Fisher frustrated by calls in Dallas game/PD

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Jan 12, 2013
I laughed. Fisher is keeping a tally and bringing it out means he's getting just as frustrated as we are.

Fish ought to know penalties as well as anyone else with all the time he spent on the rules committee.

We were effectively blown out in the second half of Game One and played competitively in the last two games with our third string QB. I like Davis' promise, but I would like to see Shaun get back under center. I don't know if those two late INTs occur with Shaun at the helm. Young QB's make those kind of mistakes. Still, it's encouraging to know we have a solid 1-2 punch with our 2nd & 3rd string QB's.


Jun 24, 2010
The refs are a joke and are getting worse. It's time to hold these guys accountable.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
And then, look out for the ref's in our next game, remember " Hell hath No furry Like a 'Bitch' scorned!" or something like that!
i say we take it to the extreme. i say we start blatantly committing penalties and dare Goodhell's army to call penalties on every play. I say we do this on a nationally televised game.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
i say we take it to the extreme. i say we start blatantly committing penalties and dare Goodhell's army to call penalties on every play. I say we do this on a nationally televised game.
Like Monday Night against the 49ers!?


Super Bowl XXXVI was rigged!
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2012
i say we take it to the extreme. i say we start blatantly committing penalties and dare Goodhell's army to call penalties on every play. I say we do this on a nationally televised game.
Do you think for one instant that they wouldn't flag us on every play? I think they would be happy to do just that!


Pro Bowler
May 12, 2014
What's really frustrating is that we, as fans, have complained about the exact same calls that our coach has seen, including the false start on the McCown run.

The NFL rule book states that there has to be forcible contact to the head for there to be a penalty. Former NFL director of officiating Mike Pereira, now a Fox television analyst, was brought into the telecast to assess the call. He said there was not enough contact, and it should not have been a penalty.

Both Fox analysts working the game —Daryl Johnston (a former Cowboy) and Tony Siragusa — strongly stated that it shouldn’t have been a penalty, and that it was simply a great play by Sims. Johnston even said he would coach a defensive end to handle the play exactly the same way because you wouldn’t be sure if Williams was blocking or going out on a pattern.

When the former director of officiating and a notorious Cowboy supporter think the calls are BS, this goes beyond normal fan 'whines.'

There's something going on here, and I don't like it.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
Those wanting Fisher to publicly shame the ref's are misguided.

Remember, he is on the competition committee. He knows which avenues to take to get his point across, and I believe after this game, he did just that.


Hall of Fame
Feb 16, 2013
Fisher better do whatever is in his power to call this out. If we go 4-12, he could lose his job.


Mar 17, 2014
The NFL needs to do away with the bankers and lawyers and move to full time refs.
The entire offseason they should be in class learning the rule book and watching tape
A ref on tv admitted that no one knows the entire rulebook because it's so big. Sometimes they make their own interpretations.

Also. If the nfl is going to put rules in that are difficult to call, they need to let the coaches challenge them.

Dallas got screwed week one by the refs. We took it week three.

Enough is enough already. Something can and should be done.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Do you think for one instant that they wouldn't flag us on every play? I think they would be happy to do just that!

sometime u have to do outrageous things to expose the hypocricy. I'm ready for it.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I don't think Fisher should or wants to publicly shame the Refs.

However, he not only publicly spoke out about the refereeing, BUT, he articulated specific calls which means he's indirectly calling out specific officials by telling them "hey, I know the rules BETTER than you because I was part of WRITING them and YOU got it WRONG!", but also, he came out with specific numbers... 12 uncalled holding calls including the throwdown on Langford that should have been a sack that ended up as a TD to Bryant...

Fisher has the respect of the NFL office, but I'm on record... even tweeted that I don't think after seeing that Cowboys debacle that the Rams will win more than 2 of the next 8 and at least TWO of those six losses will require referee interventions like this Cowboys game...

Bank on it. This team has talent...just not enough to beat the other team AND the refs...


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I don't think Fisher should or wants to publicly shame the Refs.

However, he not only publicly spoke out about the refereeing, BUT, he articulated specific calls which means he's indirectly calling out specific officials by telling them "hey, I know the rules BETTER than you because I was part of WRITING them and YOU got it WRONG!", but also, he came out with specific numbers... 12 uncalled holding calls including the throwdown on Langford that should have been a sack that ended up as a TD to Bryant...

Fisher has the respect of the NFL office, but I'm on record... even tweeted that I don't think after seeing that Cowboys debacle that the Rams will win more than 2 of the next 8 and at least TWO of those six losses will require referee interventions like this Cowboys game...

Bank on it. This team has talent...just not enough to beat the other team AND the refs...
So, the question becomes, what will Fisher do about the continued game changing referee intervention? How long can he sit back and take this without losing the respect of the fans and his own players? It's one thing to call the refs out quietly in a press conference, it's quite another to vehemently protest in the game. Perhaps he needs to get thrown out of a game, and pay a huge fine to finally make a statement that will get some media attention and public discussion.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
Happy to see Fisher acknowledge what fans are seeing.

Back in the Big Red day, we would say every time we went to the snake pit in Dallas that the Big Red had play 11 versus 16 because the Refs were absurdly prejudice against us.

