7 worst kinds of football fans

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Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Which one are you?

http://www.mademan.com/the-7-worst-kind ... -game-day/

In 2010, 175 million people watched at least one NFL game that season. With numbers that staggering, it’s inevitable that the NFL would attract a few jerks and morons. What is normally a mild annoyance at any game can turn unbearable if you just dropped two grand for tickets to see the Giants and Patriots face off at the Super Bowl. Now, we wouldn’t want that. So, here they are: the seven worst kinds of football fans you will see on game day. Identify these fools and get your mental o-line ready to block them out.

The drunk guy. Sure, who doesn’t like to crack a few brews at the game? But this guy goes entirely too far. He’s sucking down beer like water by halftime. This wouldn’t be so much of a problem if he could contain his drunken state. But no, with every beer this jerk gets louder, more belligerent. After a while he becomes a downright nuisance. By the end of the game he’s either passed out, punched out, or thrown out.

The fat topless guy. He’s the football train wreck you just can’t take your eyes off of. He looks more like a stuck pig than a man. You’ll watch in amazement as his back fat begins to undulate like waves in the ocean. He’s destined to jump up out of his seat blocking your view of crucial moments of the game with his hairy man boobs and keg like belly. All he had to do was keep his damn shirt on

The would-be owner. This pain in the ass would swear he knows the playbook better than the coach. He’s the guy that hates the entire team, and complains about trades, off season moves, and anything that doesn’t have to do with the game you’re trying to watch right now. He acts as if you could put him in the owners box and he’s produce ten championships in ten years. He’s the type of buffoon that needs a beer and a hotdog to shut him up.

The Hype Man. This is the guy that’s cheering for the squad before the coin is even tossed. Every bad play is the worst play in history. Every good play is like winning millions in the lotto. Hell, this guy even cheers at the crappy half time antics. He wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t sitting right next to you, threatening to pop your eardrums as his decibel level rises higher and higher.

The sh*t talker. You’ve all seen this clown at the games. He’s the opposing teams cheerleader. This is the guy that purposely buys tickets for the opposing teams side just so he can find someone to haggle during the games. He’ll throw names at you. He’ll throw stats at you. He’ll even rock his teams jersey proudly to try to get a rise out of everyone. And at the end of the day, when his team gets crushed, he’ll continue with the diarrhea of the mouth until he leaves the park

The scalper. He won’t actually make it into the game. This guy, along with his buddies, spends his time trying to sell scalped tickets outside of the park for a profit. If he’s really a scumbag, he may try to push fake tickets to out-of-towners that don’t know any better. Vultures are everywhere. Yes, even football games

The hot chick on the Teletron. She’s one of the worst football fans for one reason and one reason only. She takes your concentration away from the game. During those times when you need to be focusing all your energy on willing your quarterback to throw a seventeen yard completion you find yourself scanning the seats to catch a glimpse of the banging blonde with the big boobs. She’s a distraction. But under the circumstances, she should be allowed to stay.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
CGI_Ram said:
The Hype Man. This is the guy that’s cheering for the squad before the coin is even tossed. Every bad play is the worst play in history. Every good play is like winning millions in the lotto. Hell, this guy even cheers at the crappy half time antics. He wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t sitting right next to you, threatening to pop your eardrums as his decibel level rises higher and higher.

Yeah...I'm kind of like that. Not the "every bad play is the worst play in history" part, but everything else...um, yeah, that fits me.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
None of the above.

I'm the "way too invested guy." I'm nervous as hell before every game, twice as nervous during the game, want everything to execute perfectly, can point out every non-call or bullshit call in the game, and make the call at the LOS before the coach can send it in, or before the QB can bark it out. I'm completely invested in everyone's success, and want anyone who straps on a Rams helmet to succeed. I hate bullshit talkers, shit talkers, smack talkers, people who run down Rams players, and I particularly hate "the would be owner" guy.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Paul,,, you just reminded me of something you asked me at the game in Miami ...

We were about 30 minutes from heading into the stadium ,,, we were still chowing on some brats as I recall...

And you asked me , "Are you getting nervous yet?"
You then proceeded to tell me that you were nervous as shit and that you always get that way.

Your description of yourself is right on from what I saw. Good stuff Brudda.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Hype man. I think every 3rd down could be disastor, but 1st down = awesome!

But honestly when I saw the title as "7 worst kinds of fooball fans" I thought...

1. PD poster

2. PD poster

3. PD poster

4. PD poster

5. PD poster

6. PD poster

7. PD poster


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Selassie I said:
Paul,,, you just reminded me of something you asked me at the game in Miami ...

We were about 30 minutes from heading into the stadium ,,, we were still chowing on some brats as I recall...

And you asked me , "Are you getting nervous yet?"
You then proceeded to tell me that you were nervous as shit and that you always get that way.

