Anyone have Psoriasis

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
my 4 year old son has had these odd spots start showing up over the last year but it wasn't much of a concern until November. That's when shit got real.

My boy started getting them on his scalp, between his toes, randomly on his arms legs and torso. He even got it on both eyelid areas...this one is the scariest for me. It started in the corner and is slowly working it's way around. We have been trying since the beginning of November to get in to see a dermatologist, because our dr doesn't feel confident making a call on it...give me a break. Anyway, we have been calling every day, twice a day to check for cancelations. Yesterday was out lucky day. Someone canceled...yay! Our appointment wasn't til the middle of February so this was awesome.

We get there and the dr says he has psoriasis. Rare for a 4 year old but it happens. Writes up some scrips for cream. I ask about generic, since recently changing jobs, I'm waiting for insurance to kick in. She is well aware of the situation and says she will order accordingly.

I get to the pharmacy and what does it cost....$1,100 for two creams. Are you fucking kidding me.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has it here, and maybe aware of some home remedy success stories. I have two months to go before my insurance kicks in and I sure as hell am not paying $1,100 for two small things of cream.

Thank you in advance!


Mar 17, 2014
That's fucking criminal.

I don't know anything about Psoriasis, but my 5 yr old son has excema. It's a bitch to keep down. He gets these welts and red blotches on the back of his legs and groin. I go through a tube of medicine every week. It keeps the itching down and reduces the flare ups.
I also cut down on his baths. I use to give my kids baths every night. Now they get a couple a week with showers in between. I also use gentle body wash with no perfumes or dyes.

Keep searching. You may find something that will keep him comfortable until your insurance kicks in.
If he needs a moisturiser for dry skin, try Jojoba oil. It's the closest oil to a body's natural sebum. Unrefined shea butter is also a good moisturiser. You can get blocks of it on Amazon. It's pretty thick so you have to melt it down with a couple other natural ingredients to develop a cream. Also a good mix with Jojoba oil.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010

Hey Man... I just spoke with @Ramrasta about this on the phone. You met him with me up in STL. He works for a dermatological surgeon on Fridays. He's gonna ask you about the scripts and see if he can help tomorrow when he goes into work.

Look for him to hit you up today in this thread.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
Hey @Juggs

Yeah, I do medical records for a dermatologist on Fridays so I will ask him about that for you. He has had his own practice for over 25 years now so I'm sure he will have some advice. There is also a nurse with our office which specializes in helping patients with alternative medicine options which I can ask as well. We usually don't carry psoriasis cream samples but I will also check the back just in case.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Hey Man... I just spoke with @Ramrasta about this on the phone. You met him with me up in STL. He works for a dermatological surgeon on Fridays. He's gonna ask you about the scripts and see if he can help tomorrow when he goes into work.

Look for him to hit you up today in this thread.

The two creams are Calcipotriene & Tacrolimus. I don't know the dosage but one was $700 and the other was $400

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #8
We called the Doctora Office this morning and they said they would look into it. They said they are trying to find something online...idk my wife called me and she makes simple shit sound like rocket science. They were supposed to get back with us but didn't. So I guess we will call back tomorrow

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #10
Hell I meant to reply to him. Thank you sir


Pro Bowler
Apr 10, 2016
my 4 year old son has had these odd spots start showing up over the last year but it wasn't much of a concern until November. That's when crap got real.

My boy started getting them on his scalp, between his toes, randomly on his arms legs and torso. He even got it on both eyelid areas...this one is the scariest for me. It started in the corner and is slowly working it's way around. We have been trying since the beginning of November to get in to see a dermatologist, because our dr doesn't feel confident making a call on it...give me a break. Anyway, we have been calling every day, twice a day to check for cancelations. Yesterday was out lucky day. Someone canceled...yay! Our appointment wasn't til the middle of February so this was awesome.

We get there and the dr says he has psoriasis. Rare for a 4 year old but it happens. Writes up some scrips for cream. I ask about generic, since recently changing jobs, I'm waiting for insurance to kick in. She is well aware of the situation and says she will order accordingly.

I get to the pharmacy and what does it cost....$1,100 for two creams. Are you freaking kidding me.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has it here, and maybe aware of some home remedy success stories. I have two months to go before my insurance kicks in and I sure as hell am not paying $1,100 for two small things of cream.

Thank you in advance!

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system mistakes the skin cells as a pathogen, and sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. Wheat grass has powerful anti-oxidants, phytochemicals and a complete range of nutrients that will not only detoxify your body. It has been argued that wheatgrass helps blood flow, and digestion. Wheatgrass juice/powder helps/cures psoriasis. By drinking wheatgrass juice/powder, my psoriasis was gone in just two weeks.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
I spoke with the Derm nurse and she told me that if your doctor has already done a prior authorization for those medications, you can go to, type in the drug name/dosage, and receive a printable coupon to Walmart pharmacy which should take both medications down to nearly $100 each. She said this was what she typically advises her patients for the best self pay price options. Hope this helps you.


Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2010
I have had it since I was around 13 years old. At one point it covered most of my body but I was lucky and it went into remission for about 10 years. It wasn't until I was in my 30's that it came back. I've been able to keep it under control though. Here is my advise and what worked for me. Don't use any type of creams or ointments that contain steroids. If you read up on that you'll find out they make things worse in the long run. Also the tar based creams and ointments do nothing except make a mess. What I found was the very best treatment was good old sunshine. It's most effective from the end of spring and on through summer. You can also get UVB treatment from special tanning beds.

I hope you can find something that works for your son. It's a terrible disease that really hurts your self esteem . Especially for a child.