Fisher has extension

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Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
It may be Sunday after the 7th loss in 8 games occurring due to systemic issues...

But the mods have been pretty consistent that they want this place to be about positivity.

Here's my thing, I don't want to feel like i'm walking on eggshells around here after all the time (and few dollars) i've invested. I won't name names, but certain mods and a few posters have made political comments i'm uncomfortable with, and I have avoided them as best I can to keep a civil tongue. I don't want to be banned by calling out someone or getting involved in a debate which may cost my membership here. I belong to a political forum which will go unnamed, and if you believe sports and religion can rile you up, try it sometime. Thing is, it is well moderated and most members know how to discuss & debate without making it personal. This country is pretty much divided in half politically, one party won the Electoral College big and the other overwhelmingly won the popular vote, ... sports fans tend to be more conservative, so that probably explains some of the outbursts. Still, these posts were not removed, and as I stated, at least one mod joined in getting points across that others might feel was inappropriate. I come here because i'm a Rams fan going back to the Roman Gabriel and Fearsome Foursome days, not for any other reason, if I want to discuss something other than the Rams, I find an appropriate site or forum. I've been called out and had a post removed for only the second time in a dozen years on various forums, I can live with that as some seem to have found my post inappropriate, and will repeat that i'll strive to do better in the future. I only ask that while mandating the rules, it be leveled without hypocrisy or favoritism. I've enjoyed this site for about 3-1/2 years posting and one as a lurker, ... it's main appeal, outside of Rams discussion, has been how the Mods have kept it civil, so i'm very appreciative for all the hard work they have done to build and maintain this forum, ... and look forward to many more years here as it continues to develop. :cheers:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
B/c that is what they (SF) does. They did it game 1 in 2015 as well.

You that's not really a valid reason right ?

No disagreement here. But at some point, someone on either side of the ball needed to make a play on the field. I don't think a coaching change would make that situation

That's on the coaching though ..lack of accountability..playing conservative 2 runs for minimal gain and a pass short of the sticks isn't going to get it done .. lack of accountability means stupid mistakes keep happening

Didn't say he was "the" answer. I simply agree with this 2 year max move. And I'm sticking with it.

I admire your grit for sticking with your conviction but If he isn't the answer he shouldn't get and extension .. four years of losing football

If I knew the answer to that, then everyone on this thread would be in agreement with each other. Clearly that isn't happening. We're not winning b/c it's a young offense. We had a revolving QB for 3 years prior to this year. They have shown signs, but again for the umpteeth time, with a little more development this offense can improve.

It hasn't improved in the four years fish has been here same lacklustre o line . Poor play from the WR unit ..I watch a lot of other teams due to the fact I watch the games on redzone .. I see deep plays actions passes .. a run game (which is what fisher preaches ) .. but players know they can screw up and nothing happens (unless your a rookie who brings a girl to your room )

Bottom line is this ... I liked and supported fisher for a long time and have even during the last three years and when he was did the whole 7-9 speech on hard knocks I believed him .. but for me the dude has lost all credibility for me

From the 7-9 speech to Dickerson debacle the not knowing who the pats running backs were were to not being able to find the challenge flag yesterday .. and while those things don't hurt us a team .. it shows his incompetence


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
I'm certain this has already been mentioned in this thread (couldn't be bothered to go through all 15 pages to check) but the extension was signed before the season started. He hasn't just been offered it this week.

That is hugely significant. You can understand an extension being offered at the same time as the relocation for stability reasons but then watching a crappy season unfold changes everything surely?

Plus the fact they've waited so long to announce it basically shows that they know it was a bad move and wanted to see if there was a shock win and some good will which they could announce it off the back of. They should've announced it when we were 3-1.

As it's turned out they had to just announce it off the back of a 1-6 run or whatever it was before yesterday's game.

Don't despair fellow Rams fans. LumberTubs is calling it now; Fisher's gone after week 17.


Aug 24, 2014
Don't despair fellow Rams fans. LumberTubs is calling it now; Fisher's gone after week 17.

I think you could be right. It sounds increasingly as if Fisher's people have leaked the news rather than the team announcing it. Looking at it that way, the news coming out looks more like a desperate move to try to keep his position, rather than an endorsement from the owner. There is also talk of a team opt-out after next year, so it may only mean that they owe him a year of salary if they cut bait this winter.


Nov 8, 2015
Fisher Won. Fans Lost (again). People should accept that Fisher will return in 2017 even if they finish 4-12. There is no point in fighting this anymore.

Best thing is ignore every Rams win and every Rams loss until there is a new coach.


Pro Bowler
Mar 23, 2013
Fisher Won. Fans Lost (again). People should accept that Fisher will return in 2017 even if they finish 4-12. There is no point in fighting this anymore.

Best thing is ignore every Rams win and every Rams loss until there is a new coach.

This^^^^ maybe ROD should offer counseling and support dogs for the people who cant take it? oh and make sure they don't have to take their tests for a month or so. life sucks sometimes you just have to deal with it.


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
not being able to find the challenge flag yesterday

I can picture every coach we play against lending their challenge flags throwing it to Fisher.

Can't find your challenge flag??? Here you go Jeff catch!



Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010

Ever tone deaf, Rams, Fisher march toward obscurity in L.A.


Jeff Fisher, Los Angeles Rams

The close companion to “loser” yesterday was “awkward”, as the Los Angeles Ramsexplained and opined about a loss in New England, AND news regarding Jeff Fisher and Les Snead. Accordingly, it was a day where bad news was made both on and off the field.

Alden Gonzalez


Per @AdamSchefter, Fisher's deal "done weeks ago" without announcement. Snead also extended. Expectation was they would be back together.

10:03 AM - 4 Dec 2016

Such is a day in the life for Rams fans.

Most remarkable, and maybe this comes from the view as an observer, but how so many on that roster seems to be OK with this, almost euphoric with the prospects of a losing administration staying in place.

From Todd Gurley to Alec Ogletree, and I’m guessing everyone in between, the news was met with joy.

Dani Klupenger


"He's my coach. He's the coach that drafted me. I love that guy. I'm happy for him (Fisher's extension)." -Gurley

4:46 PM - 4 Dec 2016

View image on Twitter

Alden Gonzalez


Rams DE Will Hayes, on Jeff Fisher: "Stand-up guy, takes care of his guys. ..."

5:27 PM - 4 Dec 2016

And they’d just lost a football game.

Look, I’m not trying to conflate the two. The timing of the announcement was bad. Like Rams on the field bad. But the level of disconnect from the reality of the situation is staggering. Almost as if the franchise is completely separate from the fan base in Los Angeles.

In his post-game presser, Jeff Fisher said this when asked what he would say to Rams fans not just in L.A., but fans everywhere.

Via the Sporting News:

“Well, I would tell them the truth, that this was done well before the season started. It was done well before we had 90,000 people in the (Los Angeles) Coliseum for our first preseason game. And you know, we’re just moving forward, that’s what we are doing. Trying to put our product on the field, we’ve lost some close games, you know, and we are struggling offensively. That’s where it is at. That stuff is out of my control.”


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That’s his answer?

Those “90,000” will likely be a high watermark for attendance in comparison to what he can expect over the next three home games in the Coliseum.

Fisher’s now standard answer is to say we lost, deal, we’ll just keep running a losing product out there, and like, whatever.

The Los Angeles Rams, beginning with Kevin Demoff, are all about the sound bite and the spin. No accountability, no explanations, and certainly no answers.

Yesterday was business as usual, Rams style.

“Moving on.”

“Figuring it out.”

“Trying to get better.”

Basically, deal with it.

Just business as usual.

So deal with it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 1, 2015
Steven A had a statement on Fisher at the end of first take today . He nailed it !


Aug 20, 2016
I thought it was going to happen. Even though I'm not excited about this, the speculation and drama whether he is/was going to get an extension is now over. Everyone, including myself, can continue to pee pee and moan about the state of the franchise, but the only thing that's important right now is finishing the season with some momentum. I have to believe there will be some momentous changes coming after the season is over with the offensive coaching staff which hopefully was a condition of his extension. This team will never get better with the same offensive coaching staff. We have some very talented players, but the Boras, and the other coaches can't seem to figure out the best way to utilize the talent. Some guys are good head coaches, some good coordinators, and some are good just being a position coach. I don't think we have the right mix of offensive coaches. Fisher and Snead need to find coaches to get the offense working at all positions. We see Goff's potential, now they need to build around him with both great coaches and better talent. It's a total waste of a draft pick if Fisher and Snead think we have the right coaches on offense. Time to cut ties with Boras and company and bring in coaches who will get the offense going and score points. This plus get the O-Line issues figured out.
There was no condition in the extension to do anything different on offense. This contract was signed at the begging of the season, if I understand correctly. Fisher has no reason, in his mind, to change anything, it's the players not executing, that is the problem, he has said it after every game this year. He's not going 7-9, this team is too talented for that, and it's not the coaching to blame, so it must be under performing players on the field.



Aug 20, 2016
:rolllaugh::rolllaugh::rolllaugh::rolllaugh: Tried to tell you guys but no I didn't know what I was talking about :rolllaugh::rolllaugh::rolllaugh: .
Glad all of your dreams came true. If one was going to get hit by a truck and I told him, I would not laugh if he didn't believe me when it happened, I would have empathy for his intolerable pain.


Aug 20, 2016
The only issue really is will Fisher get out of his own way and realize his ground and pound won't work unless he has the Cowboys OL. Otherwise he has to learn to open things up and he has to have a much more disciplined team.

Still boggles my mind how you can lose more games then anyone in history and you still have a cushy job.
Wish my industry was like that.
Don't think he will, he always comes out at halftime saying that this team is built around running the ball and our identity is to run the ball, apparently he thinks that running 11 times for 44 yard is a rushing juggernaut in the NFL.


Montana is God's Country
Jun 24, 2010
Fisher has no reason, in his mind, to change anything, it's the players not executing, that is the problem, he has said it after every game this year. He's not going 7-9, this team is too talented for that, and it's not the coaching to blame, so it must be under performing players on the field.
You really believe this? What you fail to mention is the other part of the the equation which is having coaches who can put players in a position to win. Yes players have to execute game plans, but it's the coaches who put together the game plans and preparing the guys to play each week. You can't have one without the other.


Pro Bowler
Mar 23, 2013
Glad all of your dreams came true. If one was going to get hit by a truck and I told him, I would not laugh if he didn't believe me when it happened, I would have empathy for his intolerable pain.

What's funny about it is all the bitching and whining like fans have control of any decisions that pro teams make. I chose to laugh because I have a life outside of a fricken Game that doesn't change my life whatsoever. Rams lose oh well Rams win great it's just a game.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
What's funny about it is all the bitching and whining like fans have control of any decisions that pro teams make. I chose to laugh because I have a life outside of a fricken Game that doesn't change my life whatsoever. Rams lose oh well Rams win great it's just a game.

Is that why you had to come here to rub guys faces in it?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 1, 2015
There was no condition in the extension to do anything different on offense. This contract was signed at the begging of the season, if I understand correctly. Fisher has no reason, in his mind, to change anything, it's the players not executing, that is the problem, he has said it after every game this year. He's not going 7-9, this team is too talented for that, and it's not the coaching to blame, so it must be under performing players on the field.


Just when I thought I couldn't feel any worse , I listen to that . Wow