Game of Thrones: Season 7

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
How you figure?
I remember those little weird creatures (Children of the Forest) that protected the 1st Three-eyed raven guy with the white beard in the roots of that tree, were also the creatures that created the first wyte walker when they feared mankind. I think this is way before Dani's Daddy was around. Besides, Jaimie Lannister killed the Mad King from behind in the throne room (Kings Landing)..Hence his moniker, the king slayer.


Jun 19, 2014
Has anyone noticed anything about the white walkers? That giant that fought with the wildlings when they took back Winterfell from Ramsay and he got an arrow through the eye after breaching the gate. He was seeing running with the White Walkers to the Wall when Bran saw them in the vision. The Night King may be the Mad King Daenerys Father.

There was dialog in one of the episodes about Wun Wun being the last of the giants. This implies they were their own race, and since they have always been north of the wall it would make sense that more than a few would have been turned.

The Mad Kings father would have been either Aegon V (in name only) who died in a fire or Jaehaerys II who was his biological father who died in kings landing from illness. One of the seasons goes into depth about how the Night King is pretty much just some random dude who they shoved a rock into that turned into the Night King to help Natures Children fight back the advancement of mankind in westeros and in turn the destruction of their forests. Of course this all backfired when after defeating the men the Night King turned on Natures Children....ergo many years and a wall and here we are.

Of course there is a good deal of fuzzyness between the TV adaptation and the books about the white walkers and especially the Night King.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I was disappointed with this episode for many reasons. The whole drama of going north of the wall to catch a wyte walker controlled zombie, seems to have been a vehicle to give the Night King a dragon. The zombies themselves moved slowly and methodically in single-file through the frozen wastes. Yet a season or two ago, these zombies moved incredibly fast when the Wildings village was destroyed by them. They wyte walkers and their zombie army and all of the living-dead animals have no physical needs, so why the slow pace? They should have been to the wall and over it a while ago. they should be gnawing on Cersei Lannisters bones right now.

Jon battling the zombies into the water, emerges from it with the zombies not attached to him anymore? Yet, they climbed from the water during the attack earlier in the fight, so how could a swordless Jon fight them off while submerged? Miraculously, Uncle Bingen arrived on his horse, riding through the zombies with his swinging ball of fire, and then he has time enough to urge Jon Snow to get on his horse and ride for the wall, but there was no time for him to jump on and ride double? Meanwhile, John Snow is drenched in below zero weather...He would have been dead in minutes on Earth....Their science in Westeros must be incredibly different!:sneaky:

The whole confrontation between Sansa and Arya was disappointing as well. We get to hear the whole message, written in Sansa's hand from years before, yet just recently delivered to Little Finger? How didn't every alarm go off in Arya's head that it made no sense....that deception was going one somehow? Last episode, Arya was clumsy enough to enter with great noise into Little Finger's quarters to find and steal the note, as he watched. Then in this episode, she is so silent in approaching Sansa in her own room like the supernatural ninja we thought she was supposed to be, why the difference?

I still love this series, but it seems they are stretching things out to create a longer timeline....Part of what made this series so great was/is that you get lost in that world without having disbelief because it's so well done. There are no more books to follow anymore, so maybe that's it.

Plus, now that Night King bastid has a dragon....which, it will probably take out one of the two remaining dragons to kill it...or, will it take a giant spear of dragon glass to do the job? hmmm..

PS: WHERE IN THE HAIL DID THE ZOMBIES get those chains to drag the dragon from the lake? They were massive chain link, where North of the wall could the zombies have gotten those? Which one of the kingdoms south of the wall could have made them? They must be made with wyte walker dust....
Last edited:


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
The chains got me, too.

I instantly said, "those are forged chains".

Had they made them ice chains or vines or something, I'd have been fine, but massive forged chains that far north? maybe they got them off of anchors. They did look like anchor chains and they'd by definition be quite long. so who knows?

Still loving this series.

And now the Night King as his Sindragosa (for all you World of Warcraft fans out there)...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Had several of the same complaints as @LoyalRam so I wont repeat.
I am amused by the show but have never been overly invested in any of the characters so the death of any of them has never affected me. That said, I was saddened by the death of the dragon....
Oh and its killing me that they just climb aboard a dragon and fly away, don't need to be strapped on or anything....

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
That's funny that you say that @dieterbrock ,,, because I watch the show almost solely to watch the dragons and the fights. But mainly the dragons. It's gonna be cool watching more of them now... especially now that there are going to be dragons on both sides. I bet that's how the frozen blue eyed fuckers manage to get through that wall now.

