. A process that on paper seemed poised to take a week or two became a much longer ordeal though they were prepared for the wait by their friends who had gone through similar adoptions.

“It’s not like court in the US where they are punctual,” Wells said. “They say we are going to hear it and have a ruling by the end of the day, they basically came in and said come back tomorrow. Then the next day we were supposed to have it at 10 a.m. and we got in at 3. Once we got in then he decided to extend his review process.

“Instead of getting us a quick ruling, it took two weeks for the first ruling. Then it was two days after he said he would address it. That’s just the way it works over there. Everything works a little slower. The infrastructure is not what it is here. If you need a signature, you have to go get it yourself. It’s not like you can fax somebody something or email it and they will turn around and overnight it back to you. It’s just a process and so the first case was for the siblings and it took about three weeks and then the second case took about three weeks also, it was staggered.”

In the meantime, Scott and Julie had plenty of ways to keep occupied, not least of which was spent getting to know the newest additions to the family.

Each day, they’d head to the orphanage and begin the process of helping the kids get comfortable around their new parents. As part of the process before the trip to Uganda, Scott and Julie sent a photo album to the orphanage so the house mother could show the kids pictures of the people they’d be going to live with.

That helped some of the kids warm up to their new parents almost instantaneously.

“The 3-year old warmed up immediately,” Wells said. “It was hilarious. As soon as we got to the orphanage, he ran up and wanted a hug.”

Aside from that heart melting moment with son Elijah, daughter Caroline and 2-year old R.J. took just a bit longer to get used to their new parents.

“You don’t see a lot of white people over there so you stand out,” Wells said. “They say fair skin, red hair; you don’t see that much at all.”

When Wells wasn’t spending time with his kids, he was doing his best to rehab his knee and get back in shape. Armed with his iPad playbook, Wells spent his evenings studying up on his new offensive scheme.

Likewise, he traveled with bands and a stimulus machine to help keep his recovery on track. After a month of time overseas, Wells returned to the U.S. so he could spend some more time with his Jackson, Lola and Kingston before returning to St. Louis for training camp.

Julie stayed in Africa to complete the adoption process and, with a little help from a family friend who just happened to be working on a missionary trip, she returned to the United States with Elijah, Carolina and R.J. last weekend.

“She’s amazing and I have been blessed to have her,” Wells said of Julie. “This whole process has really increased my level of respect for her and how strong she is to be able to go through what she did because she was there twice as long as I was.”


The schedule for Wells’ return to action has actually been right on target. Before training camp, coach Jeff Fisher had hoped Wells could return about midway through the preseason.

Sure enough, Wells began practicing in team drills last week and got his first action in Saturday night’s game against Dallas. That schedule worked out well not only in terms of his health but in terms of his family.

When it was determined that Wells would not be playing in last week’s game against the Chiefs and his wife and three children would be returning from Uganda that same night, the stars aligned just right.

With about 50 family and friends in tow, Wells arrived at the Nashville International Airport eagerly awaiting the arrival of his wife and kids. When they arrived, tears were shed, hugs were exchanged and introductions of siblings were made.

The Wells crew, now rolling eight deep, returned home and just did what a normal family might do on a Saturday night. The girls played dress up while Kingston showed off his room to R.J. and Elijah. Jackson, the oldest and team captain of the group, proudly shared his toys and made sure the ones that were inappropriate for his younger siblings were put away.

Wells returned to St. Louis in time for practice last week and the whole family making the trip to St. Louis to spend the season here on Friday. The kids that are old enough will be home-schooled during the season and attend private school back in Nashville during the offseason.

Eventually, the Wells’ two dogs – a boxer and a great dane will be integrated back into the mix of what would surely make a terrific reality show. And, if all goes according to schedule, the whole family will be in the Edward Jones Dome on Sept. 16 for the home opener against Washington.

“That’s the plan,” Wells said, a grin creeping across his face. “With this many kids, it’s hard to make plans.”

