Rant: Rutgers Coach. It's fucking done. Stop.

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Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
Now every single person in sports media regardless of their position has covered this story and gave their opinion on it. Yes, it's fucked up and wrong. The guy lost his job for it, and will hopefully never coach again. So that's it. Stop. It's fucking over. I don't want to hear anymore from anyone at least on the local airwaves wasting more time on it. No one died, it's not a fucking travesty, and what needed to happen, happened.

Also. Is this really that big of a fucking eye opener? Has anyone in the sports media ever actually played a sport? I'm in my mid 20's and I've had a few coaches that came pretty damn close this if not crossed this line plenty of times. I'm sure there was even worse in times before.

So, yeah. It's done. No more. I don't think you're a better person for telling me your feelings about it every 5 seconds and/or when you ask every fucking average Joe on your show his opinion on it.



Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
Let me get this straight, what you are saying is that if anyone else brings this up you will...


I got ya :nice:


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
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Seriously though. Yeah. I'm gonna do it.

Or just sigh really loud and scream "I DON'T FUCKING CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRE" out my window when waiting in traffic on the way home.

Then change the channel.

Edit: That meme seems like something that came off a gay martial arts website. It's pretty awesome.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Rant: Rutgers Coach. It's freaking done. Stop.

I just watched some of the clips and laughed. Gotta love the media. The guy was over the top...some of it was unnecessary. But grabbing and shoving players and cursing them out...come on. I remember all the way back in Pop Warner when I was 10, our coaches would curse us out. When I played football at higher levels, I've had coaches throw footballs at me or grab me by the helmet to chew me out. Or grab my jersey and pull me off the field.

It happens. Like I said, Rice took it a bit far at times and needs to learn to simmer down some. But it was blown so far out of proportion that it was beyond stupid.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
Re: Rant: Rutgers Coach. It's freaking done. Stop.

Username said:
Now every single person in sports media regardless of their position has covered this story and gave their opinion on it. Yes, it's freak up and wrong. The guy lost his job for it, and will hopefully never coach again. So that's it. Stop. It's freaking over. I don't want to hear anymore from anyone at least on the local airwaves wasting more time on it. No one died, it's not a freaking travesty, and what needed to happen, happened.

Also. Is this really that big of a freaking eye opener? Has anyone in the sports media ever actually played a sport? I'm in my mid 20's and I've had a few coaches that came pretty damn close this if not crossed this line plenty of times. I'm sure there was even worse in times before.

So, yeah. It's done. No more. I don't think you're a better person for telling me your feelings about it every 5 seconds and/or when you ask every freaking average Joe on your show his opinion on it.

It did cross the line, but come on anyone who's played sports for more than few years will tell you stuff like this crap happens. I remember in grade school being pushed and yanked around by my basketball coach. I played baseball in high school and he was yell and curse at us all of the time, and we were the school for the gifted where no one cared about sports...no one. I cannot think of how many times our coach yelled as loud as he could in our face every time we tried to pull an outside fast ball. It was like we were damning him to hell or something.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Ya know, I've been on teams where the abuse was worse ,and coached various sports myself for years.

What amazes me most is the hero worship we as coaches are beneficiaries of and how much lattitude we get because of it.

Jerry Sandusky was enabled by that paradigm.

I don't EVEN yell at kids,it diminishes the communication process.

What coaches and cops have gotten away with in the past isn't a justification for continuing it.

I think that guy SHOULD coach again IF he figures out how to get what he knows across without exposing his inner demons in the process.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Username said:
Now every single person in sports media regardless of their position has covered this story and gave their opinion on it. Yes, it's fucked up and wrong. The guy lost his job for it, and will hopefully never coach again. So that's it. Stop. It's fucking over. I don't want to hear anymore from anyone at least on the local airwaves wasting more time on it. No one died, it's not a fucking travesty, and what needed to happen, happened.

