Hope everybody in London is safe and ok

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Looks like another attack in London. Hope everybody and their loved ones are safe and ok. This world is going crazy unfortunately :(


Jan 15, 2013
Looks like another attack in London. Hope everybody and their loved ones are safe and ok. This world is going crazy unfortunately :(
People used to use leaches for medicine, think the world was flat, have always killed each other in the name of God and the list goes on....crazy is nothing new.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
Just thought I'd check in and say hi ... all safe although it's my usual stomping ground and feel kinda blessed I'm under the weather or could have Easily been there tonight

The police have confirmed it's a terrorist attack and there were three incident one at londb bridge one at borough market and one at Vauxhall

London I love you ... and we will not be beat the Germans dropped bombs on us during the war that didn't break us ... you have no chance


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
Stay vigilant my fellow humans. Whatever is going on is unacceptable to human lives whether its happening in London or anywhere else on this rock we call Earth. Stay safe.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
I'm of the belief that WW3 actually began around the time of the Twin Tower attacks. Of course, crackpots have been declaring a biblical 'end of times' apocalypse for 10's of centuries, ... and smaller scale wars in areas of Africa & Asia are often overlooked by our mainstream Western media.
Before my brother passed about 5 years ago, I told him I hoped to move to a relatively scenic rural mountaintop in the Rockies to watch the 'chaos' of our times play out. Along with another industrial arms race between many nations, we essentially attacked the wrong country in going after Iraq, helping to create ISIS, and got bogged down in a lengthy war in the middle-east, more recently Moscow has upped the ante taking Crimea from Ukraine, China then declaring the So. China Sea their own, nuclear armed India & Pakistan attacking one another regularly over Kashmir, Saudi Arabia & Iran bankrolling every (terrorist) organization on speed dial willing to attack the others interests, the hope of an 'Arab Spring' bringing down the despot dictator Assad in Syria backfiring, the collapse of Libya & Sudan, North Korea's bold rhetoric for bringing down the U.S., tensions on the Chinese/Indian border, Japan's re-arming, Russia's threatening behavior towards Europe & NATO. ISIS attacking Mindanao in the Philippines, Turkey moving from a secular state to a more dictatorial conservative Islamic State and their hate of Kurds, Iranian troops fresh from the fight with ISIS in Iraq now trying to link up with Hezbollah in Syria & Lebanon ... I fear it's only the beginning stages of the slow burn which will ignite into something more catastrophic when someone really steps over another's line which is drawn in the sand. Mass migration due to war is only at a beginning stage, once regional draught catches up to the warming planet, migration will be 100 fold of anything we could have imagined from Syria & Libya. Clean water, already at a premium in many areas, is drying up as the largest mountain ranges lose snow pack. Antarctic & Greenland ice melt, Siberian permafrost melting and allowing even more methane into the atmosphere, tripling down on how climate will be impacted several years from now. The U.S. backing out on the Paris climate accord, ... one might ask where global 'leadership' is taking us ?
Terrorism like we've seen in Britain today, France weeks back, where does it end ? Or is this a new era where terrorism will actually be granted an acceptable level in life's routine ?
While i'll likely not live to see the brutal future so many others face, being 64 now, it's hard to dismiss the trajectory we seem to be on. I no longer wonder if or why, I tend to wonder ... when ? In this age of wonder, where technology drives us to new frontiers daily, it's amazing we haven't found a way to just get along. The divide between rich & poor in the U.S. is greater now than at any time since the Great Depression. "In 1982, the highest-earning 1% of families received 10.8% of all pretax income, while the bottom 90% received 64.7%, according to research by UC-Berkeley professor Emmanuel Saez. Three decades later, according to Saez’ preliminary estimates for 2012, the top 1% received 22.5% of pretax income, while the bottom 90%’s share had fallen to 49.6%." The worldwide monetary divide is even more acute.
Besides income disparity, gender and race issues are as problematic today as they have been in decades, religious animosity is growing, not slowing, politics are as divisive as ever. Everyone is blaming anyone & everything else for their problems. The next 'Great War' won't start with a bang as many anticipated, although it could easily conclude in such a manner.

Whoever are the survivors of WW3 ? Should there be a few, the only winners will be the bad guys. The re-cycling of the biggest, baddest, strongest most dangerous & cunning will begin again, everyone remaining will fight for whatever scraps of water, food & natural resources are still left available. Feral rules are the only rules. Women & children are likely to suffer the most, plumbing, electricity & hot showers will be something of the past which stories will circulate around campfires while cooking your glowing radioactive squirrel stew. Eventually, someone will find a partially charred copy of the 'Lord of the Rings', ... and Samwise or Frodo or Gandolf or Aragorn or Elrond or Saruman will be declared a god, maybe all of them, then they will argue and fight over them, each group declaring the 'only' one and true god, then we'll do it all over again.


May 28, 2011
Glad you are safe, UKram, my mom was telling me about one of our old family friends was there just a few hours earlier, crazy stuff.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Just thought I'd check in and say hi ... all safe although it's my usual stomping ground and feel kinda blessed I'm under the weather or could have Easily been there tonight

The police have confirmed it's a terrorist attack and there were three incident one at londb bridge one at borough market and one at Vauxhall

London I love you ... and we will not be beat the Germans dropped bombs on us during the war that didn't break us ... you have no chance

Glad you're safe UKram
My prayers go out to you and your neighbors

I had the chance to go to London last year and it was one of the best experiences in my life. The Borough Market -- I swear I know the place. It was the place hat convinced me I needed to get a place in London. Called the wife and told her all about it. The best fish and chips joint ever was just outside of it. I love this place - not 100% sure it's the same market, but it was directly across the London Bridge - i just have this feeling it's the same place
And for me to know this is your personal stomping grounds... Damn dude, this shit makes me so mad





Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
People used to use leaches for medicine, think the world was flat, have always killed each other in the name of God and the list goes on....crazy is nothing new.

Religion is the scourge of our species. Nothing else is in the conversation.

London I love you ... and we will not be beat the Germans dropped bombs on us during the war that didn't break us ... you have no chance

I agree, the nut jobs will eventually go away, slowly. But the UK has some work to do cleaning up it's yard.

Very sad. This crap has to end.

I think it will in my lifetime, I'm 56 this year. But it's going to be a nasty mess getting there.

it's amazing we haven't found a way to just get along.

It makes no sense to me that it's easier for people to hate for no reason versus not really caring or just letting others do their thing. Centuries of this.


Jan 15, 2013
Religion is the scourge of our species. Nothing else is in the conversation.

I agree, the nut jobs will eventually go away, slowly. But the UK has some work to do cleaning up it's yard.

I think it will in my lifetime, I'm 56 this year. But it's going to be a nasty mess getting there.

It makes no sense to me that it's easier for people to hate for no reason versus not really caring or just letting others do their thing. Centuries of this.
Without religion it is tribalism.
The human condition sadly.
This particular battle is centuries old. The world has changed. The ideology, sadly, has not.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
Glad you're safe UKram
My prayers go out to you and your neighbors

I had the chance to go to London last year and it was one of the best experiences in my life. The Borough Market -- I swear I know the place. It was the place hat convinced me I needed to get a place in London. Called the wife and told her all about it. The best fish and chips joint ever was just outside of it. I love this place - not 100% sure it's the same market, but it was directly across the London Bridge - i just have this feeling it's the same place
And for me to know this is your personal stomping grounds... Damn dude, this crap makes me so mad

yep thats the place they attacked @Dieter the Brock like seriously me and my pals generally head out there once a month if it wasn't for an organized party this coming Saturday we could have well been out round that way last saturday


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
When I alighted from the rattler earlier at Fenchurch Street there were two armed coppers there. Some doris went in WH Smith and came out with a bottle of water and a mars bar for each of them. Not sure the old bill have ever been so popular.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
see and Millwall fans get nothing but bad press normally

guess thats why our motto is "we fear no foe "


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
I have heard recently that 12 people have been arrested in connection to these Terrible attacks!
I Recommend they bring back " Public Execution" for the ones convicted!
Preferably something like Hanging with no sacks covering there faces! So anyone thinking of doing the same thing knows what to expect!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I have heard recently that 12 people have been arrested in connection to these Terrible attacks!
I Recommend they bring back " Public Execution" for the ones convicted!
Preferably something like Hanging with no sacks covering there faces! So anyone thinking of doing the same thing knows what to expect!

I'm thinking something more like the Iron Maiden but a see through version.
