Life Today In North Korea(pics)

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Here are some incredible photographs that were smuggled out of the country:


You have to keep the streets clean
While traveling around Pyongyang, its cleanness is very noticeable. The government spends a lot of time making sure their capital city is one they would proudly show.


North Korea spends a fortune on its armed forces
It is unknown how much exactly the North Korean leader, Kim Jung-Un spends on funding the Korean People’s Army, though it is said to be quite a fortune. The North Korean army uses lasers and missiles banned in other countries and has an impressive cyber warfare unit. It is mandatory for every North Korean over 18 to enlist, even women.


Only less than 3% of their roads are paved
Without a lot of government funding, most of the roads are left unpaved. In fact, if you travel through North Korea, you will only see less than 3% of their roads finished. That is, out of the 120,538 square kilometers of roads, only about 2.83% are paved.


You need to work for your education in North Korea
Did you know that the students in North Korea are required to purchase their own chairs, desks, and heating during the winter? And if that wasn’t enough, they are also forced to work during school to produce things for the government.


The country was named the most corrupt in the world
This probably won’t shock you but last year, according to the Corruption Perceptions Index, North Korea is tied as the most corrupt country in the world! They were tied with Somalia with a score of 8. The rating is between 0 (highly corrupt) and 100 (very clean).


Western citizens can’t walk by themselves in North Korea
After your visit has been approved by the party, they will assign a guide to you. To be clear, you can’t say “no thank you.” For the rest of your stay, the guides will be with you at all times and your tour will rarely leave the minivan.


Soldiers are everywhere in North Korea
In this photo, the photographer managed to capture two soldiers having a conversation. It isn’t that uncommon to see soldiers everywhere if you live in North Korea.Huniewicz probably would have gotten into big trouble if he was caught taking their picture!


Smoking Marijuana is legal in North Korea
According to reporters who’ve visited the country, you can both consume and purchase pot pretty freely and not worry about being prosecuted anywhere in North Korea. It is unknown wether there aren’t any rules against pot altogether, or there are rules that aren’t being enforced. It is also unknown if the same rules apply for both tourists and North Korean citizens.


North Korean public service is tough
This photo was taken at the Mansu Hill Grand Monument. The uniformed girls are sweeping one of the walkways as a form of public service. Not something you would see in the U.S. that’s for sure. The state on the left-hand side is the Socialist Revolution monument.


All male citizens are forced to get a certain haircut
According to an anonymous source from Pyongyang, who contacted South Korea newspaper, The Chosun Ilbo men in North Korea were ordered to cut their hair so it wasn’t longer than 2 centimeters. They were also told to model their hairstyles after Kim Jong Un, whose hair has been described as “ambitious.”


It costs $8,000 to leave North Korea
It isn’t easy to leave North Korea and you will be punished if you are caught trying to escape. There is a way, though, to defect but it would cost you $8,000 to do so. That will only get you to China, though and very few North Koreans would actually be able to afford that.


You can’t travel around the country freely
Even if you are a citizen of North Korea, you aren’t allowed to roam around the country freely. You are required to get a permit if you want to travel outside of your city/town. This is so the government can keep tabs on where everyone is.


There’s a “three generation of punishment” rule in North Korea
If you break the law in North Korea, you’d probably be sent to a prison or work camp, which currently hold around 200,000 prisoners. The problem is, you won’t be the only one suffering for your wrongdoings.It’s common for entire families to be punished if a family member breaks the law.


State workers work very hard in North Korea
Here we see state workers carrying some unknown object across a bridge. Looks like they don’t have access to a truck or something that could carry the heavy object or at least transport the workers to their construction site.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I always thought L'il Kim's haircut looked ambitious. Or was that ambiguous?

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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I always thought L'il Kim's haircut looked ambitious. Or was that ambiguous?

North Korea reminds me of growing up, including the marijuana smoking, the need to keep everything clean, and the forced haircuts.


Jan 14, 2013
I'm not sure there's a person on the planet with a more punchable face than little Kim. It just invites to be punched. It's soft, round like nature.... just looks like it'd feel really good to just punch it right in the nose. Liking kneading dough.


Pro Bowler
Sep 28, 2015
North Korea reminds me of growing up, including the marijuana smoking, the need to keep everything clean, and the forced haircuts.
Yeah, those haircuts! They were brutal!:shocked: By the time I got to the marijuana smoking portion of the program, the haircut mandate had pretty much been eliminated!:yess:

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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Nah, we get to make fun of Dear Leader. He's outside the realm of politics. He's a human cartoon. Plus we let the Brexit thread go on and on. Btw I have my skates on today to glide over that thin ice. :sneaky:


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
I find North Korea both fascinating and terrifying. Stuff like this makes me thankful for being fortunate enough to live where I live. For anyone interested there is a really good Vice episode where they went to North Korea.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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North Korea threatens WAR with the US after Senator John McCain called despot Kim Jong-un a ‘crazy fat kid’
Cheese obssessed Kim appears to have been badly hurt by fat shaming remarks
By Patrick Knox


NORTH Korea is threatening all out war with the US after a top US senator dubbed their leader Kim Jong-un a “crazy fat kid”.

Senator John McCain made the inflammatory remarks while discussing what to do with the tubby tyrant following recent ballistic missile tests and repeated threats made to destroy the US.

In an interview on MSNBC, McCain called for action against cheese and wine loving Kim before it is too late.

He said: “China is the only one that can control Kim Jong-un, this crazy fat kid that’s running North Korea.

“They could stop North Korea’s economy in a week.

“They haven’t, because the Chinese have to understand there’s a penalty … imposed by us if they don’t reign in an individual that can literally start a world war, and more importantly, perhaps in the short term, strike the United States of America.”

The secretive state released a statement earlier this month warning Donald Trump it would reduce the US to ashes if America fires “even a single bullet” towards Pyongyang.