Theft of Valor?

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Brian Williams.... What an ass. Just like a lot of politicians and patsies members, some of these guys just can't help but lie and to what end? Sometimes you have to wonder if it is just a sickness. Now people are questioning his story of rescuing a dog from a burning building and his seeing a dead body floating by when he was in the French Quarter during Katrina.

Ooh Brian - you're so brave. Fucking tool.

Original story in 2003


My how ten years changes a story.



Mar 17, 2014
No shit. It's a huge the face to all the heroes that have actually served and fought.
Pissed me off too.

Same shit as that lying bitch Clinton.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Fucking. Asshole.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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No crap. It's a huge the face to all the heroes that have actually served and fought.
Pissed me off too.

Same crap as that lying bitch Clinton.
Not to get political but between them and Al Gore you just had to shake your head and wonder why they would even make some of that shit up? Politicians are the worst at that in general it seems. Those three set a new standard.

I never served so I can't speak for those that have but IMO this crap by BW is just plain disrespectful to our soldiers and for someone who sits in front of the camera and supposedly reports on the news, it is unforgiveable.

This is not just some guy bragging Al Bundy style.


Mar 17, 2014
Not to get political but between them and Al Gore you just had to shake your head and wonder why they would even make some of that crap up? Politicians are the worst at that in general it seems. Those three set a new standard.

I never served so I can't speak for those that have but IMO this crap by BW is just plain disrespectful to our soldiers and for someone who sits in front of the camera and supposedly reports on the news, it is unforgiveable.

This is not just some guy bragging Al Bundy style.
Agree 100%

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I might be the only person in America thinking this, but it's not like Brian Williams used this to pump his chest and act like some tough guy. This entire thing came to light because he brought a solider (who was a part of that convoy) to a Rangers game (I think it was Rangers) and was honored at that game. Someone heard and cleared it. That doesn't seem like a scum bag move to me. Now Brian Williams is being vilified? Seriously? There are those that impersonate soldiers just to get the benefits which is much more of an issue than this.


May 28, 2011
Personally I think its pretty lame. In terms of Stolen Valor I wouldn't really rank it that high, in terms of being douchie and wanting to look cool then yeah, it gets up there.

However it's not really any different from what service members will say. There was a show on National Geographic with home videos of soldiers last year, and two guys from a headquarters unit attached to us were on there. They talked about how they rolled out every day for weeks on end, would hardly ever see the FOB, lived off MREs and all sorts of other hardcore shit. They were headquarters, they drove the First Sergeant and CO around, they never spent a night not on the FOB, never even spent a dinner or breakfast away. They got days off regularly, all hooked up their PlayStations and xBoxes and shit. They would roll out every few days to go visit the units out in the city, staying in outposts, building up fighting positions, shitting in ammo cans, etc and then after a few hours head back to the FOB so the command could work on operations. Their line platoons used to run the cordons (essentially security) for us while we went into houses for HVT, but their command sure didn't. They got in a few firefights and had some IEDs but nothing major.

Shit, these guys came to our outpost on Christmas, where a cook had gathered up food to make a special meal for us, while we were away on mission. When we returned they had eaten all of our food and then went back to the FOB because they needed to get to the Christmas meal before it got too crowded. Leaving us with nothing.

Yet they were on TV talking about how it was so hard and they were always out doing missions, etc.

So I rank Brian Williams up there with them on this issue. Douchebags.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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I might be the only person in America thinking this, but it's not like Brian Williams used this to pump his chest and act like some tough guy. This entire thing came to light because he brought a solider (who was a part of that convoy) to a Rangers game (I think it was Rangers) and was honored at that game. Someone heard and cleared it. That doesn't seem like a scum bag move to me. Now Brian Williams is being vilified? Seriously? There are those that impersonate soldiers just to get the benefits which is much more of an issue than this.
Except that it is not about him taking a soldier to a game. It was about him regaling America with this big story about the horrific firefight he was in when in Iraq. And you know David Letterman didn't just happen to ask him about it. Those interviews are scripted and he was told to ask about it. Did you watch the two videos?

