Should I get a dog?

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Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
You should come visit SWFL. It seems like every retired couple or divorced hag has a little tiny dog.


All the old fucks think it's OK to take their dog EVERYWHERE. They walk into stores with them as if it's normal. Even restaurants. I'm not kidding.

I took this pic a few years back. I was seriously considering slapping this lady and her husband in the side of the head. Her little crap dog is sitting on her lap on the outdoor dining area of a great diner near me. She is letting the dog eat off of her plate. Not leftover food she didn't eat. She is SHARING her food with the dog.

freaking disgusting.

View attachment 21764

Disgusting why exactly?
A. What do you care - it's her food, and
B. Dogs mouth are generally cleaner than humans.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Disgusting why exactly?
A. What do you care - it's her food, and
B. Dogs mouth are generally cleaner than humans.
Nah - I'm going with Les here. I love dogs but that is perverted.

Oh wait. Now there's some irony. Something Les points out about someone else is perverted.:sneaky:


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Nah - I'm going with Les here. I love dogs but that is perverted.

Oh wait. Now there's some irony. Something Les points out about someone else is perverted.:sneaky:
Perverted may not be the right word -
Disgusting maybe - it's an eye if the beholder thing.

This country is WAY to hung up on hygiene - maybe spend some time working on you brain and less on laying in purel.
Which incidentally, is bad for your skin.
White teethed, germ free, butt wiped airheads, eating no gluten and lots of kale.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
My brothers dog "Dog" was quite the beast. He was a Queensland. One Christmas at my grandmother's we had about 35 family members for dinner. My sister had bought a huge Honey Baked ham - biggest one I have ever seen. We lined up the two turkeys and all the fixings and had to put the ham on this small glass table in the breakfast nook. When we all started dishing up, no one could find the ham. The plate was there but there was no trace of the ham. And when I say no trace, I mean NO TRACE. There was not so much as a grease smudge on the table, floor, or anywhere around. We questioned if someone simply moved it. Well after looking everywhere for this ham, I ventured out to the garage. There in the middle of the garage floor laid Dog - stomach bloated - with about four inches of the hock to the ham bone between his paws - everything else gone. Mind you - this dog was about 35 - 40 pounds and the ham had to be over 20. All we could figure was he somehow lifted the whole ham up, jumped down from the table, backed out the dog door and carried it to its final resting spot where he consumed every last bit of meat from the bone - all in about 20 minutes. After over 30 years, I don't think a Christmas goes by where that story doesn't come up.

Moral of the story. Be careful not to choose a dog smart enough to serve himself at Christmas.

That reminds me of our Missing Artichoke Dip Thanksgiving.

Cammy always makes this artichoke/garlic/sundried tomato/cheese dip on Thanksgiving. Everyone looks forward to eating as much of it as possible. She always serves it as an appetizer before the main Thanksgiving meal. We gorge on the stuff watching football.

My whole family was at my place on this Thanksgiving. Everyone was told that the dip was out on the coffee table in front of the TV. My brother was the 1st to race in there... followed by a bunch of the rest of us. My brother is calling out asking where the dip is. All of the chips and crackers are there on the table, but there's no dip anywhere... just a couple of empty bowls. The rest of us think that my brother is lying and that he is trying to keep all of the dip for himself. We're all giving him The Evil Eye.

That's when he screams out "Look!" and he points at my schnauzer Harley sitting over in the corner of the room with the most innocent look on his face that you have ever seen. The only problem for him though... was his glorious beard. All schnauzers have great beards, but Harley's was truly a work of art. That beard of his was completely covered in the artichoke/cheese dip. COMPLETELY COVERED. The look on his face was priceless.

Like you guys... my family always talks about that on Thanksgiving now. We still laugh, but we now keep a much closer watch on the dip.


Jan 15, 2013
I have a Carolina Dog, aka an American Dingo....have heard him called both....a pretty cool dog, but, man does he love to chew.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I know it's blue font but can't resist. This is the closest I can get to a dog wonderlic score lol

Murica didn't crack the top 20 without the cocker spaniel. WTF?

Meanwhile the Canadians got in the top 10 which means we need to keep a closer eye on @CGI_Ram

He may be using Facebook to manipulate these ratings.

I didn't see any dogs on the list from Asian countries. Hmmm, makes on pause and think.


Jan 23, 2013
I have had eight dogs now.

Dustin, the Shih Tzu was awesome. He was a bigger Shih Tzu. He was around 20 pounds. He wasn't fat at all. That little guy oozed personality. Held wasn't hyper at all but, when I would take my lab hiking, Dustin always wanted to go along. He surprised me with his stamina. The only knock on the bread is that they have to be groomed, which is additional expense.

I have had two Labrador Retrievers. Bailey and my wife's dog Skippy. Bailey was great, Skippy was a meathead, but still lovable. We don't have a very big house so the size of the dog was not the best match. Skippy was huge and his tale was always knocking over drinks, etc.. Bailey was a smaller lab. He was great to hike with and play frisbee. Loved him but I hate Lab hair, or any coarse hair. It gets in your clothes and car and is difficult to get out. It pierces the material.

I had one shelter dog, a Brittany Spaniel mix named Heidi. She was a sweet and gentle girl. She was very relaxed but she could run like no other dog I have seen. She was about two when I got her. My daughter absolutely loved Heidi and would dress her up and use marker on her face as makeup. She loved to snuggle too.

Willis was a rescue dog too, but he was my wife's before we met. I only knew him briefly, but for once in my life I can say that I met a dog that I didn't like. He was lightheaded and unattainable. I think it was the Dalmation in his mixed breeding. He was huge and nippy. She got him as a puppy too, so I think he was just a bad combination.

Now we have two Miniature Australian Shepherds. We made a great choice. They are smart dogs and the kids love them. They don't shed a lot and have soft fine hair. They do need walked though. Either one long one or three short walks a day. They make great jogging partners, as do regular Aussies. I highly recommend the breed and they come in some beautiful color combinations. I recommend male over female though. The males seem to be more affectionate and playful.


Jan 23, 2013
I have a Chow (Black) who is as laid back as they come. We got him from someone who was abusing him. Luckily, it didn't taint his laid back personality. He "protects" his yard. But once someone comes in it w/ us......he gives them the punishment of having to pet and love on him (the lean....). Outside the fence. Completely chill. But Chows have a one person (owner) mentality. He loves everyone in the family. But I'm his human. My wife still gives me crap as she originally wanted him for her. I walked up to him, grabbed his jowls and shook them....he was mine. We've had him for about 6 or 7 years.

I am the same way. Every dog ends up being my dog. I just have the vibe. While waiting in a hotel lobby a lady sat next to me with a rescue dog, so I started to ask her about it. The whole time we were talking that dog was loving me up. She was amazed. She said the dog had been abused and it took them a month to win its trust and love. She claimed it always shied from strangers. My parents got a rescued Shih Tzu and it was the same story. He was abused and neglected. The lady fostering him said that it could take a month or more to get him to trust anyone. I had him playing and snuggling the same night I go of him home. It's a gift. I just wish I could use it get rich.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010

Some friends of ours came over last night with their 1 yr old cockapoo. He is a very cool dog. Smart and very well behaved. I was impressed with him big time.

BTW... he is an F1. That means that one of his parents was a poodle and the other a cocker spaniel. Try and make sure to get one like that verses getting a cockapoo with cockapoo parents. It makes a big difference.