Notorious Friends

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I went back and forth about sharing this story. A next door neighbor/friend in Sacramento was convicted of murder and the circumstances in the court case led him to appeal to the US Supreme Court (Carey vs Musladin).

I believe he was single on the day when I moved to Oregon (same day of the earthquake that shook the Giants vs A's world series). Guy was my friend. He was/is a fiercely loyal friend and we used to hang around and play baseball. His Dad was a minor league baseball player when young and could still hit the crap out of the ball when I pitched to him. In fact, his Dad gave me an Orel Hersheiser rookie card from his collection when the Dodgers beat the A's in 1988 (Guy and his Dad were big A's fans). Guy was into soccer and raced dirt bikes. He had a temper on him, but I was shocked to hear he had been convicted of the murder of his ex-wife's boyfriend, Thomas Strudder.

When I wrote to him in prison, he wrote back that it was all a big mistake. It wasn't murder, he said, it was self defense. It all stemmed from the living situation of his/their son, who he had come to see that day. He said that Strudder was a drug dealer and deals went down in the house with his son in the house. Guy says Strudder came out of the house with a gun, while he argued with his ex-wife. He went back to his car and got his gun out of the glove box and returned with it. He says that Strudder fired first and he fell to the ground and shot his gun. Apparently, it ricohet(ed) and killed Strudder. I don't believe they ever found Strudder's gun, which Guy says the cops were crooked in the case and removed evidence....

Do I believe my friend Guy? Maybe? But I know that if I was a juror in the case and there was no weapon presented as evidence of self defense, I couldn't call it self defense. One of Guy's appeals won in the 9th Circuit in a habeus corpus defense, because the court allowed the family of the victim to wear large buttons with the face of the deceased on it throughout the trial and that it influenced the jury.The original judge said there was nothing wrong with it, the 9th Circuit said differently...and finally the Supreme Court of the United States ruled against him , 9-0 with Justice Kennedy writing the concurrent opinion. It blew my mind to hear Bill OReilly talking about my friend and the case during prime time.

Guy's parents were devastated. His Dad died of a heart attack at a fairly young age. His mother desperately tried to maintain a relationship to Guy's son, when the mother wasn't too keen about the connection. Guy was in Pelican Bay for a while, but I don't know which super-max that he's in now. What an absolute tragedy for all involved.

I've never told that story before to anyone. Do you have a story about a notorious freind? This could be an interesting thread if people contribute, eh counselor? (@jrry32 )


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I have nothing, myself. I have some friends who would have great stories.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I, for some reason, seem to have several friends who are felons. Not on purpose. But I just dont care about peoples long as they don't touch kids.

But, the closest I've been to someone notorious was my mothers ex husband. He was with her until I was around 11 or so. I didnt quite realize who or what he was until I was much older.

He used to beat the shit out of me. I remember he was big. About 6'4" and he fought a lot. He carried a bat with nails driven in it and a club kinda deal that he duct taped ball bearings to. I remember he would beat the shit out of people all the time. Seemed like once a month.

He treated my mother like a queen and I never really spoke up about how he treated day my teacher called me out of the class when I was in 4th grade. The principal and someone else was there waiting. They had me lift my shirt and saw all the bruises. I wasnt sure what was going on. When I got home two women were on my porch and said to go on inside. When he got home they wouldn't let him in threatening police. He was never in the house again.

About 2 years later or so I was at the swimming pool with a friend and my mom and her boyfriend came to pick me up and we got ice cream and they told me Mike had died. I had no reaction. I did not give two shits. I was forced to go to his funeral and I remember seeing his hands. His fingers were all broken and shit.

Years later I got the real story.

His name was William Michael Dodson. I believe it was 1997. He was a known drug dealer and was actually in jail, awaiting trial for killing a man by cutting his throat over not paying him for some dope. Being the type of guy he was, he started a fight the first day in jail to try to establish dominance.

A shirt time later he was dead. They claimed he had a seizure and died that way. But that didn't explain the broken fingers. He was the love of my mother life. He made me into a very callus man who struggled with temper issues as a teen and even into my early 20s.

Its nothing that made national news. But I still will run into people that he used to run with and they act like we are friends. He was notorious where I come from.

There was also a guy, wasn't a close friend, but he was close with a guy I was close with. We had hung out a few times. Was a nice guy. Funny.