The guy is the face of the #1 rated news cast in the nation. It's not a couple of guys exchanging fish tales.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Except that it is not about him taking a soldier to a game. It was about him regaling America with this big story about the horrific firefight he was in when in Iraq. And you know David Letterman didn't just happen to ask him about it. Those interviews are scripted and he was told to ask about it. Did you watch the two videos?

The guy is the face of the #1 rated news cast in the nation. It's not a couple of guys exchanging fish tales.

I did. I still think this is being blown, way, way out of proportion. Again, I'm probably the only guy in America that has this opinion. But I'm not just gonna blindly vilify a guy who isn't pounding his chest about he's some badass reporter in the war. In all the vids I've seen, he's respected the military, and to me that's the most important thing.


May 28, 2011
I did. I still think this is being blown, way, way out of proportion. Again, I'm probably the only guy in America that has this opinion. But I'm not just gonna blindly vilify a guy who isn't pounding his chest about he's some badass reporter in the war. In all the vids I've seen, he's respected the military, and to me that's the most important thing.

Nah, I don't think he should be vilified either. I still think it's a douchebag thing to do, but I'd put Chris Kyle into that same category as well. Yet a lot of people who are trying to vilify Williams (not here, elsewhere) are the same ones that attack anyone who dares to call out Kyle (and not like that fuck face Michael Moore did, I mean in the right way). Granted Kyle did serve and did do many brave things, but that shouldn't excuse him when he did exactly what Williams did, if not worse. I don't really care for Williams one way or another, I don't watch him to be honest, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy, and the hypocrisy of this isn't lost on me.

So to recap, still a douche, but no more that anyone else who embellishes, which is about 90% of the military. Hell I've told some skank that there was like 50 guys to our four, when it was really like 16-20 so she would send some dirty pictures my way, most guys do.Main difference is he has a larger audience. If Williams was saying he got hit or tried to claim badges or awards he didn't earn, then that would be totally different in my book, and would warrant the response.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Nah, I don't think he should be vilified either. I still think it's a douchebag thing to do, but I'd put Chris Kyle into that same category as well. Yet a lot of people who are trying to vilify Williams (not here, elsewhere) are the same ones that attack anyone who dares to call out Kyle (and not like that freak face Michael Moore did, I mean in the right way). Granted Kyle did serve and did do many brave things, but that shouldn't excuse him when he did exactly what Williams did, if not worse. I don't really care for Williams one way or another, I don't watch him to be honest, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy, and the hypocrisy of this isn't lost on me.

So to recap, still a douche, but no more that anyone else who embellishes, which is about 90% of the military. Hell I've told some skank that there was like 50 guys to our four, when it was really like 16-20 so she would send some dirty pictures my way, most guys do.Main difference is he has a larger audience. If Williams was saying he got hit or tried to claim badges or awards he didn't earn, then that would be totally different in my book, and would warrant the response.

Bingo. Well said. That's all what I'm trying to say as well.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Vilified for it? Nah, I'd fire his lying ass though. He's supposed to be reporting the news, not writing a script for an action movie. He's the face of a major network in the free world and he's lying to the world???? Can his sorry ass! How could anyone EVER believe another report of his?

Stolen valor? Not so much to me. What he's done is just the stuff a grade school kid comes up with, not an adult on national TV sitting in one of the most respected chairs of journalism. Sacrificed creditability? 100% He's a joke now with zero trust. No report that comes out of his mouth will hold water. He's burnt.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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How could anyone EVER believe another report of his?
This is just where I am on it. As an analogy to how I view it, how many people have gotten a speeding ticket for their only time speeding? So I'm supposed to believe this guy got caught the only time he's pulling this shit on national TV. And to have it be centered around his supposedly dealing with what combat troops are actually dealing with just makes it worse to me.