I should also point out that I watch the show because of the dragon's "mom" too. My wife constantly points out to me that all that hair of her's (in the show) is not real. She must see the look in my eyes when the dragon's mom is on screen. :whistle:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
The chains got me, too.

I instantly said, "those are forged chains".

Had they made them ice chains or vines or something, I'd have been fine, but massive forged chains that far north? maybe they got them off of anchors. They did look like anchor chains and they'd by definition be quite long. so who knows?

Still loving this series.

And now the Night King as his Sindragosa (for all you World of Warcraft fans out there)...
They must have wanted the visual of all the zombies pulling the dragon out, yet we have seen the Night King raise his hands and all of the recently killed on the battlefield rise as new minions. Why couldn't he have raised his hands at the ice's edge and have the dragon become reanimated on the lake bottom, rising from the water?


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Could be that it's too big. Could be that he was doing more than raising fodder, but doing a higher level of "raising".

I dunno.


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
I was disappointed with this episode for many reasons. The whole drama of going north of the wall to catch a wyte walker controlled zombie, seems to have been a vehicle to give the Night King a dragon. The zombies themselves moved slowly and methodically in single-file through the frozen wastes. Yet a season or two ago, these zombies moved incredibly fast when the Wildings village was destroyed by them. They wyte walkers and their zombie army and all of the living-dead animals have no physical needs, so why the slow pace? They should have been to the wall and over it a while ago. they should be gnawing on Cersei Lannisters bones right now.

Jon battling the zombies into the water, emerges from it with the zombies not attached to him anymore? Yet, they climbed from the water during the attack earlier in the fight, so how could a swordless Jon fight them off while submerged? Miraculously, Uncle Bingen arrived on his horse, riding through the zombies with his swinging ball of fire, and then he has time enough to urge Jon Snow to get on his horse and ride for the wall, but there was no time for him to jump on and ride double? Meanwhile, John Snow is drenched in below zero weather...He would have been dead in minutes on Earth....Their science in Westeros must be incredibly different!:sneaky:

The whole confrontation between Sansa and Arya was disappointing as well. We get to hear the whole message, written in Sansa's hand from years before, yet just recently delivered to Little Finger? How didn't every alarm go off in Arya's head that it made no sense....that deception was going one somehow? Last episode, Arya was clumsy enough to enter with great noise into Little Finger's quarters to find and steal the note, as he watched. Then in this episode, she is so silent in approaching Sansa in her own room like the supernatural ninja we thought she was supposed to be, why the difference?

I still love this series, but it seems they are stretching things out to create a longer timeline....Part of what made this series so great was/is that you get lost in that world without having disbelief because it's so well done. There are no more books to follow anymore, so maybe that's it.

Plus, now that Night King bastid has a dragon....which, it will probably take out one of the two remaining dragons to kill it...or, will it take a giant spear of dragon glass to do the job? hmmm..

PS: WHERE IN THE HAIL DID THE ZOMBIES get those chains to drag the dragon from the lake? They were massive chain link, where North of the wall could the zombies have gotten those? Which one of the kingdoms south of the wall could have made them? They must be made with wyte walker dust....
You should work for CinemaSins


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
@LoyalRam has nailed it for me. I'm still enjoying it but its "different" now.

This is a very random comparison but it will hopefully mean something to anyone who played the Mass Effect games. The first two were excellent. Mass Effect 2 especially was one of the best games ever in my view. You'd have to use a bit of brains to defeat enemies by using your powers and those of two allies who had powers/skills that would compliment your own.

The Mass Effect 3 came along and it was much more like a dumb shoot 'em up where tactics and intelligence were replaced with action.

Seasons 1-6 of GoT are Mass Effect 1 and 2 and season 7 (so far) is Mass Effect 3. Still enjoyable but its changed.


