Larry Nassar is probably not going to last very long in prison

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Pro Bowler
Aug 17, 2017
Undoubtedly spend his life in solitary, no doubt he wouldn’t survive in general population so they have to keep him separate, for his own protection of course.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Just end him. Save tax payers a shit ton of money and make everyone happy that a piece of shit like this is gone from the earth and got his due.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #23
I'll admit I haven't followed this case as closely as other ones but how is it worst than the Sandusky one?


He molested over 150 girls, 163 are on record. That's just the ones who came forward after the first one did after the Indy Star came out with an expose.

I had a conversation with a woman I work with and one of the things she said was "You have to wonder how many girls quit gymnastics because they just wanted it to stop. Maybe some of them would have gone on to win medals and awards and could have earned tons of money and had a great life."

He did what Sandusky did times 5 and in some cases the girls had not reached puberty, they were children.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Are you serious? :eek:
I'm glad he asked because I was afraid I was the only person who didn't know. I don't really watch/read the news.

Thanks for the run down about how he's worse that Sandusky. That's all I need to know.


Jan 23, 2013
A few things I read: Because he was protected all those years and girls felt helpless, they kind of joked about it as a coping mechanism. They called him "The Crotch Doctor" . They said he would walk around the exam room with a full on stiffy pushing his pants out.

Now what I don't get is why cover for him. He isn't irreplaceable. There are thousands of orthopedic doctors in the country. Secondly why not hire a female doctor to treat female athletes. All of this equal rights stuff is fine in most cases but when it comes to young girls it only makes sense to have them seen by a female doctor just for the sake of their peace of mind.

Ill throw this out their too. After the Sanduskey scandal these things should not be happening. Sandusky's case brought this type of pervasion to the forefront, or at least should have for every college institution in the country. The Sanduskey scandal was fueled by speculation of cover ups that were never substantiated. In this Michigan State situation there is more than speculation and accusation involved. MSU had the perfect chance to quietly get out from under this back in 2011, by firing the doctor all while the focus was on Penn State. The irony is that of all opposing Big Ten teams Michigan State fans were and still are the most derisive and harshest critics of PSU and the Sandusky case. One MSU administrator was even quoted saying that this situation isn't Penn State. Exactly sir. Penn State officials went to the NCAA and proposed the harsh sanctions dealt to them and then took full responsibility towards victims. Some MSU officials are still denying wrong doing.
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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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@Elmgrovegnome I'm torn about punishing a school for things individuals did. Sanctions don't change the punishment that should be handed out to the people who committed the crimes.

It's not helping anything or anyone by punishing the school. The individuals who do these things and the individuals who cover them up should do life in jail. Even the death penalty for Nassar is acceptable to me.

But punishing the school hurts innocent students, that makes little sense to me.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
@Elmgrovegnome I'm torn about punishing a school for things individuals did. Sanctions don't change the punishment that should be handed out to the people who committed the crimes.

It's not helping anything or anyone by punishing the school. The individuals who do these things and the individuals who cover them up should do life in jail. Even the death penalty for Nassar is acceptable to me.

But punishing the school hurts innocent students, that makes little sense to me.

The culture of protecting The Brand (in this case Michigan State) at all costs is what allowed this to go ON and ON and ON.

The leaders of that school ARE the school. They all need to pay a severe cost. That's the only way this kind of culture can be ended and prevented.

The students will be just fine... and more importantly... they'll be protected going forward like they should have been all along.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #31
The culture of protecting The Brand (in this case Michigan State) at all costs is what allowed this to go ON and ON and ON.

The leaders of that school ARE the school. They all need to pay a severe cost. That's the only way this kind of culture can be ended and prevented.

The students will be just fine... and more importantly... they'll be protected going forward like they should have been all along.

The most maddening thing is that most of the people who allowed this to go on will just resign and find other work.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
He deserves to be raped daily for decades, while in prison.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
The most maddening thing is that most of the people who allowed this to go on will just resign and find other work.

I don't know about that. Look how many are paying from the Penn State mess.

This one is gonna surpass that one with the number of people who will pay I bet. And if some manage to avoid jail time... in today's climate with the sexual harrasment crackdown... I bet finding future employment won't be all that easy.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #34
I don't know about that. Look how many are paying from the Penn State mess.

This one is gonna surpass that one with the number of people who will pay I bet. And if some manage to avoid jail time... in today's climate with the sexual harrasment crackdown... I bet finding future employment won't be all that easy.

I hope you are right and people have charges filed..........the whole thing is surreal and it's almost impossible to believe so many adults would let this happen to children over and over through the years.

I'll be honest I thought just a few people got in trouble over the Penn State mess.


Jan 23, 2013
@Elmgrovegnome I'm torn about punishing a school for things individuals did. Sanctions don't change the punishment that should be handed out to the people who committed the crimes.

It's not helping anything or anyone by punishing the school. The individuals who do these things and the individuals who cover them up should do life in jail. Even the death penalty for Nassar is acceptable to me.

But punishing the school hurts innocent students, that makes little sense to me.

I don't either. Every PSU fan I know was angry about the sanctions and even angrier that the PSU board proposed them. The board overreacted out of self defense. The were worried it would get out that some of them were in the know about Sandusky's deeds. Either way they took responsibility. Many MSU officials are still in denial.

Now I agree that sanctioning any school for the misdeeds of a few is absurdly unjust. Why punish the fans? Why punish players and coaches that had nothing to do with it? It makes no sense, yet many wanted PSU football wiped from the planet. I couldn't understand it. As an alumni and can I was expected to be ashamed, even though I never did anything wrong. Idiots asked me which college team I would root for now. It was bad. People would tell me that I just didn't get it. They were wrong. They didn't get it. I think as time passed they did though.