Jimmy Kimmel chokes back tears while talking about the Killing of Cecil the Lion

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I'm amused like you. Not really taking this whole thing too seriously. There are actually serious things happening in the world right now - like you mentioned with domestic abuse --But back on point:

I agree with you Jimmy Kimmel, like Holden, Huston, and Connery, is 100% entertainer
But whereas Holden, Huston, and Connery chose to act with manliness and bravado, Jimmy Kimmel has chosen to act the role of a wuss.

So I agree 100% that they are all fake. I just prefer a different kind of performance.

Here is what I mean -- If you watch that clip again you will see it is still a Jimmy Kimmel stand up routine. Nothing more or nothing less. Kimmel not only gets one joke in there about the dead lion situation but THREE good jokes - the crowd laughs and is entertained -- then Kimmel himself admits that he has only recently read up on the story, and says he had to Google deeper to find out more facts, which he then told to the nationwide audience. For someone who has only read about the story in the 24 hour news cycle, he sure has a deep vested interest in it to the point of getting all emotional.

Like I said before I think that hunter is a douche. I don't think people should hunt lions or endangered or threatened species.

But I also think Kimmel is weak for faking the weep. That's it. Won't mention it again - just like I bet that Kimmel will never mention it again. Cause tonight he'll be on to other topical topics and entertaining $ the people.

At first you didn't say faking, you just called him a pussy. And said he wasn't manly.

We can finish this when you settle on a position. Let me know when you have the balls to do that and we can go from there OK.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
And for the other side of the story. This whole "Cecil the Lion" story got me to reading. It turns out people do eat lion meat. A long standing tradition of these hunts is the local village gets the meat, about 200lbs when it's a lion. Being tough and not as tasty as some other meats, it still is a source of protein for these often less than fortunate souls. And, often times, these hunts are conducted in areas that have a problem cat. When too many predators start populating one area, they have to be thinned out lest they start feeding on the villagers. Reminds me of the old Tarzan movies. It's still not for me but at least the meat is getting consumed and a lot of the money paid for these hunts does go into the local economy.

You can order lion meat online, it's been available for years. Zebra too, and wildebeast, and a lot of other exotic meat from Africa. Some of it is "grown" in the USA by the way. What the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING about this story. You're tone deaf.

Your post is ignorant, this wasn't an animal that was a problem and was killing some tribal villagers.

If this reminds you of "the old Tarzan movies" you are the example of how life, and modern living and culture and reality, has surpassed you and evolved way beyond you. You've actually moved DOWN the ladder.

The money goes nowhere near the local community, as you say, a lot of it.........dude its going into the pocket of everyone else but the locals.

You're so far out of touch it's hardly worth continuing this.......you're clueless.

It isn't hard to see that this guy did something really, really stupid.

Google the stories about animals being roped to a tree so douchnozzles can shoot them.

Hopefully you wont post about abortions and assume that it's the same type of topic............

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I would definitely agree with the bold part.

have you seen a lot of outrage on the main networks about the Dalieden videos? Have you seen Jimmy Kimmel or other talk show hosts outraged over it?

Did you know that instead of CNN, NPR, and the NY times trying to uncover the truth about PP, they tried to dig up dirt on David Dalieden they called him an extremist.

yesterday when PETA said they wanted the dentist executed. did you hear anyone call them extremists?

in fact 3 major networks ignored the story for the first 48 hours. And yesterday the LA superior court put a gag order on David Daleiden forbidding him to release more videos, which I would think would cause a lot of people to scream "FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS!" but there doesn't seem to be any outrage over that either. The ACLU hasn't made a single comment about that.

And this story is about Humans. not Lions. Humans.

As others have mentioned, that is a different topic. I do have my opinions on that but this particular thread is not the place for them.

Staying on topic, those 2 guides are already freed on bail. Which is bullshit. http://www.cbs58.com/story/29663394/two-zimbabweans-freed-on-bail-in-death-of-cecil-the-lion

BTW the picture on that link is just as disturbing, with the same guy that killed Cecil. It may be even more disturbing considering what this message board is about...



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
You can order lion meat online, it's been available for years. Zebra too, and wildebeast, and a lot of other exotic meat from Africa. Some of it is "grown" in the USA by the way. What the freak does that have to do with ANYTHING about this story. You're tone deaf.

Your post is ignorant, this wasn't an animal that was a problem and was killing some tribal villagers.

If this reminds you of "the old Tarzan movies" you are the example of how life, and modern living and culture and reality, has surpassed you and evolved way beyond you. You've actually moved DOWN the ladder.

The money goes nowhere near the local community, as you say, a lot of it.........dude its going into the pocket of everyone else but the locals.

You're so far out of touch it's hardly worth continuing this.......you're clueless.

It isn't hard to see that this guy did something really, really stupid.

Google the stories about animals being roped to a tree so douchnozzles can shoot them.

Hopefully you wont post about abortions and assume that it's the same type of topic............
You may want to tone it down a bit before you have a stroke, heart attack or something. I was just pointing out that at least the meat wasn't wasted and yes the guides and their network of drivers, cooks, suppliers, etc do make money on these things. As wrong as sport hunting seems to me, I find it comical how bad many American's panties are wadded up over it when the average Zimbabwean isn't even bothered by it. And you are right. Posting about abortions like its the same kind of subject would be pretty stupid. Rational people realize that is a million times worse than the death of a lion. I would think that would be self evident, even in a twisted juxta-progressive world.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
As wrong as sport hunting seems to me, I find it comical how bad many American's panties are wadded up over it when the average Zimbabwean isn't even bothered by it.

Where are you getting that? All I found when searching for that were 2 articles quoting a couple of people going "meh."

Rational people realize that is a million times worse than the death of a lion.

Not me. I think all living things are equal and deserve to live. Not die unnecessarily for no legit reason. Let them live and take care of themselves. If humans can separate themselves from the natural world, let the world they left alone.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Where are you getting that? All I found when searching for that were 2 articles quoting a couple of people going "meh."

Not me. I think all living things are equal and deserve to live. Not die unnecessarily for no legit reason. Let them live and take care of themselves. If humans can separate themselves from the natural world, let the world they left alone.
I get the premise of indifference by the Zimbabwean people by reading articles such as you stated and from the fact that 49 lions were known hunted last year there and it is estimated that a dozen have been killed since "Cecil" was killed. So yeah, when one or two lions are being killed a week and not a peep from them until a lion with a research collar was killed, indifference. And do you think the Zimbabwean people brought it to our attention? I would guess not. It was more than likely researchers from Oxford University. It seems pretty obvious that the money made on these hunts is more important to these people than the lions. It was made illegal in 2005 but the hunts came back in 2008. Either the lion population came back or somebody missed the money. You can always follow the money.


May 28, 2011
yeah, well, he was about to fail at that job because he was the equivalent of an 85 year old man. So his death was imminent why not make some money. I mean, if you want to base decisions on emotion, I can see what you're saying, but I was under the impression that you were just using human reasoning not emotion.

As far as I know he was pretty healthy, the fact that he was closer to the end of his life than not doesn't mean much. Cubs don't need very long before they're able to venture out on his own, so if he was close to the end of his life, they probably would have grown and then he would have left to die. It's not an emotional response to that, but saying "Oh well, he would have died anyway, so why not make money off it?" isn't solid logic either. I mean we wouldn't lessen the punishment for murder because someone was old or had cancer would they? I just don't see how that follows.

Part of the issue of having humans go in and protect them, the problem with that is that it doesn't teach the cubs the skills they need to survive, it doesn't help them long term. If they simply just remove them, then the ecosystem isn't balanced, and it can screw everything up. Plus we want these animals to be in their natural habitat, it's best for them. These ecosystems are just extremely fragile, especially as humans have impacted them so greatly in negative ways.

In terms of this whole crying nonsense, I've seen a lot of very strong very manly guys cry over any number of things, so I wouldn't sit and try to judge people on their manliness or lack of it.

I've been with guys while we repelled out of helicopters under fire, gotten into very intense bloody firefights, killed people, come back to the FOB and all cried over a Futurama episode or a romcom (Definitely Maybe was a favorite among the team, and it's still one of my favorites)... I'd be willing to bet not many people would say they're pussies for it either, everyone processes and expresses emotions differently, as long as you're not hurting anyone there's no wrong way to do it. Other than just not expressing them at all, that's unhealthy as shit.


May 28, 2011
The two locals are being charged with poaching, and I hope this dentist is too.

Zimbabwe asked him to be sent back, and it looks like Fish and Game are looking over the facts to decide if they will either send him back (unlikely) or do a different punishment themselves, which could happen.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Zimbabwe asked him to be sent back, and it looks like Fish and Game are looking over the facts to decide if they will either send him back (unlikely) or do a different punishment themselves, which could happen.
I'm confused as to what jurisdiction Fish and Game would have here in the U.S.? Extradition is probably not going to happen, I agree, but that would seem the only recourse in this case. I'm sure Zimbabwe officials want some fine money.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
In terms of this whole crying nonsense, I've seen a lot of very strong very manly guys cry over any number of things, so I wouldn't sit and try to judge people on their manliness or lack of it.

I've been with guys while we repelled out of helicopters under fire, gotten into very intense bloody firefights, killed people, come back to the FOB and all cried over a Futurama episode or a romcom (Definitely Maybe was a favorite among the team, and it's still one of my favorites)... I'd be willing to bet not many people would say they're pussies for it either, everyone processes and expresses emotions differently, as long as you're not hurting anyone there's no wrong way to do it. Other than just not expressing them at all, that's unhealthy as crap.

