Texas kid arrested for bringing an invented clock to school.

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May 28, 2011
For someone that has tried to be elected to the office of President to a country, I'd think they'd have common sense enough to recognize that it might not be a good idea to let their 14 yr old take that device to school. But then again, maybe his occupation doesn't let him interact with his kid enough to notice. Who knows?

But a countdown clock (I'd call it a timer) wouldn't raise any kind of suspicion to you as a teacher, administrator or law enforcement? I understand if it is open already but if it wasn't? Of course, we do live in an era where bombs are becoming more prevalent and some people live in fear.

Hasit been confirmed it was a countdown clock? I know the internet engineer said so, but just because he got the display from a countdown clock doesn't mean it was one. You can take those displays and make them into either or, its the same 4 spots for the same 10 digits for either one. It could be a display that he's using for a regular clock that he wired up.

That still doesn't address there was obviously no trigger device or explosive that it was plugged into. A display, simple circuit board, and some wires. Pretty standard.

In terms of his dad being smart enough to know better because he ran for president in Sudan, I'd suggest look at our own politics, specifically the race right now, as evidence that running for president doesn't mean you're smart or know better.

If my brother made that clock I would have been proud, I'm sure his dad was as well. Again, it wasn't complex, and pretty obviously not a bomb. The school and PD were very wrong in this case.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Hasit been confirmed it was a countdown clock? I know the internet engineer said so, but just because he got the display from a countdown clock doesn't mean it was one. You can take those displays and make them into either or, its the same 4 spots for the same 10 digits for either one. It could be a display that he's using for a regular clock that he wired up.

That still doesn't address there was obviously no trigger device or explosive that it was plugged into. A display, simple circuit board, and some wires. Pretty standard.

In terms of his dad being smart enough to know better because he ran for president in Sudan, I'd suggest look at our own politics, specifically the race right now, as evidence that running for president doesn't mean you're smart or know better.

If my brother made that clock I would have been proud, I'm sure his dad was as well. Again, it wasn't complex, and pretty obviously not a bomb. The school and PD were very wrong in this case.
Oh, I know about our politics. We've had idiots for Presidents for the past 28 years. But if the school just lets that device go and it was indeed something much more sinister, we'd be asking for their heads. They have to be prudent initially on these situations. I know schools screw the pooch all the time and overstep their authority often when it comes to kid's rights and parent's rights but they do have to be awful protective. I know I would have had considerable pause in that situation if it indeed had a countdown clock on a case, no matter the size of it.


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
Like I said...Irving cops are the fucking worse. I've lived here my entire life. I know two personally, and those are the only ones I have any respect for.


Jan 15, 2013
Too late. Half our country wants safety first. Slippery slope we stand on now.
Its already over.
The president now has the ability to have American citizens arrested and held indefinitely without charge. These are the sort of things people running for office should be addressing. I would vote for any of these fools who said they would overturn the National Defense Authorization Act, or at least elements of it.
But, as we all know one thing politicians love giving up is power (blue font).
Its over folks.


Jan 15, 2013
Its weird with Texas.
All the Texas state flags, the yard decorations declaring how great Texas is.
I have enjoyed Texas when I was there visiting. I don't dislike the place, just, the level of "pride" seems to approach insecurity.
I know where I live is a S-hole. Most places are. Get over it.


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
Its weird with Texas.
All the Texas state flags, the yard decorations declaring how great Texas is.
I have enjoyed Texas when I was there visiting. I don't dislike the place, just, the level of "pride" seems to approach insecurity.
I know where I live is a S-hole. Most places are. Get over it.
You're DAMN right we're proud!


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I have to agree with @Ramhusker here. The kid supposedly all by himself decides to disassemble a clock (count down or otherwise) reassemble it in a small case so the display is showing and anyone is shocked by an over reaction? I call bullshit. All they had to do was open it to see it wasn't a bomb? Who the hell is volunteering for that duty?

This was not some school project and was no great feat to be admired. And can someone please tell me what great new invention comes from a clock in a small case? The kid took apart a clock and reassembled it. BFD - did no one have one of those electric toys where you could make clocks and radios and stuff? I had one when I was 7 or 8. Yeah - the kid is a real genius. Please.

So a 14 year old kid that has a Muslim activist for a dad brings a small case with a count down display into school in this day and age and we are surprised by an over reaction? Can you even call it an over reaction? Is it possible people knew about his dad? Sorry but there is no way this was some innocent kid bringing in something he was proud of. It's just not.

BTW - is someone really going to stick with the idea that the case was too small to be deadly? I can guarantee you that a pencil case is plenty big to destroy at minimum a whole class room. And simply dispersing a toxin?

This was a ploy and it worked perfectly.


Jun 17, 2014
I wonder what would have happened had he tried to take it into the white house or Nasa without anyone's prior knowledge.


May 28, 2011
I wonder what would have happened had he tried to take it into the white house or Nasa without anyone's prior knowledge.

The secret service would probably take it away, but they'd know it's not a bomb, because they know what to look for in terms of explosives. NASA would likely just be a little unimpressed by the clock, but still encourage him to keep trying because they would recognize a simple circuit board when they saw one.


May 28, 2011
I have to agree with @Ramhusker here. The kid supposedly all by himself decides to disassemble a clock (count down or otherwise) reassemble it in a small case so the display is showing and anyone is shocked by an over reaction? I call bullcrap. All they had to do was open it to see it wasn't a bomb? Who the hell is volunteering for that duty?

