History That you Never Knew...

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Or maybe some of you never knew.

I'll start out with concentration camp survivor, Bruno Sieg. In researching the 1945, the year of devastation, I found this account in a US Army communication to staff HQ in Germany after the war. It was a prime directive that the German populace not only know about the holocaust through pictures, but also to hear from some of its victims. This was particularly true for the German Wehrmacht (army, navy and air force). When they were being processed out of POW camps, they often listened to a speaker. He was a persecuted Christian Democrat (political party) and had been imprisoned for years within Buchenwald.. His impassioned speech hit me in the gut. I've read it nowhere else in any historical writings and you won't find his name on the internet and that is an utter shame.

Sometimes history is lost, but I've determined to mention Mr. Sieg as often as I can. This is an exact transcript from a document I found at the Eisenhower Presidential archive in Abilene, KS.


MII TEAM 440 – G

18 JUNE 1945​

SUBJECT: Speech to German PWs by former BUCHENWALD inmate

TO: A.C. of S.,G-2, 5th Armored Division

This afternoon I organized a meeting in the Discharge Center in this town of as many Pws as would fill the hall to hear Mr. BRUNO SIEG, former Social-Democrat of DANZIG, who spent four years of hell in BUCHENWALD and other concentration camps.

In introducing the man, I said: “It seems to us that a great many of you do not believe the stories of concentration camps which were uncovered by our armies. I am therefore introducing to you your friend Bruno Sieg, who is from Danzig, and who spent four years in those camps. He was incredibly lucky to be here to-day and got a new chance to live. Many thousands of his - and our – comrades did not survive this ordeal, and they cannot be with you now.

“The whole German people existed during the past twelve years under this “New Order” of Hitlerism. Your lives for those years were based on murder and brutality of a kind never imagined before. You could not have lived the way you did without this murder and without those camps – that is the fact that makes you all equally guilty, though you may never have killed a man yourselves.”

Bruno Sieg then read his piece from notes that sounded most genuine because it was obviously the language of a simple workman. He illustrated the different tortures he described by gestures, and ended his half-hour speech by saying: “There are probably those among you, who still don’t believe what I said. Well, I’ll tell you ; You bastards are just as guilty for this war as Himmler himself.”

After he finished I just said: “I don’t think there is anything else to say. You can go.” And the audience, about 400 strong, left as silently as they had stood throughout the meeting. The moment the crowd was beginning to dissolve, there was an undertone of murmurs and discussions, and around 20 to 30 PWs crowded around Sieg to talk to him personally.

The PW’s “forman,” German Captain SCHMIDT, was forced by me to sit on the rostrum while Bruno Sieg was introduced. He obviously hated it, and squirmed like a worm on a hook…..

Peter J. Blake

2nd Lt. NIS

*Eisenhower Presidential Library Stamp


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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Please sharew any historical tidbits from any era. I went through a dark depression when I wrote this term essay on 1945 and so it still lives inside me today, years after having written it.

Please share!


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
More historical tidbits? Okay.

One man is responsible for millions of deaths in Russia and China. No, not Stalin, and not Mao either. Who, then?

Trofim Lysenko.

Lysenko (who appealed to Stalin because of his peasant background) and his pseudo-science (Lysenkoism) - knowing it was pseudo-science, and asked Stalin to imprison and kill any real scientists in Russia who rightfully thought he was a crackpot - caused Mao to adopt his ideals, causing the Great Chinese Famine, causing almost 55 million people to die of starvation. Millions of Soviets died from starvation during multiple famines as well, and this continued until a letter from three-hundred Soviet scientists sent to Nikita Khrushchev ousted him from power. Unfortunately, that bastard did not get purged, even though he fully deserved it; he was allowed to keep his titles, just so long as he was kept out of the way. He died in 1976 - disgraced, sure, but wealthy as fuck.

If anyone deserves to burn in hell over Mao, Hitler, and Stalin, it's this guy.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #4
More historical tidbits? Okay.

One man is responsible for millions of deaths in Russia and China. No, not Stalin, and not Mao either. Who, then?

Trofim Lysenko.

Lysenko (who appealed to Stalin because of his peasant background) and his pseudo-science (Lysenkoism) - knowing it was pseudo-science, and asked Stalin to imprison and kill any real scientists in Russia who rightfully thought he was a crackpot - caused Mao to adopt his ideals, causing the Great Chinese Famine, causing almost 55 million people to die of starvation. Millions of Soviets died from starvation during multiple famines as well, and this continued until a letter from three-hundred Soviet scientists sent to Nikita Khrushchev ousted him from power. Unfortunately, that bastard did not get purged, even though he fully deserved it; he was allowed to keep his titles, just so long as he was kept out of the way. He died in 1976 - disgraced, sure, but wealthy as fuck.

If anyone deserves to burn in hell over Mao, Hitler, and Stalin, it's this guy.
Yes, I remember him. He appealed to Stalin's and Mao's desire for ultimate agricultural production. They tried to grow crops in winter at his direction. They experimented in crackpot growing techniques which could never work, but the communist underlings would fake production as though it did. Tens of thousands died because Stalin and Mao believed him. Like you said, eventually he was exposed in the USSR, but then Mao believed in his shyte and misery/starvation continued in China.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Yes, I remember him. He appealed to Stalin's and Mao's desire for ultimate agricultural production. They tried to grow crops in winter at his direction. They experimented in crackpot growing techniques which could never work, but the communist underlings would fake production as though it did. Tens of thousands died because Stalin and Mao believed him. Like you said, eventually he was exposed in the USSR, but then Mao believed in his shyte and misery/starvation continued in China.

Millions. Not tens of thousands. There were about 15-55 million deaths in the Chinese Famine, millions of Russians who died in separate famines - and that's not even counting the damage this bastard did with killing off anyone who said anything bad against him: Stalin made it a law that Lysenko couldn't be criticized by anyone or they'd "disappear."

All because this guy was a crackpot with power. He fully deserves to burn in the deepest pits of hell.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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Millions. Not tens of thousands. There were about 15-55 million deaths in the Chinese Famine, millions of Russians who died in separate famines - and that's not even counting the damage this bastard did with killing off anyone who said anything bad against him: Stalin made it a law that Lysenko couldn't be criticized by anyone or they'd "disappear."

All because this guy was a crackpot with power. He fully deserves to burn in the deepest pits of hell.
My numbers are different as far as totals killed under communism....Stalin was 40 million and Mao killed 100 million plus. Mao made all tyrants look like pikers.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
My numbers are different as far as totals killed under communism....Stalin was 40 million and Mao killed 100 million plus. Mao made all tyrants look like pikers.

Don't forget Pol Pot. He set Cambodia back generations with his mass murder of any intellectuals (despite the fact that he, himself, went to college and the like). He and his Khmer Rouge were almost as bad as Imperial Japan.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #9
Don't forget Pol Pot. He set Cambodia back generations with his mass murder of any intellectuals (despite the fact that he, himself, went to college and the like). He and his Khmer Rouge were almost as bad as Imperial Japan.
Yep.....All of these despots had a habit of killing the educated in their populations first, which was true in Cambodia. Mao would send the Chinese educated out to farm, including doctors.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #10
Yep.....All of these despots had a habit of killing the educated in their populations first, which was true in Cambodia. Mao would send the Chinese educated out to farm, including doctors.
dang, I repeated you! lol


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I'm gonna bump this thread. Did you guys know that one of Poland's Artillery Supply Units actually had a legit Syrian brown bear listed as a soldier, and that he helped carry heavy artillery by copying the men in the unit? Did you know that said brown bear (Wojtek once captured an enemy spy?

This is an actual true story.

Yes, I am absolutely serious.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 15, 2015
I'm gonna bump this thread. Did you guys know that one of Poland's Artillery Supply Units actually had a legit Syrian brown bear listed as a soldier, and that he helped carry heavy artillery by copying the men in the unit? Did you know that said brown bear (Wojtek once captured an enemy spy?

This is an actual true story.
Well.... I'll be a monkeys uncle... ;)



Mar 17, 2014