Again - apples and oranges
I'm not talking about your fellow combat brothers. And if you read my previous posts you know where I stand on man tears - but that was just to answer young and angry Athos -- I'm talking SPECIFICALLY about Jimmy Kimmel crying on stage about a lion he had just read about that day - it's a bullshit performance

Did you watch that clip? I think as someone who has served our country as you have would be like me and take exception to Jimmy
Kimmels performance. I doubt you have watched it cause if you did you'd see Kimmel makes every effort to apologize to the world for the actions of an American - watch it again - he ends up saying donate so the world knows we are not all like this.

Never said man can't cry - again - never said a man can't cry. But if you are on stage performing your act - don't act like a pussy and act all choked up and act all ashamed of our country like your boy Kimmel does

Didn't know Kimmel had so many loyal loyal apologists

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I've been holding back my initial reaction to this whole thing as well as reading everyone's responses in an attempt to understand why you may feel the way you feel. This dentist is a douche, he has been hunting for years, he knows damn well that baiting is illegal, whether it be tying a dead animal to the back of a jeep to lure a lion or something as simple as feeding deer to close to the start of the season. What he did was wrong and he is full of shit to say he was unaware. BUT, to those who don't understand a huntsman mentality, I want to explain my own. Hunting, to myself and everyone I personally know that partakes, isn't JUST about the meat. I don't understand folks that hunt for trophies only, I live by the code, you kill it, you skin it, butcher it and eat it. Putting the food and hide aside, anyone who denies the pure adrenaline rush you get from stalking and killing is down right lying. Truth is, the day I killed my first deer, I felt such a rush that I was shaking for 15 minutes. It is like tapping into your primal DNA and instinct. So, while I would never go on a hunt for anything I do not intend to eat, I can, to an extent understand these folks who do it for sport, even though I am against it. They are adrenaline junkies of a different kind. That said, I also fully understand why people are upset. Killing a lion or rhino or elephant is just stupid to me, paying $50k to do it is even dumber. My dream hunt would be a trip to Alaska or Canada to hunt Moose, Elk and Bear. All of which I would process and use every single part I could. So many people hate on hunting. They think that Bambi has rights. They look at an animal and believe that is has equal rights to humans. I'm sorry, not the case. Mankind has survived because we fed on these animals for thousands of years. If it wasn't for the millions of animals that have died to ensure our survival, there would be no one left to be vegans and anti-hunting activist.


May 19, 2014
Never said man can't cry - again - never said a man can't cry. But if you are on stage performing your act - don't act like a wuss and act all choked up and act all ashamed of our country like your boy Kimmel does

You don't even realize this is like the 5th time you've changed your tune, have you?

And young and angry? What the heck is that about? I called you out about guys crying in public being pussies. Then you brought up the Mets player (likely a young rook, who started his career with the Mets. Maybe he grew up a Mets fan) getting emotional on the mound.......and you calling him a pussy.

You know what? That makes me think the only one with issues here is you.

And now you've gone off on tangents over someone who is basically a standup entertaining/comedian with a late night show, who, while maybe using an "act" (and for the record I didn't really see "fake tears, or even tears, tears" using his show to draw attention to a messed up act of disturbing trophy hunting violence.

Then brought up "feeing ashamed of our country," as if that someone makes him indirectly "Un-American."

I got news, bro. There are many fucked up things this country does, that happen in this country, that make me feel embarrassed that we call ourselves the great paragon of freedom and #1......when it a great many ways, we aren't. And we keep trumpeting that BS, without actually doing much to work back to being #1.......which we aren't really....#1.....in anything but Military might.

But that's another discussion entirely.


This is about a lion. Wrongly lured. Wrongly killed. Wrongly beheaded. And bragged about until the fucker who did was outed.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I get the premise of indifference by the Zimbabwean people by reading articles such as you stated and from the fact that 49 lions were known hunted last year there and it is estimated that a dozen have been killed since "Cecil" was killed. So yeah, when one or two lions are being killed a week and not a peep from them until a lion with a research collar was killed, indifference. And do you think the Zimbabwean people brought it to our attention? I would guess not. It was more than likely researchers from Oxford University. It seems pretty obvious that the money made on these hunts is more important to these people than the lions. It was made illegal in 2005 but the hunts came back in 2008. Either the lion population came back or somebody missed the money. You can always follow the money.

Sure, I can agree with this particular case overshadowing what happens every day. It's all terrible. Maybe b/c it's my vested interest in this topic, but I am glad this is getting so much attention. Maybe it will finally shed light on this murder (that's what I'm calling it). Around the same time Cecil got murdered, 5 elephants got murdered. It happened last month, the month before, the year before, etc.

