Site Changes Coming

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I wanted to make you guys aware of some site changes coming soon.

I have elected to add a "front page" to the site consisting of articles/posts made on this forum. The articles currently being used are just random ones I selected to use to fill in the space. From this moment forward, posts that have been deemed the highest of quality will be "promoted" to the front page of the site.

Before I make the change I am looking for some feedback and any bugs that you may find. One that I am currently in the process of fixing is the text alignment issues in the bottom sets of images.

How say you ROD.. Thoughts? <--- This is how the front page will look.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I'm sure there are going to be the usual, I can't find my usual stuff complaints... not mentioning any names - Stu. Thought I'd beat everyone to it.:cool:

Other than that, it's hard to really know without seeing the format. Sounds pretty cool though. Are you going to have pics to go along with the articles? I think that always adds a "look at me" element.


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  • #4
I'm sure there are going to be the usual, I can't find my usual stuff complaints... not mentioning any names - Stu. Thought I'd beat everyone to it.:cool:

Other than that, it's hard to really know without seeing the format. Sounds pretty cool though. Are you going to have pics to go along with the articles? I think that always adds a "look at me" element.

The format? The link is there for you.


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  • #5
I'm sure there are going to be the usual, I can't find my usual stuff complaints... not mentioning any names - Stu. Thought I'd beat everyone to it.:cool:

Other than that, it's hard to really know without seeing the format. Sounds pretty cool though. Are you going to have pics to go along with the articles? I think that always adds a "look at me" element.

And as far as finding stuff? Everything is in the exact same spot, you would just need to click the forums tab in the navigation menu.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Possible bugs? Every post on the front page not being from me? I think that is a bug...not sure how possible it is though.

But on the real, the page looks rad.


Please Delete
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 15, 2012
From a visual standpoint id say it looks pretty good. But, from a conceptual standpoint i can't say that I'm crazy about it. It kinda takes away from the lax atmosphere that lured me into this board in the first place, and kept me coming back. That layout makes this site feel like any other generic board out there, and the idea of mods promoting the articles they deem worthy of front page kinda goes against the genuine community that makes this place great. Sure anyone will still be able to post articles freely, but since they will no longer be on the front page without being deemed highest of quality, i feel many will be lost a la fan posts on Turf Show Times. Just don't want this place to become a you post we read type of atmosphere.

IDK maybe its just me and i mean no disrespect, just hope you consider that there is beauty in the simplicity of this board.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
You are gonna have a few people getting butt hurt because they feel their post is better! Lmao can't wait for that petty ass bull shit to start. But I love the look of it man.


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  • #13
From a visual standpoint id say it looks pretty good. But, from a conceptual standpoint i can't say that I'm crazy about it. It kinda takes away from the lax atmosphere that lured me into this board in the first place, and kept me coming back. That layout makes this site feel like any other generic board out there, and the idea of mods promoting the articles they deem worthy of front page kinda goes against the genuine community that makes this place great. Sure anyone will still be able to post articles freely, but since they will no longer be on the front page without being deemed highest of quality, i feel many will be lost a la fan posts on Turf Show Times. Just don't want this place to become a you post we read type of atmosphere.

IDK maybe its just me and i mean no disrespect, just hope you consider that there is beauty in the simplicity of this board.

Please dont compare this site to TST. This site actually loads. Lol


Pro Bowler
Aug 4, 2010
I think the layout looks nice, but I don't see myself reading it much. I'm more likely just going to skip straight to the forums as I usually do.


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  • #15
I think the layout looks nice, but I don't see myself reading it much. I'm more likely just going to skip straight to the forums as I usually do.

and that is completely fine..


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Haters gonna Hate @PhxRam

I expected some resistance and thats why I made this post. I asked for feedback and I am receiving it. If its all going to be positive that is not real constructive feeback, IMO.

The good news is that if people dont like it, they dont have to look at it. Simply bookmark directly to the forums and you will never have to see it.

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
I don't know about anyone else but I have my bookmark set at the Rams forum so I'm not ever going to see the portal. It looks pretty good though.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
OK - Here's my feedback. And some of it may not be what you want to hear but I've been a member since the beginning so here and you asked for feedback. To me that says tell me what you think - not what you think I want to hear.

From my view, I come here for the board and to discuss stuff Rams and not-Rams with a great group of Rams fans. The new look may be a little too story-centric. I don't know that I think Forum when I look at it and I don't know that anyone else would either if they weren't aware of the changes and that the little column on the lower right is where you click for what everyone is really talking about. I realize it says Rams Forum right at the top but it doesn't come off as a place to come to talk.

I like the look of the site for a sports page. It is definitely eye catching and splashy. But it comes off as more of a clearing house for Rams news. I realize much of the content has always been centered around news from other places but with this format it almost hides the fact that the posters on here drive the conversation and IMO are more important than the sports writers out there.

My suggestion would be to try to find a way to keep the visuals and also key in on the fact that this is first and foremost the best forum out there. On my computer, the recent threads doesn't even show up until I scroll down. You've got a fairly large void on the upper right. Is there a way to put something up there without destroying the balance and flow of the page?

One of the other things I tend to look for is who is posting a particular thread. No offense to anyone but if it's a mock or on the draft, I will key in on certain posters, if it is off topic, same. I am more interested in what the posters on here have to say than what Florio or Cosell are talking about - even if it is the posters talking about what Florio and Cosell are saying.

Maybe instead of the term "Featured" in red at the top, maybe put "Featured Conversations" or "Hot Topics" or something to that effect and have the rolling subject window just to the right be recent threads with the OP listed.

There's my two million dollars worth. Do with it what you will.


Hating 49ers and Seahawks from afar
Sep 26, 2011
Firstly, let me just say that I think very on here appreciates the lengths you go to make this one of the best, if not the best Rams boards going around but I have to agree with what RamsFan503 has said above. I came here from RRF because the feel of this board was more communal and operated with a great sense of balance - something the old RRF used to be and I note a lot of posters from there have come over as well -.

I too tend to follow certain posters views on certain topics as you do get a sense for there views and he they align with your own. That's what makes sports forums work for most people.

The new additions look great but I'm not sure they will do anything to increase my enjoyment of the site (hard to do anyway!!!) as I go straight to the Forums anyway. In saying that, there will no doubt be those who do find the changes most appealing.

Keep up the good work Phoenix!