Oh. My. God. I weep for my childrens' future.

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
What - the - fuck?

I give up. America has no future if the majority of our kids are as stupid as these ones are.

How the fuck can they not know that the Titanic was a real event? They taught that in my fourth grade history class, for crying out loud!

I wouldn't be surprised if these kids didn't know anything about the Boston Tea Party and Pearl Harbor. Why won't kids listen to their history teachers? It's not just the past; these are patterns that are repeated throughout the years by people who fail to look at the mistakes of others.

Without a proper knowledge of the past and how it affects the present, there can be no future.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #3
The Boston Tea Party was a rave, and Pearl Harbor is an outlet store in the mall. I know, because my best friend's sister's boyfriend's roommate went to Pearl Harbor to get an outfit for the Boston Tea Party and he like got so WASTED on X! It was EPIC!

We're doomed. SO doomed.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Ahhh lols. Don't have time for these ppl. Thank God that most of the kids in my district actually care.


May 28, 2011
I see your Titanic, and raise you Bin Laden.


Yep, the largest event to happen in their lifetime (given most of these people were most likely born between 1990-1999) and the reason why most of their life America was in two wars, and they didn't even know who started it all.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #7

Just...... wow.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
After seeing those comments on the Titanic, I had to check and see if my boys were somehow unaware of the reality. I have twin 14 year olds and my oldest will be 18 this month.

After asking each one... I got the Evil Eye as if to say - I hope you don't think I'm that stupid. LOL

Fun stuff.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
And I thought "Jay Walking" was bad when Jay Leno would get a high school history teacher on there that couldn't answer basic history questions.

What do we expect though? History has been dumbed down to almost elective status here in Oregon and the kids only have to take PE for one year and you can actually take it on-line. We are creating a bunch of kids that have no concept of our history as a nation, think diet soda is good for you because it doesn't have sugar in it, and have no concept of scratching up a game of pickle, dodgeball, etc with their friends unless they can play it on a screen. I seriously do worry about the next generation and beyond.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #10
RamFan503 said:
And I thought "Jay Walking" was bad when Jay Leno would get a high school history teacher on there that couldn't answer basic history questions.

What do we expect though? History has been dumbed down to almost elective status here in Oregon and the kids only have to take PE for one year and you can actually take it on-line. We are creating a bunch of kids that have no concept of our history as a nation, think diet soda is good for you because it doesn't have sugar in it, and have no concept of scratching up a game of pickle, dodgeball, etc with their friends unless they can play it on a screen. I seriously do worry about the next generation and beyond.
Pickle. Is that like the game "ass"? The game where you throw a ball against a wall, and if the guy who's trying to catch it drops it, he has to run to the wall without getting beaned in the back (or head, or legs, or whatever). And if he does get beaned, he gets a letter?

Or are you simply talking about pickle in baseball?


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
bluecoconuts said:
I see your Titanic, and raise you Bin Laden.


Yep, the largest event to happen in their lifetime (given most of these people were most likely born between 1990-1999) and the reason why most of their life America was in two wars, and they didn't even know who started it all.

What - the - fucking - hell? How could these kids not know about one of the most infamous mass murderers of our time? I'm embarrassed to be considered a part of this damned age group, and I apologize for this generation's idiocy.

I remember the days where I read entire history books just because I was interested in it. What the hell happened? What went wrong? Why are the kids of today not giving a single shit about history? Why?!



Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
RamFan503 said:
And I thought "Jay Walking" was bad when Jay Leno would get a high school history teacher on there that couldn't answer basic history questions.

What do we expect though? History has been dumbed down to almost elective status here in Oregon and the kids only have to take PE for one year and you can actually take it on-line. We are creating a bunch of kids that have no concept of our history as a nation, think diet soda is good for you because it doesn't have sugar in it, and have no concept of scratching up a game of pickle, dodgeball, etc with their friends unless they can play it on a screen. I seriously do worry about the next generation and beyond.
Pickle. Is that like the game "ass"? The game where you throw a ball against a wall, and if the guy who's trying to catch it drops it, he has to run to the wall without getting beaned in the back (or head, or legs, or whatever). And if he does get beaned, he gets a letter?

Or are you simply talking about pickle in baseball?

As in baseball. Never heard of "Ass". Sounds like a game we used to play with a racket ball or a tennis ball though. I just don't remember the name. I thought Smear the Queer but if I remember, that was more of a trash the guy with the ball thing.


May 28, 2011
Memento said:
What - the - fucking - hell? How could these kids not know about one of the most infamous mass murderers of our time? I'm embarrassed to be considered a part of this damned age group, and I apologize for this generation's idiocy.

I remember the days where I read entire history books just because I was interested in it. What the hell happened? What went wrong? Why are the kids of today not giving a single shit about history? Why?!


When I was younger I remember reading book after book about WWII, different battles, everything. I wanted to know about the weapons, the vehicles, the tactics, the units, every little detail that happened.

I talk to my 15 year old brother about it, and he only knows what he learned from video games, his classmates are even worse. Even people my age (and I'm only 24) give a blank stare if the topic comes up... It's sad, people have no concept of history.. I don't expect girls to know details about WWII, but not even guys seem to... I mean what man doesn't love to sit and read about war?

These are the people who'll be in Washington in 20 years... And who's voting now.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
RamFan503 said:
X said:
RamFan503 said:
And I thought "Jay Walking" was bad when Jay Leno would get a high school history teacher on there that couldn't answer basic history questions.

