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Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
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  • #21
I grow a beard once or twice every year, which grows in nice and thick (if striped with stark white skunk stripes). Problem is, my wife absolutely hates it... she says it makes me look ten years older.

Mel really needs to never ever ever do this again:



Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
It itches like hell coming in - I can never get past the 2-3 week mark before I shave it all off.


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
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  • #24
It itches like hell coming in - I can never get past the 2-3 week mark before I shave it all off.
Get some beard soap and wash your beard with it every day. Totally takes out the itching, and if it doesn't, a bit of beard oil will finish it off.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
Most bearded types over here are hipster skinny jean wearing tossers.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
The last time I was completely clean shaven was my senior year of HS 1985.

The last 3 years or so I've gone full beard. I usually keep it trimmed at about a 3 guard... let it grow 2 weeks... cut it back with a 3 guard.... repeat. I hate shaving.

I don't think my wife likes it all that much. She's fine with it right after I trim it... but after growing out for 2 weeks she calls me her terrorist. That's her way of saying... "Please go trim that freaking thing back asap". Hahahaha
I haven't been Clean shaven sense 1964 in the Marine Corps. Well .. once in 1978, after my baby son kept yanking on my beard I shaved everything of, including my mustache and the baby cried and My wife said " Don't you EVER do that again, you have No Upper Lip!" So I haven't been clean shaven sense!

I really hate shaving at my age!!


May 11, 2017
James Lewis
Hey there! It can be really tough to grow a beard and much more difficult to maintain it. And it is an obvious thing that unkempt, untidy and half grown beard are too much disgusting. Beard needs to be taken more care of. Proper beard care is needed to grow a healthy and fuller beard. Keeping a beard is other thing and looking after it is another. The point is, if you own a beard and you have to maintain it properly. People tend to take this important aspect for granted. It's not always about growing a beard, it's all about how you maintain it and through the journey you will have a more open mind towards others, more patience, and more confidence. Ultimately, it’s one of the items that helps you become a better man.


Jan 23, 2013
I have a goatee. Anyone who knows me thinks it really suites me well. My wife loves it. I tried the full beard. It looked pretty good but I couldn't get used to the feel. I kept p mine pretty tight. Every three weeks I hit it with a Number one clipper blade.

Some guys look very natural with a beard. It can be an enhancement. Chris Helmsworth is a good looking guy but better with a beard, for example. Pierce Brosnan looks better with a beard.

The worst beards are neck beards, a la Andrew Luck.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I just cant get past the moustache always getting food on/in it.
Take a bite, wipe the stash, take a bite, wipe the stash....

Mikey Ram

Hall of Fame
Oct 20, 2014
The last time I was completely clean shaven was my senior year of HS 1985.

The last 3 years or so I've gone full beard. I usually keep it trimmed at about a 3 guard... let it grow 2 weeks... cut it back with a 3 guard.... repe
The last time I was completely clean shaven was my senior year of HS 1985.

The last 3 years or so I've gone full beard. I usually keep it trimmed at about a 3 guard... let it grow 2 weeks... cut it back with a 3 guard.... repeat. I hate shaving.

I don't think my wife likes it all that much. She's fine with it right after I trim it... but after growing out for 2 weeks she calls me her terrorist. That's her way of saying... "Please go trim that freaking thing back asap". Hahahaha

at. I hate shaving.

I don't think my wife likes it all that much. She's fine with it right after I trim it... but after growing out for 2 weeks she calls me her terrorist. That's her way of saying... "Please go trim that freaking thing back asap". Hahahaha

I can't grow a world class beard, but I always grew one in the winter to help keep my face a little insulated...I was a letter carrier in Anchorage AK for 26 years and walked a 7 mile route outdoors...I would always shave it when I thought spring was early...Of course the temp would drop back to about 10 the next day and when I stepped outside to head to work I could hardly draw a breath it felt so freaking cold on my face...My wife would ask me if I was growing a beard when I didn't shave for 2 or 3 days just because I didn't feel like it...She didn't care one way or the other she just said grow it or shave, not the cactus shit in between...I think I know why but I should probably keep it to myself...
Last edited:

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I grow a ZZ Top style beard in the winter, it gets cold here in Maryland, but trim it during the warmer months. Contrary to the article below, women don't find me attractive. :(

Are Men With Beards More Desirable?


Credit Kim Murton

In the past few years, a number of predictions have declared the end of the beard. “Sorry guys, beards are over,” said the website Mashable. “Beards Aren’t Cool Anymore,” said Vice.

But beards are still here — at the Oscars, parading down catwalks and on regular guys. Could it be that beards are more than a fashion statement?

Science suggests that facial hair — from scruffy day-old stubble to full Grizzly Adams — is imbued with social messages, and can play a significant role in a man’s love life.

Last year, researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia decided to explore male facial hair to determine what role, if any, beards play in sexual attractiveness, masculinity and short- and long-term relationships.

The team gathered data from 8,520 women, who were divided among three groups. Each group of women was shown pictures of men with varying degrees of facial hair. The images, which had been manipulated by the research team to show the same men more or less bearded, showed the men with clean shaven faces, light stubble (five days of growth) heavy stubble (10 days of growth) and a thick beard representing about one month of growth.

Next, each group of women was asked to mull a different question about the man’s sex appeal.

