The next Terrorist threat

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Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
First of all; I hope the world takes a chill pill and leaders/extremists can embrace their differences.

But... Unfortunately, something is bound to happen again.

I'm not trying to create a morbid thread, but where do you feel we are most vulnerable?

Me; I worry most about the prospect of a dirty bomb. It just seems like something a low level terrorist organization can pull off.

While I think hijacking is falling off their radar... Surface to air missiles (at aircraft) seems like another attack within a terrorist realm of do-ability.

Freaking bastards.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Gotta be a dirty bomb. Gotta be. I would think it would be like an EMP or something that could take out our infrastructure, but I don't know that any of the extremists are capable of that kind of attack at the moment.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
Ive stopped taking the train in Chicago because I feel its only a matter of time until its hit at rush hour.

Its really like sardines in a can in there during morning and afternoon rush hour.

My other frightening thing is an EMP. Not because of the weapon itself, but because of the hysteria it would cause. People do terrible things during this type of hysteria.

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
Imagine if they did a Dirty bomb in NYC? or biggest US city mostly becomes a Chernobyl... I'm surprised they haven't tried this. watching a episode of Vice they were talking about a man (Albania if im not mistaken) who said he sold material to make a dirty bomb from old nukes, which is hard to get ahold of as long as you have money.


May 28, 2011
I'm not that worried, it's pretty hard to pull those off to be honest. To get a dirty bomb to go off and have that large of an impact you would need a lot of funding, very skilled makers, and then hope that all our agencies totally drop the ball and let you slip through. Possible? Of course. Likely? Not at all.

There will be another terrorist attack eventually, but to make a weapon capable of doing serious damage is very very hard to do. Which is why you usually see smaller bombs in crowded areas. Even those are hard to slip through the cracks.

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
Or until we get some warmongering a holes into office again and let another 9/11 b.s. attack happen so we committ to war another 13 years or so... that's when another terrorist attack will happen.


Mar 17, 2014
Whatever it is.
The government will be taking the information they have more seriously, when a threat is brought to their attention.

911 could have been prevented.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Your safety is an illusion. I like to travel a lot and I see opportunities for terrorists to take frequently. Of course, they still have to get their hands on the right materials and be capable of rubbing a few brain cells together but the opportunity is always there. One example is a Nascar race. You are allowed to tote a cooler in full of ice and beer. Most of the time, security just checks inside for glass bottles. You are also allowed to carry in a clear backpack containing an array of electronics that just gets a quick glance when entering a grandstand holding 100k people.

Don't you people watch 24? :eek:

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Your safety is an illusion. I like to travel a lot and I see opportunities for terrorists to take frequently. Of course, they still have to get their hands on the right materials and be capable of rubbing a few brain cells together but the opportunity is always there. One example is a Nascar race. You are allowed to tote a cooler in full of ice and beer. Most of the time, security just checks inside for glass bottles. You are also allowed to carry in a clear backpack containing an array of electronics that just gets a quick glance when entering a grandstand holding 100k people.

Don't you people watch 24? :eek:

Yeah but when's the last time an Afghan or Yemen wearing #3 rolled into NASCAR? I'm sure a few alarms would be set off. Unless you're a Chechen named Darrell, you're gonna be searched if your remotely middle eastern looking


May 28, 2011

I dont understand where the idea that it's easy to set up and set off a chemical or biological weapon in the US to take out a large group of people comes from. TV? The same with our ports being that exposed. Are they vulnerable, yeah they are, but there is still a lot of security and intelligence and protection in the ports. If you wanted to make a small bomb go off you could pretty easily, but if someone is talking about a massive attack that can wipe out city blocks they are going to need a a pretty sizable bomb/delivery method.

If it was really that easy it would have been done. Our intelligence, port protection etc is pretty good. Nothing is 100%, but the idea that it's just a sitting duck is pretty far off.

Greg Stone

Jun 20, 2014
Only once have the terrorists been successful enough to rival the annual casualties from traffic accidents. I think we give them too much credit and waste too much time and money because emotionally, having someone "after" you, is more disturbing than the far more lethal forces of accidents, disease and natural catastrophes.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Yeah but when's the last time an Afghan or Yemen wearing #3 rolled into NASCAR? I'm sure a few alarms would be set off. Unless you're a Chechen named Darrell, you're gonna be searched if your remotely middle eastern looking
Yeah but when's the last time an Afghan or Yemen wearing #3 rolled into NASCAR? I'm sure a few alarms would be set off. Unless you're a Chechen named Darrell, you're gonna be searched if your remotely middle eastern looking

No, i have seen different ethnic groups enter race tracks before and treated no differently than anyone else. Sure, other fans give them more than a second look but that's about it.

I'm not an ordinance expert but how much damage could about three cases of beer can size C4 cause under stadium seating? I'm thinking enough to be ugly.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Only once have the terrorists been successful enough to rival the annual casualties from traffic accidents. I think we give them too much credit and waste too much time and money because emotionally, having someone "after" you, is more disturbing than the far more lethal forces of accidents, disease and natural catastrophes.
Ah yes, you just defined terrorism.


Jan 15, 2013
Dirty bomb, water supply or food supply.
Lets make sure the border is wide open though....seems wise.


May 28, 2011

The air is certainly more scrutinized, but the ports are still pretty heavily scrutinized themselves. During my time in the Army we did some security testing, and among areas that we played OPFOR, the ports was one of them, those guys are actually pretty on point most of the time, especially at the large ports. They have different methods of detecting different threats. Again, nothing is ever 100%, but in order to get the amount you'd need to really do some damage, you'd need to really hope they have a major slip up. One of the things about chemical and biological warfare, is that when it's out in the open, you need a lot to do any real damage. All these things seem pretty easily done in TV and movies, but when some people come into the US, ship a bunch of materials to a port, rent a warehouse near the area, and then are out buying different things needed to build what they needed, they'd attract a lot of attention really fast.