Any Comics Fans?

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Pro Bowler
Jan 26, 2012
Steve Rogers will definitely be Captain America again. No doubt about that.
Killing/replacing characters is nothing new. Most major characters get to do it.

I think it would have been interesting to have the Falcon just take over the Cap title the way that Hercules took over one of the Hulk books a few years ago.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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Marvel has finally debuted the new female Thor.

Basically, during the Original Sin event, the guy behind everything (Nick Fury) whispered something into Thor's ear that apparently caused him to no longer "be worthy of the power of Thor", so he could no longer lift the hammer. And neither could Odin.

Whoever the new Thor is, she just came up and lifted it no problem. It wasn't revealed but there was a strong implication that it was Freyja, Thor's mother.

The old Thor will apparently still be around, just a lot less powerful without the hammer and referred to as "Odinson" rather than Thor.

(Parts of this post are in Spoiler-vision. Highlight the blank parts if you want to see.)

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Marvel has finally debuted the new female Thor.

Basically, during the Original Sin event, the guy behind everything (Nick Fury) whispered something into Thor's ear that apparently caused him to no longer "be worthy of the power of Thor", so he could no longer lift the hammer. And neither could Odin.

Whoever the new Thor is, she just came up and lifted it no problem. It wasn't revealed but there was a strong implication that it was Freyja, Thor's mother.

The old Thor will apparently still be around, just a lot less powerful without the hammer and referred to as "Odinson" rather than Thor.

(Parts of this post are in Spoiler-vision. Highlight the blank parts if you want to see.)

Chick Thor looks cool. I'm a big fan of female superheroes. Ms. Marvel, Black Cat, Rogue, etc.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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  • #24
Chick Thor looks cool. I'm a big fan of female superheroes. Ms. Marvel, Black Cat, Rogue, etc.
I'm just happy they did it in a way that didn't kill off the old character. Comics have had an issue with that.

Yeah, sure, they can always bring the guy back to life later, but leaving him alive lets others write stories with him that don't hurt what you're doing.


Pro Bowler
Jan 26, 2012
Chick Thor looks cool. I'm a big fan of female superheroes. Ms. Marvel, Black Cat, Rogue, etc.

Did you ever read Alias?
Came out in early 00's and didn't run terribly long, but I thought it was an excellent book with a female lead.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Did you ever read Alias?
Came out in early 00's and didn't run terribly long, but I thought it was an excellent book with a female lead.

No I didn't. TBH, I'm only a recent comic fan b/c of the movies. When I was kid, I didn't really know anything of Marvel besides the X-Men and Spidey. Now tho, looks like I missed out on a lot of stuff back in the day.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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  • #27
A quick list of female super hero books I like:

Captain Marvel (former Ms. Marvel took up the name and costume of her old mentor... really tongue in cheek writing.)
Ms. Marvel (a Muslim girl developed powers and took up the Ms. Marvel name.)
She-Hulk (focuses on the attempt to balance superheroing and being a lawyer)

Batgirl (Barbara Gordon healed of her paralysis)
Birds of Prey (although I prefer the first series to what we have now. I'm really NOT a fan of "The New 52".)
Harley Quinn (totally played for laughs, but Harley is generally on the good guy side of the fence)
World's Finest (focuses on the daughter of Batman and adoptive daughter of Superman of another world. May have ended.)

The two big omissions here I don't care for as much:
Batwoman - I've heard it's better now, but when Batwoman was first reintroduced, they were so focused on the fact that she was a lesbian* that they really didn't do much of anything else with her character. One fan parody strip made "lesbian" literally the only word she could say. The new Question introduced at the same time (Renee Montoya, who came from Batman: The Animated Series originally) was a much better example of a character who happened to be a lesbian, rather than a lesbian who happened to be a character.

Wonder Woman - CAN be good. But like with Thor, I like it more when they focus on her being a super hero and not on the mythology stuff. Just my personal preference.

*It's actually quite the irony that Batwoman is such a high profile lesbian character, since she and the original Bat-Girl (notice the hyphen) were created in the 1950's as a response to Dr. Frederic Wertham's book Seduction of the Innocent. This book basically tried to tell people that comics were harmful to children and one of the main arguments was that Batman and Robin were secretly gay lovers. So these characters were created out of the blue to be romantic interests. The same controversy also led to the creation of the now-defunct Comics Code Authority, and in turn killed the horror comic genre for quite a time.


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
Haven't read comics in a long time but bought and read a bunch of them when they costed 25-35 cents apiece. A buddy of mine who has a massive collection of comics once told me the value of investing in comic books. We were sitting in his room reading Spidey, Xmen, Thor, etc and he said, "take this average common comic book right here", picking up just some random issue, "it will never be worth less than what I paid". And of course among the stack you have some that are worth way way more. So, you can't lose.

@TK42-RAM your handle and icon has me rolling. Why aren't you at your post?

The real reason the Empire collapsed is because all the stormtroopers retired and claimed social security on the same day.

