A little disappointed

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I've been thinking on this since yesterday. And it's been a problem for a while.

I am seeing our rams brothers/sisters attack eachother. Yesterday I saw one of my favorite posters of all time on this board refer to people not wanting their vax as "pussies" that was a let down, man.

We've all been on the opposite side of someone else in our group, but. We HAVE to be better. I was reading the homepage and saw what I guess would be the Mission Statement here. And I see how far we've removed ourselves from this founding principle.

"Rams ON DEMAND was founded in 2010 to provide a different online experience; an engaging community where respect for each other is a condition of membership. Share your love of the Rams and special interests with fans from around the world...."

We have lost some terrific members here to banning or outright leaving over stupid shit. This franchise has its history, causing unrest and division in its fans. St.Louis vs LA. Liking or hating Stan. Warner or Bulger....you know, cause Warner was a pussy! Lol jp...we can't let dumb shit outside of this game divide us as well. This isn't fb.

Someone I've grown closer to on this board recently told me Facebook will divide a family in a matter of minutes. Well, we don't need to have that shit around here. If you can't see things from both sides, and you can't respectfully say your side without taking a dig at the other side....then shut the fuck up. For the love of God...shut the fuck up.

I'm obviously a nobody on this board. I'm just a guy who loves his team and likes to crack jokes and be a smart ass. But. I've ALWAYS tried...as much as I could, to be respectful. I'm not perfect at it. But, damn. We can do better....now, off of my soapbox. Let's be better. I love everyone....except a few of you dicks that I have blocked! Haha


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 3, 2020
Hey @Juggs this is the nature of online interactions. Not saying people are wrong or that people should have to conform to things they disagree on. The interactions here are set under the guidelines (demeaned) not to be personal or divisive in nature.

I came from a Rams forum that the MODS, IMO, are to carefree with the interactions and comments by many posters. Meaning, some members made it a point to stir the pot or insight other into negative interactions. That is their website and they have the right to set it up that way. Some may feel the MODS here are too quick to end a thread. The beauty of that is that no one is bound to stay here. Unlike Facebook, truly one of a kind for may years, there was no other fast & easy way to connect with people in such a wide range (globally).

People change (or as in my case have settled on who they are) and for better or worse their online experiences do the same. I begrudge no one for leaving or defending a website they visit. I guarantee you posters here have blocked me (I have blocked a few who are ROD favorites) but that's ok.

I'm glad that you posted how you feel/see things going on here at ROD. I for one don't see you as the ROD Neighborhood fat guy. You bring humor, quality and substance to ROD. I hope you continue to post and engage everyone here.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Hey @Juggs this is the nature of online interactions. Not saying people are wrong or that people should have to conform to things they disagree on. The interactions here are set under the guidelines (demeaned) not to be personal or divisive in nature.

I came from a Rams forum that the MODS, IMO, are to carefree with the interactions and comments by many posters. Meaning, some members made it a point to stir the pot or insight other into negative interactions. That is their website and they have the right to set it up that way. Some may feel the MODS here are too quick to end a thread. The beauty of that is that no one is bound to stay here. Unlike Facebook, truly one of a kind for may years, there was no other fast & easy way to connect with people in such a wide range (globally).

People change (or as in my case have settled on who they are) and for better or worse their online experiences do the same. I begrudge no one for leaving or defending a website they visit. I guarantee you posters here have blocked me (I have blocked a few who are ROD favorites) but that's ok.

I'm glad that you posted how you feel/see things going on here at ROD. I for one don't see you as the ROD Neighborhood fat guy. You bring humor, quality and substance to ROD. I hope you continue to post and engage everyone here.
I'm not going anywhere. Other sites suck. I am just tired of seeing posters bash eachother. If we're gonna fight. Fight over what we should do at RB...ya know. Not shit like we have been seeing. GD, someone says covid and people lose their shit. Covid needs to be on the no no list like politics and abortion here. Lol


Jan 14, 2013
Embarrassed Hide Away GIF


May 28, 2011
I will admit, I do miss the ROD days of old. at times I don't know if it was because the team was rubbish, or the internet in general just not so... Hostile, probably a combination of both... It used to be an extremely positive place to be a fan, now I see more and more posts where people get upset and negative, others get upset, arguments break out, yada yada. Opinions can be had, and it's tough to draw a line and say some need to shut up and others can't, but I will admit I do miss when it was just a bunch of guys rooting for our lovable bunch of misfits. Every year we all agreed that we would turn our 2-14 team around to make the playoffs, then it happened and suddenly everyone is pissed off, and many are quick to go for the jugular when there's a disagreement.

The internet in general seems to have gotten real shitty the last couple of years, I have my theories, but that's probably better served for another place. Stepping away from being online and touching a little grass for a few months helped bring me back a bit, but it's always tempting to jump in. Going back home usually helps my mood, so I'll probably be a happier poster in about a month. It's probably the whiskey. ;)


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 5, 2012
I think we all can see how quick we are to judge and condemn these days. We have been through a lot over the past few years. This is a place I've been coming for Rams discussion for a quite a while. It's the best Rams forum on these wide webs. I don't like negativity, but I reside there sometimes. Some of you guys are going to piss me off like someone has done to Juggs, but that's not going to stop me from coming here. Y'all are the best. Just treat each other with respect when you can, and shut up when you can't.


I'm old and can't wait another 20 years for a SB W
Jun 28, 2011
Agree, don't attack the person...no name calling or trying to be an internet tough guy. We are better than that. It is okay to disagree...really!


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Well said, Juggs. I know that my beliefs are different than people here. That's okay, though! Y'all are all cool. Ultimately, we still cheer for the same team, ultimately, we're still human, we still make mistakes, we still learn from everything.

Do we argue at times? Sure. But we all want the Rams to win, even if we disagree on how to do it. We love this team, and that connects us to each other, sort of like the family you never knew you wanted, but wouldn't want it any other way.


Jan 23, 2013
Seriously though ignore is a beautiful feature. I’ve got four or five on ignore. I’m not quick to pull the trigger but if I notice that a posters contributions are always negative or seem to always have a strange angle that seems contradictory of logic, then not seeing their posts keeps me from wanting to reply. It makes this place a more pleasurable experience.

If members get booted I’m sure that there is a good reason. The few that I know of that were removed or chased off fully deserved it.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Seriously though ignore is a beautiful feature. I’ve got four or five on ignore. I’m not quick to pull the trigger but if I notice that a posters contributions are always negative or seem to always have a strange angle that seems contradictory of logic, then not seeing their posts keeps me from wanting to reply. It makes this place a more pleasurable experience.

If members get booted I’m sure that there is a good reason. The few that I know of that were removed or chased off fully deserved it.
I get a weird joy out of seeing other people in ridiculous disageements with the handful I have on ignore. It reinforces that I made a good choice. It also helps me be nicer.

I do love this board for the ability to interact without personal attacks. Even when two people are passionately arguing in one thread, you can see them agreeing and complimenting each other in another thread. It's nice that we can all remember we're Rams fans here.