One night, I hear the entire fucking police force flying across town. Turns out this mother fucker got on some meth, went home freaked out and killed his girlfriends father by stabbing him and stabed her ass but didn't kill her. He stripped naked and jumped into the river trying to get away from the cops. The shit was on TV. I had just hung out with him earlier that day. I had no clue he was into meth. Crazy shit.


Use Your Illusion
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Yeah, from between 4th grade and 8th grade I was friends with a kid named Will Mitchell who was a grade ahead of me and about 2 and a half years older. My bus route sucked and there were some older kids that I was always fighting with so sometimes I would take Will's bus to his stop. It was a kind of rough neighborhood but a lot of kids my age there. I would get off at that stop, walk past the cul-de-sac, through some woods, across a large field and about a 15 minute walk to my house. There were other kids I knew that lived on the same street as Will, like Dallas, who had become my bandmate in "Cradle" (the perfect name for a rock band of 7th graders! What do cradles do? They RAWK!), and another kid I was friendly with named Nathan. He was a strong, tall and sort of aloof country boy who didn't speak much but was always polite and probably had a limited IQ or some learning disabilities but regardless, he was a nice guy and he was 2 grades ahead of me.
In 7th grade I was getting into a little bit of trouble and Will was definitely an increasingly bad influence. He was always super nice to me, but he had a callousness towards others that started making me uncomfortable and by the 8th grade I stopped hanging out with him, but I would still take that bus route a lot.
One day I get off the bus, hung out at my Dallas' house and we talked about music or something for maybe 15 minutes and I started walking home. While crossing the large field I heard 2 gun shots, maybe 10 seconds apart. It sounded like the ruger 10/22 rifle I had growing up.

The weekend passed and I rode my regular bus to school Monday morning. My bus driver was telling us how worried she was about that missing Bruton boy. I joked that I wasn't missing and my last name was Broughton, not Bruton. She said I know who you are and it's very serious. She was talking about Nathan, who hadn't been seen since he got off the bus on Friday.
Tuesday a kids parent called the police and had their kid tell them what he had told them: "Will Mitchell took him to see Nathan's body, in those woods past the cul-de-sac and only a few dozen yards from his house. By Wednesday evening the police arrested Will at a weds night church youth group.
For very, very flimsy reasoning, Will said he murdered Nathan for disrespecting a gang member that was supposedly a friend of Wills. Nobody believes that. Nobody knows why 15 year old Will wanted to kill 17 year old Nathan, who had lived 2 houses down basically all of their lives. I think he was a psychopath and just wanted to kill someone and Nathan made an easy target. Will and a kid named Scott told Nathan they wanted to show him something in the woods. Once there, Will pointed and said "look over there". Nathan looked and Will shot Nathan with a .22 pistol in the side of his head. Nathan apparently didn't die immediately but began moving on the ground and Will shot him a second time in the head, and Nathans body stopped thrashing.
Scott apparently locked himself in his room. He may the kid who finally went to his parents days later but I don't believe so. I knew other kids, some really young, who Will took to see the body. It's been said that Will kept Nathans eyeball in a jar in his room. It's possible.

Despite being 15 and due to the nature of these events, the authorities charged Will as an adult, threatened the death penalty but he ended up with a life sentence.

Here's my old friend Will's most recent DOC picture.
I hope he never sees the light of day. He's the definition of a cold blooded killer.


Here's Nathan
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
Yeah, from between 4th grade and 8th grade I was friends with a kid named Will Mitchell who was a grade ahead of me and about 2 and a half years older. My bus route sucked and there were some older kids that I was always fighting with so sometimes I would take Will's bus to his stop. It was a kind of rough neighborhood but a lot of kids my age there. I would get off at that stop, walk past the cul-de-sac, through some woods, across a large field and about a 15 minute walk to my house. There were other kids I knew that lived on the same street as Will, like Dallas, who had become my bandmate in "Cradle" (the perfect name for a rock band of 7th graders! What do cradles do? They RAWK!), and another kid I was friendly with named Nathan. He was a strong, tall and sort of aloof country boy who didn't speak much but was always polite and probably had a limited IQ or some learning disabilities but regardless, he was a nice guy and he was 2 grades ahead of me.
In 7th grade I was getting into a little bit of trouble and Will was definitely an increasingly bad influence. He was always super nice to me, but he had a callousness towards others that started making me uncomfortable and by the 8th grade I stopped hanging out with him, but I would still take that bus route a lot.
One day I get off the bus, hung out at my Dallas' house and we talked about music or something for maybe 15 minutes and I started walking home. While crossing the large field I heard 2 gun shots, maybe 10 seconds apart. It sounded like the ruger 10/22 rifle I had growing up.

The weekend passed and I rode my regular bus to school Monday morning. My bus driver was telling us how worried she was about that missing Bruton boy. I joked that I wasn't missing and my last name was Broughton, not Bruton. She said I know who you are and it's very serious. She was talking about Nathan, who hadn't been seen since he got off the bus on Friday.
Tuesday a kids parent called the police and had their kid tell them what he had told them: "Will Mitchell took him to see Nathan's body, in those woods past the cul-de-sac and only a few dozen yards from his house. By Wednesday evening the police arrested Will at a weds night church youth group.
For very, very flimsy reasoning, Will said he murdered Nathan for disrespecting a gang member that was supposedly a friend of Wills. Nobody believes that. Nobody knows why 15 year old Will wanted to kill 17 year old Nathan, who had lived 2 houses down basically all of their lives. I think he was a psychopath and just wanted to kill someone and Nathan made an easy target. Will and a kid named Scott told Nathan they wanted to show him something in the woods. Once there, Will pointed and said "look over there". Nathan looked and Will shot Nathan with a .22 pistol in the side of his head. Nathan apparently didn't die immediately but began moving on the ground and Will shot him a second time in the head, and Nathans body stopped thrashing.
Scott apparently locked himself in his room. He may the kid who finally went to his parents days later but I don't believe so. I knew other kids, some really young, who Will took to see the body. It's been said that Will kept Nathans eyeball in a jar in his room. It's possible.

Despite being 15 and due to the nature of these events, the authorities charged Will as an adult, threatened the death penalty but he ended up with a life sentence.

Here's my old friend Will's most recent DOC picture.
I hope he never sees the light of day. He's the definition of a cold blooded killer.

View attachment 41534

Here's Nathan
Wow....great story. I almost heard "Stand By Me" while reading it!


Use Your Illusion
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Wow....great story. I almost heard "Stand By Me" while reading it!

Yeah, that was definitely the first time I grew up, so to speak. Shit got real, real fast.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #9
My friend Guy Musladin is in California State Prison Solano. He was up for parole in 2014, but doesn't appear that he has been released.


Use Your Illusion
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Oh I noticed something about my post that might be confusing, I mean beyond my writing..
I said his name was Will Mitchell but his DOC photo has his last name as Trammell, apparently his legal name.
Around Ozark and in school he went by Will Mitchell and that's still how people refer to him.

Looking at this, I noticed something interesting and super disturbing. A couple of his alias listed are "Bird" or "Birdie".
At first I wondered how he got that nickname in prison, what it might be prison slang for... but then I remembered - allegedly that's what Will pointed at and told Nathan to look at: a bird.
Gross. Look at that smile. Fucking sick. Makes me angry honestly.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 3, 2020
Not notorious but very awkward. I was friends with a guy I met during my summers in the Colorado mountains. His family is from Chicago, they had land close to my brothers place. As time passed and they got into their 20’s they all moved out here(his older brother, older sister, and he & his family).

I invited him to play poker with all my cop buddies and co-workers. We started playing tournaments monthly. This went on for 2.5-3 years.

One Saturday morning my long time friend calls and throws the “Guess who we arrested last night”? After a few guesses I give up. He says Whalpes, right away I know it’s bad. My buddy was the SGT for the sex Crimes Division. Freaking idiot was dealing in child pornography for years. He played cards with 25-30 guys(20+ are cops plus me a Parole Officer). I supervised Sex Offenders in the county.

The following weekend my brother was having a bday party for his teenager and the dope showed up. I pulled my brother to the side and told him I couldn’t be there if he remained. His sister wanted him there because it was a normal activity. I left and made it clear it wasn’t a good choice by my brother.

2 years later I’m training probation officers and some of their Sex Offender Officers were there. I jokingly ask if any of them know Whaples. One of my closest friends says yep. She had no clue I knew him. She begins to tell me about all his other deviant behaviors that are being discovered in therapy. I asked her to spare me as I occasionally see his sister and B-I-L.

Thankfully during my 8 years in LE I didn’t have to arrest him.


Jan 15, 2013
Yeah, from between 4th grade and 8th grade I was friends with a kid named Will Mitchell who was a grade ahead of me and about 2 and a half years older. My bus route sucked and there were some older kids that I was always fighting with so sometimes I would take Will's bus to his stop. It was a kind of rough neighborhood but a lot of kids my age there. I would get off at that stop, walk past the cul-de-sac, through some woods, across a large field and about a 15 minute walk to my house. There were other kids I knew that lived on the same street as Will, like Dallas, who had become my bandmate in "Cradle" (the perfect name for a rock band of 7th graders! What do cradles do? They RAWK!), and another kid I was friendly with named Nathan. He was a strong, tall and sort of aloof country boy who didn't speak much but was always polite and probably had a limited IQ or some learning disabilities but regardless, he was a nice guy and he was 2 grades ahead of me.
In 7th grade I was getting into a little bit of trouble and Will was definitely an increasingly bad influence. He was always super nice to me, but he had a callousness towards others that started making me uncomfortable and by the 8th grade I stopped hanging out with him, but I would still take that bus route a lot.
One day I get off the bus, hung out at my Dallas' house and we talked about music or something for maybe 15 minutes and I started walking home. While crossing the large field I heard 2 gun shots, maybe 10 seconds apart. It sounded like the ruger 10/22 rifle I had growing up.

The weekend passed and I rode my regular bus to school Monday morning. My bus driver was telling us how worried she was about that missing Bruton boy. I joked that I wasn't missing and my last name was Broughton, not Bruton. She said I know who you are and it's very serious. She was talking about Nathan, who hadn't been seen since he got off the bus on Friday.
Tuesday a kids parent called the police and had their kid tell them what he had told them: "Will Mitchell took him to see Nathan's body, in those woods past the cul-de-sac and only a few dozen yards from his house. By Wednesday evening the police arrested Will at a weds night church youth group.
For very, very flimsy reasoning, Will said he murdered Nathan for disrespecting a gang member that was supposedly a friend of Wills. Nobody believes that. Nobody knows why 15 year old Will wanted to kill 17 year old Nathan, who had lived 2 houses down basically all of their lives. I think he was a psychopath and just wanted to kill someone and Nathan made an easy target. Will and a kid named Scott told Nathan they wanted to show him something in the woods. Once there, Will pointed and said "look over there". Nathan looked and Will shot Nathan with a .22 pistol in the side of his head. Nathan apparently didn't die immediately but began moving on the ground and Will shot him a second time in the head, and Nathans body stopped thrashing.
Scott apparently locked himself in his room. He may the kid who finally went to his parents days later but I don't believe so. I knew other kids, some really young, who Will took to see the body. It's been said that Will kept Nathans eyeball in a jar in his room. It's possible.

Despite being 15 and due to the nature of these events, the authorities charged Will as an adult, threatened the death penalty but he ended up with a life sentence.

Here's my old friend Will's most recent DOC picture.
I hope he never sees the light of day. He's the definition of a cold blooded killer.

View attachment 41534

Here's Nathan
Fing yikes.


Jan 15, 2013
Don’t know any scary people directly.
My father had close extended contact with several notorious people when he was a ward supervisor at Atascadero State.
Everyone else I know that had contact with a notorious situation was as a victim.


Jan 23, 2013
I grew up in a neighborhood full of kids. Most of them were older than me and friends with my siblings. It was in the mid 70s'. There was a guy down back on the next street that I would sometimes hang out with named Ralph Trussell. There was always something off about him. He was dumb, and did some real dumb stuff, but he was also weird. For example, one time the kids on my street held a carnival. Ralph wasn't part of that group and was feeling left out. So he decided to hold his own carnival. He had attractions like feeding his pet skunk, and throwing ping pong balls in bowls to win a drink. The worst one was his bow and arrow shoot. He hands me the bow and arrow and he said shoot it. There wasn't any target though. He told me you shoot it straight up and see how close it lands to you. LOL. I passed. It was a real arrow with a metal practice tip. Ralph demonstrated that it was safe several times, but I still passed.