What do we expect though? History has been dumbed down to almost elective status here in Oregon and the kids only have to take PE for one year and you can actually take it on-line. We are creating a bunch of kids that have no concept of our history as a nation, think diet soda is good for you because it doesn't have sugar in it, and have no concept of scratching up a game of pickle, dodgeball, etc with their friends unless they can play it on a screen. I seriously do worry about the next generation and beyond.
Pickle. Is that like the game "ass"? The game where you throw a ball against a wall, and if the guy who's trying to catch it drops it, he has to run to the wall without getting beaned in the back (or head, or legs, or whatever). And if he does get beaned, he gets a letter?

Or are you simply talking about pickle in baseball?

As in baseball. Never heard of "Ass". Sounds like a game we used to play with a racket ball or a tennis ball though. I just don't remember the name. I thought Smear the Queer but if I remember, that was more of a trash the guy with the ball thing.
Well, that's just what we called it down here. I've heard Smear the Queer too (though that sounds REALLY bad now, doesn't it? lol). We only called it "ass", because it was 3 letters. Nobody wants to get rocked with a tennis ball or racquet ball more than that.


Jun 23, 2010

The Titanic thing is bad... but not knowing who Osama fucking Bin Laden was???? :nono:


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
bluecoconuts said:
When I was younger I remember reading book after book about WWII, different battles, everything. I wanted to know about the weapons, the vehicles, the tactics, the units, every little detail that happened.

I talk to my 15 year old brother about it, and he only knows what he learned from video games, his classmates are even worse. Even people my age (and I'm only 24) give a blank stare if the topic comes up... It's sad, people have no concept of history.. I don't expect girls to know details about WWII, but not even guys seem to... I mean what man doesn't love to sit and read about war?

These are the people who'll be in Washington in 20 years... And who's voting now.

In my opinion, researching world history should be a requirement for all of our children. No, it's not merely because of tolerance and understanding (although that would go a long way as well). It's so that we can learn from the mistakes that our predecessors made.

The thing that I've noticed about history are the patterns. No matter what sort of qualities a certain culture has had, there is always a second culture that has had those qualities as well (for example, the feudal knights of Europe and the samurai of Japan). War has those same patterns. Every single battle has been fought on the basis of material goods, land, and/or ideals. The only thing that has changed throughout the years are the specifics in those three (for example, gold became oil). Even the rise and fall of civilizations can be traced and repeated throughout history. Different cultures, different people, but the history remains the same.

When our children learn to correlate history with current events, this country will grow as strong as it has ever been. If not, we'll simply repeat the same patterns as before.

...Sorry for the ramblings.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Memento said:
bluecoconuts said:
When I was younger I remember reading book after book about WWII, different battles, everything. I wanted to know about the weapons, the vehicles, the tactics, the units, every little detail that happened.

I talk to my 15 year old brother about it, and he only knows what he learned from video games, his classmates are even worse. Even people my age (and I'm only 24) give a blank stare if the topic comes up... It's sad, people have no concept of history.. I don't expect girls to know details about WWII, but not even guys seem to... I mean what man doesn't love to sit and read about war?

These are the people who'll be in Washington in 20 years... And who's voting now.

In my opinion, researching world history should be a requirement for all of our children. No, it's not merely because of tolerance and understanding (although that would go a long way as well). It's so that we can learn from the mistakes that our predecessors made.

The thing that I've noticed about history are the patterns. No matter what sort of qualities a certain culture has had, there is always a second culture that has had those qualities as well (for example, the feudal knights of Europe and the samurai of Japan). War has those same patterns. Every single battle has been fought on the basis of material goods, land, and/or ideals. The only thing that has changed throughout the years are the specifics in those three (for example, gold became oil). Even the rise and fall of civilizations can be traced and repeated throughout history. Different cultures, different people, but the history remains the same.

When our children learn to correlate history with current events, this country will grow as strong as it has ever been. If not, we'll simply repeat the same patterns as before.

...Sorry for the ramblings.

As the famous Santayana quote goes, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". It holds true in most aspects of life. To ignore the past is the height of arrogance and has been the downfall of many a society.

Of course allowing any person or body to vote themselves a raise when they themselves do not have to pay it is a recipe for disaster that we as a country absolutely refuse to learn even though our fore fathers tried as hard as possible to hammer it home. Yeah.... they were students of history.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
This simply doesn't surprise me anymore. History in school has been getting watered down for decades now. Even the history we were taught was quite selective. I mean when it came to studying inventors, we basically covered Thomas Edison but never mentioned Nikolai Tesla and Tesla was the real brain child of Edison's era. Edison was the better salesman /PR guy. ( And good friends with Henry Ford. wink wink)

Our education system is basically an indoctrination, not an education.

And to think these are the people that are supposed to be changing our diapers in the future. SHIT!


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
Well, that's just what we called it down here. I've heard Smear the Queer too (though that sounds REALLY bad now, doesn't it? lol). We only called it "ass", because it was 3 letters. Nobody wants to get rocked with a tennis ball or racquet ball more than that.

Yeah - guess I'm not what you'd call politically correct. But then again I suppose as a kid no one was back then. Why we didn't even have any girls on our little league teams.


Jun 25, 2010
I thought I was about to barf for a minute there. No excuses. Every educational system should see this and reexamine what's important to teach our youth. Or do people just not even care. Pretty sad, also remember reading history books for fun too, Memento.
Good stuff though on wall ball and smear the queer. Two of my favorite games growin up too.