Fmr Browns coach Rutigliano: "relaxing NFL rules on marijuana would be a 'catastrophe"

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Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
Well said. However, you are deeming all humans exactly the same.

I have found through a lifetime of association and experimentation that there are many types of weed smokers just as there are many types of drinkers.

I agree that there are people who hide behind the high and waste their lives. People who choose to escape challenges through weed. So be it. I think they will escape anyways. I really have no problem with a person who CHOOSES to be an escapist unless he becomes a dependent on society.

They don't fight or drive 100MPH. They don't rape, rob, and kill, they just chill.

However, I know a lot of high energy and unique personalities that need weed to relax. A.D.D. and energizer bunny types that are brilliant but need to slow it down to be focused and productive. It's WAY better than Prozak.

If you want to see someone OD or fall over the cliff, look at prescription drug nightmares. It's not weed.

I think the idea of everyone having to be a financial success and a goal driven fanatic is just wrong. I enjoy people from both worlds. People who are just chill are often the happiest in my observation, when it fits them, and can be wildly contemplative and creative.

If I had to spend an evening discussing great things with A personality real estate agents or CEOs or at a bon fire with weed smokers, I'm taking weed smokers every time.

Worker bees are great and I love them. I am one of them mostly. Denying the contributions of everyone else is silly. Much of our greatest contributors to art and thought and life chose not to be that.

My vote is live and let live. And take a hit and see if it's for you instead of buying in on stereotypes. (not hard drugs)

Do you realize that you're arguing for the idea that it is "okay" that people are living in a state of suffering?

Meditation is the answer. It balances brain chemistry and provides insight into our inner world. The guessing games in terms of how much of this drug you need at what time of day, can be put to bed.

By meditating twice a day for 20 minutes at a time, weed is a moot point.

It's also a great way to bring awareness to addiction. And let's face it, a significant portion of our population is addicted to one drug or an other.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I love the greatest generation. My Grandparents were the quintessential Greatest Generation. They had some money after a lifetime of hard work, Grandpa worked in a nitro-glycerin factory pushing the "angel cart" and doing lead smelting, but they never squandered. My grandmother gambled for the first time in her 80's on nickle slots once a month with her Red Hatters and thought it was a scandal.

They had cooking pans dating from the 50's because they gave up almost all of theirs to the war effort. But they still had pans from the 50's. No need to replace them, Grandpa would just take them out to the workshop and grind off the age with wire brushes. No need for no-stick, these old pots will do just fine.

Those people were smart. Yes, it came from having to do without, but they were the ones who knew it could all come crashing down at any time. When you have next to nothing, you fix that pan or you have no pan.

They could feed themselves off nature and repair anything they owned. Nothing was disposable. When they died they willed cremation so they wouldn't be a financial burden on the people they gave their life savings to.

When they were starting out as a ticket girl and deckhand on a Mississippi paddle boat they were dirt poor, so my grandfather built a house in East St Louis out of cinder blocks and it's still standing today. He built it in his time off and bought the materials from finished new home sites and ran plumbing, electric, everything.

The reason they landed in East St. Louis is my Grandpa, who was from Morgan City Louisiana, got drunk and whooped a passenger's ass for being fresh with my Grandma and they were thrown off in STL. There were two things you didn't get between with gramps, one was his whiskey, the other got him thrown off a river boat.

So, you can blame that fight on having to put up with me.

True story.

That was a good post my man.......really good.


Jun 4, 2013
Do you realize that you're arguing for the idea that it is "okay" that people are living in a state of suffering?

Meditation is the answer. It balances brain chemistry and provides insight into our inner world. The guessing games in terms of how much of this drug you need at what time of day, can be put to bed.

By meditating twice a day for 20 minutes at a time, weed is a moot point.

It's also a great way to bring awareness to addiction. And let's face it, a significant portion of our population is addicted to one drug or an other.

That's a lot of assumptions right thar.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Do you realize that you're arguing for the idea that it is "okay" that people are living in a state of suffering?

Meditation is the answer. It balances brain chemistry and provides insight into our inner world. The guessing games in terms of how much of this drug you need at what time of day, can be put to bed.

By meditating twice a day for 20 minutes at a time, weed is a moot point.

It's also a great way to bring awareness to addiction. And let's face it, a significant portion of our population is addicted to one drug or an other.

Ya know I'm just farts and giggles that's worked for you, but anyone touting his as THE answer,has a little too much self congratulation going on for me.
There's a different answer for every person alive ,why not trust them to find their own ,or are you the only one capable of that ?


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
Okay. Well you guys wanted to know what my perspective was and that's where it comes from. Yes, I believe it could help everyone. But I wouldn't mandate it. Or take away people's drugs. We each have our own path.


Jan 23, 2013
Okay. Well you guys wanted to know what my perspective was and that's where it comes from. Yes, I believe it could help everyone. But I wouldn't mandate it. Or take away people's drugs. We each have our own path.

I wish I had time to meditate. I got a late start in life and have a 2, 6, and 11 year old. The 2 yr old requires constant attention. The house is in a constant state of 'needs to be cleaned up!'. Kids need fed, lawn needs mowed, dogs have to go out. If I did make time to meditate, I doubt I could. The boys are loud, there is so much on my mind with everything I have to do presently, plus what is up ahead. Even if I wanted to do drugs I wouldn't because I don't have the time to sit around numb. I used to meditate before all of this and I miss it. I learned it through yoga in my single days.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
I wish I had time to meditate. I got a late start in life and have a 2, 6, and 11 year old. The 2 yr old requires constant attention. The house is in a constant state of 'needs to be cleaned up!'. Kids need fed, lawn needs mowed, dogs have to go out. If I did make time to meditate, I doubt I could. The boys are loud, there is so much on my mind with everything I have to do presently, plus what is up ahead. Even if I wanted to do drugs I wouldn't because I don't have the time to sit around numb. I used to meditate before all of this and I miss it. I learned it through yoga in my single days.

Try 2 minutes a day. Involve the kids if possible (tell them it's a "breathing" exercise). And accept that background noise is part of the experience.

Also a technique that helps people is when you take a shower to focus on the physical sensations of the water, rather than the thoughts running through your head. This works with washing dishes as well. This is mindfulness in everyday usage and is effective in making you realize that thoughts are just thoughts and don't have any inherent value until we give them value.

When we come to a place in life where we are no longer in resistance to any of our thoughts, by allowing them to pass through us, we are able to function without difficulty. It's a gradual process and I'm still working on it myself. I still have this self destructive thought that runs through my head that says, "this task is menial and I shouldn't have to deal with it". Is it true? Doesn't matter. What does matter is the effect of this thought; suffering. So a task, which my ego/brain deems menial, endings up owning me. But only if/when I allow it to. This applies to any self-limiting belief.

And to be clear I'm not talking about replacing thoughts with other thoughts. That's where things get complicated and turn into cognitive behavior therapy. What I'm talking about is the practice of a recognition of thoughts as random excrement of our ego/brain. And then a decision as to whether to accept, reject or let-go of that thought.... To bring it back to where we started, this is where meditation or mindfulness comes in. By practicing you are creating space between stimuli and response, between thought and decision. This space is where you are able to make conscious decisions that will have very real implications on your quality of life experience, as well as how much stress you feel.

Or we could just deal with it another day. ;)


May 28, 2011
I meditate when I shoot, it's relaxing but that's part of long distance shooting, helps steady and calm everything down. Nothing better than getting to work in the morning before we open up and cracking off a few long distance shots before the customers come. When I'm instructing people I tell them when they breathe it's almost like doing yoga, or meditating.


Jun 4, 2013
I wish I had time to meditate. I got a late start in life and have a 2, 6, and 11 year old. The 2 yr old requires constant attention. The house is in a constant state of 'needs to be cleaned up!'. Kids need fed, lawn needs mowed, dogs have to go out. If I did make time to meditate, I doubt I could. The boys are loud, there is so much on my mind with everything I have to do presently, plus what is up ahead. Even if I wanted to do drugs I wouldn't because I don't have the time to sit around numb. I used to meditate before all of this and I miss it. I learned it through yoga in my single days.

If you can't meditate, just smoke a little weed. :sneaky:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Try 2 minutes a day. Involve the kids if possible (tell them it's a "breathing" exercise). And accept that background noise is part of the experience.

Also a technique that helps people is when you take a shower to focus on the physical sensations of the water, rather than the thoughts running through your head. This works with washing dishes as well. This is mindfulness in everyday usage and is effective in making you realize that thoughts are just thoughts and don't have any inherent value until we give them value. ;)

Can you come over real quick and demonstrate that to me?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
The perfect ending to what's become a boring thread. We're all entrenched in our positions anyway. Kind of like the Bradford debate. :D

I used blue font so you could tell I was joking.......I didn't mean it as a slight OK.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
If I repost it, but not in blue, will you actually come over and do my dishes? :p

Generally I think a man should have a women do his dishes for him, but I'm glad to see that you're rather liberal on the issue. Now that we are a gay friendly team it's important that some of us are brave enough to experiment with alternative patterns of behavior.

That's all you bro. ;)


Jun 4, 2013
I've decided I'm not going to do the dishes. I'm going to meditate about why my wife should do the dishes. Then a bong hit and all will be tight again.


Jan 23, 2013
Try 2 minutes a day. Involve the kids if possible (tell them it's a "breathing" exercise). And accept that background noise is part of the experience.

Also a technique that helps people is when you take a shower to focus on the physical sensations of the water, rather than the thoughts running through your head. This works with washing dishes as well. This is mindfulness in everyday usage and is effective in making you realize that thoughts are just thoughts and don't have any inherent value until we give them value.

When we come to a place in life where we are no longer in resistance to any of our thoughts, by allowing them to pass through us, we are able to function without difficulty. It's a gradual process and I'm still working on it myself. I still have this self destructive thought that runs through my head that says, "this task is menial and I shouldn't have to deal with it". Is it true? Doesn't matter. What does matter is the effect of this thought; suffering. So a task, which my ego/brain deems menial, endings up owning me. But only if/when I allow it to. This applies to any self-limiting belief.

And to be clear I'm not talking about replacing thoughts with other thoughts. That's where things get complicated and turn into cognitive behavior therapy. What I'm talking about is the practice of a recognition of thoughts as random excrement of our ego/brain. And then a decision as to whether to accept, reject or let-go of that thought.... To bring it back to where we started, this is where meditation or mindfulness comes in. By practicing you are creating space between stimuli and response, between thought and decision. This space is where you are able to make conscious decisions that will have very real implications on your quality of life experience, as well as how much stress you feel.

Or we could just deal with it another day. ;)

Interesting and confusing both at the same time.

I liked meditating because it cleared my mind. Just like I like doing stone masonry, it is therapeutic. But I don't think I have trivial irrational thoughts to clear up. Doing the dishes sucks, but it isn't so bad that I stress over it. I just do it. The Master does his work and moves on. You accept that it is to be done because it is there. And you do not admire your work when it is done. Just move onto the next task....until the Rams Game comes on, or Game of Thrones or Vikings, or The Walking Dead.

I got all of that from the Tsoa.