Your description of yourself is right on from what I saw. Good stuff Brudda.
Heh. Yeah, I remember that. Rubbing my hands together, and bouncing on my heels a little. I get that way all the time for some reason. It's exactly how I was in the locker room before I had to play as well. I guess I'm living vicariously through these dudes now.



Jun 23, 2010
To me, the worst is the QB only watcher. To them, the entire game revolves around the QB. That is by far the most aggravating IMO. I think that's all some know how to watch.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Angry Ram said:
Hype man. I think every 3rd down could be disastor, but 1st down = awesome!

But honestly when I saw the title as "7 worst kinds of fooball fans" I thought...

1. PD poster

2. PD poster

3. PD poster

4. PD poster

5. PD poster

6. PD poster

7. PD poster

Kinda what I was thinking minus #7.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
None of the above.

I'm the "way too invested guy." I'm nervous as hell before every game, twice as nervous during the game, want everything to execute perfectly, can point out every non-call or bullshit call in the game, and make the call at the LOS before the coach can send it in, or before the QB can bark it out. I'm completely invested in everyone's success, and want anyone who straps on a Rams helmet to succeed. I hate bullshit talkers, shit talkers, smack talkers, people who run down Rams players, and I particularly hate "the would be owner" guy.

Pretty much where I fall.


May 28, 2011
X said:
None of the above.

I'm the "way too invested guy." I'm nervous as hell before every game, twice as nervous during the game, want everything to execute perfectly, can point out every non-call or bullshit call in the game, and make the call at the LOS before the coach can send it in, or before the QB can bark it out. I'm completely invested in everyone's success, and want anyone who straps on a Rams helmet to succeed. I hate bullshit talkers, shit talkers, smack talkers, people who run down Rams players, and I particularly hate "the would be owner" guy.

That's me. I get superstitious too. But I'm always nervous during games, especially big ones. I pace around during shootouts in hockey. I couldn't see one of the finals games and I had to turn off my phone so I wouldn't get notifications over goals. My girlfriend laughs at me for it, I'm almost too invested to the point sometimes it's hard for me to sit and enjoy the moment of the game.


Jun 23, 2010
Fo shizzle. Would be owner=PD poster.
Me? I'm the guy who thinks every Rams possession will result in a touchdown, every play on defense will result in a turnover or a pick six. I'm the guy who believes the Rams will win every time they step on the field. I'm the guy that parties hard every Rams game but in a mellow kind of way. Been straight like that since 1962.
Just another Rams fan!!



The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
X said:
None of the above.

I'm the "way too invested guy." I'm nervous as hell before every game, twice as nervous during the game, want everything to execute perfectly, can point out every non-call or BS call in the game, and make the call at the LOS before the coach can send it in, or before the QB can bark it out. I'm completely invested in everyone's success, and want anyone who straps on a Rams helmet to succeed. I hate BS talkers, shyte talkers, smack talkers, people who run down Rams players, and I particularly hate "the would be owner" guy.
Ditto or me


Hall of Fame
Aug 2, 2010
brokeu91 said:
X said:
None of the above.

I'm the "way too invested guy." I'm nervous as hell before every game, twice as nervous during the game, want everything to execute perfectly, can point out every non-call or BS call in the game, and make the call at the LOS before the coach can send it in, or before the QB can bark it out. I'm completely invested in everyone's success, and want anyone who straps on a Rams helmet to succeed. I hate BS talkers, shyte talkers, smack talkers, people who run down Rams players, and I particularly hate "the would be owner" guy.
Ditto or me
And here I thought that I was the only one. :?!:

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
ramsince62 said:
brokeu91 said:
X said:
None of the above.

I'm the "way too invested guy." I'm nervous as hell before every game, twice as nervous during the game, want everything to execute perfectly, can point out every non-call or BS call in the game, and make the call at the LOS before the coach can send it in, or before the QB can bark it out. I'm completely invested in everyone's success, and want anyone who straps on a Rams helmet to succeed. I hate BS talkers, shyte talkers, smack talkers, people who run down Rams players, and I particularly hate "the would be owner" guy.
Ditto or me
And here I thought that I was the only one. :?!:
That makes 5 of us.

Seriously, when I watch the Rams, the dogs leave the room.


Pro Bowler
Jan 12, 2013
I hate the $*#t talker most.

When biggame1190 & I were at the Rams home opener (wk 2 vs Skins), there was a mouthy Skins fan a section over from us. I saw him wearing the Bob Griffin jersey, hyping the guy up & heckling the Rams fans above him and in front of him. They were starting to get pizzed after every play as the guy (like many others) would just run him mouth, nod his head, and praise Griffin as the second coming of Jesus :grr:

I let him know what I thought. I screamed at the top of my lungs: "Hey! You! Yeah you! RG3 is overrated! It's only the 2nd quarter. Sit down and shut the (expletive) up! That piece of (expletive) is overrated! We're gonna beat the (expletive) out of your team, you just see!"

The guy nodded his head, and gave me the talking hand, like I was just talk. Well my Rammies backed me. We ended up picking off "Mr. Not So Perfect Griffin the third" before halftime, and I yelled over at my friend in the section over and asked him what he thought now :hehe: . Dude was speechless. And proceded to be for the majority of the second half as our Rams came back from a 15 pt deficit & beat the Deadskins!

What a great day! :cheese:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
X said:
None of the above.

I'm the "way too invested guy." I'm nervous as hell before every game, twice as nervous during the game, want everything to execute perfectly, can point out every non-call or BS call in the game, and make the call at the LOS before the coach can send it in, or before the QB can bark it out. I'm completely invested in everyone's success, and want anyone who straps on a Rams helmet to succeed. I hate BS talkers, shyte talkers, smack talkers, people who run down Rams players, and I particularly hate "the would be owner" guy.

That's how I'd describe myself. I normally spend my Sundays cursing out the refs, cheering when good things happen and cursing the existence of Craig Dahl when bad things happen. :lol:

But yea, I want everything to be executed perfectly and I hate penalties. I'm the innocent until proven guilty type...if he's calling a penalty against the Rams, I curse the refs existence until I see on reply that we actually were guilty. Then I typically utter the phrase, "Oh, guess he was right...my bad...sorry for calling your mother that." ;)

And yea, I definitely hate the would be owner guy. I would say that description might describe me if it didn't include the negative part. I do enjoy talking about off-season moves made, moves we can make and things we can do to help shore up the team. But I'm not a negative nancy. Only really am negative about a few select players who shouldn't be on the team...and hopefully won't be much longer

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Some interesting tid bits I see.

Being at the game requires a certain amount of etiquette that is not required in my home. Especially if attending an NFL road game. My understanding of this has become clearer and clearer as the years go by. So the type of fan I am changes depending on my location.

When I'm at home, the entire house,,, and my neighbors, know exactly when a Ram game is on. I fucking talk to the players and coaches (they CAN hear me),,, and I do not use my "inside voice" at any time. I don't know how to describe the noises you might hear when I feel a bad call has been made.

When I was in my teenage years, my parents once decided on a house because there was a 4th bedroom on the complete opposite side of the house that they could put me in. Pops would get especially pissed when there was a Monday night Ram game (stupid dolphin fan).

These days in my own home, my oldest son screams with me,,, my neighbors were warned up front years ago, and I make piece offerings with them when I feel it's called for,,, or if I've caught an overabundance of fish. So I'm still loud as fuck when I'm at home,,, but I'm nicer about it now.

At games... I'm respectful of others while using my "OUTside Ram Fan voice". I never call-out, or talk shit directly to a fan of the opposing team. But again, I WILL get loud for the Rams whenever I fucking feel I need to. Fortunately,,, I am somehow able to restrain myself from talking directly to the players and coaches. The zebras never get a pass though.

When younger, I should probably admit to being just a little overly enthusiastic while attending games... Now days,,, controlled. I'm still not someone who can resist biting my tongue about anything if somebody else tries to fuck with me first though. Luckily that usually doesn't happen, but I've had some wild experiences in the past,,, security HAS been called. :sly:
For the record, I've never been kicked out of a game.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #19
rickrawk said:
Fo shizzle. Would be owner=PD poster.
Me? I'm the guy who thinks every Rams possession will result in a touchdown, every play on defense will result in a turnover or a pick six. I'm the guy who believes the Rams will win every time they step on the field. I'm the guy that parties hard every Rams game but in a mellow kind of way. Been straight like that since 1962.
Just another Rams fan!!


I'm in this boat a little too. Even when we are losing, I'm still seeing the scenarios in which we come back and win.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #20
rams24/7 said:
I hate the $*#t talker most.

When biggame1190 & I were at the Rams home opener (wk 2 vs Skins), there was a mouthy Skins fan a section over from us. I saw him wearing the Bob Griffin jersey, hyping the guy up & heckling the Rams fans above him and in front of him. They were starting to get pizzed after every play as the guy (like many others) would just run him mouth, nod his head, and praise Griffin as the second coming of Jesus :grr:

I let him know what I thought. I screamed at the top of my lungs: "Hey! You! Yeah you! RG3 is overrated! It's only the 2nd quarter. Sit down and shut the (expletive) up! That piece of (expletive) is overrated! We're gonna beat the (expletive) out of your team, you just see!"

The guy nodded his head, and gave me the talking hand, like I was just talk. Well my Rammies backed me. We ended up picking off "Mr. Not So Perfect Griffin the third" before halftime, and I yelled over at my friend in the section over and asked him what he thought now :hehe: . Dude was speechless. And proceded to be for the majority of the second half as our Rams came back from a 15 pt deficit & beat the Deadskins!

What a great day! :cheese:

Yeah, like Selassie said; there is an "away fan ethic". That guy you had blew it.

I don't mind away fans when they engage with home fans respectfully. Sometimes it's fun to have away fans to talk to. But when they cross the line it's not cool.