I've been holding back my initial reaction to this whole thing as well as reading everyone's responses in an attempt to understand why you may feel the way you feel. This dentist is a douche, he has been hunting for years, he knows damn well that baiting is illegal, whether it be tying a dead animal to the back of a jeep to lure a lion or something as simple as feeding deer to close to the start of the season. What he did was wrong and he is full of crap to say he was unaware. BUT, to those who don't understand a huntsman mentality, I want to explain my own. Hunting, to myself and everyone I personally know that partakes, isn't JUST about the meat. I don't understand folks that hunt for trophies only, I live by the code, you kill it, you skin it, butcher it and eat it. Putting the food and hide aside, anyone who denies the pure adrenaline rush you get from stalking and killing is down right lying. Truth is, the day I killed my first deer, I felt such a rush that I was shaking for 15 minutes. It is like tapping into your primal DNA and instinct. So, while I would never go on a hunt for anything I do not intend to eat, I can, to an extent understand these folks who do it for sport, even though I am against it. They are adrenaline junkies of a different kind. That said, I also fully understand why people are upset. Killing a lion or rhino or elephant is just stupid to me, paying $50k to do it is even dumber. My dream hunt would be a trip to Alaska or Canada to hunt Moose, Elk and Bear. All of which I would process and use every single part I could. So many people hate on hunting. They think that Bambi has rights. They look at an animal and believe that is has equal rights to humans. I'm sorry, not the case. Mankind has survived because we fed on these animals for thousands of years. If it wasn't for the millions of animals that have died to ensure our survival, there would be no one left to be vegans and anti-hunting activist.

Hmm, true I don't have problem with the type of hunting you do. And of course I agree that early man (and thereby us) wouldn't be here if it weren't for that. But early man didn't hunt to animals to near extinction. They didn't hunt a mammoth to rip it's tusks off and leave the body to rot. If they fought saber-toothed cats, they did so for protection. And I'm willing to bet they used their bodies too. They used everything, from the hide to the bones. Not lure it, shoot it once, let it be in pain for 40 hours, behead it, and leave the body to rot while mounting the head on their caves. They didn't hunt for "sport", they hunted to survive.

Me, personally, tho an animal on this planet has every right to live and carry out it's role. Predator or prey, it's the natural order. Since humans have put up a barrier between that natural world, they should leave it be. Not fuck it up.

I'm sorry guys if I seem a little too passionate about this subject for a Rams board. Like I said earlier I have a huge interest in this. I want this to be the start of new era of conservation, but I doubt it. It's more likely it's social media flavor of the month. Next week, no one will care. And animals will still unnecessarily die.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
This is about a lion. Wrongly lured. Wrongly killed. Wrongly beheaded. And bragged about until the freaker who did was outed.

Not entirely
Look at the OP
-X- posted a clip with Jimmy Kimmel - the title of the post of

"Jimmy Kimmel Chokes Back Tears While Talking About Cecil the Lion"

It wasn't an AP article about the death of Cecil the Lion - if that were the case i'd 100% agree with you that it's about the lion. But this thread is about Jimmy Kimmel's reaction to the lion --- that is all I've been arguing and elaborating on. And somehow if I elaborate on all the things wrong with that clip specifically you say I'm going on a tangent. Well that's not the case. I'm critiquing Kimmel's performance specifically in greater detail.

Again I raise all my own animals and treat them humanely - I have rescued 5 longhorns from sure death - they live on my ranch. As far as conservation I live the life not just talk the talk. I am sure if you visited my ranch you'd love what I've done and would appreciate how people like me are changing the world for the better when it comes to animals - wild and domesticated. But that's not the subject of this thread.

I'm not offended nor have I taken exception to any of you guys trying to say I'm an asshole or that I don't have balls or whatever for my views - but some of you have said that to me. Someone calling me an A-hole would constitute in my book someone that is a bit angry. Same with Les - but forgive me for calling you angry and I'll accept your apology for insinuating I'm an A-hole. But it's cool

Bottom Line
You and I agree the killing of this lion is seriously messed up

You and I disagree as to the appropriateness of Kimmel's reaction to it

I think he is a pussy and cries a lot on TV and is not genuine.

And as far as man tears go, I'm historically aligned with Thomas Aquinas and his views of when a man should or shouldn't cry. Not a big deal....

BTW - did you watch Kimmel last night? Did he bring up the lion again? I didn't think so


Pro Bowler
Mar 14, 2015
Just seen this on Reddit, it brought a smile to my face, despite it's factual inaccuracy based on last season



How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Just seen this on Reddit, it brought a smile to my face, despite it's factual inaccuracy based on last season

Watch the Lions goto the SB this year. Would be a great PR tie-in for the NFL... maybe.