White Castle - Love Them or Hate Them and - Why?

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White Castle Sliders

  • Wonderful tidbit of beefy joy

  • Disgusting thing resembling food that I only eat when hammered

  • Couldn't hold a candle to a Lemon Jelly Filled Donut

  • Rat Burger unfit for human consumption

  • Need more room in the booth for my fat ass

  • Give me a Crave Case to go

  • I'm too young to remember the Wendy's old lady

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
OK - the subject of this thread came up while talking about some actual real food. So I thought I'd make a tread about it rather than continue to derail an otherwise pretty cool thread.

So here goes. I had the misfortune of eating at a White Castle when I was there at the Lou for the Seattle game. Let's face it. The White Castle franchise is legendary - maybe mostly due to Harold and Kumar. Still, how could I be 50 feet from a WC with the munchies and nothing to do and not walk through the doors of this Mecca of burger devotion and apparently the birthplace of not only the hamburger bun but the slider as well?

So being there with my dad, my two sons, and @VegasRam - ALL White Castle VIRGINS, I had to get everyone gathered up for a life changing event - the ordering and consumption of the iconic White Castle Sliders.

And in we went. There were a couple people in there ordering copious amounts of the little burgers so we were pretty excited about trying them. Well... I was anyway. So we stood at the counter while everyone in the back looked past us. But that was ok as it gave me a chance to marvel at their operation. And it was that marveling that started to get me scared of what I was about to put in my body. I'm not sure how many of you have watched these little tidbits of steamed meat and dough get prepared but I'm not sure I'd recommend it.

Finally, the girl looked at me and asked me what I wanted. So we all figured since we were in Rome, eat what the Romans eat. I think we ordered what amounted to 3 sliders a piece. So after taking our order, she turned around and the person directly behind her asked us what we wanted. We told him we had already ordered. Hey - no problem - I appreciate him making sure she wasn't just sharing the score of the Cardinals game.

The moment of truth is upon us after about ten minutes or so. The wait seemed a little long for what we were ordering and where but no biggie. Their drive thru was pretty busy. I am cool with taking a little time to get our order right. So we get our bag of goods (I use that term loosely). So much for the order being right. But it was just that there were some doubles thrown in instead of singles so we just figured we'd scored and sat down to scarf on these little wonders.

I started with a single. I wanted to taste the original. Suddenly, I'm reminded of that old lady in the Wendy's commercial. I had to peel apart the bun (not easy in itself because it is essentially steamed paste at this point) to see if there was actually meat inside. I'm still assuming that light grey spongy thing is the meat. So I eat a second bite and decide to move on to the double. I figured that maybe a little more of that meat like substance and it would be edible. Um... nope.

One more bite and I was done. So being the generous person I am, I offered the remaining slider to the rest of our crew. You know - kind of like handing someone a milk carton and asking them if it tastes ok. Sometimes you'll get a taker and it makes it all worth while. Again... nope.

So tell me. What is good about the White Castle experience. Or for that matter, what has been your experience. Good, bad, indifferent? Feel free to expand on it.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
I've already written about the joys of White Castle. Now I realize you have to grow-up eating them, but if you do, you'll also think they're delicious. I love those little things. Whenever I'm back in town, one of the first things I do is go to White Castle. My wife did not grow-up eating White Castles and she thinks that they are an abomination. I believe that they are god's gift to fast food.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
#s 2 and 4. As I recall, it was close to 11:00 PM, and we hadn't eaten since appetizers at noon at the Union Plaza, and I was flippin' starving.
So I ate 2, but salvaged my self-respect by trashing the 3rd. THEN.....
we head back to Ballpark Village to meet up with everyone, and have to look at all this delicious food on the table.:palm:

Rhody saved the day by buying a round of blue kamikazes.:rockon: Cheers.jpg


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #4
I've already written about the joys of White Castle. Now I realize you have to grow-up eating them, but if you do, you'll also think they're delicious. I love those little things. Whenever I'm back in town, one of the first things I do is go to White Castle. My wife did not grow-up eating White Castles and she thinks that they are an abomination. I believe that they are god's gift to fast food.
Wait a minute... Aren't you a doctor? Shouldn't you know better? :D

So what you are saying is that if you start out getting your taste buds destroyed by that place, then you like them. If not, you still have taste and they are an abomination - just quoting your brilliant wife.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
White Castle is my favorite fast food restaurant. Can't go wrong with original, cheese, or my favorite jalapeno cheese. White Castle's has the best condiments. Their Dusseldorf mustard really brings the sliders to life.


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
We don't call them sliders for nothin'! Sometimes also refered to as belly-bombers.

There is something about that oniony goodness that is just so addictive. There is absolutely no substitute when you have the crave.

There is a contest here where people make dishes using them. My aunt used slider recipe to make our thanksgiving stuffing from one of the contest winners a couple years back. It was delicious and you would never have guessed it was made from white castle burgers.