It is that very randomness that can turn a moment in time to a wonderful memory.


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
Re: so where did Wells go exactly? PD tells all

That's a great PR piece.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Great thing to adopt kids. Too bad people have to go half way around the world to do it because it is so difficult doing it here in the US. There are plenty of kids here that need parents. Why so difficult here?

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
Ramhusker said:
Great thing to adopt kids. Too bad people have to go half way around the world to do it because it is so difficult doing it here in the US. There are plenty of kids here that need parents. Why so difficult here?
I don't mind all the hoops to jump through in the US. What I don't get is the hoops Wells had to go through in Uganda. Those kids are certainly going to be better off with them, so why did it take 2-1/2 months to complete? Rather 9 months, from the time they chose that particular facility?

Anybody here with any knowledge about adoptions?


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Ram Quixote said:
Ramhusker said:
Great thing to adopt kids. Too bad people have to go half way around the world to do it because it is so difficult doing it here in the US. There are plenty of kids here that need parents. Why so difficult here?
I don't mind all the hoops to jump through in the US. What I don't get is the hoops Wells had to go through in Uganda. Those kids are certainly going to be better off with them, so why did it take 2-1/2 months to complete? Rather 9 months, from the time they chose that particular facility?

Anybody here with any knowledge about adoptions?

Like they said, Uganda is a very corrupt country that doesn't follow the Hague Convention. Trying to do anything good in a country like that is like jumping through hoops that are on fire while coated with gasoline.

Either way, that was incredibly big of Wells and his wife. I'm so glad that we have people like that in our community and organization, and I hope that Caroline, R.J., and Elijah can lead happy and healthy lives. Kudos to both of them.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Heart warming to say the least.

The mystery of his excused absence is solved.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010

Good for him, never really understood all the hubbub about the lack of info.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Okay Wells ... I'll let it slide.

this time.


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
Angry Ram said:

Good for him, never really understood all the hubbub about the lack of info.

For some, lack of info leads to fears, and fears to dire imaginings. I was actually in debates with some who said that the Rams were hiding Wells cause they were embarassed they signed an injured played. How many conclusions do you have to leap to in order to arrive at that particular outlook. People pointed out--a scope is not a major injury, lying about it would make the Rams look worse, if they signed an injured player they didn't know was injured we would know it cause they would fire the medical staff, and so on.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
zn said:
Angry Ram said:

Good for him, never really understood all the hubbub about the lack of info.

For some, lack of info leads to fears, and fears to dire imaginings. I was actually in debates with some who said that the Rams were hiding Wells cause they were embarassed they signed an injured played. How many conclusions do you have to leap to in order to arrive at that particular outlook. People pointed out--a scope is not a major injury, lying about it would make the Rams look worse, if they signed an injured player they didn't know was injured we would know it cause they would fire the medical staff, and so on.
Well, I thought he doubled as a Secret Agent for the NSA. My imagining was much, much cooler.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
zn said:
Angry Ram said:

Good for him, never really understood all the hubbub about the lack of info.

For some, lack of info leads to fears, and fears to dire imaginings. I was actually in debates with some who said that the Rams were hiding Wells cause they were embarassed they signed an injured played. How many conclusions do you have to leap to in order to arrive at that particular outlook. People pointed out--a scope is not a major injury, lying about it would make the Rams look worse, if they signed an injured player they didn't know was injured we would know it cause they would fire the medical staff, and so on.

Yeah it's that stupid sense of entitlement, thinking they "deserve" an explanation. SMH. :nono:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
I'll admit to having been slightly concerned, and also that is NOT the reason I expected! Hopefully he isn't too far behind in terms of fitness and playbook comprehension, although I guess family comes first.


Hall of Fame
Jun 23, 2010
zn said:
Angry Ram said:

Good for him, never really understood all the hubbub about the lack of info.

For some, lack of info leads to fears, and fears to dire imaginings.

And those things lead to the darkside.