Also. Is this really that big of a fucking eye opener? Has anyone in the sports media ever actually played a sport? I'm in my mid 20's and I've had a few coaches that came pretty damn close this if not crossed this line plenty of times. I'm sure there was even worse in times before.

So, yeah. It's done. No more. I don't think you're a better person for telling me your feelings about it every 5 seconds and/or when you ask every fucking average Joe on your show his opinion on it.


I'm totally right there with you. As soon as I saw the clip I thought "well we are gonna be hearing about this for the next week from everyone on the planet". Imagine if cell phones had cameras when that asshat Bobby Knight was in Indiana.

In fact if I was in the media I woulda called Bobby up and asked for his comments on the whole thing..... :hehe:

Yeah the guy got fired.....and if the media keeps blathering on other people at Rutgers will lose their job too and thats kinda sad and wrong.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Here in Orlando yesterday , the local sports radio interviewed a former player of Bobby Knight's. Sorry , cannot remember which one.

The guy made it clear that Bobby's antics did not come close to what was seen on these videos. At least while he played for him anyway. He was believable too btw.


Jan 15, 2013
Re: Rant: Rutgers Coach. It's freaking done. Stop.

This guy is such a twerp. He, like all coaches, no doubt preached respect for the game and the need for disipline to his players but had the capacity for neither. Treating someone badly because you can, because you are in a position of power over them is just the weakest mentality there is. This is the same mentality of a guy who smacks his wife around because he is stronger and he pays the bills. Its pathetic.
A local high school coach I know of here told a kid "People die everyday, stop being a pu###" when the kid told him he was going to miss some time because his father died. Then, when the kid said something back to him he tried to get him suspended. Same mentality. So, while I certainly have heard enough of this story it doesnt surprise me. Sports, particularly the further down the ladder you go, is swimming in idiots.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Re: Rant: Rutgers Coach. It's freaking done. Stop.

fearsomefour said:
This guy is such a twerp. He, like all coaches, no doubt preached respect for the game and the need for disipline to his players but had the capacity for neither. Treating someone badly because you can, because you are in a position of power over them is just the weakest mentality there is. This is the same mentality of a guy who smacks his wife around because he is stronger and he pays the bills. Its pathetic.
A local high school coach I know of here told a kid "People die everyday, stop being a pu###" when the kid told him he was going to miss some time because his father died. Then, when the kid said something back to him he tried to get him suspended. Same mentality. So, while I certainly have heard enough of this story it doesnt surprise me. Sports, particularly the further down the ladder you go, is swimming in idiots.
YUP ,and I think I've worked with half of them.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
I took worse abuse at a Pop Warner level. Our coaches would pick us up by our face masks and chuck us 5 yds if we made the same mistake more than once. Tell you what, we got the message, haha. Would I want my son to get the same treatment today? No. But I have no problem with coaches being aggressive when it is warranted. That said, I agree that this has become another BSPN media event that has grown out of control. I am just so fucking glad the fucking Heat lost when they did. I could not take one more WORD about that "streak".....


Jan 15, 2013
Re: Rant: Rutgers Coach. It's freaking done. Stop.

"I took worse abuse at a Pop Warner level. Our coaches would pick us up by our face masks and chuck us 5 yds if we made the same mistake more than once. Tell you what, we got the message, haha."

Me too. One thing I have found to be true as I have coached and watched my kid play various sports for all sorts of different coaches....if a guy has to resort to that kind of behavior, usually, he has no idea what he is doing. If that is how you think you are going to teach kids or coach them your misguilded in my opinion. I cant count how many times per season (pop warner) bad coaches run terrible alignments, never adjust, put their kids in positions to fail, dont teach fundamentals properly then spend every half time yelling about fundamentals. The most successful team in our local league (year after year they compete for the title, despite getting kids cast off from other teams, coached by a couple of friends of mine) has coaches that never yell. Seriously have never heard them yell at a player during a game or practice. Never laid hands on them either. Why? They are too busy coaching them up. The kids learn pretty early they know what they are talking about. They respect them....there is no need for the immature historionics.