A little romantic music for the ladies thanks be to the DNA of Jengo Fett...



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Used to read comics all the time as a kid , but it's probably been 15 - 20 years since the last time I actually read a comic from cover to cover , but when I go grocery shopping with the wife our grocery store still sells a few comics so I'll sneak off for a couple minutes to thumb through the latest edition of Spider-man , I am loving all the Marvel Movies and can't wait for The Avengers 2 and Ant-Man


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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  • #30
Used to read comics all the time as a kid , but it's probably been 15 - 20 years since the last time I actually read a comic from cover to cover , but when I go grocery shopping with the wife our grocery store still sells a few comics so I'll sneak off for a couple minutes to thumb through the latest edition of Spider-man , I am loving all the Marvel Movies and can't wait for The Avengers 2 and Ant-Man
Oh good, that means you missed Spider-Man making a deal with the Devil to trade his marriage for Aunt May's life... ;)


Pro Bowler
Jan 26, 2012
Used to read comics all the time as a kid , but it's probably been 15 - 20 years since the last time I actually read a comic from cover to cover , but when I go grocery shopping with the wife our grocery store still sells a few comics so I'll sneak off for a couple minutes to thumb through the latest edition of Spider-man , I am loving all the Marvel Movies and can't wait for The Avengers 2 and Ant-Man

Welcome aboard IowaRam.

It's nice to see that I'm not the only comic book /Hawkeyes/ Rams fan on the site.

I thought I might be the only one out there.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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  • #32
Welcome aboard IowaRam.

It's nice to see that I'm not the only comic book /Hawkeyes/ Rams fan on the site.

I thought I might be the only one out there.
I like Hawkeye just fine...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Yea but , Yellow Jacket has the right colors

Even though I haven't read any comics in years , I'm still a huge fan , I could sit and talk comics for hours , well , at least Marvel Comics , I never really ever got into DC Comics to much, and also , it would have to be the classic stuff , because it's been 20 years now since I read any , so I'd be a little out of date with todays story lines , most of my comic book knowledge now days comes from

But when ever there is some Marvel Movie News , it's off to Wikipedia I go , like the casting of Ant-Man had me puzzled some , Hank Pym and Scott Lang as Ant-Man I got , but Darren Cross as Yellow Jacket had me baffled , The last time I read comics , Hank Pym was the only Yellow Jacket I knew , so off to Wikipedia I


Rams Until I Die

Pro Bowler
Oct 21, 2013
I got back into reading comics on my iPad over the last 2 years after not reading any since I was a kid. Started with Spider-man even though I hated the idea of the one more day reboot, but I wanted a good jumping on point. It took me awhile but I got hooked. Also got into the Flash Thompson Venom, the scarlet spider spinoff, and the Carnage mini-series's and then superior Spider-man which I haven't finished yet. I've picked up a few of the big event comics when they went on sale. Love the walking dead just finished all the way up the end of the all out war event. As for DC I stick with Batman and picked up some of his books. Hush, the killing joke, arkham asylum and the joker trade.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
The wife and kid aren't home yet
Got the house to myself
Eating Cheetos
Drinking Chocolate Milk
Watching Batman TV Show Reruns
Life is good



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Star Wars , Still Popular ?

Well first , it was the most watched movie trailer of 2014

But here's the kicker

Marvel Comics is launching three new Star Wars Comics at the beginning of 2015

The first one comes out in January , Simply called Star Wars which follows the original characters between the movies Stars Wars IV and V
Since the year 2000 , only a couple comic books had sold more the 500,000 copies and those were both Amazing Spider-man's

But now , Star Wars #1 due out in a couple weeks has already sold over 1 Million copies , almost double the next top selling comic of the last 15 year
The other two Star Wars titles are Darth Vader , which comes out in February , and the third Star Wars title comes out in March , which from my understanding , will be an on going series , but it will be a series of mini series , maybe each series lasting about four or five issues , then on to a different story or character , the first one that comes out in March will be about Princess Leia

Now I'm a huge fan of the original trilogy ,

The rest of the stuff , not so much

I'm not sure how good JJ Abrams Star Wars will be , his movies are kind of hit and miss , but I will enjoy seeing the original cast back up on screen
Has Luke changed to the Dark Side ???

Rumors say , :censored.......................................................................

I might just have to check out that Darth Vader comic when it comes out in February




Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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  • #39
I'll check those new Star Wars comics out... basically, I thought it was just a matter of time when I heard that Disney had bought Star Wars, since they already owned Marvel.

Still looking forward to the inevitable crossover when Luke Skywalker, Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse and Kermit the Frog (Muppets also owned by Disney) have to save the universe.


Mar 31, 2013
Been into comics for about 10 years or so now, started reading DC (mostly Batman) then got more into Marvel after all the MCU stuff came about. recently got my hands on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles re-prints - used to love the cartoon when I was a kid (mid-eighties, none of the Nickeldeon garbage) but the comics are so much better.