A started to distance myself from Ralph after that and also because I didn't like when he started playing with his stepdad's chainsaw. My younger brother would go down there often though because hanging with Ralph meant action. Danny would get bored with me because I had several hobbies that didn't involve physical activity, like drawing and putting models together. Ralph had no hobbies, or so I thought.

I was about twelve the first time he told us what his hobby was. I was instantly grossed out but didn't know if I should tell anyone. It wasn't the kind of thing you talked about back then or ever heard of. Ralph was eleven and he had a sister that was eight. He would take baths with her and make her do things to him. He said she liked it and thought it was fun. Susie was as dumb as Ralph, so for all I know she may have liked it. He said she is the one that started things the first time. Danny and I completely quit going down there shortly after that.

In the mid 90's I was on a concrete job and I see Ralph's mom. Here Ralph was working at the convenience store on the corner and she said to go see him. So I was waiting around for the concrete to set and was curious to see what he turned out like. He was creepier than I remembered. I didn't even like looking at him. He developed kind of sharp features with a drawn looking, heavily scarred (acne) face and a scruffy beard that didn't grow in anywhere. The worst part was the way his eyes looked. It was kind of like a blank stare. I described them to my brother as dead man's eyes. It was uncomfortable because he talked normally but he wouldn't engage you with his eye. He didn't look down or away either. I finished the job and hadn't seen him after that. A few months later I learned that he was in jail for stealing from that convenience store.

In 2003 I got a job with the state working with disadvantaged youths. My first crew was basically all delinquents. I ended up befriending one named Anthony and he'd work with me on my second job landscaping. He had an addiction and a sad childhood. So he eventually ended up in jail a few times for minor drug charges. One day we were telling stories and I told him about Ralph. Anthony knew him! He said he's the older guy that everyone beats on in county jail. I asked why, and sure enough he was arrested for sexually molesting his two daughters ages 7 and 11. I felt sick, but I was glad to hear that everyone in jail hated him and tormented him. He'd get out and do it again and end up back in jail. He eventually ended up in a State prison. Not as notorious as killing someone but still pretty bad.


Use Your Illusion
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I grew up in a neighborhood full of kids. Most of them were older than me and friends with my siblings. It was in the mid 70s'. There was a guy down back on the next street that I would sometimes hang out with named Ralph Trussell. There was always something off about him. He was dumb, and did some real dumb stuff, but he was also weird. For example, one time the kids on my street held a carnival. Ralph wasn't part of that group and was feeling left out. So he decided to hold his own carnival. He had attractions like feeding his pet skunk, and throwing ping pong balls in bowls to win a drink. The worst one was his bow and arrow shoot. He hands me the bow and arrow and he said shoot it. There wasn't any target though. He told me you shoot it straight up and see how close it lands to you. LOL. I passed. It was a real arrow with a metal practice tip. Ralph demonstrated that it was safe several times, but I still passed.

A started to distance myself from Ralph after that and also because I didn't like when he started playing with his stepdad's chainsaw. My younger brother would go down there often though because hanging with Ralph meant action. Danny would get bored with me because I had several hobbies that didn't involve physical activity, like drawing and putting models together. Ralph had no hobbies, or so I thought.

I was about twelve the first time he told us what his hobby was. I was instantly grossed out but didn't know if I should tell anyone. It wasn't the kind of thing you talked about back then or ever heard of. Ralph was eleven and he had a sister that was eight. He would take baths with her and make her do things to him. He said she liked it and thought it was fun. Susie was as dumb as Ralph, so for all I know she may have liked it. He said she is the one that started things the first time. Danny and I completely quit going down there shortly after that.

In the mid 90's I was on a concrete job and I see Ralph's mom. Here Ralph was working at the convenience store on the corner and she said to go see him. So I was waiting around for the concrete to set and was curious to see what he turned out like. He was creepier than I remembered. I didn't even like looking at him. He developed kind of sharp features with a drawn looking, heavily scarred (acne) face and a scruffy beard that didn't grow in anywhere. The worst part was the way his eyes looked. It was kind of like a blank stare. I described them to my brother as dead man's eyes. It was uncomfortable because he talked normally but he wouldn't engage you with his eye. He didn't look down or away either. I finished the job and hadn't seen him after that. A few months later I learned that he was in jail for stealing from that convenience store.

