My horrifying World of Warcraft character

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Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
I play WoW, and exhibit the same kind of goofiness there as you see here frequently. One recent innovation in WoW is the ability to "transmogrify" your gear to look like other gear (with certain restrictions). Others use it to make their characters look as cool as possible.

Me... well... this is what I look like currently.



Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Lol looks like a male version of Chun Li!!! lmao


Jan 23, 2013
Cool. I never played WOW. I was a hardcore on Dark Age of Camelot though. I had a friar on Pellinor named Stosh, a Saracen infiltrator named Mhat Mcoat, and a sorcerer named Symon. That game was a lot of fun while it lasted. I joined a guild called Retribution and ended up leading it eventually. We had a blast.

Before that I played Wheel of time. Man that game was intense. I would have a stiff neck and shoulders every night I played it. Fast, fast, fast! 40 weapons, some offensive and some defensive but all magic and all doing different things. I was an arena King. I was in BoD on that game and ended up running that clan eventually too. The clan matches were a blast. I miss those days but I wouldn't trade my real life that I have now for any of it. That was before marriage and children and such.


Jan 23, 2013
If you have never tried a game such as WoW or Camelot it can be hard to understand. It can consume your life. I know marriages that were ruined because of online gaming addiction, jobs lost, new romances started that ended badly, etc... Crazy stuff but that is how the games are designed. They require a huge investment of time to achieve a level of efficiency. That keeps many people going because they have invested so much time into building a character and have trouble just walking away after all of the work. The designers take advantage of peoples competitive nature to want their character to be the best. After a year or so you max out the character and did all of the quests, and start to get bored, but then they come out with new worlds in the expansions with new abilities and it refreshes the staleness. You also build friendships through the game with people you regularly play with, so you feel that you are betraying them if you quit, especially as a leader who is relied on. They are designed to be all consuming.

I was going through some medical problems with my neck and the only chair I could stand to sit in was my high back computer chair, plus I could only sleep on a pillow for a few hours at a time. So, that game was a perfect fit. But as I healed I found I was still hooked. It doesn't help that I was single. A friend got it for me. The guy who got it for me was 55. He played with his 65 year old buddy. There were all ages in DAoC. I don't play any games now. The interest is totally gone. I am glad for it. They were the only two that I played on line.

WoT was just a First person shooter and it doesn't draw you in or require a time investment. That game was just pure straight up wild and crazy fun. TV seemed so boring in comparison. I would play each night for about 2-3 hours. But it was easy to walk away. Especially once the server numbers went down.

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
People still play wow? remember it was the biggest game online for a long while. I used to play from orginal launch to burning crusade andlich king with childhood friends but got tired of the grind to level up or find enough people to quest with end of game stuff. I prefer FPS games which keeps my short attention span lol


Jan 23, 2013
Yeah FPS is the way to go. My 11 year old likes to play games and he is into Minecraft but the day will come that he wants to play others. I wont let him do a Role play/ level up/ build a character type game. As much as I enjoyed myself I wish I had those years back.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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If you have never tried a game such as WoW or Camelot it can be hard to understand. It can consume your life. I know marriages that were ruined because of online gaming addiction, jobs lost, new romances started that ended badly, etc... Crazy stuff but that is how the games are designed. They require a huge investment of time to achieve a level of efficiency. That keeps many people going because they have invested so much time into building a character and have trouble just walking away after all of the work. The designers take advantage of peoples competitive nature to want their character to be the best. After a year or so you max out the character and did all of the quests, and start to get bored, but then they come out with new worlds in the expansions with new abilities and it refreshes the staleness. You also build friendships through the game with people you regularly play with, so you feel that you are betraying them if you quit, especially as a leader who is relied on. They are designed to be all consuming.

I was going through some medical problems with my neck and the only chair I could stand to sit in was my high back computer chair, plus I could only sleep on a pillow for a few hours at a time. So, that game was a perfect fit. But as I healed I found I was still hooked. It doesn't help that I was single. A friend got it for me. The guy who got it for me was 55. He played with his 65 year old buddy. There were all ages in DAoC. I don't play any games now. The interest is totally gone. I am glad for it. They were the only two that I played on line.

WoT was just a First person shooter and it doesn't draw you in or require a time investment. That game was just pure straight up wild and crazy fun. TV seemed so boring in comparison. I would play each night for about 2-3 hours. But it was easy to walk away. Especially once the server numbers went down.

Yeah, there are some real horror stories out there with people getting caught up in things. Me, I tend to focus more on leveling than any kind of end game stuff. That makes it a lot easier to play for a little while then go do other stuff.

The first guild I was in was supposed to be a raiding/casual guild, but a lot of the raiders came to think of the non-raiders as 2nd class citizens... at one point, there was even an attempted coup by the raiders to take over the guild and boot the non raiders. It really soured me on raiding.


Jan 23, 2013
Yeah it is amazing how serious some people get about it. Lots of nasty folks calling people names, not admitting people to groups. After being excluded from groups often I made it a mission to prove the fools wrong about what you needed to farm certain mobs. I would call it out over the server. Our guild was focused on having fun. We mixed it up and always helped each other out. I had to get to know prospective members Before allowing them to join.We wanted people that played like us. We weren't the best raiders, but we were excellent at PvsE. One guy in our guild would work a high level dungeon with just his Pallain and a buff bot. My sorcerer was a great drop farmer. I had so much money that every new member got enough gold to be decked out for 50 levels.

It is fun to reminisce. I haven't thought about those days in a long time.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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I really pity the guys who you can just tell are not having fun and are viewing the game as a job, which is one big reason I don't want to get into the hardcore raiding scene.

The day I stop having fun, that's the day I quit.

BTW, this might interest you... there is one thing that possibly makes me unique in World of Warcraft. I got into the game when a friend treated me to a trip to the 2005 BlizzCon. Therefore, I'm possibly the only player who has had the BlizzCon exclusive "Murky" pet since Day 1.

Sometimes I wish though I had just kept the card... I've seen unscratched cards going for $3,000 on eBay (and about the same price for unredeemed Vanilla collector's editions with the three exclusive pets.)


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
I have played online games for years. Invested way way to much money into one I played for about 5 years, and when I say invest, im talking thousands upon thousands of dollars.

But on the plus side, i met my wife on that game so it was worth it. The game was maplestory.

I quit playing about 3 years ago, they just kept making to many changes and making it to easy for everyone to level and basically took all skill out of the game and made it so if you have money, you will be good. Hated that.

I have played others since but eventually quit them. Waiting for blade and soul to come out in NA(if it ever does).

Never played WoW because I knew id become addicted to it lol.

Played swtor when it came out but it got old fast once you hit the cap.

I liked tera online but that got old to, wife still plays and is a beast.

I need to find a new game but havent found one that really strikes me yet.


Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
People still play wow? remember it was the biggest game online for a long while. I used to play from orginal launch to burning crusade andlich king with childhood friends but got tired of the grind to level up or find enough people to quest with end of game stuff. I prefer FPS games which keeps my short attention span lol
Used to play fps games but my thumbs won't take it anymore! Arthritic symptoms I'm sure! They were fun!


Hall of Fame
Oct 3, 2011
Anyone remember Ultima Online??? Damn, I have some great memories of that game. My first experience with any kind of online multiplayer game. Freakin awesome!


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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Anyone remember Ultima Online??? Damn, I have some great memories of that game. My first experience with any kind of online multiplayer game. Freakin awesome!
Never played that one myself, but I did hear the stories about the dude who managed to kill Lord British when the devs forgot to turn his invulnerability on.