Mar 17, 2014
I've never had White Castle. I don't think we have any down here in So Cal.

I've seen them in the freezer section at the store but have refrained from purchasing them, knowing damn well that there going to taste like a mirowave hamburger. I don't have a microwave any way.

I do have a deep curiosity to try them though, at least to try to understand the cult following they have.

I completely get those stating that they grew up with them. There are some smells and taste that just bring happiness from the past.
Much like Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Love the stuff. Even more than anything homemade for some reason. For some reason my mind tells me that mac and cheese is suppose to taste a certain way.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
I had a deep curiosity as well.

I don't anymore. :cautious:


May 19, 2014
Rat turds.

But then. I hate fast food in general. Only time I eat it, I eat Wendy's nuggets.

I steer clear of fast food burgers. Hell to the no man.

If I wanted fried grease, I'd have a donut.

And actually enjoy eating it.



Pro Bowler
May 19, 2014
I dont care for white castle other than the sausage egg and cheese breakfast sliders, now those are good!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Love White Castle
Hate myself for it the next morning but I digress
Im good for 6-8 sliders and a couple of chicken ring sandwiches with honey mustard


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Awful shit. Jack in the Box, Sonic, and Burger King are also awful shit. McDonald's is awful shit as well, but at least it has the fries. Lion's Choice is worse than all of them; I've seen their roast beef so raw that it was still bloody.

Steak 'n Shake is awesome. That's where I go every time I want a burger and fries. I'd go to Red Robin more often, but they're expensive as fuck. But they have the best fast food burger, in my honest opinion. Arby's is fantastic, and I will forever love their potato cakes.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #15
Thought a few reviews were in order. Just thought they were funny. No offense to the WC fans out there. Just having some fun.


Description: This one-third-sized burger with steamed meat and scant toppings, affectionately known as a “slider” (less affectionately as a “rat burger”), can be eaten in two bites, six if you’re a rat. Mulitples are sold by the sack or “Crave Case,” and they’re available in your grocer’s freezer, next to other foods you would never buy.

Why It's Bad: If you could somehow turn a burger into a cold cut, it would look something like White Castle’s beef patty. As for the chain’s unique method of cooking, known as “steam-grilling”: Maybe no one else has attempted it because steamed meat is gross? Still, you’ve got to hand it to them: White Castle has cornered the market on thin hamburgers with tiny holes.


Conan O'Brien on White Castle:
Burger King wants to team up with McDonald’s to create a "McWhopper." Analysts say this could be the biggest thing in fast food since Arby’s teamed up with White Castle to create diarrhea.

White Castle has confirmed that it’s opening a restaurant in Las Vegas. It’s perfect for people in Vegas looking for one more bad choice to make while drunk.

In Iowa, a man said he’s lost 40 pounds eating only McDonald's for three months. Not to be outdone, a man in Illinois lost 60 pounds after eating White Castle just once.

The government is working hard on technologies to prevent cars from operating when their owners are drunk. Here’s how it works — the car automatically turns itself off if you go through a White Castle drive-through at 2am.

This Valentine's Day, White Castle restaurants will offer a discount to couples who dine there. Because there's no better way to tell a woman you love her than to pay even less at a White Castle.

White Castle is offering candle lit dinner service for Valentine's Day tomorrow. It's the perfect way to tell your partner, "I'm hungry and I don't love you that much."

The New York City Department of Health now has issued grades to all of its restaurants based on cleanliness. The grades are A, B, C, and White Castle.

Fast food chain White Castle announced they are taking reservations for Valentine's Day. It's the perfect place to bring that special lady you never want to hear from again.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
When I travel to STL and surrounding states, if I get some alone time, I make it a point to get a 6 pack. @CodeMonkey .... Yep, Belly Bombers is what we used to call them. I know guys that could pound back 20 of them. Usually with regret later.

Most people I've met that did not grow up around them, do not like them. My wife included.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
There is something about that oniony goodness that is just so addictive. There is absolutely no substitute when you have the crave.
I imagine if someone doesn't like onions they wouldn't care for white castles. Even if you ordered it without onions it probably still tastes of onion.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
Lived in Illinois for a couple of years three doors down from a White Castle. I went there a couple of times a week. Their burgers were damn good. I'm sure just like everything else they have degraded over time. Remember the original McD's french fries. My mom would send me to McD's just to get a brown paper bag full of fries. I would eat about a third of the bag on the way home. Their fries aren't as good as back then.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #19
I imagine if someone doesn't like onions they wouldn't care for white castles. Even if you ordered it without onions it probably still tastes of onion.
For the record - I LOVE onions. Just sayin'

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
This thread is cracking me up.

I've never had food from WC.

My dinner during the night where this WC experience of Stu's went down... I had a killer spread at Ball Park Village. LOL