The first group rated the men’s beardless-to-bearded faces for overall sexual attractiveness.

The second group also rated the photos, but this time they were asked to score the pictures based on short-term attractiveness: Which of the men seemed most desirable for a fling or a one-night stand?

The third group rated the men in the photos as long-term prospects: Which of the men had a face that suggested he might be a good candidate for marriage and commitment?

The answers, which were published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, varied depending on what the woman was looking for. Overall, the women said the sexiest men were those sporting heavy stubble, followed by short stubble. Men with full beards and clean-shaven men were rated the lowest on the overall sexiness scale.

What kind of man is most attractive to a woman looking for a short-term fling or one-night stand? Men with light stubble won that contest, closely followed by men with heavier stubble, suggesting that the scruffy look appeals to women looking for fun, but not commitment.

But when it came to choosing a long-term partner, a guy with whom a woman could have babies or settle in for the duration, the more facial hair the better. Men with heavy stubble and full beards were the clear winners on this question, suggesting that men who are ready to commit might do better if they shave less often.

The authors of the study theorize that for women who are looking for a long-term mate, beardedness may be more attractive as it “indicates a male’s ability to compete for resources.”

Barnaby Dixson, a human behavioral ecologist at the University of Queensland and a co-author of the beard length study, has been researching mate preferences for a decade. He explains that both sexes judge men with beards as older and more masculine, and describe them as generous, sincere, industrious and self-confident.

But Dr. Dixson, who sports a full beard, says research has also found that facial hair is associated with some antisocial traits, such as aggression and social dominance. While these traits might not be pleasant if you’re looking for a fun fling, they might be alluring if you want an alpha male to support your family and fend off predators.

It’s not just women who prefer bearded alpha males — men also prefer men with facial hair.

Dr. Dixson and colleagues asked 1,577 men and women from Brazil and the Czech Republic about facial hair. Compared to heterosexual women, gay men had stronger preferences for men with more facial hair.

“Homosexual men preferred hairier stimuli than heterosexual women, supporting past findings that homosexual men have strong preferences for masculine traits,” the authors reported.

Brazilians preferred bigger beards than Czechs. Homosexual men preferred men with beards similar to their own. Czech women preferred men with beards that were similar to the beards their fathers had during their childhood.

The study, published in March in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, also found that men often preferred thicker facial hair than their real partners actually had. The authors noted that the fact that people don’t end up with their “ideal” — at least in terms of his beard — may be because their ideal is not readily available, so they “compromise.”

Not every man can grow a beard naturally. More men with hairless faces have begun seeking hair transplants, according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. In 2014, the latest year for which data are available, 13,956 men around the world had hair transplants to enhance their beards, up from 4,707 in 2012. More than 3,100 of the men were in the United States. Beard transplants are most popular in Asian countries, where nearly 4,200 men had the treatment in 2014.

Whether men choose to grow beards may also depend on the context in which they live. A 2016 study found that beards are more common in crowded cities where average incomes are lower. In this environment, where money is scarce and there is more competition for mates, men may feel they need to ramp up their masculinity.

On the flip side, “when competition in the social environment is reduced and the need to signal dominance is of less importance, men may dial down their masculinity through shaving or grooming their beards,” Dr. Dixson wrote in an email. Which may be why beards seem to be less common in the less populated suburbs.

Another factor that influences whether men decide to grow some stubble is the frequency of beardedness around them. “When beardedness becomes too common, it is less attractive than when it is rare,” Dr. Dixson wrote. “This may explain why fashions and trends in beardedness fluctuate over time.”

Christopher Oldstone-Moore, author of the 2015 book “Of Beards and Men: The Revealing History of Facial Hair,” maintains that history more than biology establishes meanings for facial hair.

“I wonder if the positive effects of beards are a matter of the current cultural preference for beards, and perhaps the idea that bearded men are more mature, confident and reliable is because that is what we are tending to associate with beards these days,” Dr. Oldstone-Moore, a senior lecturer at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, wrote in an email. “Whenever masculinity is redefined facial hairstyles change to suit.”

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
So today... I have to go into a Driver License office to renew my DL. Usually I am able to do it through the mail, but this time I have to go in and provide multiple documents to prove citizenship and proof of residence. They've been doing this in Florida over the past 5 years. This means I'll be getting a new picture on my DL.

In preparation for my new pic... I haven't trimmed my beard for about 2 months. I've gone full grizzly. My new pic will probably be on my new DL for at least another 20 years if I keep my license clean. I'll be able to just renew it in the mail every 7 years if I don't get any tickets.

My wife hates it I'm sure... though she doesn't even mention it because she knows that will make me want to keep it longer. If I don't hear from her about this luscious beard of mine for the next couple of days... I'll trim it back with a 3 guard again. But... I will have this beauty proudly displayed on my DL for a long long time to come.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
So am I the only one who has a beard? Lol
I have a goat. A while ago I had a full beard until I was around a co-worker that had a goatee, and somehow I decided to imitate it as a joke...and I liked it!

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I gave in and finally trimmed my grizzly beard back to a 3 guard this morning. However, I did get a pic sent to me this morning that was taken just yesterday. It captured the amazing beauty of that wooly bugger,,, so I thought you guys would enjoy gazing upon it's glory. :snicker:
