Texas kid arrested for bringing an invented clock to school.

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Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
So sad that profiling goes on even in the elementary schools ! You have to wonder if the media has got us too scared to even be logical in our thinking anymore! Hope the kid goes on to have a successful life!

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
All I needed was to see it was Texas, the land where history should be edited to take out all the ugliness of our nation, among other assbackwards political and educational policies they wanna shake up.

Hope the school and PD gets the crap sued out of it and he has an awesome trip to NASA.

Texas is thriving while your state crumbles into oblivion hahahah

I don't even know where you live but one blanket generalization deserves another

Texans are winning
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Sep 2, 2014
It is, a child cannot waive their rights, and they also typically need to have a special council for children under 18 as well....

Children can waive their rights.

By that statement, I'm not defending the actions taken in this incident by the schools and law enforcement. Just wanted to clarify that part of things.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Uh, don't look now but we may have been played. Research who this kid's dad is and you may find there was an agenda at play here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
It is, a child cannot waive their rights, and they also typically need to have a special council for children under 18 as well.

The teacher and principal should be fired, as well as the officer who said "I figured it was him" when he saw the kid, and possibly others as well.

Good on NASA, Zuckerberg and the president on inviting him to visit him to make sure he maintains his interest in science/engineering instead of being afraid to continue due to racial profiling. I saw the picture, and it was very obvious that it wasn't a bomb, it looked like an ordinary homemade clock, everyone who thought so is an idiot.

wonder if there is something written in the Patriot act


May 19, 2014
Oh dear. A conservative blog....just the kind of reputable source material I like that says absolutely nothing and is high on assumptions.

Love me a good conspiracy theory where daddyo tells his son to scare the whites people into thinking he has a bomb in order to cry racial profiling....


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Oh dear. A conservative blog....just the kind of reputable source material I like that says absolutely nothing and is high on assumptions.

Love me a good conspiracy theory where daddyo tells his son to scare the whites people into thinking he has a bomb in order to cry racial profiling....
Yeah, the only people reporting the background on the case I guess. It is what it is, kind of curious huh?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Yeah, the only people reporting the background on the case I guess. It is what it is, kind of curious huh?

What are you talking about? When I first read about this issue on Wednesday or Thursday, they mentioned who his father is in the article.

That article introduced nothing new except for twisting the words of a 14 year old to attack him. I always say, "Choose your battles wisely."

Attacking a 14 year old kid who was treated wrongly isn't choosing your battle wisely. I'm shocked anyone would step up and try to argue that what the authorities did was right in this case.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
What are you talking about? When I first read about this issue on Wednesday or Thursday, they mentioned who his father is in the article.

That article introduced nothing new except for twisting the words of a 14 year old to attack him. I always say, "Choose your battles wisely."

Attacking a 14 year old kid who was treated wrongly isn't choosing your battle wisely. I'm shocked anyone would step up and try to argue that what the authorities did was right in this case.
Who's attacking the kid? Who's choosing a battle? I'm just pointing out a few interesting side notes. The kid was treated wrongly if they questioned and detained him without his parents knowledge, no doubt about it. Making a clock that reminds most people of a bomb in today's world isn't exactly innocent though. What parent would think THAT was a good idea? You'd have to admit that no? I mean kids get into trouble for drawing a gun on a piece of paper or eating their sandwich into the shape of a gun at school. Pretty ridiculous isn't it?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Who's attacking the kid? Who's choosing a battle? I'm just pointing out a few interesting side notes. The kid was treated wrongly if they questioned and detained him without his parents knowledge, no doubt about it. Making a clock that reminds most people of a bomb in today's world isn't exactly innocent though. What parent would think THAT was a good idea? You'd have to admit that no? I mean kids get into trouble for drawing a gun on a piece of paper or eating their sandwich into the shape of a gun at school. Pretty ridiculous isn't it?

It reminds "most people" of a bomb? Says whom? The better question is...should the clock remind people of a bomb?

Was it a good idea for him to take it to school? In hindsight, obviously not. In theory, was it a bad idea? I don't think so. I don't see what's wrong with a kid being proud of something he put together. Something that isn't dangerous.

Who is attacking the kid? The people out there arguing that the kid is dishonest and brought the clock to school to stir up trouble.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
It reminds "most people" of a bomb? Says whom? The better question is...should the clock remind people of a bomb?

Was it a good idea for him to take it to school? In hindsight, obviously not. In theory, was it a bad idea? I don't think so. I don't see what's wrong with a kid being proud of something he put together. Something that isn't dangerous.

Who is attacking the kid? The people out there arguing that the kid is dishonest and brought the clock to school to stir up trouble.
Ticking briefcase? Hmm, nah, wouldn't cross the average person's mind that it might be sinister. Good idea to carry it to school? For the parent? DAMN, I'd hope not. How stupid are people who run for President in the Sudan? WOW! Not dangerous? Who knew that but the kid and his dad? And maybe he and his dad did have a plan for a reaction by carrying such an ill-advised item to school of all places. I guess no one knows that but them. I can see how a 14 yr old might be naïve enough not to foresee a problem with a ticking brief case but his political dad? I have to call bullshit on that one. And this just so happens to happen when? 9/11 week? Now that has to be a complete coincidence.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Ticking briefcase? Hmm, nah, wouldn't cross the average person's mind that it might be sinister. Good idea to carry it to school? For the parent? DAMN, I'd hope not. How stupid are people who run for President in the Sudan? WOW! Not dangerous? Who knew that but the kid and his dad? And maybe he and his dad did have a plan for a reaction by carrying such an ill-advised item to school of all places. I guess no one knows that but them. I can see how a 14 yr old might be naïve enough not to foresee a problem with a ticking brief case but his political dad? I have to call bullcrap on that one. And this just so happens to happen when? 9/11 week? Now that has to be a complete coincidence.

9/11 was Friday of last week. This happened on Monday of this week. Yes, I'd consider that a coincidence.

It wasn't a briefcase. Not even close to a briefcase. It was a pencil case. Come on dude.

If this was his dad's plan, congrats to his dad. The police and school played right into his hands with their bigotry. He exposed them.

Here's something similar to what he used for his clock:

Here's a metal briefcase:

There's quite a HUGE difference in size between the two.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen

Kevin Davis
As you know - my degree is in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. So, as someone with some appreciable expertise, I analyzed the "home made clock" tha...t the kid in Irving was supposed to have "invented" and taken to school. First, it is NOT a simple alarm clock. It is a COUNTDOWN clock. Second -- the kid didn't home make or invent anything. He decomposed an already existing commercially available COUNTDOWN clock (as evidenced by the commercially manufactured Printed Circuit Board (PCB)) as shown in the picture of his device.

If the kid were to "home make" or "invent" a clock -- he would have used a breadboard (as I have added to the picture) wherein one inserts integrated circuits, wires, and capacitors, resistors, etc., to form the logic of such a device.

So, question: why did the kid take apart an already existing COUNTDOWN clock and build it into a briefcase where only the LEDs were visible counting down time? What would happen at any airport, building, school, public sidewalk, if such a device were spotted?

Question: what is in the white bag in the suitcase? It serves no electronic purpose. Hmmmm.

Do you want anyone to bring a briefcase with COUNTDOWN clock embedded within it and setting the clock to countdown and go off during English class in your kids schools? Again, the only thing visible on the outside of the briefcase were the LEDs counting down time to 00:00.

I smell a dirty rat, a setup here, if there ever was one. I am appalled that the media is buying into the innocent "inventor" story. This is not about race or religion -- it is about someone purposefully taking a menacing device to school.

What if a kid were to take an upper from one AR-15 rifle, and a lower from another AR-15 rifle and put it together, then remove the firing pin and take it to school as a metal worker "inventor"? Why, anyone who knew anything about rifles could closely examine the metal object had no firing pin and would celebrate what a great inventor the kid was!!! NOT!!!! How many people at a school could closely examine the inside of this briefcase with a countdown clock visible on the outside counting down to 00:00 and make the call as to its purpose? Again, what is inside that white bag?

Please share this post so that we can inform the public of what the news media is failing to do.

I don't know man. I'm not an Electrical Engineer like this guy but it seems it was a countdown clock from the 70's the kid took the guts out of and put it in his "mini brief case" looking pencil case. I guess I've just seen too many movies with the digital countdown on a package. I guess no one would say anything if my daughter would carry such a device to school well because she's a little white girl and everybody knows they don't tote bombs around. Really? This is about bigotry? Let's ignore the countdown clock and concentrate on the kid's religion? or race? Which one are we concentrating on because when this started I was thinking more of civil liberties.