In 2003 I got a job with the state working with disadvantaged youths. My first crew was basically all delinquents. I ended up befriending one named Anthony and he'd work with me on my second job landscaping. He had an addiction and a sad childhood. So he eventually ended up in jail a few times for minor drug charges. One day we were telling stories and I told him about Ralph. Anthony knew him! He said he's the older guy that everyone beats on in county jail. I asked why, and sure enough he was arrested for sexually molesting his two daughters ages 7 and 11. I felt sick, but I was glad to hear that everyone in jail hated him and tormented him. He'd get out and do it again and end up back in jail. He eventually ended up in a State prison. Not as notorious as killing someone but still pretty bad.

Yeah man, that's definitely pretty bad and very relatable. Will also had a younger sister, she was around 13 years old and also a little off. One of the things I heard from kids who saw it - for whatever reason Will had chased his sister down and she had hid under a low porch and was kinda stuck there so Will pissed all over her head. Apparently it was a lot, soaked her hair and shirt. She was terrified, screaming and Will thought it was hilarious. I didn't have to see that to know it happened. I knew he was capable of being cruel.
There's no telling really what kind of shit he was up to. Wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that he killed small animals for fun and had all the other early warning signs for a serial killer.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
This is an awesome topic. Its nice to know other people grew up around some fucked up people! Lol

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I was holding off on this one until I saw someone else.

I met a guy when I was 19, working as a delivery driver for Pizza Hut. His name was Chad. He was a huge Rams fan and we became best friends very quickly. He was a fat guy, goofy...funniest person I've ever met, even til this day. We got a place together and things quickly got serious when it came to alcohol. We were getting drunk nearly every night. We would have parties several times a week. It was a great time....looking back, it was pathetic, but my gosh did I get laid a ton. It was fun as hell at the time.

Well, when we turned 21 we both decided to go get our CDLs and planned to team drive and save up our money. During training we were sent with different drivers for 8 weeks. After about half that time he calls me saying he had gotten fired. Apparently he got drunk during a layover and was staying in a hotel and pulled his dick out in front of the desk clerk and pissed on the floor.

The pissing was one thing, but the pulling his dick out kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

I continued on and got my job OTR trucking and while on a home trip we went out...I had all but quit drinking at this point. We went to the local bowling ally and I had a pitcher of beer. But he went wild, taking shots of rumplements....kind of a minty strong ass shot.

We went back to his place(where he lived with his parents and little sisters) and crashed. It was a normal time. About two weeks later I was home and got a call from a mutual friend of ours. She said he had been arrested. I asked why and she told me to just look it up on Case Net. I did that and was taken back when I saw 1st degree child molestation.

I called his dad and got some info. Turns out the night we went to the bowling alley. We came home, I passed out. Well, his sister had a sleepover and while everyone was sleeping he apparently went into the girls room and started in on a 9 year old girl. To this day, I'm unsure of the extent of how it went.

He told me that he was simply grabbing for a blanket and his hand grazed the girl....bull shit. But I wanted to believe my best friend. He wouldn't do such a thing....but that excuse sealed it for me. I knew he was guilty. He did five years in prison. And we no longer talk. That mutual friend that called me to tell me he was arrested still hangs out with him. I see him in her snapchat stories all the time. Hes always at her house. She had a 7 year old daughter....I just shake my head.


Use Your Illusion
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
The pissing was one thing, but the pulling his dick out kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

Not to make light of the post, but I scrolled up to this post and this was the first part to catch my eye... I had to re-read this part more carefully...

Yeah that's a tough thing to go through. A boy who lived down the street and was good friends with my daughter got in trouble for something similar and plead guilty. It really hurt my daughters feelings because she had always been close friends with him. She hasn't spoken with him since he called her and admitted to her that he did something wrong but that it wasn't as bad as what the story she was reading in the local news story. She told him she would try to forgive him but she will probably never talk to him again. He said he understood.

Just a very sad situation.
His victim was his step sister. Their parents had gotten married the year before and moved to place in the country. An un-related 17 year old boy and 14 year old girl who didn't grow up together were left unsupervised. Tough situation for working parents but I don't blame them for trusting August. He really seemed like a great kid.