Seems like that almost every week as a Rams fan, been that way for way to long.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I think he'll put together an extensive video and present it to the league office.

He'll force the league to admit their error, but it won't change the outcome. He'll actually get something from the league which the Refs union hates, an admission of a mistake, which may lead to additional calls being reviewable. I don't understand why EVERYTHING isn't reviewable. I mean, if the camera shows they got it wrong, why the hell not get it right? There's already a limit on red flags.

I honestly don't know WHAT this is... but Occam's Razor tells me that as this sample size becomes statistically significant and beyond some anomaly, the REASON for why the Rams are being so grossly maltreated by the refs will only make sense in retrospect.

And it doesn't help to speculate because we already know what's true. The disproportionate calls demonstrate a game not determined by the merits which EVERY NFL fan should be outraged about. (See: Raider fans who I'm sure are furious about the Pats being given THAT game on the most bogus holding call of the weekend not on a defender)

I root for the Rams, but I want the BEST team to win each contest. That way each team can truly re-evaluate and the games mean something as actual contests.

This nonsense resembles wrestling more and more each week with the difference being that the players don't know the script.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
Their should be somebody upstairs in a booth, maybe a team of officials that question every flag and let the referee know if there was a foul or not. And possibly to point out fouls that were not called on scoring plays, which would reverse the play. With all the millions of $s the NFL rakes in and all the technology available to them why would they not want to get the calls correct? Dont they owe it to the fans that pay those millions of $s to get it right? Any honest attempt to correct the wrongs that we witness every week in almost every game would be better than burying their heads in the sand and pretending its not a problem.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I think he'll put together an extensive video and present it to the league office.

He'll force the league to admit their error, but it won't change the outcome. He'll actually get something from the league which the Refs union hates, an admission of a mistake, which may lead to additional calls being reviewable. I don't understand why EVERYTHING isn't reviewable. I mean, if the camera shows they got it wrong, why the hell not get it right? There's already a limit on red flags.

I honestly don't know WHAT this is... but Occam's Razor tells me that as this sample size becomes statistically significant and beyond some anomaly, the REASON for why the Rams are being so grossly maltreated by the refs will only make sense in retrospect.

And it doesn't help to speculate because we already know what's true. The disproportionate calls demonstrate a game not determined by the merits which EVERY NFL fan should be outraged about. (See: Raider fans who I'm sure are furious about the Pats being given THAT game on the most bogus holding call of the weekend not on a defender)

I root for the Rams, but I want the BEST team to win each contest. That way each team can truly re-evaluate and the games mean something as actual contests.

This nonsense resembles wrestling more and more each week with the difference being that the players don't know the script.

"Ockham's razor states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct, but—in the absence of certainty—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better."

Mcluhan showed that "effects precede cause".

Marshall McLuhan noted that: “Formal cause is still… hugely mysterious. The literate mind finds it is too paradoxical and irrational. It deals with environmental processes and it works outside of time”… that “effects precede causes”. For McLuhan, formal cause is like the “bright light of the future casting shadows on the present, from forthcoming events.” Formal cause then, remains invisible in the contextual, interactive, ‘ground’ of an event, but enables unexplainable effects.

What we're seeing now are the effects of biased referring.

And Ockham's razor reveals that this bias must be controlled by the NFL, as this is the explanation requiring the least number of assumptions.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Their should be somebody upstairs in a booth, maybe a team of officials that question every flag and let the referee know if there was a foul or not. And possibly to point out fouls that were not called on scoring plays, which would reverse the play. With all the millions of $s the NFL rakes in and all the technology available to them why would they not want to get the calls correct? Dont they owe it to the fans that pay those millions of $s to get it right? Any honest attempt to correct the wrongs that we witness every week in almost every game would be better than burying their heads in the sand and pretending its not a problem.

Unfortunately, there is this ego that says that expertise = authority and with the exercise of authority, there is inherent infallibility.

That is demonstrably false, of course. However, the refs have put this into the system. NFL only wants to pay so many refs. Refs want to be able to make calls and have it stand (understandable on a personal level, but not on a professional one). The Refs have fought instant replay and every aspect of review as an attack on their "sovereignty".

Shrug. I couldn't care less about their "sovereignty". The fact that they get so many calls wrong or miss so many calls demonstrates that their "sovereignty" with respect to calling a game is as legitimate as Monarchies in the 21st Century.

The NFL really could focus on improving their product in real ways.

The NFL really could focus on improving player safety in real ways.

The NFL really could focus on improving player conduct in real ways.

The NFL really could focus on improving the NFL experience at Stadium venues in real ways.

The NFL really could focus on improving their online platform in real ways.

The NFL really could focus on improving drug policies including aiding in research in real ways.

This list could go on and on and on.

For all that the NFL has right, there is still the NFL needs to fix. It's why I wrote before that NO sport remains on top forever. Baseball had the longest stay for a number of reasons. Football won't have near that longevity if they don't focus on more than marketing. Our attention spans get shorter and shorter and unless the next marketing genius suggests 30 minute games, the NFL will have to actually fix some of its structural problems or backslide.

The refs are just one of those problems.


Pro Bowler
Jul 9, 2014
too bad these articles just get recirculated through a small market. nobody will ever care or notice unless it somehow gets national attention. which will never happen on NFL Network