This was not some school project and was no great feat to be admired. And can someone please tell me what great new invention comes from a clock in a small case? The kid took apart a clock and reassembled it. BFD - did no one have one of those electric toys where you could make clocks and radios and stuff? I had one when I was 7 or 8. Yeah - the kid is a real genius. Please.

So a 14 year old kid that has a Muslim activist for a dad brings a small case with a count down display into school in this day and age and we are surprised by an over reaction? Can you even call it an over reaction? Is it possible people knew about his dad? Sorry but there is no way this was some innocent kid bringing in something he was proud of. It's just not.

BTW - is someone really going to stick with the idea that the case was too small to be deadly? I can guarantee you that a pencil case is plenty big to destroy at minimum a whole class room. And simply dispersing a toxin?

This was a ploy and it worked perfectly.

The cops and teachers apparently volunteered for that duty, because at no point did they treat it like a bomb. School wasn't evacuated, bomb squad wasn't called, they took pictures of it, etc.

I don't think anybody is saying that what he did was impressive in itself, or that the kid is a genius, the goal is just to not discourage a kid from being scientifically curious. 14 year old kids shouldn't be paraded around the school in handcuffs while cops make racist remarks to him.

I'll be honest, I think it's a pretty sad state of affairs when the goal becomes to tear down a 14 year old because of his religion...


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
I have no idea how easy or difficult it is for this kid to have built what he built but I find it impressive that, as a 14 year old boy, he had the desire and inclination to do it when most of his friends would be playing xbox or taking selfies and worrying about what their hair looks like (and becoming more and more like 14 year old girls every day in the process).


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen


Jun 17, 2014
Peeling back the layers of an onion sometimes brings clarity. I didn't know his sister had been suspended for making bomb threats and the other details of what happened at school that day shed a different light. If that is true, there may well be smoke where there is fire.
there is almost always more to the story than what you first hear reported, which is why I think that the stupidest people are the ones who immediately start calling people stupid after reading the first reports. When that happens you're just taking the bait.

It sounds like the kid is a highly intelligent antagonist. I might be wrong about that but it seems like there are a few in every school\workplace. I went to school with a kid (caucasian) that brought in something supposed to look like drugs and kept it in his locker so that when cops came in to do inspections, they would look like fools. They pulled him out of class and pretty much treated him the same way this kid got treated. And that was what he wanted apparently.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
there is almost always more to the story than what you first hear reported, which is why I think that the stupidest people are the ones who immediately start calling people stupid after reading the first reports. When that happens you're just taking the bait.

It sounds like the kid is a highly intelligent antagonist. I might be wrong about that but it seems like there are a few in every school\workplace. I went to school with a kid (caucasian) that brought in something supposed to look like drugs and kept it in his locker so that when cops came in to do inspections, they would look like fools. They pulled him out of class and pretty much treated him the same way this kid got treated. And that was what he wanted apparently.
Funny. I didn't recall it till you said that but we had one in our school do the same thing. He kept oregano in a bag in his locker for that same reason. In his case it didn't work cuz apparently the principal had already gotten wind of it. They suspended the kid for a couple days anyway for his antics.


Jun 17, 2014
One thing that I am tired of is media with an agenda. I wasn't around in the early century so I don't know if it's always been like this. but just give me the whole story, cut out the BS opinion adjectives that always seem to get injected. there is 2 sides to a story. Do some homework, tell both sides and then let us think what we think. but as it turns out right now. MSNBC reports something, then you have to go to FOX to get the rest of the story, then go back to MSNBC to see the rebuttal and on and on and on. then when you hear someone talking about the story, if you try to present the other side, they immediately look at the source of the other side and role their eyes because everybody knows you can't trust "THOSE" guys. I'm sick of it.


May 28, 2011
One thing that I am tired of is media with an agenda. I wasn't around in the early century so I don't know if it's always been like this. but just give me the whole story, cut out the BS opinion adjectives that always seem to get injected. there is 2 sides to a story. Do some homework, tell both sides and then let us think what we think. but as it turns out right now. MSNBC reports something, then you have to go to FOX to get the rest of the story, then go back to MSNBC to see the rebuttal and on and on and on. then when you hear someone talking about the story, if you try to present the other side, they immediately look at the source of the other side and role their eyes because everybody knows you can't trust "THOSE" guys. I'm sick of it.

If you're looking for unbiased media, then you're looking in the wrong places. FOX essentially invented the biased media spin, and MSNBC is doing everything they can to match them but on the other side. Neither of them are good sources. 60% of what FOX News says is considered a lie or mostly a lie, 45% of MSNBC is considered a lie or mostly a lie, and CNN is about 20%.


Jun 17, 2014
If you're looking for unbiased media, then you're looking in the wrong places. FOX essentially invented the biased media spin, and MSNBC is doing everything they can to match them but on the other side. Neither of them are good sources. 60% of what FOX News says is considered a lie or mostly a lie, 45% of MSNBC is considered a lie or mostly a lie, and CNN is about 20%.

Most of it is not lies, it's lopsided facts. And their bias is not just in the story itself but also whether then even decide to carry the story. In the court of law we pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In media, they just tell half truths.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
If you're looking for unbiased media, then you're looking in the wrong places. FOX essentially invented the biased media spin, and MSNBC is doing everything they can to match them but on the other side. Neither of them are good sources. 60% of what FOX News says is considered a lie or mostly a lie, 45% of MSNBC is considered a lie or mostly a lie, and CNN is about 20%.
Did you make up 75% of that just now? :cool:
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