May 28, 2011
Ticking briefcase? Hmm, nah, wouldn't cross the average person's mind that it might be sinister. Good idea to carry it to school? For the parent? DAMN, I'd hope not. How stupid are people who run for President in the Sudan? WOW! Not dangerous? Who knew that but the kid and his dad? And maybe he and his dad did have a plan for a reaction by carrying such an ill-advised item to school of all places. I guess no one knows that but them. I can see how a 14 yr old might be naïve enough not to foresee a problem with a ticking brief case but his political dad? I have to call bullcrap on that one. And this just so happens to happen when? 9/11 week? Now that has to be a complete coincidence.

From my understanding, his platform for running for president (which he didn't get far) was to ratify human rights treaties, make it legal to convert from Islam to other religions, remove sharia law, and things to that nature. Obviously not radical platforms, sounds more like he would like to make the state into a more modern one that is respected on an international level. Again, he didn't really get far in the race, because he's running on more liberal ideas and not traditional religious ones.

In terms of the clock, when I took one look at it, I could tell it was obviously not a bomb, just a simple circuit board, nothing too special or complex (however for a 14 year old, impressive and something to be proud of in my opinion)... I could understand a teacher looking at the wires and not knowing what it was, but if he said "it's a clock!" it should be obvious. For Dallas PD to assume it was a bomb, despite having no explosive material is asinine, they should at least have basic understanding that a bomb has a trigger device (either timer, remote, fuse, etc) and the explosive itself... Complete overreaction and stupid move on their part.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
From my understanding, his platform for running for president (which he didn't get far) was to ratify human rights treaties, make it legal to convert from Islam to other religions, remove sharia law, and things to that nature. Obviously not radical platforms, sounds more like he would like to make the state into a more modern one that is respected on an international level. Again, he didn't really get far in the race, because he's running on more liberal ideas and not traditional religious ones.

In terms of the clock, when I took one look at it, I could tell it was obviously not a bomb, just a simple circuit board, nothing too special or complex (however for a 14 year old, impressive and something to be proud of in my opinion)... I could understand a teacher looking at the wires and not knowing what it was, but if he said "it's a clock!" it should be obvious. For Dallas PD to assume it was a bomb, despite having no explosive material is asinine, they should at least have basic understanding that a bomb has a trigger device (either timer, remote, fuse, etc) and the explosive itself... Complete overreaction and stupid move on their part.
For someone that has tried to be elected to the office of President to a country, I'd think they'd have common sense enough to recognize that it might not be a good idea to let their 14 yr old take that device to school. But then again, maybe his occupation doesn't let him interact with his kid enough to notice. Who knows?

But a countdown clock (I'd call it a timer) wouldn't raise any kind of suspicion to you as a teacher, administrator or law enforcement? I understand if it is open already but if it wasn't? Of course, we do live in an era where bombs are becoming more prevalent and some people live in fear.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I guess no one would say anything if my daughter would carry such a device to school well because she's a little white girl and everybody knows they don't tote bombs around. Really? This is about bigotry? Let's ignore the countdown clock and concentrate on the kid's religion? or race? Which one are we concentrating on because when this started I was thinking more of civil liberties.

I'd agree with that statement. I don't think anyone would assume your daughter made a bomb in this sort of scenario.

Civil liberties are part of the issue. Bigotry is another part.

I've already read that post. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when a grown man is twisting a 14 year old's words to attack him and insulting a kid for doing something many adult Americans couldn't do.

Pretty disgusting imo. The kid said he MADE the clock, not invented it. There's a large difference between the two. You can make something without having it be a novel idea. He took the other clock apart and put it together inside the case. I don't know a ton of adults who could do that. So no, he didn't lie.

As I said, kind of sad that a grown man would twist the words of a 14 year old to attack the kid. Might signal to you that you're on the wrong side of the debate when you're doing that.

And I'm not accusing you of doing that. I'm accusing the guy who wrote the post of doing that.

Plus, the whole spiel about the briefcase costs him a lot of credibility...because that's a blatant untruth.
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