Feb 6, 2013
It definitely feels like they're trying to wrap things up and realized that there were too many loose ends that needed to be resolved quickly. Need to convince Danerys that there are White Walkers? Let's figure out some bizarre way to get her to fly all the way behind the Wall to see them (wasn't she cold?) from like, a billion miles away, because who has time to convince her in real time? And how fast do those freaking message carrying ravens fly anyways? Got a bunch of characters that sort of appeared in earlier seasons, and people are wondering about them? Let's just have them magically appear in a battle, only to get killed off thus ending their storyline (Benjen, the Tarlys, that guy who kept resurrecting that other guy, the Sand Sharks). Tyrion in Kings Landing to meet Jamie, while a nice scene, was stupid for a show that generally tried to be "realistic" (as one could be in a show about zombies and dragons), the time frames are all out of whack, the Sansa/Arya/Littlefinger subplot is ridiculous, as is the Danaerys/Jon romance. And could they have been more blatant with the "if we kill him, we kill them all, because he created them all" line? Sheesh. That whole seen where they kill the Whyte Walker, and all his men EXCEPT ONE dies, was horribly written. Really? Why not just complete the battle until only one zombie is left? Why the sudden oh-my-god-they-all-died-except-this-one-we-really-lucked-out-with-that-didn't-we ridiculousness? I think they realized that to kill ALL the zombies would take hundreds of battles, whereas they could simplify that with one sword swing. Kill the big guy, kill them all. Imagine if the Walking Dead did that?

Cripes, looking at the beyond-the-wall-war party reminded me of an old Star Trek episode. You pretty much knew which guys were gonna die. Might as well have given them red shirts so we didn't get confused in the battle.

In short, it's become a typical series, only with a bigger budget. What made it so great was the intense character development, and true-to-the-cruel-world nature of it's plots. Now...dare I say it... it's almost - almost - predictable. Did anybody REALLY think Jamie or Jon were gonna drown? Of course not. Just like I knew they weren't going to die on that frozen lake, and that the dragons were gonna come save them. Still a cool scene, but entirely predictable once Jon sent Gendry to go get help.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the show, but it seems clear that the producers realized they've only got a few more episodes to wrap things up, and too many plots lines to do so. To do it justice, to really follow the pace of the first 5 or so seasons, they probably needed another 3, maybe 4 more seasons. If not more.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
That's funny that you say that @dieterbrock ,,, because I watch the show almost solely to watch the dragons and the fights. But mainly the dragons. It's gonna be cool watching more of them now... especially now that there are going to be dragons on both sides. I bet that's how the frozen blue eyed fuckers manage to get through that wall now.

I should also point out that I watch the show because of the dragon's "mom" too. My wife constantly points out to me that all that hair of her's (in the show) is not real. She must see the look in my eyes when the dragon's mom is on screen. :whistle:
I sear but Dani has gotten more attractive this season. Which is amazing considering she has been wearing more clothes than ever


Pro Bowler
Sep 13, 2015
have never been the biggest GoT fan, but imo that last episode was one of, if not the worst episodes. this was actually one of my more liked seasons too, but man that last episode was a huge let down for me


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I realized that all I have been lately is someone finding fault with a show I love, so I will be more positive in this post..
I have heard this from others, elsewhere, but what if John Snow is part of the undead? The gash from the blade that killed him is still pretty gaping, as we saw this last episode. He survived being drenched in water, in what looks like sub-zero weather...On Earth, such a one would have literally minutes before dying. The same with Dani...We know that she is impervious to fire, while other are burnt to a crisp. How could she have survived riding a dragon in sub zero weather?

Uncle Benjen Stark:
"When questioned on his identity, he pulls down his scarf and hood, revealing himself as Benjen Stark. Benjen explains that, during his fateful ranging beyond the wall, he was attacked by White Walkers, one of whom shoved an ice sword into his gut and left him for dead. He was discovered by the Children of the Forest, who saved him and stopped him from becoming a wight by shoving a piece of dragonglass into his chest."

I wonder if Benjen is truly dead now, even after going down to the zombies? I wonder if they took a bite out him, and recoiled like a shark does with a diver in a wet suit when it realizes the victim is not a seal?

Also, was horrified to think that Arya took the faces from those she had killed..What about when she was scoping out those partying in the House of Frey and she was impersonating a waitress? She would have had to kill the girl to assume her looks.....ouch!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Rewatch the latest episode when Jon is in the water gasping and it offers a close up of the sword's wolf pommel end. The eye of the wolf is white, but when Jon breaks the surface the wolf's eye turns dark! The directors had to do that on purpose, or else why center the close up on the sword so that you could see it?


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Rewatch the latest episode when Jon is in the water gasping and it offers a close up of the sword's wolf pommel end. The eye of the wolf is white, but when Jon breaks the surface the wolf's eye turns dark! The directors had to do that on purpose, or else why center the close up on the sword so that you could see it?

It's actually not a wolf. Longclaw is a Mormont sword, and the bear is their sigil.